Powrót - konferencje aktualne
2002 01         06   08 09 10 11  12 
2003 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11  12 
2004 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
2005 01 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
2006 01 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12
2007 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 10
2008 04 09 10
2009 05 06 09 10 11

January 2002

January 15 – 17, 2002
Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

June 2002

June 9-12, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
Deadline for abstract: 30 November 2001
June 16 - 20, 2002
Schloss Seggau by Graz, Austria
Deadline for abstract: March 15, 2002
June 20 - 22, 2002
Vela Luka, Croatia
Deadline for abstract: March 1, 2002
June 24 - 28, 2002
Malme, Sweden
Deadline for abstract: 17 February 2002

August 2002

August 25-28, 2002
Zielona Gora, Poland
Deadline for abstract: October 31, 2001
Beltrib-2002 International symposium (BELTRIB-2002)
August 28-30, 2002
Homel, Białoruś
Deadline for abstract: 1 July 2002

September 2002

Leeds-Lyon 29nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology
Septembre 3-6, 2002
Leeds, United Kingdom
September 12 - 13, 2002
Dublin, Ireland
Deadline for papers: 29 March 2002
Sudak 2002 9th (SUDAK-2002)
September 17 - 24, 2002
Sudak, Krym
Deadline for papers: 20 May 2002
September 18-20, 2002
Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy
Abstract submission deadline: 15 January, 2002
INSYCONT 6nd INternational SYmposium on CONTact Phenomena
September 19th-21th, 2002
Cracow, Poland
Detailed programme is here
September 23-27 , 2002
Ternopil, Ukraine

October 2002

  Problemy i perspektywy rozwoju lekkich i superlekkich samolotów (M02-7)
October 1-3 , 2002
e-mail: atmu @ atmu.freenet.kiev.ua
IFHTSE/ASM Surface Engineering Congress The 13th International IFHTSE/ASM Surface Engineering Congress
The 13th International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress
ASM International Surface Engineering Congress Exposition
7-10 0ctober 2002
Advance Registration ends 13 September, 2002. Register Online Today!
Advance Housing Registration ends 29 August, 2002.
Greater Columbus Convention Center • Columbus, Ohio USA
Co-located with ASM Materials Solutions Conference and Show and TMS Fall Meeting
October 17-19 , 2002
Prague, Czech Republic
October 21-24 , 2002
Cheju Island, Korea
Oral Paper Abstracts : October 31, 2001
Poster Paper Abstracts : December 31, 2001
    Technical Sessions
  • Advanced tribomaterials
  • Biotribology
  • MEMS
  • Micro and nanotribology
  • Computer-aided tribological design
  • Dry and boundary lubrication
  • Elastohydrodynamic and thermo-elastohydrodynamic lubrication
  • Engine tribology
  • Fluid film lubrication
  • Fundamentals of friction and wear
  • Lubricant and tribochemistry
  • Additives
  • Magnetic storage system
  • Maintenance tribology
  • Rolling and sliding contacts
  • Solid lubrication
  • Surface characterization and surface coatings
  • Surface mechanics and thermoelastic contact problems
  • Tribofailures
  • Tribological machine elements
  • Bearing and Sealing Technology
  • Tribology in extreme environments
  • Tribology in processing
  • Tribology in manufacturing technology
  • Rail and wheel technology
  • Information technology in oil and gas industries
  • Tribology for clean technology
  • Chemical manufacturing polishing
  • IT application for oil and gas industries
October 27 - 30, 2002
Cancun, Mexico
Deadline for abstract: January 2, 2002
    Program Topics
  • Fluid Film Tribology (EHD, HD, gas bearings)
  • Lubricants (oils, greases)
  • Magnetic Storage Tribology
  • Metalworking Tribology
  • Rolling Element Bearings
  • Machine Components Tribology (bearings, gears, clutches, seals etc.)
  • Tribology Fundamentals (wear, friction, modeling, contact mechanics)
  • Tribomaterials (solid lubricants, ceramics)
  • Nanotribology

November 2002

November 4-8, 2002
Denver, Colorado, USA
Deadline for abstract: April 29, 2002, 5:00 p.m. -- Paper/Fax
Deadline for abstract: May 6, 2002, 11:00 p.m. -- E-mail/Web
  • Applied Surface Analysis
  • Biomaterial Materials
  • Dielectrics
  • Electrochemistry
  • Electronics
  • Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures
  • MicroElectroMechanical Systems
  • Manufacturing Science and Technology
  • Nanostructures
  • Organic Films and Devices
  • Processing at the Nanoscale
  • Plasma Science
  • Semiconductors
  • Surface Engineering
  • Surface Science
  • Thin Films
  • Vacuum Technology
  • Advancing Toward Sustainability
  • Biomaterials Plenary Session
  • Nanotubes: Science & Applications
  • Molecular-and Bio-Magnetism
  • Photonics
ICT-13 Einsatz synthetischer Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten in der Industrie und in Fahrzeugen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
T+S Tribologie und Schmieungstechnik,
Denkendorf (Deutschland)
e-mail anmeldung @ tae.de
6. - 8. November 2002
Ostfildern-Nellingen, An der Akademie 5
Nr. 28345/68.593
Mittwoch, 6. November 2002
8.30 bis 12.00 und 13.30 bis 16.30 Uhr
1. Grundflüssigkeiten synthetischer Schmierstoffe - vergleichende Betrachtung ihrer Eigenschaften (W. J. Bartz)
Grunde für den Einsatz synthetischer Schmierstoffe - Klassifizierung synthetischer Flussigkeiten nach Zusammensetzung und Herstellung - Vorteile und Nachteile - Vergleich bestimmter Einzeleigenschaften - Vergleich chemischer, physikalischer und technologischer Eigenschaften - Gesamh/ergleich synthetischer Schmierstoffe im Vergleich zu Mineralölen

2. Polyalphaolefine a/s Basisöle für Schmierstoffe (J. Muhlemeier)
Herstellung und chemischer Aufhau von Polyalphaolefinen - Handelsqualitäten und ihre Kenndaten - Eigenschaften und Vergleich zu Mineralöl - Bedeutung und Verwendung von PAOs als Basisöle in Schmierstoffen

3. Esteröle als Basisöle für Schmierstoffe (J. Muhlemeier)
Chemischer Aufbau von natürlichen und synthetischen Esterölen - Herstellung von synthetischen Esterölen - Die verschiedenen Gruppen von synthetischen Esterölen und ihre Eigenschaften - Ökologische und toxikologische Aspekte - Biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe - Bedeutung und Verwendung von Estern als Basisöle für Schmierstoffe

4. Polyalkylenglykole - Struktur, Herstellung und Eigen-schaften (K. Pöllmann)
Rohstoffe und Herstellung - Unterschiede zu Kohienwasserstoffen - Einfluss der Struktur auf wichtige Eigenschaften - Schmiertechnische Eigenschaften - Biologisches Verhalten - Anwendungen - Ausblick aut zukünftige Entwicklungen

5. Ashless Additives for Synthetic and Natural Esters (P. C. Hamblin) (Vortrag in englischer Sprache)
Antioxidantien - EP/AW Additive - Korrosionsinhibitoren - Synergistische und antagonistische Wechselwirkungen - Konkurrenzreaktionen an der Obertläche - Testmethoden - Additive für umweltfreundliche synthetische Schmiermittel

Donnerstag, 7. November 2002
8.30 bis 12.30 und 14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
6. Perfiuoralkyläther und Polyphenylather - Basisöle für Extremschmierstoffe (F. Wunsch)
Struktur und Synthese - Öle: chemische, thermische und oxidative Bestandigkeit; Verhalten gegen Metalle, Schmierungseigenschaften - Schmierfette, Formulierungen, chemisch-physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften - Additivierbarkeit - Einsatzmöglichkeiten

7 Traktionsfluide - Struktur, Eigenschaften und Anwendung (H. Vojacek, M. Simon)
Zusammenhang: Chemische Struktur und Reibungsverhalten - Einfluss von Walzgeschwindigkeit, Schlupf, Werkstoff, Makro- und Mikrogeometrie auf die Schwerkraftübertragung bei EHD-Bedingungen - Ausnutzbare Reibungszahl bei Bohrreibung - Ver-schleissverhalten - Einsatz im Reibradgetriebe und Freilauf

8. Synthetische Schmierfette (F. Wunsch)
Die Erweiterung der Leistungsgrenzen moderner Maschinen und Geräte sowie die Forderung nach Verlängerung der Nachschmierfristen machen den Einsatz von Schmierfetten auf Basis synthetischer Grundöle unentbehriich. In diesem Vortrag wird über die typischen Eigenschaften von synthetischen Schmierfetten in Abhängigkeit von ihrer Zusammensetzung und ihre Verwendung zur Schmierung von Wälzlagern bei hohen Drehzahlen, bei tiefen und hohen Temperaturen, in chemisch aggressiven Medien berichtet.

9. Synthetische Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (W. J. Bartz)
Aufbau wasserhaltiger und wasserfreier Hydraulikflüssigkeiten -Umweltvertrüglichkeit, Brandverhalten und technologische Eigenschaften im Vergleich zu Mineralölen - Werkstoff- und Konstruktionsprobleme - Walzlager - Einwirkungen von gasförmigen, flüssigen und festen Fremdstoffen

10. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Elastomeren, Schmierstoffen und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten (G. P. Streit)
Elastomere, Entropie und Energieelastizität, Glasübergangstemperatur - Physikalische Wechselwirkungen, Deformationsmechanisches Verhalten, thermische Effekte - Elastische Dichtungswerkstoffe, Elastomere, thermoplastische Elastomere - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Elastomeren und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten - Physikalische, chemische Wechselwirkungen mit Ölen auf Basis Mineralöl, Polyethylenglykolen, Estern und Exoten - Beispiele aus der Praxis: Fahrzeugbau, Maschinenbau, Elektronikindustrie, Papierindustrie - Welche Daten werden für Finite Elemente Berechnungen und für Simulationen des Dichtsystems benötigt? - Beispiele

Freitag, 8. November 2002
8.30 bis 12.15 und 13.30 bis 15.45 Uhr
11. Silicon-Öle als Basis für Hochleistungsschmierstoffe (D. Hesse)
Aufbau - Eigenschaften - Prüfergebnisse dieser Syntheseöle - Praxisanwendungen: als Schmierstoffe im Bereich hoher und tiefer Temperaturen, zur Langzeitschmierung unter dem Einfluss von Umgebungseinflüssen (Chemikalien, Lösungsmittel, Strahlung), als Hydraulikfiussigkeiten (Bremsflussigkeit), Wärmeübertragungsflüssigkeiten, Dämpfungsflüssigkeiten, Diffusionspumpenöle, Druckübertragungsmedien

12. Schmierung von Getrieben mit synthetischen Schmierstoffen (E. M. Laukotka)
Darstellung der verschiedenen Getriebetypen - Anforderungen an einen Getriebeschmierstoff - Schmierung mit Schwerpunkt auf diese Anforderungen - Wichtigste Anwendungsbereiche

13. Lebensdauerschmierung feinwerktechnischer Gleitlagerungen aus Thermoplasten (S. Beyer-Faiss)
Spezielle Anforderungen an die Schmierstoffe - Eingesetzte Schmierstoffgruppen - Eigenschaften und Prufüng - Wechsel-wirkungen der Schmierstoffe mit den Polymeren - Reibungs- und Verschleissverhalten - Schmierstoffauswahl - Praktische Anwendungen

14. Aufbau und Leistungsvermögen synthetischer Schmieröle für Kfz-Motoren- und -Getriebeöle (M. Voltz)
Schmierstoff-Anforderungen von Fahrzeug-Getrieben und Verbrennungsmotoren - Geeignete Grundole und deren Eigenschaften - Formulierung synthetischer Kfz-Motoren- und Getriebeöle - Vorteile bei der Anwendung: Thermisch-oxidative Stabiliät, Lebensdauer, V/T-Verhalten, Reibungsminderung, ggf. Bio-Abbaubarkeit

15. Biologiach schnell abbaubare Syntheseschmierstoffe (W. J. Bartz)
Anwendungsgebiete für biologisch schnell abbaubare Syntheseschmierstoffe in der tribologischen Praxis

ÖSTERREICHISCHE TRIBOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT 2002 Industrielle Tribologie Wechselwirkung Oberfläche / Schmierstoffe
Freitag, 29. November 2002
Technologie- und Forschungszentrum
Wiener Neustadt
A 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Viktor Kaplan Straße 2, 1. Stock
Parkplatzmöglichkeiten direkt vor dem Haus
in Zusammenarbeit mit
TU Wien - Institut für Mikro- und Feinwerktechnik
Arbeitsbereich Tribologie und Konstruktion
und dem Mitveranstalter

(exkl. 20 % MWSt.):             € 109,00
Ermäßigtes Teilnahmeentgelt
für ÖTG- Mitglieder
(exkl. 20 % MWSt.):       € 89,00
Im Teilnahmeentgelt sind Tagungsunterlagen, Pausengetränke und Mittagsimbiss enthalten.
Kein Teilnahmeentgelt für Vortragende, sowie im Rahmen der ÖTG- Firmenmitgliedschaft (je nach gewählter Kategorie des ÖTG- Mitgliedsbeitrages)!

Tagungsort:     Technologie- und Forschungszentrum

Wiener Neustadt
A 2700 Wiener Neustadt,
Viktor Kaplan Straße 2, 1 Stock
+43 (0) 2622- 81600
Parkplätze direkt vorm Haus

Tagungsbüro: ÖTG

A 1040 Wien,
Floragasse 7/ 2

Fr. Martina N UHSBAUMER  +43 (0) 1- 505 34 00- 1

+43 (0) 1- 505 34 00- 4
office @ oetg.at
Download als PDF Datei

Bankverbindung: CA (BLZ 11000), Konto 0964- 6606500
Anmeldung erbeten bis 15. November 2002 !
Programmänderungen vorbehalten !

Auf Ihre Teilnahme freuen sich

Präsident: Univ. Prof. Dr. Friedrich F RANEK

und der Mitveranstalter

Österreichisches Kompetenzzentrum für Tribologie


09.00 Uhr       Begrüßung und Eröffnung

09.15 Uhr       Prof. Dr.- Ing. W. J. Bartz
Tribologie & Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf, D
Grundlagen der Tribometrie
Einführung – Tribologie – Reibung und Verschleiß – Dynamische Mechanik tribologischer Systeme – Präzision von Prüfverfahren – Übertragbarkeit von Prüfergebnissen – Zusammenfassung

09. 50 Uhr       Prof. H. Störi und Prof. W. S. M. Werner
Institut f. Allgem. Physik, TU Wien, A
Elektronenspektroskopie tribologischer Oberflächen
Elektronenspekroskopie ist besonders geeignet, extrem dünne Schichten und kleine Bereiche an Oberflächen zu analysieren. Im Hinblick auf die Anwendungen im AC˛ T werden die Methoden Augerelektronen- Spektroskopie (AES) und Photoelektronen- Spektroskopie (XPS, ESCA) anhand einiger Beispiele vorgestellt. Vorteile, Begrenzungen und alternative Methoden werden diskutiert.

10.10 Uhr       Dr. P. Kelman, Dipl.- Ing. G. Zehethofer
AC˛ T, Wr. Neustadt, A
Einsatz der Metallographie u. Rasterelektronenmikroskopie in der tribologischen Schadensanalyse von Oberflächen
Um die Schadensursache defekter technischer Systeme bestimmen zu können, bedient sich der Schadensanalytiker verschiedener Auswertungen. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Metallographie und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie werden anhand metallographischer Gefügeaufnahmen und Rasterelektronenbildern erläutert.

10. 30 Uhr       Dr. A. Neuhaus
AC˛ T, Wr. Neustadt, A
Kinetik und Tribologie von elektromechanischen Schaltkontakten
Kinetische und Tribologische Parameter sind entscheidend für das Schaltverhalten und die Lebensdauer elektromechanischer Schaltkontakte (Relais, Mikroschalter etc.). Die Kinetikparameter müssen dabei im Hinblick auf das Verschweißen und die Materialwanderung einzeln untersucht werden. Zur Interpretation wurden zum Teil mathematisch/ mechanische Modelle herangezogen welche eine schlüssige Erklärung der Messergebnisse ermöglichen.

10.50 Uhr       Kaffeepause

11.10 Uhr       Dr. G. Preisinger
SKF Österreich AG, Steyr, A
Elektroerosion im geschmierten Kontakt zwischen Wälzkörper und Laufbahnen
Stromdurchgang in der Kontaktzone zwischen Wälzkörper und der Innen- und Außenringlaufbahn kann unter anderem Schmelzkrater (Elektroerosion) entstehen lassen. Teile des Kraterrandes brechen aus, werden überrollt und verschmutzen den Schmierstoff. Eine stark reduzierte Schmierstoffgebrauchsdauer oder sogar der kompletten Ausfall des Tribosystems „Wälzlager“ ist die Folge.

11.30 Uhr       Dipl.- Ing N. Dörr, Doz. Dr. A. Ecker
ARC Seibersdorf, A
Schwefelverbindungen in Kraft- u. Schmierstoffen
Der Schwefelgehalt in Otto- und Dieselkraftstoffen wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten stetig verringert. Diese Entwicklung ist auf die Forderung nach Umweltschutz einerseits und die steigenden Ansprüche an Motor und Katalysator andererseits zurückzuführen. Im Gegensatz dazu stellen Schwefelverbindungen wichtige Komponenten in Schmierstoffen dar, wo sie unter anderen als Verschleißschutz und Extreme- Pressure- Additive eingesetzt werden. Die Wirkung von Schwefelverbindungen in Kraft- und Schmierstoffen wird diskutiert.

11.45 Uhr       Dipl.- Ing. E. Kenesey, Doz. Dr. A. Ecker

ARC Seibersdorf, A
Sauerstoffverbindungen in Kraft- u. Schmierstoffen
Sauerstoff ist in Kraft- und Schmierstoffen sowohl in gelöster Form als auch durch gezielt zugesetzte Sauerstoffverbindungen vertreten. Aufgrund der strengen Vorschriften für Kraftstoffe ist die Zugabe von Lubricity- Additiven zu Dieselkraftstoff notwendig geworden, um die erforderliche Schmierfähigkeit zu gewährleisten. Dafür eignen sich insbesondere sauerstoffhaltige Verbindungen. In Schmierstoffen sind Sauerstoffverbindungen in Basisölen und Additiven wie z. B. Antioxidantien und Friction Modifier enthalten.

12.00- 13.30 Uhr Mittagspause / Buffet

Special Event:
Besichtigung des Kompetenzzentrums für Tribologie

Möglichkeit zur Besichtigung des Österreichischen Kompetenzzentrums für Tribologie - AC2T

Posterpräsentation der Forschungsgruppen im Technologie- und Forschungszentrum Wr. Neustadt

13.30 Uhr       Dr. A. Pauschitz, Prof. C. Kajdas, Prof. F. Franek
IMFT, TU- Wien, A, TU Warschau, PL
Tribologische Untersuchungen biologisch verträglicher Schmierstoffe - Teil 1
Eine zentrale Fragestellung bei der tribologischen Untersuchung mit Modellkörpern ist die Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse in die Praxis. Zur Beurteilung biologisch verträglicher Schmierstoffe wurden mehrere Untersuchungsmethoden, welche unterschiedlichen Belastungssituationen in der Praxis entsprechen, ausgewählt und die Verwendbarkeit der Methoden für derartige Schmierstoffe untersucht.

13.45 Uhr       Prof. C. Kajdas, Dr. A. Pauschitz, Prof. F. Franek
TU Warschau, PL, IMFT TU- Wien, A,
Tribologische Untersuchungen biologisch verträglicher Schmierstoffe - Teil 2
Die Forderung nach biologisch und physiologisch einwandfreien Schmierstoffen fordert die Suche nach neuen Additiven. Die Leistungsfähigkeit unterschiedlicher Schmierstoffe mit biologisch verträglichen Additiven und die dabei auftretenden tribochemische Effekte wurden ermittelt.

14.00 Uhr       Prof. Dr. B. Jakoby
Institut für Industrielle Elektronik & Materialwissenschaft, TU Wien, A
Online- Ölzustandsüberwachung für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen
Die Überwachung des Motorölzustandes in Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (z. B. in Kraftfahrzeugen) erlaubt die Realisierung vergrößerter Ölwechselintervalle. Dies bringt sowohl ökonomische als auch ökologische Vorteile. Überdies kann man durch die direkte Überwachung des Ölzustandes Rückschlüsse auf den momentanen Zustand des Motors ziehen was die frühzeitige Erkennung von möglichen Motorschäden unterstützt. In diesem Beitrag werden die Anforderungen an die zugrundeliegende Sensorik sowie der entsprechende Stand der Technik diskutiert.

14. 20 Uhr       Dr. A. Merstallinger
ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH, Seibersdorf,
A Tribologische Werkstoffe in spezieller Umgebung (Vakuum)
In ungeschmierten Tribosystemen, in spezieller Umgebung, sind die Bildung von Reaktions- und Transferschichten, letztere v. a. zur Schmierung, von essentieller Bedeutung. Der Begriff „Spezielle Umgebungen“ umfasst neben Trockengleitreibung in Gasen (feuchte und trockene Luft, Stickstoff, Edelgase, etc.) auch Vakuum und einen Temperaturbereich von –100° C bis etwa +300° C. Es gibt eine kurze Vorstellung der Messmethodik und einige Anforderungen für Polymerwerkstoffe (basierend auf Polyimid).

14.40       Uhr Dr. Manish Roy
IMFT, TU- Wien,
A Influence of counter face material on elevated temperature wear of thermal sprayed nanocrystalline Cr3C2 -25( Ni20Cr) coating
Thermal sprayed Cr3C2 -25( Ni20Cr) coating showed promising performance under sliding wear particularly at elevated temperature, because of the ability at high temperature, formation of Cr2O3 scale and its ability to retain its strength at elevated temperature. The objective of the presented work was to investigate the effect of different counter face material on the elevated temperature wear of such coating.

15.00       Uhr Dipl.- Ing J. Wappis
Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt,
A Studiengang Produktions- und Prozessdesign
Schnellere Abläufe und geringere Fehlerquoten entscheiden zunehmend über den Unternehmenserfolg. Der neue Studiengang „Produktions- und Prozessdesign“ an der FH Wr. Neustadt trägt dieser Herausforderung Rechnung. Angeboten wird ein Vollstudium (8 Semester) mit Basisausbildung und den Vertiefungsrichtungen „Umwelt– und Sicherheitstechnik“ sowie „Instandhaltung und Service“, beides mit einer Reihe von tribologierelevanten Ausbildungsfächern. Damit stehen in ca. 1, 5 Jahren erstmals in Österreich Absolventen mit einer vertieften Tribologieausbildung der Industrie zur Verfügung.

15.15 Uhr       Abschlussdiskussion
15.30 Uhr       Schlusswort

December 2002

December 2-5, 2002
Perth, Australia
Deadline for abstract: February 28, 2002
  • Fundamental Studies
  • Lubrication and Lubricants
  • Tribological Characteristics of Tribomaterials: metals, ceramics, synthetics, composites, etc.
  • Surface Engineering
  • Analysis of Tribosystems
  • Practical Applications and Case Studies
  • Monitoring and Maintenance of Tribosystems
  • Industrial Tribology
  • Nanotribology
  • Bio-Tribology
Sunday, 1 Dec
16.00 - 19.00 Registration, Matilda Bay Room
19.00 - 21.00 Welcoming Cocktail Reception, Plaza Ballroom
Monday, 2 Dec
8.15 Opening Ceremony North Ballroom
Opening address
8.30-9.10 Keynote address, North Ballroom Friction and wear of ceramics and hard coatings, K. Kato, Tohoku University, Japan
9.15-10.35 Session A1 North Ballroom Wear of Ceramics Chairman
9.15 Model for estimating wear transition loads in ceramics, S. Jahanmir, NIST, USA
9.35 Mild to severe wear transition of ceramics, H. R. Pasaribu, J. W. Sloetjes, D. J. Schipper, University of Twente, The Netherlands
9.55 The critical condition for the transition from HL to ML in water lubricated SiC, X. Wang, K. Kato, K. Adachi, Tohoku University, Japan
10.15 9.15-10.35 Session B1 South Ballroom Hydrodynamic Lubrication Chairman
9.15 Thermohydrodynamic analysis of a worn plain journal bearing, M. Fillon, J. Bouyer, Universite de Poitiers, France
9.35 Dynamic characteristics and stability analysis of a wavy thrust bearing, H. Zhao, F. K. Choy, M. J. Braun, University of Akron, USA
9.55 Modelling of fluid flow in the grooves of a 3-axial groove water bearing using computational dynamics, D. J. Hargreaves, R. Pai, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
10.15 Dynamic performances of journal bearings lubricated with Maxwell Fluids: A mixed model, B. Bou-Said, B. Fantino, B. Najji, INSA, France
10.35-11.00 Morning tea
11.00-12.40 Session A2 North Ballroom Thin Surface Coatings Chairman
11.00 Mechanical and tribological properties of carbon nitride films deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating, K. M. Wong and Y. G. Shen, City University of Hong Kong, China
11.20 Tribological behavior of Ti(C,N,O) coatings deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering, J. H. Hsieh, C. Li, A. C. Spowage and W. Wu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
11.40 Effects of oxide layer formed on TiN coated silicon wafer on the friction and wear characteristics in sliding, C-W. Cho, Y-Z. Lee, SungKyunKwan University, Korea.
12.00 Sliding wear and rolling contact fatigue of rough low friction coatings, F. Svahn, A. Kassman-Rudolphi, Uppsala University, Sweden
12.20 Effects of substrate bias polarity on tribological a-C:Ta coatings, D.Nilsson, E.Coronel, U.Wiklund, Uppsala University, Sweden
11.00-12.40 Session B2 South Ballroom EHL chairman
11.00 Pressure profiles measured within lubricated contacts in presence of dented surfaces. Comparison with numerical models, S.Coulon, I.Jubault, A.A.Lubrecht, F.Ville, P.Vergne, Institut Europeen de Tribologie, France
11. 20 An empirical model for the shear strength of lubricants at high pressures, G. T. Y. Wan, P. L. Wong, City University of Hong Kong, China
11.40 Shear stability of a viscosity index improved oil in EHL contact, D. J. Hargreaves, R. Pai, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
12.00 Experimental observation of a dimple-wedge elastohydrodynamic lubricating film, F. Guo, P. L. Wong, City University of Hong Kong, China
12.20 A boundary element procedure for the solution of the EHL problem of rolling line contacts by a Newtonian fluid, S. E. Sadique, S. Ramakrishna, S. Basri, S. M. Sapuan, M. M. H. Ahmed, National University of Singapore, Singapore
12.40 -14.00 LUNCH Terrace Ballroom
14.00-14.40 Keynote address North Ballroom Nanotribology: the link to macrotribology, S. M. Hsu, NIST, USA
14.45-16.05 Session A3 North Ballroom Surface Characterization/Nanotribology chairman
14.45 3-D characterization and classification of tribological surfaces, G. W. Stachowiak and P. Podsiadlo, University of Western Australia, Australia
15.05 Classification of tribological surfaces without surface parameters, P. Podsiadlo, G. W. Stachowiak, University of Western Australia, Australia
15.25 The effect of slider texture on the tribology of near contact recording sliders, L. Zhou, M. Beck, H. H. Gatzen, K. Kato, G. Vurens, F. E. Talke, University of California-San Diego, USA
15.45 Contact analysis of laser textured disks with thin overcoat, C-H. Huang, T-C. Hsu, Lee-Ming Institute of Technology, Taiwan
14.45-16.05 Session B3 South Ballroom Hydrodynamic/Hydrostatic Lubrication Chairman
14.45 Hydrodynamic effects of tailored inlet roughnesses: extended theory, K. Tonder, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
15.05 A comparison of techniques for identifying the configuration state of statically indeterminate rotor bearing systems, W.Hu, N.S.Feng, E.J.Hahn, University of New South Wales, Australia
15.25 Design considerations towards the construction of hybrid floating brush seal, S.B. Lattime, J. M. Braun, F.K.Choy, University of Akron, USA
15.45 Design of hydrostatic bearings - a simple approach, R. Sehgal, K. Pranshu, O. P. Gandhi, National Institute of Technology, H. P. , India
16.05-16.30 Afternoon tea
16.30-17.50 Session A4 North Ballroom Micro/Nanotribology Chairman
16.30 Hard disk drive air bearing design: Modified DIRECT algorithm and its application to slider air bearing surface optimization, H. Zhu, D. B. Bogy, University of California, USA
16.50 Micro-investigation of bushes for extreme working conditions, R. Bassani, E. Ciulli, University of Pisa, Italy
17.10 Predicting frictional behaviour of miniature journal polymer-on-polymer bearings, M. Kwacz, Z. Rymuza, Z. Kusnierewicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
17.30 Friction reduction of ceramics by patterned micro dimples, M. Wakuda, Y. Yamauchi, S. Kanzaki, Y. Yasuda, Nissan Research Center, Japan 16.30-17.50 Session B4 South Ballroom Lubrication in Metal Forming Chairman
16.30 An elasto-plasto-hydrodynamic model of strip rolling with oil/water emulsion lubricant, A. Z. Szeri, S. H. Wang, University of Delaware, USA
16.50 Performance parameters of a mixed-film cold rolling process, Y. J. Liu, A. K. Tieu, University of Wollongong, Australia
17.10 Modelling of surface temperature in the mixed lubricated cold rolling, C. Lu, A. K. Tieu, Z. Y. Jiang, University of Wollongong, Australia
17.30 Numerical simulation of tribological effects on drawbeads in sheet metal forming, T-C. Hsu, J-H. Chen, C-H. Huang, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Tuesday, 3 Dec
8.30-9.10 Keynote address North Ballroom Aspects of erosive and abrasive wear testing, I. Hutchings, University of Cambridge, UK
9.15-10.35 Session A5 North Ballroom Abrasive/Erosive Wear Chairman
9.15 Scouring erosion resistance of metallic materials used in slurry pump service, R. J. Llewellyn, S. K. Yick, K. F. Dolman, National Research Council, Canada
9.35 Ball cratering tests of white cast irons, G. B. Stachowiak, G. W. Stachowiak, O. Celliers, University of Western Australia, Australia
9.55 A comparison of two-body and three-body abrasive wear in various wet and dry environments, M. S. Bingley, D. Roniotis, University of Greenwich, UK
10.15 Sliding and abrasive wear behaviour of boride coatings, C. Martini, G. Polombarini, G. Poli, D. Prandstraller, University of Bologna, Italy 9.15-10.35 Session B5 South Ballroom Cutting/Machining Chairman
9.15 The effect of coolant concentration on the machinability of nickel-base, Nimonic C-263, alloy, E. O. Ezugwu, J. Bonney, K. A. Olajire, South Bank University, UK
9.35 Wear control of metal cutting by external electromotive sources, M. El Mansori, F. Pierron, D. Paulmier, LMPF, France
9.55 The influence of tooth bite and cutting speed on wear of swaged saw teeth in timber cutting, J. Nordstrom, J. Bergstrom, Karlstad University, Sweden
10.35-11.00 Morning Tea
11.00-12.40 Session A6 North Ballroom Abrasive/Erosive Wear chairman:
11.00 A comparison of friction measurements made during wear on the linear abrasive wear tester with those on the Jenike shear tester, S. Mengistu, M. S. ingley, M. S. A. Bradley, University of Greenwich, UK
11.20 Sharpness of abrasive particles and surfaces, D. De Pellegrin, G. W. Stachowiak, University of Western Australia, Australia
11.40 Micro scratch evaluation of rock types - a means to comprehend rock drill wear, U.Beste, A. Lundvall, S.Jacobson, Uppsala University, Sweden
12.00 Heat treatment characteristics of high chromium cast iron for abrasive wear resistance, S. Inthidech, N. Sasaguri, P. Sricharoenchai, Y. Matsubara, Japan 11.00-12.40 Session B6 South Ballroom Condition monitoring/Failure analysis Chairman
11.00 Influence of oil temperature on gear failures, B-R. Hohn, K. Michaelis, Technical University of Munich, Germany
11.20 Analysis of bearing failure in radial piston pumps, R. Pai, D. J. Hargreaves, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
11.40 Condition monitoring of oil lubricated ball bearing using wear debris and vibration analysis, J. K. Halme, VTT Industrial Systems, Finland
12.00 Monitoring lubrication condition and running clearance of rolling bearing via acoustic emission, R. Parrika, V. Vidqvist, E. Vaajoensuu, J. Tervo, VTT Technical Research Center, Finland
12.20 The application of similarity theory to gear scuffing, L.Zhao, M.Yu, Beijing University of Science and Technology, China
12.40 -14.00 LUNCH
14.00-14.40 Keynote address North Ballroom Wear modelling of polymer based composites, K. Friedrich, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
14.45-16.05 Session A7 North Ballroom Abrasive/Erosive Wear Chairman:
14.45 Examination of erosion wear surfaces resulting from the impact of spinning angular-shaped particles, M. S. Bingley, T. Deng, M. S. A. Bradley, University of Greenwich, UK
15.05 Stress wave monitoring of individual particle impacts during erosion tests, S. P. Allen, N. W. Page and P. Dastoor, University of Newcastle, Australia
15.25 Analysis of diamond sawblade wear in stone sawing, J. Konstanty, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Poland
15.45 Interfacial reactions between diamond disk and granite during vertical spindle grinding, H. Huang, X. P. Xu, HuaQiao University, China
14.45-16.05 Session B7 South Ballroom Composite Materials Chairman
14.45 Fretting wear of Al-Si alloy matrix composites, H.Goto, K.Uchijo, Fukuoka iInstitute of Technology, Japan
15.05 Steady-state wear coefficient of A6061 aluminium alloy reinforced with alumina particles, L. J. Yang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
15.25 Highly reinforced wear resistant metal matrix composites with improved ductility, B. Brogle, D. J. Schipper, University of Twente, The Netherlands
15.45 Correlation between tribological and mechanical properties of short fibre/particle reinforced PEEK, Z. Zhang, C. Breidt, L. Chang, K. Friedrich, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
16.05-16.30 Afternoon tea
16.30-17.50 Session A8 North Ballroom Hard Coatings/Surface Treatments Chairman
16.30 Effects of different surface treatments and coatings on the scuffing performance of hardened steel discs at very high sliding speeds, M. P. Alanou, H. P. Evans and R. W. Snidle, Cardiff University, UK
16.50 Wear and friction characteristics of electrolitic hard chrome and thermal sprayed WC-10Co-4Cr coatings sliding against Al-Ni-Bronze in Air at 20°C and at -40°C, P. L. Ko, M. F. Robetson, National Research Council of Canada, Canada.
17.10 Wear characteristics of thermal sprayed composite coatings of cermet with solid lubricant under dry sliding, P. K. Aw and B. H. Tan, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore.
17.30 16.30-17.50 Session B8 South Ballroom Metal Forming Chairman
16.30 Analysis of the surface roughness and friction coefficient in hot strip rolling, Z. Y. Jiang, A. K. Tieu, C. Lu, B. Ma, University of Wollongong, Australia
16.50 Abrasive wear between rough surfaces in deep drawing, M. A. Masen, M. B. de Rooji, University of Twente, The Netherlands
17.10 Friction variation in cold rolling process, Y. J. Liu, A. K. Tieu, University of Wollongong, Australia
17.30 A 3-D finite element method analysis of cold rolling of thin strip with friction variation, Z. Y. Jiang, A. K. Tieu, University of Wollongong, Australia Wednesday, 4 Dec
8.30-9.10 Keynote address North Ballroom Surface analytical studies of surface-additive interactions, by means of in situ and combinatorial approaches, N. Spencer, ETH, Switzerland 9.15-10.35 Session A9 North Ballroom Lubricants/Surface chemistry Chairman
9.15 The surface and tribological chemistry of chlorine- and sulfur-containing lubricant additives, F. Gao, P. V. Kotvis, W. T. Tysoe, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
9.35 Boundary lubrication performance of free fatty acids in sunflower oil, N. J. Fox, B. Tyrer and G. W. Stachowiak, University of Western Australia, Australia
9.55 Characteristics of lubricants acceptable to food industry and performance in surface durability gears, S. Ezoe, K. Nagao, H. Obata, National Fisheries University, Japan
10.15 The Behaviour of diluted sooted oils in lubricated contacts, F.Chinas-Castillo, H.A.Spikes, Instituto Tecnologico de Oaxaca, Mexico
9.15-10.35 Session B9 South Ballroom Biotribology Chairman
9.15 The influence of bovine serum on the wear of cross -linked polyethylene finger prostheses, T. J. Joyce, A. Unsworth, University of Durham, UK
9.35 The role of proteins in the friction and wear of UHMWPE in sliding contact when lubricated by aqueous fluids, A. W. Batchelor, M. Chadrasekaran, Monash University, Malaysia Campus
9.55 The effects of surface active phospholipids on wear and lubrication of osteoarthritic sheep joints, C. Jones, H. Ozturk, G. W. Stachowiak and K. Stofel, University of Western Australia, Australia
10.35-11.00 Morning Tea
11.00-12.20 Session A10 North Ballroom Thin Surface Coatings chairman:
11.00 Modelling stresses and fracture in thin coatings, K. Holmberg, A. Laukkanen, H. Ronkainen, K. Wallin, S. Varjus, VTT Industrial Systems, Finland
11.20 Tribological properties of ion-implanted uni-directionally aligned silicon nitride, N. Nakamura, K. Hirao, Y. Yamauchi, S. Kanzaki, Fine Ceramics Research Centre, Japan
11.40 Microfriction and wear properties of YBCO films and polysilicon films, J. N. Ding, P. L. Wong, J. C. Yang, L. Cai, City University of Hong Kong, China
12.00 Deposition and tribological behaviour of nano-structured aluminium nitride and titanium nitride thin films, D. K. L. Wong, N. Jiang and Y. G. Shen, City University of Hong Kong.
11.00-12.20 Session B10 South Ballroom Biotribology chairman:
11.00 The wear of all UHMWPE articulations under various loading and motion conditions, T. J. Joyce, A. Unsworth, University of Durham, UK
11.20 Effect of carbon nanotube addition on tribological behaviour of UHMWPE, Y-S. Zoo, J-W. An, D-S. Lim, Korea University, South Korea
11.40 In vitro wear testing of metal-on-polymer metacarpophalangeal prostheses, T. J. Joyce, C. Rieker, A. Unsworth, University of Durham, UK
12.00 Finite element analysis of wear process in total hip joint implant model, N. Suhendra, G. W. Stachowiak, University of Western Australia, Australia
12.30-14.00 LUNCH Terrace Ballroom
14.00-14.40 POSTER SESSION
A study of contact temperature due to frictional heating of UHMWPE, K. Imado, A. Miura, M. Nagatoshi, Y. Kido, H. Miyagawa, H. Higaki, Oita University, Japan
Tribological properties of MoS2 films sputtered by argon and fluorocarbon mixture, K. Sagara, Y. Nawata, H. Fujiura and M. Nishimura, Hosei University, Japan
Preparation and tribological properties of ultra-thin polymer films of polysterene-co-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane, F. Zhou, M. Chen, W. Liu, J. Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Investigation of the frictional conditions at the tool-chip interface, P. Mathew, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Simulation of tribological systems in sheet metal processes, R. Grueebler, J. Reissner, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland.
Measurement of the restitution coefficient in elastic-plastic impact, Y. Uehara, Y. Konishi, K. Kondo,H. Ishigaki, Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan
High temperature internal friction related to increased wear resistance of tool heat resistant steels, Y. B. Arsov, I. M. Parshorov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Effects of real contact area on the formation of oxide layer between TiN coated ball and uncoated steel disk, C-W. Cho, J-S. Lim, Y-Z. Lee, SungKyunKwan University, Korea.
The increase of cutting tool life by ion beam treatment, Z.N. Ovchar, N.A.Prokudina, A.A.Gladenko, Y.K.Mashkov, K.N.Poleshenko, Omsk State Technical University, Russia
14.40-16.00 Session A11 North Ballroom Nanotribology/Surface characterization Chairman
14.40 Some tribological problems encountered on micro/nanoscale, Z. Rymuza, S. Pytko, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
15.00 Effect of indentation shape on the polymer film method, I. Nitta, K. Sone, Niigata University, Japan
15.20 Topographical Effect of a Novel Surface Modification on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of High-Nitrogen Steels, R. Buescher, A. Fischer, University of Essen, Germany
15.40 A Method of Processing and Feature Extraction of Tribological Surface Images, Z. Rudnicki, Z. Oleksiak, S. Pytko, Z. Szydlo, Technical University of Mining and Metallurgy, Poland
14.40-16.00 Session B11 South Ballroom Mesurement/Sensors Chairman
14.40 A method of temperature monitoring in fluid film bearings, S.B. Glavatskih, Lule University, Sweden
15.00 A study on the development of high durability coating films for thin film sensor, Y. Mihara, K. Sekine, T. Someya, Musashi Institute, Japan
15.20 Tribological system with sensor-bearing coating, W. A. Rakowski, S. Zimowski, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Poland
15.40 The micro-hardness behaviour of thin and thick coatings, V. Rajamohan, C. V. Mashusudana, University of New South Wales, Australia
16.00-16.30 Afternoon tea
16.30-17.50 Session A12 North Ballroom Surface Coatings/Treatments Chairman:
16.30 Surface hardening and cladding of dissimilar metals by localised heating at an electrical constriction on a moving substrate, M. Chandrasekaran, A. W. Batchelor, L. N. Lam, Monash University, Malaysia Campus
16.50 HIP claddings for application in mining and mineral processing, W.Theisen, C. Broeckmann, University of Bochum, Germany
17.10 Effect of industrial processing parameters on the surface durability of steam oxidised sintered iron, A. C. Bozzi, R. Binder, J. d. B. de Mello, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil
16.30-17.50 Session B12 South Ballroom Wear Mechanisms chairman:
16.30 Stable contact and degradation of materials: A model for third body source flow, N. Fillot, I. Iordanoff, Y. Berthier, INSA, France
16.50 The effect of subsurface deformation on the wear rate of steam generator tubes in room temperature water, I-S. Kim, Y-H. Lee, Y-S. Park, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
17.10 Investigation of wear evolution on nuclear fuel tube affected by an edge shape of grid spring, H. K. Kim, K. Y. Yoon, H. S. Kang, Atomic Energy Research, Korea
17.30 Arcing behaviour caused by adhesive wear mechanism in railway current collection system, D. H. He, Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development, China
19.30-23.00 Conference Dinner Terrace Ballroom
Thursday, 5 Dec
8.30-17.00 Trip to Rottnest (not included in conference registration, a ticket has to be bought)
ICT-13 Entwicklungstendenzen bei Ottomotoren
Technische Akademie Esslingen
e-mail anmeldung @ tae.de
5. u. 6. Dezember 2002
in Ostfildern

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2002
9.00 bis 13.00 und 14.30 bis 18.00 Uhr
1. Zukünftige Vorschriften für Pkws unter Einbeziehung der Klimagase (A. Friedrich)
Anforderungen an die Automobilindustrie aus Sicht des Klimaschutzes - Politische und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen

2. Thermodynamische Betrachtung ottomotorischer Brennverfahren und Kraftstoffe sowie deren Potenziale (H. Eichiseder)
Potenziale zur Wirkungsgrad- und Volllaststeigerung - Bewertung von Emissionsverhalten - Abgasrückführung - Variabilitäten im Ventiltrieb und Verdichtungsverhaltnis - Magerkonzepte - Direkteinspritzung - Betrieb mit Benzin, Erdgas und Wasserstoff

3. Ottomotorenkonzepte im Spannungsfeid zwischen Kundenwunschen und Ökologiefragen (J. Frey)
Kundenwünsche als Treiber der Entwicklung - Weiterentwicklung konventioneller Saugrohreinspritzmotoren: Direkteinspritzung mit magerem Schichtbetrieb, Aufladung, Downsizing

4. BDE - mehr als ein Verbrauchskonzept (J. Gerhardt)
Analyse unterschiedlicher Direkteinspritzkonzepte: Verbrauch, Emission und Fahrspadd - Ableitung diverser Systemansätze

5. Der Volkswagen Golf FSI im Spannungsfeid Verbrauch - Emissionen (E. Pott)
Wirkung der am VW Golf umgesetzten Massnahmen auf Verbrauch und Emissionen - Überarbeitung Katalysatorsystem: Abgaskühlung, Katalysatorheizverfahren, optimierte Schubabschaltung inkl. kontrolliertem Lambda-Phase-Out, NOx-Funktionen

6. Downsizing - ein geeigneter Ansatz żur Wirkungsgradsteigerung von Ottomotoren? (C. Friedrich)
Darstellung 1.0 Itr. Opel-Ecotec Compact Motor - Variable Steuerzeiten, hohes Verdichtungsverhältnis trotz Aufladung, reduzierte Ladungswechselverluste in der Teillast - Vergleich mit Saugmotor - Ausführung im Opel Astra mit geringen CO2-Emissionen

7. Der Weg zur drosselfreien Laststeuerung: Vom Ventilabschalter bis zum elektromechanischen Ventiltrieb (M. Schwaderlapp)
Alternative zu Direkteinspitzung und Downsizing - Mechanische Lösungen von Ventil- bzw. Zylinderabschalter - Minihubkonzepte mechanischer vollvariabler Ventiltrieb, elektromechanischer Ventiltrieb - Verbrauchspotenziale und Aufwands-/Nutzenanalyse

8. Kontrollierte Selbstzundung - die beste Lösung des Verbrauchs-Emissions Trade-Offs? (A. Fürhapter)
Ein alternatives Teillastbrennverfahren bei homogener Selbstzundung - Vergleich der Verbrauchseinsparungen mit Schichtkonzepten und deren Abgasemissionen - Beherrschung der dynamischen Anforderungen - Serienumsetzung

9. Niedrigstemissions-Fahrzeuge sind realisierbar. - Neue lnnovationsschwerpunkte für metallische Katalysatorträger: Kostenreduzierung und Dauerhaltbarkeit (W. Maus)
Fortschritte der Abgasnachbehandlung - ULEV, SULEV, EU IV - Partielle Reinigung der Umwelt - Kaitstartoptimierung durch dünne Zellwände, betriebswarme Effektivitätssteigerung durch höchste Zelldichten und grosse Oberflächen - Kostenreduzierung

10. Keramische Ultradünnwandsubstrate: Technologien für zukünftige Emissionskonzepte (J. Wiehl)
Hochtemperaturstabile Katalysatortechnologien - Entwicklung keramischer Ultradünnwandsubstrate mit Zellwandstarken von 3,5 mil und weniger - Auswirkungen auf ottomotorische Funktionen - Angepasste Canningtechnologie - Design- und Materialkonzepte

11. SULEV und Edelmetalireduktion - Herausforderung an das Katalysatordesign (S. Stiebels)
Darstellung verschiedener Lösungsansätze zu verbesserter Katalysatorleistung und Edelmetalireduktion - Anwendung auf unterschiedliche Motorapplikationen

Freitag, 6. Dezember 2002
8.30 bis 12.00 und 13.30 bis 16.00 Uhr
12. Variable Ventilsteuerung, Direkteinspritzung oder Aufladung - wo liegt die Zukunft des Ottomotors? (W. Hatz)
Bedeutung der Mobilität - Kundenansprüche und Gesetzgebung - Stand der Ottomotorentechnik - Verbrauchskonzepte - Potenziale - Direkteinspritzung - Variabler Ventiltrieb - Downsizing - Abgasnachbehandlung - Ausblick in die Zukunft

13. Emissions- und Verbrauchsreduzierung am Verbrennungsmotor ohne Kostennachteil - Vision oder Utopie? (K.-E. Hummel)
Darstellung von Optimierungs- und Einsparpotenzialen mit den Möglichkeiten des Lieferanten von Luftfuhrungssystemen - Vorstelung von Entwicklungsablaufen, Werkzeugen und innovativen Produkten - Ergänzung durch aktuelle Entwicklungstendenzen zur Leistungssteigerung und Verbrauchsminderung

14. Das doppelte V-Modell, ein Ansatz zur abgestimmten Entwicklung von Antriebsaggregaten und ihrer Steuereleltronik (O. Pridelli)
Vermeidung von Entwicklungsschleifen - Ein moderner Entwicklungsprozess in der Antriebsaggregateentwicklung mit parallelern Design der mechanischen und elektronischen Komponenten bei gleichzeitiger Reduzierung von Entwicklungskosten und -zeit

15. Herausforderung an die Computersimulation bei der Entwicklung von Otto-DI-Konzepten (B. Brinkmann)
CAE-Projekte auf Basis spezieller Otto-DI-Anforderungen - Berednungen von Zylinderinnenströmungen, Gemischbildung, Nocken wellendynamik unter Berücksichtigung der Einspritzpumpe, Schalabstrahiung der Fuel-Rail und Temperaturen der Einspritzdüse

16. Tendenzen bei der Echtzeitsimulation von Verbrennungsmotoren und ihren Einzelkomponenten in der frühen Entwicklungsphase (H.-Ch. Reuss)
Echtzeitfühige Modelle für HiL-Simulation im Rahmen des Steuer gerätetests über ein- und dreidimensionale Verfahren - Parametrierung der HiL-Modelle mittels unterschiedlicher Werkzeuge Funktionstests am HiL-Prüfstand - Durchfuhrung dynamischer Messungen - Modellbildung mit dynamischen neuronalen Netzen

17. Elektrische Energie im Kraftfahrzeug - Komponenten und Systeme (M. Pesch)
Betrachtung der wesentlichen Versorgungsnetztopologie und der zentralen Komponenten wie Generatoren, Energiespeicher und Energiemanagement - Steigende Anforderungen an das Bordne - Ausbiick auf Hybridfahrzeuge und Brennstoffzelle

18. Wege zum markentypischen Sound (K. Brodesser)
Darstellung der Parameter für angenehmen und trotzdem dynamischen Sound im Fahrzeuginneren - Saugrohr und Ansaugtrakt als Stellhebel sowie „Add-on”-Massnahmen

19. Sounddesign des neuen BMW Roadsters (C.-O. Griebel)
Darstellung der Soundmassnahmen an Abgasaniage und Ansaugsystem im neuen BMW Z4 Roadster

20. Antriebsauslegung mit Wasserstoff als Energieträger (J. Tischer)
Wasserstoff als künftiger Energieträger - Besondere Herausforderungen bei der Antriebsausiegung - Chemische und physikalische Eigenschaften - Ausiegung, Brennverfahren, Gemischbildung, Emissionierung und Ladungswechsel

December 7-11, 2002
Marsta, Sweden
  • Techniques to study tribology on a molecular scale (AFM, (tribological-) surface force apparatus, ultra-thin film interferometry etc.)
  • Effects of molecular assemblies at surfaces on the tribological behaviour
  • Molecular aspects of thin-film lubrication and thin film rheology
  • Effects of additives on molecular tribology
  • Simulations (adhesion, friction of adsorbed layers and thin-film lubrication etc.) seen on a molecular level
ICT-13 Grundlagen der Schmierstoffe und ihre Anwendungen
Tribologie und Wilfried J. Bartz
Technische Akademie Esslingen
T+S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik,
Denkendorf (Deutschland)
e-mail anmeldung @ tae.de
9. - 13. Dezember 2002
Sarnen, Industriestrasse 2
Veranstaltung Nr. 28567/68.595
Teil l: Grundlagen
Montag, 9. - Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2002
8.45 - 12.00 und 13.30 - 16.45 Uhr
(Veranstaltung Nr. 28567.1)
Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Reibung, Verschleiss und Schmierung
- Definition, Gesetzmassigkeiten und Entstehung der Reibung
- Verschleiss, Verschleissformen und -mass
- Reibungs- und Schmierungszustände
- Reaktionsmechanismus bei Mischreibung

a) Mineralälbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette

- Schmierstofftypen
- Vom Rohöl zum Grundäl: Wichtige Schritte der Schmierstoffherstellung
- Grundeigenschaften von Mineralölen
- Schmierfette: Typen, Herstellung und Gebrauchseigenschaften
- Normung

b) Synthetische Schmierstoffe
- Abgrenzung der Einsatzbereiche synthetischer Schmierstoffe
- Einteilung und Gebrauchseigenschaften synthetischer Schmierstoffe
- Verhalten synthetischer Schmierstoffe gegenuber mineralöl basischen Schmierstoffen

c) Biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflussigkeiten
- Gesetzlicher Rahmen
- Begriffe, Definitionen
- Vereinbarungen zum Umweltaspekt
- Stoffgruppen für Basisflussigkeiten: Polyalkylenglykole, synthetische Ester, native Öle
- Vertraglichkeit mit Dichtungswerkstoffen
- Vergabe des Umweltzeichens
- Normung
- Schmierfette
- Entsorgung

d) Festschmierstoffe
- Einsatzbereiche für Festschmierstoffe
- Festschmierstofftypen
- Molybdandisulfid: Aufbau und Wirkungsmechanismus, Eigenschaften und ihre Beeinflussung
- Graphit
- Polytetrafluoräthylen
- Anwendung von Festschmierstoffen und Gebrauchseigenschaften

e) Additive für Schmierstoff
- Gründe für ihren Einsatz
- Aufbau, Wirkungsmechanismus, Eigenschaften und Anwendung der wichtigsten Typen
- Abstimmung mit dem Grundöl

f) Schmierölveranderung im Betrieb - ölanalyse zur Beurteilung von Schmierstoff und Reibstelle
- Öl und Luft
- Ölalterung
- Einfluss von Wasser
- Hydrolyse
- Korrosion
- Wirkstoff-Ausmagerung (Additive Depletion)
- Yerschmutzung
- Schlamm
- Scherstabilitöt
- Gebrauchtölbewertung
- ÖIzustand
- Aggregatzustand
- Untersuchungsschema
- Kosten
- Grenzwerte von konventionellen und Syntheseölen
- Schmierfettveranderungen

g) Chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften
- Eigenschaften von frischen und gebrauchten Schmierstoffen
- Bedeutung dieser Eigenschaften und Messung nach genormten Verfahren

h) Viskositöt und Fliessverhalten
- Definition, Dimensionen und Messung der Viskosität
- Rheologische Eigenschaften der Schmierstoffe
- Abhangigkeit der Viskositat von Temperatur, Druck und Geschwindigkeitsgefälle
- Newtonsche und nicht-newtonsche Schmierstoffe

Teil II; Anwendungen
Donnerstag, 12. / Freitag, 13. Dezember 2002
8.45 - 12.00 und 13.30 -16.45 Uhr
- Grundlagen der Getriebeschmierung und Anforderungen an Getriebeschmierstoffe
- Grundtypen
- Aufbau
- Klassifizierung und Spezifizierung
- Anwendung

- Grundlagen der Motorenschmierung und Anforderungen an Motorenöle
- Notwendige Eigenschaften
- Betriebsverhalten
- Veranderungen im Betrieb
- Typen
- Aufbau und Zusammensetzung
- Charakterisierung
- Klassifizierung und Spezifizierung
- Anwendung

- Verdichter und ihre Schmierung
- Eigenschaften von Verdichterölen
- Verdichteröltypen und ihr Betriebsverhalten
- Besondere Probleme

Hydraulikaniagen und -flüssigkeiten
- Hydraulische Kraftübertragung
- Anforderungen an Hydrauliköle
- Mineralolbasische und schwer entflammbare Hydrauliköle
- Kenndaten und Prufwerte
- Spezifikationen

Schmierstoffe für die Metallbearbeitung
a) Spanende Bearbeitung

- Wirkungsweise der Kuhischmierstoffe
- Klassifizierung von Kuhischmierstoffen
- Aufbau von wassermischbaren und nicht-wassermischbaren Kuhischmierstoffen
- Kriterien für die Auswahl von Kuhischmierstoffen
- Zuordnung zwischen Zerspanungsvorgang, Werkstoff und Kuhischmierstoff
- Sekundarkriterien żur Auswahl von Kuhischmierstoffen

b) Umformung
- Beispiele für die Bedeutung des Schmierstoffs beim Umformer
- Systematischer Aufbau von Schmierstoffen für die Umformung
- Zuordnung zwischen Umfornworgang und Schmierstoff
- Vorbereitung und Aufbringung der Schmierstoffe
- Nebenwirkungen

Workshop of biolubricants, Meeting EoI EuroEcolubs
15th January 2003
Dear friends:

TEKNIKER is organishing a workshop about Biolubs the 15th January 2003, as you have been informed by VTI partners. Please find enclosed the more detailed information about the workshop. The 16th of January (from 8:30 to 14.00), we are going to organise a meeting in TEKNIKER to prepare a integrated project about EuroEcolubs to apply to the European Commission. Those interested in participate in this meeting and in the proposal, please, fill the enclosed questionnary and contact me. For registration in the Conference, please, contact the secretary of the workshop. For travels and hotel arrangements, follow the information in the leaflet of the workshop. If you need further information don´t hesitate to contact me, with our best regards,
Amaya Igartua

Dr. Amaya Igartua

Procesos de Fabricación Tel.  943 206744
Avda. Otaola, 20  Fax: 943 202757
20600 Eibar  e-mail:aigartua @ tekniker.es
Espana  http:\www.tekniker.es

January 2003

January 15 – 16, 2003
Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

Scientific-Technical Board

Technische Akademie Esslingen  
An der Akademie 5
73760 Ostfildern
Federal Republic of Germany


Ringstraße 29
73666 Baltmannsweiler
Federal Republic of Germany

Aral Forschung GmbH
44776 Bochum
Federal Republic of Germany

Shell Europe Oil Products
Shell Centre
London SE1 7NA
United Kingdom

ifeu - Institut für Energie- Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH
Wilckenstr. 3
69120 Heidelberg
Federal Republic of Germany

Volvo Technological
Development Corporation
06150 Fuels and Lubricants
M 1.6
40508 Gothenburg Sweden


The requirements on fuels for internal combustion engines and on heating fuels are governed by the following aspects:

    - Engine or burner type,
    - Engine performance,
    - Environment protection needs,
    - Legislative requirements,
    - Fuel sources and resources.
The importance of these points varies in different areas and countries. As a matter of fact, however, the requirements on the chemical, physical, and technological properties of fuels will increase worldwide. In the course of this development, a conflict will arise between the requirements of the engines and the expectations regarding the protection of the environment. Consequently, we will be forced to establish a balance between the various demands. This balance can only be achieved by international cooperation of the engine manufacturers, the mineral oil industry, and the legislative bodies.

Therefore, this international colloquium aims at contributing to the solution of these problems by the exchange of ideas and the discussion on all aspects connected with the system 'engine/fuel environment'.


- January 15, 2003 -
Wednesday 15 Morning Plenary Room P-1

Session: Plenary Session (Part I)
Chairman: W. J. BARTZ

Tribologie + Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf, Federal Republic of Germany

09:00 – 11:00    W. J. BARTZ

Tribologie + Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf, Federal Republic of Germany
Eröffnung / Opening

Technische Akademie Esslingen, Ostfildern, Federal Republic of Germany
Begrüßung / Opening Address

Staatssekretär im Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
Grußwort / Welcome Address

International Fuel Quality Center, Brussels, Belgium
Global Automotive Fuel Quality Trends

Ford Motor Company, Basildon, Great Britain
World Wide Fuel Requirements - Now and in the Future

Umwelt- und Bildungspolitischer Sprecher der Bundestagsfraktion
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Biotreibstoffe - Eine saubere Alternative mit Perspektive
Bio-Fuels - A Clean Alternative with Perspectives

11:00 – 11:30   Coffee / Tea Break

Simultaneous Translation German/English

Wednesday 15 Morning Plenary Room P-2

Session: Plenary Session (part II)
Chairman: A. RÖJ

Volvo Technological Development Corporation, Gothenburg, Sweden

11:30 – 13:00    L. CLARKE

Shell Global Solutions (UK), Chester, Great Britain
Introduction of Biofuels into Gasoline and Diesel

Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Die Volkswagen Kraftstoffstrategie
The Fuel Strategy of Volkswagen

CONCAWE, Brussels, Belgium
Regulations to Control Emissions and Fuel Implications

13:00 – 14:30   Lunch Break

Simultaneous Translation German/English

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 1

Session: Biofuels (Part I)
Chairman: E. REMMELE

Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landtechnik, Freising, Federal Republic of Germany

14:30 – 16:00    G. A. REINHARDT

ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany
What's Best for the Environment: RME or Rape Seed Oil?

Fachhochschule Coburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Universität Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany
Universität Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany
Comparison of Biodiesel with Different Diesel Fuels

Technical University of Lublin, Poland
Combustion Process of Petrol Derived Fuel with Properties of Rape Biofuel

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee / Tea Break

Simultaneous Translation German/English

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 1

Session: Biofuels (Part II)
Chairman: R. J. CROOKES

Queen Mary, University of London, Great Britain

16:30 – 18:30    E. REMMELE, K. THUENEKE

Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landtechnik, Freising, Federal Republic of Germany

Technologie- und Förderzentrum im Kompetenzzentrum für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Straubing,
Federal Republic of Germany
ASG Analytik-Service Gesellschaft, Augsburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Mindestanforderungen an Rapsöl als Kraftstoff in pflanzenöltauglichen Dieselmotoren
Minimum Requirements of Rapeseed Oil as a Fuel in Vegetable Oil Suited Engines

Degussa AG, Niederkassel-Lülsdorf, Federal Republic of Germany
Production of Biodiesel by Use of Alkoxide Catalysts

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Federal Republic of Germany
L. U. T. Labor- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Jena, Federal Republic of Germany
Verbesserung der Oxidationsstabilität von Biokraftstoff
Improving the Oxidation Stability of Bio-Fuels

University of Veszprem, Hungary
Transesterification of Vegetable Oils with Enzymatic Catalysts

MIRACEMA-NUODEX Industria Quimica Ltda., Campinas, Brazil
Green Biodiesel - An Economic Challenge for the Beginning of the 3rd Millenium

18:30 Reception at the TAE with Drinks and Snacks

Simultaneous Translation German/English

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 2

Session: Production and Properties - Diesel Fuels

Chairman: J. HANCSOK

University of Veszprem, Hungary

14:30 – 16:00    R. RAKIC

NIS Naftagas Promet, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Meeting Demand and Specifications Challenges for Diesel Fuels

National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Foaming Characteristics of Diesel Fuels

The Associated Octel Co. Ltd., Ellesmere Port, Great Britain
Bycosin AB, Karlstad, Sweden
Evaluation of a Novel Method to Study Oil Stability
Queen Mary, University of London, Great Britain
Formation and Oxidation of Soot Particulates in a Diesel Fuel Spray Flame

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee / Tea Break

No Simultaneous Translation

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 2

Session: Production and Properties - Gasoline Fuels

Chairman: T. RUSSELL

The Associated Octel Co. Ltd., Ellesmere Port, Great Britain

16:30 – 18:30    J. BURRI, D. RENTSCH

Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Gasoline Composition Determined by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy

MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Co., Szazhalombatta, Hungary
University of Veszprem, Hungary
Production of Modern Motor Gasolines -
Optimization of the Operation of Catalytic Reformer and Naphta Isomerization Units

PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gasoline Oxidation Stability - Influence of Composition and Antioxidants Response

Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, India
Value Addition to Low-Octane Hydrocarbon Feed Stocks to High-Octane
Low Benzene Content Gasoline on Pt/HZSM-5 Catalyst

18:30 Reception at the TAE with Drinks and Snacks

No Simultaneous Translation

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 3

Session: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (Part I)
Chairman: M. WACKER

Universität Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany

14:30 – 16:00    F.-J. WETZEL, J. SCHNEIDER

BMW Group, München, Federal Republic of Germany
Hydrogen as a Fuel for Future BMW Powertrains

Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Emission Potentials of Hydrogen Engine

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee / Tea Break

No Simultaneous Translation

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 3

Session: Tribological Properties of Fuels

Chairman: D. J. RICKEARD

ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical, Machelen, Belgium

16:30 – 18:30    C. KAJDAS

Warsaw University of Technology, Plock,
and Central Petroleum Laboratory, Warsaw, Poland
Diesel Fuel Lubricity - A Review

National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Tribological Evaluation of Low Sulfur Automotive Diesel
in the Presence of Specific Types of Acid Derivatives

Slovnaft VURUP a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia
Low Sulphur Motor Gasoline Lubricity

18:30 Reception at the TAE with Drinks and Snacks

No Simultaneous Translation

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 4

Session: Emissions (Part I)
Chairman: D. P. MARTIN

Shell Global Solutions (UK), Chester, Great Britain

14:30 – 16:00    B. R. GRASKOW, S. OHTA

Chevron Oronite Company LLC, Richmond, USA
A Novel Organic Fuel Additive for Improved Combustion, Vehicle Acceleration,
and Reduced Hydrocarbon Emissions

MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc., Budapest, Hungary
University of Veszprem, Hungary
Detergents for Diesel Fuels to Improve Air Quality
and Fuel Economy at Lower Operating Costs

Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico
A Remote Sensing Study of Vehicle Emission in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee / Tea Break

No Simultaneous Translation

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 4

Session: Emissions (Part II)

Chairman: B. R. GRASKOW

Chevron Oronite Company LLC, Richmond, USA

16:30 – 18:30   D. P. MARTIN

Shell Global Solutions (UK), Chester, Great Britain
The M111 Engine CCD Test and its Effects on NOx Emissions and Fuel Consumption

IMR-Institute, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Impact of Diesel Fuel Aromatics on Diesel Engine Exhaust Emission

Niigata Institute of Technology, Kashiwazak, Japan
Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine Fueled by Biodiesel
and Rapeseed Oil - Gas Oil Blends

18:30 Reception at the TAE with Drinks and Snacks

No Simultaneous Translation

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 5

Session: Gas Fueled Engines (Part I)
Chairman: K. PRESCHER

Universität Rostock, Federal Republic of Germany

14:30 – 16:00    B. E. MILTON, T. R. WHITE

University of NSW, Sydney, Australia
Direct Injection of Co-Axial Natural Gas/Liquid Diesel Fuel Sprays

Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Natural Gas Fueled Stationary Engines

Radom Technical University, Radom, Poland
Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with LPG

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee / Tea Break

No Simultaneous Translation

Wednesday 15 Afternoon Room 5

Session: Gas Fueled Engines (Part II)
Chairman: H.-D. SINNEN

Veba Oil Refining & Petrochemicals GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Federal Republic of Germany

16:30 – 18.30    A. RACOVITZA, C. PANA, N. NEGURESCU, M. G. POPA

University Politehnica Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Performances of Methanol Fueled Urban Bus
and Truck Diesel Engines Using the Double Injection Method

Krakow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland
Combustion of Gases in a Bubbling Fluidised Bed - Any Practical Potential?

Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

University of London, Great Britain
Performance Evaluation of Natural Gas and Emulsified Vegetable Oil
for the Propulsion of Small Marine Crafts

18:30 Reception at the TAE with Drinks and Snacks

No Simultaneous Translation

- January 16, 2003 -

Thursday 16 Morning Plenary Room P-3

Session: Plenary (Part III)
Chairman: W. J. BARTZ

Tribologie + Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf, Federal Republic of Germany

08:30 – 10:30   A. RÖJ

Volvo Technological Development Corporation, Gothenburg, Sweden
Future Fuel Quality Issues for the Automotive Industry

Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
Alternative Fuel Concepts - Competence Network Renewable Fuels

Umweltbundesamt Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Future Fuels - Their Importance for the Environment Protection

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft, Weissach, Federal Republic of Germany
CO2-neutrale Wege zukünftiger Mobilität -
Nutzung der Sonnenenergie für die Herstellung von Kraftstoffen der Zukunft

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee / Tea Break

Simultaneous Translation English/German

Thursday 16 Morning Plenary Room P-4

Session: Plenary (Part IV)
Chairman: M. GAIRING

Baltmannsweiler, Federal Republic of Germany

11:00 – 12:30     R. H. CLARK, A. P. PALMER, R. J. STRADLING,

Shell Global Solutions (UK), Chester, Great Britain
Shell Global Solutions (Germany), Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
The Environmental Benefits of Shell GtL Diesel

Technische Universität München, Garching, Federal Republic of Germany
The Autark Hybrid Test Vehicle and Results from Operating

University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, USA
SRI International, Palo Alto, USA
Do Conductive Fuel Deposits on Electrical Wires and Contacts
in Aircraft Fuel Tanks Pose a Combustion Hazard?

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break

Simultaneous Translation English/German

Thursday 16 Afternoon Room 1

Session: Biofuels (Part III)

Chairman: G. A. REINHARDT

IFEU - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany

14:00 - 16:00    T. GARBE (angefragt)

Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Rapsöl versus RME aus technologischer Sicht
Native Oils and FAME as Fuels for Modern Diesel Passenger Cars

Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, USA
Evaluation of Biodiesel Fuel in an EMD GP38-2 Locomotive

Universität Rostock, Federal Republic of Germany
Praxiserfahrungen mit Rapsölkraftstoffen
Practical Experiences With Rapeseed Oil Fuels

Queen Mary, University of London, Great Britain
Biofuels Performance in Internal Combustion Engines

16:00 Farewell Party with Music, Drinks and Snacks

Simultaneous Translation German/English

Thursday 16 Afternoon Room 2

Session: Sulfur Reduction in Fuels
Chairman: R. H. CLARK

Shell Global Solutions (UK), Chester, Great Britain

14:00 – 16:00   H.-D. SINNEN

Veba Oil Refining & Petrochemicals GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Federal Republic of Germany
Production of Modern Automotive Fuels

University of Veszprem, Hungary
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Co., Szazhalombatta, Hungary
Simultaneous Desulfurization and Isomerization of Sulfur Containing n-Hexane Fractions

Center for Refining and Petrochemicals KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Sulfur Reduction in FCC Gasoline With a Commercial Additive: A Microactivity Study

Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
Cleaner Petroleum Fuels and Future Biotechnological Approach

16:00 Farewell Party with Music, Drinks and Snacks

No Simultaneous Translation

Thursday 16 Afternoon Room 3

Session: Performance of Oxygenated Fuels Chairman: J. BENNETT

Ford Motor Company, Basildon, Great Britain 14:00 – 16:00   J.-L. G. GHEYSENS, W. J. WELLS III
NRG Technologies, San Francisco, USA
Multiple Boiling Point Paraffinic and Oxygenated Hydrocarbons will be
Key to World Fuel Standards Globalization

Technical University of Iasi, Romania
DaimlerChrysler Auto-Rom Ltd., Bucharest, Romania
Six Cylinders Diesel Engine Methanol Fueled

University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania
Performances of LPG Fueled Diesel Engine Using DMI Method

PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Stability of Motor Gasolines - The Influence of the Fuel Composition over
the Stability of Mixtures with Ethanol

16:00 Farewell Party with Music, Drinks and Snacks

No Simultaneous Translation

Thursday 16 Afternoon Room 4

Session: Fuel Oil

Chairman: K. P. BADER

Institut für Biomedizin und Umweltconsulting (IFBUC), Bielefeld, Federal Republic of Germany

14:00 – 16:00    E. HAMMER

Minitec Engineering GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Federal Republic of Germany
Fuel Production from Used Oil

University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
Influence of Fractional and Chemical Composition on
Colour Degradation of Fuel Oil Fraction

Akzo Nobel Chemicals, Inc., Dobbs Ferry, USA
Using AICI3-Based Room Temperature Ionic Liquids for
Sulfur Removal from Naphta and Gas-Oil

16:00 Farewell Party with Music, Drinks and Snacks

No Simultaneous Translation

Thursday 16 Afternoon Room 5

Session: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (Part II)

Chairman: H. NANNEN

Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Federal Republic of Germany

14:00 – 16:00    D. J. RICKEARD, P. J. BERLOWITZ

ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical, Machelen, Belgium
Fuel Specification for Fuel Cell Fuels

Universität STuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
How to supply fuel cell cars in Stuttgart with hydrogen - a view into the year 2020

Institut für Biomedizin und Umweltconsulting (IFBUC), Bielefeld, Federal Republic of Germany
Perceptions and Deceptions of Biological Hydrogen Production

16:00 Farewell Party with Music, Drinks and Snacks

No Simultaneous Translation


Technische Akademie Essiingen
Postfach 1265
D-73748 Ostfildern
Federal Republic of Germany
Telephone (Germany 711) 3 40 08 23
Telefax (Germany 711) 34008 27
e-mail: Anmeldung @ tae.de
(Please make use of the registration form inside this brochure.)
Internet Registration: www.tae.de/fuels/

Colloquium No. 28590A

Registration Fee

€ 490.00 free of V.A.T.
€ 100.00 free of V.A.T. (speakers)

Payable after receipt of invoice
Bank account:
Kreissparkasse Essiingen 984 267
(B LZ 611500 20)

This fee includes
- Colloquium proceedings
- Coffee or tea during breaks
- Ali reception attendances
- Bus transfer from some hotels out of town to the academy (in the mornings) and back (in the evenings).

Conference languages are English
and German. Papers will be printed
and presented in English or in German.
Simultaneous translation will be provided.

Colloquium Secretariat
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Technische Akademie Essiingen
Postfach 1265
D-73748 Ostfildern
Federal Republic of Germany
Telephone (Germany 711) 3400812
Telefax (Germany 7 11) 3 40 08 43
e-mail: Renate.Pfeiffer @ tae.de

Technische Akademie Essiingen
An der Akademie 5
D-73760 Ostfildern (near Stuttgart)
Federal Republic of Germany

Accommodation Service
Technische Akademie Essiingen
Postfach 1265
D-73748 Ostfildern
Federal Republic of Germany
Telephone (Germany 7 11) 3 40 08 40
Telefax (Germany711)3400843
e-mail: Marianne.Merten @ tae.de

February 2003

Biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten
11.- 14. Februar 2003
Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

    Teil l: Grundlagen
    Teil II: Praktische Anwendungen

    Die Leitung:

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    T+S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf

    Der Termin:

    11.- 14. Februar 2003
    Ostfildern-Nellingen, An der Akademie 5

    Veranstaltung : Nr. 28704/68.609

    Der Teilnehmerkreis:
    Hersteller, Vertreiber und Anwender von Schmierstoffen sowie Additiven, Sicherheits- und Entsorgungsbeauftragte sowie Überwachungsbehörden

    Die Dozenten:

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz, T+S Tribologie und Scmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
    Dr. Patrick Galda, Rhein Chemie Rheingau GmbH, Mannheim
    Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Bock, Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim
    Dr. Frank Bongardt, Cognis Deutschland GmbH, & Co KG, Düsseldorf
    UIrich Meisel, AXA-Colonia Yersicherung AG, Stuttgart
    Dr. Rüdiger Freitag, Castrol Industrial GmbH, Monchengladbach
    Dr. Dietrich Homer, Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim
    Dipl.-Ing. Rudiger Krethe, Wearcheck GmbH, Brannenburg
    Dipl.-Chem. Johannes Landwehr, Unwersitat Hamburg
    Dr.-Ing. Jörg Loos, RWTH Aachen
    Dipl.-Ing.Thomas Meindorf, RWTH Aachen
    Chr. Nemack, Willy Vogel AG, Berlin
    Dr. Jürgen Omeis, Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Nauheim
    Dr. Uwe Riemann, Addinol Lübe Oil GmbH, Leuna
    Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dietmar Ruppert, Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forst-technik E.V., Groß-Umstadt
    Markus Baumann, Shell ASEOL AG, Bern (Schweiz)
    Dr. Joachim Vetter, APL GmbH, Landau
    Dr. Raif G. Weyandt, Institut Fresenius GmbH, Taunussfein
    Dr. Andreas Willing, Cognis Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf

    Das Programm:

    Teil 1: Grundlagen: Typen, Additivierung, Eigenschaften und Entsorgung

    Dienstag, 11., und Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2003
    Veranstaltung Nr. 28704.1

    Dienstag, 11. Februar 2003
    8,30 bis 11.30 und 13.00 bis 18.15 Uhr

    1. Grundlagen biologiach schnell abbaubarer Flüssigkeiten (W. J. Bartz)

    - Umweltbelastung durch Schmierstoffe
    - Definitionen
    - Biologischer Abbau
    - Grundfliussigkeiten und ihre Eigenschaften
    - Umweltzeichen
    - Normen und Standardisierung
    - Praktische Erfahrungen

    2. Schmierstoffe und Umwelt - Anforderungen, Normung (W. Bock)

    - Gesetzlicher Rahmen
    - Wasserhaushaitsgesetz
    - EG-RichtIinie
    - Chemikaliengesetz
    - Umweltzeichen
    - Bodenschutz und Anwendungsverbote
    - Rohstoffkosten
    - Preise für besonders umweltvertragliche Schmierstoffe
    - Normung von biologisch schnell abbaubaren Schmierstoffen
    - „Aktuelle Informationen"
    - Normungsaktivitäten national-intenationale Tendenzen, Neue Performance Teste

    3. Additive für biologisch rasch abbaubare Schmierstoffe (P. Galda und A. Fessenbecker)

    - Grundöleigenschaften der biologisch schnell abbaubaren Grundöle
    - Ansprechverhalten und Wirkung von Additiven
    - Oxidations- und Korrosionsinhibitoren
    - Verschleißschutz- und EP-Additive
    - Detergents und Dispersants
    - Verdicker und andere Additive
    - Umweltrelevante Aspekte

    4. Schmierstoffe von heute und morgen - Antworten der Oleochemie (F. Bongardt)

    Oleochemische Rohstoffe eignen sich für vielfältige Anwendungen zur Formulierung von Schmierstoffen. Die aus naturlichen Fetten und Ölen abgeleiteten Derivate, wie z. B. Ester, Fettsäuren und -alkohole und Tenside, können die steigenden Anforderungen an moderne Schmiermittel als Additive oder Grundöle erfüllen.

    5. Umweltverträglichkeit von Schmierstoffen : Anforderungen und Bewertungsverfahren - speziell auch im Hinblick auf die neue Schwedische Norm (SS53454) (A. Willing)

    - Umweltrisikobewertung
    - Kennzeichnung „umweltgefahriich"
    - Umweltzeichen
    - Abbauprozesse
    - Begriffe und Definitionen der Abbaubewertung
    - Testmethoden
    - Anaerober Abbau
    - Mobilität von Stoffen im Boden
    - Ökotoxizität
    - Wassergefährdungsklasse
    - Testen schwer loslicher Stoffe

    6. Synthetische und nachwachsende Grundölkomponenten für umweltverträgliche Schmierstoffe (J. Vetter)

    - Chemisch-physikalische Eigenschaften
    - Sicherheitsrelevante Daten
    - Ökotoxikoligische Eigenschaften
    - Schmierstoffbezogene Daten
    - Herstellung

    Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2003
    8.30 bis 12.15 und 13.45 bis 18.00 Uhr

    7. Umweltschonende Hydraulikflüssigkeiten - Mischbarkeit und Vertraglichkeit mit Mineralölen (R. Krethe)

    - Basisflüssigkeiten zur Herstellung umweitschonender Hydraulikfluids
    - Mischbarkeit und Vertraglichkeit
    - Mögliche Probleme bei der Vermischung „Bio"-ÖI/Mineralöl
    - Umstellungsrichtiinien
    - Bestimmung des Mineralölrestgehalts
    - Typische Praxisbeispiele

    8. Beurteilung der biologischen Abbaubarkeit technische Öle in Bodenmaterialien - Ein Vergleich technischer Öle auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe mit Produkten auf Mineralölbasis (J. Landwehr, D. Goetz)

    - Boden
    - Biologischer Abbau im Boden
    - Hydrauliklöle
    - Mineralöle
    - Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
    - Kontaminationen
    - Entwicklung eines Testverfahrens

    9. Was können Biotestverfahren zur Gefahrenabschatzung von Stoffen und Zubereitungen leisten? (R. G. Weyandt)

    - Begriffe
    - Testverfahren
    - Gesetzesvorgaben
    - Fallbeispiele
    - Forschungsergebnisse

    10. Entsorgung von biologisch abbaubaren Schmierstoffen (R. Freitag)

    - Gesetzliche Bestimmungen bei der Entsorgung (Abfallgesetz, Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz, Wasserhaushaitsgesetz)
    - Technische Verfahren zur Aufarbeitung und Verwertung

    11. Haftung und Versicherungsschutz bei Umweitschäden (U. Meisel)

    - Umwelthaftung: BGB/WHG/UHG
    - Haftungserweiterung durch das UHG
    - Sachliche und zeitliche Grenzen des UHG
    - Haftung für storungsfreien Betrieb
    - Öffentlich-rechtliche Störerhaftung (Polizeirecht/BBodSchG-E)
    - Umwelthaftpflichtversicherung: Nullstellung AHB für Umweitschaden, Deklarationsprinzip
    - Aniagenbezug, Versicherungsfall, Schadenfeststellung, Normalbetriebsdeckung

    Teil 2: Praktische Anwendungen in Industrie, Land- und Forstwirtschaft

    Donnerstag, 13., und Freitag, 14. Februar 2003
    Veranstaltung Nr. 28704.2

    Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2003
    8.30 bis 12.45 und 14.00 bis 16.15 Uhr

    1. Biologisch schnell abbaubare Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (T. Meindorf)

    - Anforderungen an Druckmedien
    - Alterungsbestandigkeit
    - Einsatzgebiete und Einsatzgrenzen
    - Anpassung von Hydraulikaniagen
    - Prüfverfahren
    - Chancen für die Zukunft
    - Kurzzeitprüfung

    2. Biologisch abbaubare Schmierstoffe in Labor und Praxis (J. Omeis)

    - Grundlagen der Bioschmierstoffe
    - Basisöle
    - Ökotoxikologie
    - VDMA-EinheitsbIatt
    - Umweltzeichen „Blauer Engel”
    - Laborscreening
    - Biologische Abbaubarkeit
    - Buntmetallvertraglichkeit
    - Alterungsverhalten
    - Ausgewähite Prüfstands- und Praxisversuche

    3. Umweitschonende Betnebsstoffe bei Forstmaschinen (D. Ruppert)

    - Einsatz von Forstmaschinen
    - Anforderungen an die Produkte
    - Verbräuche
    - Prüfungen
    - Erfahrungen

    4. Einsatz von Fetten mit Grundölen auf der Basis natürlicher und synthetischer Ester in Zentralschmieraniagen (C. Nemack)

    - Biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe in der Nutzfahrzeugschmierung
    - Einteilung der Aufgabengebiete für ZS-AnIagen im NFZ-Bereich
    - Anwendungsbereich für biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe
    - Biologischer Abbau, Toxizitat und Wassergefahrdung
    - Prinzipielle Überlegungen zu den möglichen Komponenten biologisch schnell abbaubarer Schmierstoffe
    - Beurteilung und Prufüng
    - Praxiserfahrungen
    - Stand und Ausblick

    5. Alterungsverhalten und Veranderungen der biologischen Abbaubarkeit umweitschonender Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (U. Riemann und G. Schulert)

    - Umweitschonende Hydraulikflüssigkeiten auf Rapsölbasis (HETG) und Esterbasis (HEES)
    - Alterungsverhalten speziell im Baadertest
    - Darstellung und Diskussion von Untersuchungsergebnissen
    - Ableitung von Grenzwerten
    - Biologische Abbaubarkeit nach CEC-L-33-A-93 von Frisch und Gebrauchtölen
    - Einfluss der Beanspruchung von Gebrauchtölen auf die biologische Abbaubarkeit

    6. Biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstcffe für Wälzlager, Gleitlager und Freiläufe (J. Loos)

    - Anforderungen an Schmierstoffe in Walzlagern, Gleitlagern und Freilaufen
    - Prüfmethoden
    - Verschleißverhalten
    - Reibwerte
    - Schmierfilmdicken
    - Schmierstoffverträglichkeit mit den Lagerwerkstoffen
    - Langzeitverhalten

    Freitag, 14. Februar 2003
    8.30 bis 12.15 Uhr

    7. Erfahrungen mit biologisch schnell abbaubaren Metallbearbeitungsflüssigkeiten (D. Homer)

    - Umweltaspekte
    - Bearbeitungsflüssigkeiten
    - Additive und deren Kombinationen
    - Verträglichkeitsuntersuchungen mit Elementen der Werkzeugmaschine
    - Zerspanversuche beim Bohren (konventionell-MQL)
    - Praxisergebnisse
    - Versuchsergebnisse beim Schleifen
    - Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung
    - Ausblick

    8. Biologisch abbaubare Schmierstoffe - Eine Standortbestimmung mit Praxiserfahrungen, speziell am Beispiel von Hydraulikflüssigkeiten und Schmierfetten M. Baumann, E. M. Stempfel, D. Ruch, N. Beaux)

    - Biologische Abbaubarkeit
    - Bioabbaubare Schmierstoffe
    - Komponenten
    - Grundflüssigkeiten
    - Verdicker für Schmierfette
    - Zusätze
    - Herstellung
    - Eigenscharten bioabbaubarer Schmierstoffe
    - Allgemeines
    - Statische Alterungsstabilitat
    - Temperatureinsatzbereich
    - Tieftemperatun/erhalten
    - Verschleißschutz-, Hochdruckeigenschaften
    - Korrosionsschutz
    - Dynamische Alterungsstabilität am Beispiel Schmierfett
    - Applikationen/Trends
    - Praxiserfahrungen (6 Jahre)
    - Markttendenzen
    - Kundenverstandnis

    Die Teilnahmegebühr:
    Teil l + II: € 1.230,00 (mehrwerlsteuerfrei) pro Teil: € 690,00 (mehrwertsteuerfrei) einschl. Unterlagen, Mittagessen und Pausengetranken

    So melden Sie sich an:

    mit den Angaben:
    Veranstaltung Nr.
    Biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe, Teil...
    Vor- und Nachname, akad. Titel

    Technische Akademie Esslingen
    Postfach 1265
    D-73748 Ostfildern

    (0711) 3 40 08-23,-24,-25

    Ursula Prezewowsky
    Patricia Zink

    per Fax:
    (0711) 34008-27 -43

    per E-Mail:
    Anmeldung @ tae.de

    aktuelle Informationen
    im Internet: www.tae.de

    Hinweise zur Anreise erhalten Sie mit der Anmeldebestatigung. Mit der Anmeldung erkennen Sie unsere Geschaftsbedingungen an - insbesondere hinsichtiich der Stornierungs- und Zahiungsmodalitaten. Über die vollständigen Geschäftsbedingungen (die wir Ihnen auch gerne zusenden) informiert Sie unser Gesamtprogramm. Außerdem konnen Sie sie in Ihrer Anmeldebestätigung nachlesen.

    Brauchen Sie ein Hotelzimmer?
    Marianne Merten
    Telefon (0711) 34008-40, Fax -43 - E-Mail: Marianne.Merten @ tae.de (Diese Zimmen/ermittiung ist ein kostenioser Sen/ice der TAE.)

    Haben Sie weitere Fragen zum Lehrgang?
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Telefon (0711) 34008-59 - E-Mail: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Weiterbildungsprogramme Tribologie (TAE)

    Die Technische Akademie Esslingen bietet zwei Weiterbildungsprogramme Tribologie (TAE) an, die sich jeweils über zwei Jahre erstrecken:

    Tribologie (TAE) -1
    für Schmierstoffanwender,

    Tribologie (TAE) - 2
    für Schmierstoffhersteller und -vertreiber.

    Nähere Informationen enthalt unsere detaillierte Ubersicht
    - bitte fordem Sie sie an.

    Das Qualitätsmanagementsystem der Technischen Akademie Esslingen ist nach DIN EN ISO 9001 zertifiziert.

Tribologie und Schmierung bei der Blechumformung und -bearbeitung
17. - 19. Februar 2003
Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

Ostfildern-Nellingen, An der Akademie 5

Die Leitung:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
T+S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik,

Der Termin:

17. - 19. Februar 2003

Der Ort:

Ostfildern-Nellingen, An der Akademie 5

Veranstaltung : Nr. 28721/68.608

Nutzen und Ziele:

Tribologie und Schmierung bei der Blechumformung und -bearbeitung

Schwerpunkte dieses Lehrgangs sind die Blechumformung und ihre Beeinflussung durch tribologische MaBnahmen. Hierzu werden die Grundlagen der Umformung, aber auch die Bedeutung der Werkzeugwerkstoffe erörtert. Danach werden die wassermisch- baren und nichtwassermischbaren flüssigen und konsistenten Schmierstoffe ebenso behandelt wie die Festschmierstoffe und die Schmierstoffträger mit ihren Eigenschaften, Anwendungen und Grenzen. Die Anwendung und Bedeutung der Schmierstoffe wird an einigen ausgewahften Beispielen erlautert.

• Welchen Einfluss hat die Tribologie auf die Blechumformung?
• Wie beeinflusst die Oberfiachengestalt von Blechwerkstoff, Werkzeug und Schmierstoff das Reibverhalten?
• Wie werden Reibungszahien und Schmierstoffkennwerte für die Blechumformung ermittelt?
• Wie kann der VerschleiB beim Schneiden vermieden werden?
• Welche Schmierstoffe stehen für die Blechumformung zur Verfugung?
Diese und weitere Fragen werden im Lehrgang beantwortet. Es steht ausreichend Zeit für die Diskussion spezieller Probleme und praktischer Beispiele mit den Dozenten zur Verfügung.

Der Telinehmerkreis:

Konstrukteure und Betriebsingenieure der Umformtechnik und des Werkzeugbaus, Fachleute der Arbeitsvorbereitung, Mitarbeiter der Schmierstoffhersteller aus Entwicklung und Forschung sowie den Technischen Diensten

Die Dozenten:

Pro f. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz, T+S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
Dr. Wolfgang Buß, Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim
Karl-Rolf Eversberg, VST Verschleiß Schutz Technik Keller GmbH & Co. KG, Schopfheim
Dipl.-Ing. Stephanus Faller, DaimIerChrysler AG, Sindelfingen
Dr.-Ing. Jan Filzek, Technische Universitat Darmstadt
Dipl.-Ing. Friedrich G/as, Tribologie Werkzeugwerkstoffe, Geretsried
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Peter Groche, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dipl.-Ing. Winfried Höhn, Rasselstein Hoesch GmbH, Andernach
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Jahnke, Raziol Zibulla & Sohn GmbH, Iserlohn
Dr. Achim Losch, Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Klaus Siegert, Universitat Stuttgart
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Staeves, BMWAG, München
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagner, Universitat Stuttgart

Das Programm:
Montag, 17. Februar 2003
8.30 bis 12.30 und 14.00 bis 17.30 Uhr

1. Tribologie bei der Blechumformung - Einflussgrößen und Parameter (P. Groche und T. Callies)

Reibung - Verschleiß - Abrieb - Schmierung - Blechwerkstoff -Blechbeschichtung - Blechtopografie - Werkzeugwerkstoff - Werkzeugbeschichtung - Werkzeugrauheit - Schmierstoff - Schmierstoffmenge - Kontaktnormaispannung - Gleitgeschwin-digkeit - Umformtemperatur

2. Beeinflussung des Materialflusses unter dem Niederhalter beim Ziehen nicht-rotationssymmetrischer Blech - formteile (K. Siegert)

Ziehen nicht-rotationssymmetrischer Blechformteile - Zieheinrich - tungen im Pressentisch - Zieheinrichtungen im Werkzeug - Ziehen mit pulsierendem Niederhalter - Integration von Regel - kreisen in den Ziehprozess

3. Ermittiung von Reibungszahien und Verschleiß bei der Blechumformung (S. Wagner)

Reibungszonen beim Tiefziehen und beim Ziehen von Karosseri teilen - Modellverfahren zur Nachbildung der tribologischen Verhältnisse im Ziehteilflansch, an der Ziehkante, an der Stempel - kante und an Ziehieisten - Vergleich der Ergebnisse aus Modell und Realversuch

4. Tribologische Modeliprüfstände für die Blechumformung (J. Filzek)

Realbauteile - Betriebsversuch - Modellbauteile - Werkzeugausschnitt - Napfziehversuch - Streifenzietwersuch - Flachbahnwerkzeug - Umienkwerkzeug - Ziehsickenwerkzeug - Zylinder-Ebene - Werkzeug - Reibprüfstand - Verschleißprufstand - Abriebprüfstand

5. Einfluss der Oberflächenfeingestalt von Blechwerkstof, und Werkzeug sowie der Schmierstoffe auf das Reibverhalten (S. Faller)

Blechoberfläche - Werkzeugoberfläche - Oberflächentopografie - Einebnungsverhalten - Schmierstoffe - Schmierstoffdosierung - Reibverhalten - Verschleiß

6. Abstreckgleilziehen - Grundlagen, Reibung, Temperaturentstehung, Prozessgrenzen (W. Hohn)

Grundlagen - WeißbIech - Schmierung - Umtorm- und Reibungswärme - Prozessgrenzen - Dosen

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2003
8.30 bis 12.15 und 13.45 bis 16.30 Uhr

7. Ziehen von Edelstahiblechen mit Werkzeugen aus Aluminium-Mehrstoffbronzen (F. Glas)

Übersicht Legierungen - Eigenschaften - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten - Konstruktionshinweise

8. Beschichten von Werkzeugen der Blechumformung als wettbewerbsstralegisches Element der Presswerksleitung (K.-R. Eversberg)

Bauvorschriften - Schichtauswahl - Schmierfiimstutzende Schichttopografie - Schmierstoffaspekte - Steigerung von Lebensdauer, Ausbringung und Formteilqualität - Senkung von Prüfkosten, Stuckkosten und Schmierstoffbedarf - Werkzeugregeneration durch Nach- und Wiederbeschichten - Berücksichtigung presswerkstypischer Belange bzgl. Groß-/Kleinwerkzeuge, single/ double tooling, Flexibilisierung/Losgrößenaspekte

9. Tribologie, Schmierung und Topografie in der Prozesskette Rohkarosserie - Tribologie und Schmierung (J. Slaeves)

Karosseriewerkstoffe: Beschichtete Feinbleche - Prüfverfahren zur Beurteilung der Umformbarkeit - Kennwerte zur Beurteilung der Tiefziehbarkeit und der triobologischen Verhältnisse Werkzeugausiegung, Werkzeugwerkstoffe und Werkzeugbeschichtungen: Werkzeugausiegung für begrenzte Stückzahlen - Werkzeugausiegung für hohe Stuckzahlen Schmierstoffeinsatz in der Serienfertigung: Korrosionsschutzöle - Ziehole - Prelubes - Trockenschmierstoffe

10. Tribologie, Schmierung und Topografie in der Prozesskette Rohkarosserie - Topografie der Bleche (J. Staeves)

Topografie der Bleche und dreidimensionale Oberflächenkenn - größen: Texturierungsmethoden - Zweidimensionale Oberflächenkenngroßen für Feinbleche - Mechanisch-rheologisches Modell als Grundlage für anwenderspezifische OberfIächenkenngrößen - Definition dreidimensionaler OberfIächenkenngrößen - Anwendung: Rauheitsmessgerate, Streifenziehversuche, Presswerk, lack

11. Prelubes für die Blechumformung (A. Losch)

Korrosionsschutz und Umformieistung vom Stahiwerk bis zur Rohkarosse - Applikation im Stahiwerk oder durch Coil-/Platinenwäscher - Ablaufhemmung - Entfettbarkeit - Verträglichkeit mit Rohbau-Klebern und KT-Lack - Einsparpotential

Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2003
8.30 bis 12.15 und 12.45 bis 14.00 Uhr

12. Anwendungen von Schmierstoffen beim Innenhochdruckumformen (W. BuB)

Tribologie beim IHU - Schmierstoffe für das IHU - Applikations-methoden - Reinigungstechniken

13. Schmierstoffe für die Blechumforinung (W. J. Bartz)

Beispiele für die Bedeutung des Schmierstoffs beim Umformen - Systematischer Aufbau von Schmierstoffen für die Umformung - Zuordnung zwischen Umformvorgang und Schmierstoff - Vorbereitung und Aufbringung der Schmierstoffe

14. Reinigungs- und Einölgeräte sowie ihre Einbindung in den automatisierten Produktionsprozess in der Blechumformung (J. Jahnke)

Reinigen von Blechobertlächen - Befettungsmethoden (Sprühund Walzenbefettung) - Partielle Befettung von Platinen - Beispiele für Walzenbefettung - Sprühaniagen

Die Teilnahmegebühr:
€ 960,00 (mehrwertsteuerfrei)
einschl. Unterlagen, Mittagessen und Pausengetränken

So melden Sie sich an:

mit den Angaben:
Veranstaltung Nr.: 28721
Tribologie und Schmierung bei der Blechumformung

Vor- und Nachname, akad. Titel

Technische Akademie Esslingen
Postfach 1265
D-73748 Ostfildern

(0711) 3 40 08-23,-24,-25

Ursula Prezewowsky
Patricia Zink

per Fax:
(0711) 3 40 08-27,-43

per E-Mail:
Anmeldung @ tae.de

aktuelle Informationen
im Internet:


Hinweise zur Anreise erhalten Sie mit der Anmeldebestätigung. Mit der Anmeldung erkennen Sie unsere Geschäftsbedingungen an - insbesondere hinsichtlich der Stornierungs- und Zahiungsmodalitäten. Uber die vollständigen Geschaftsbedingungen (die wir Ihnen auch gerne zusenden) informiert Sie unser Gesamtprogramm. Außerdem können Sie sie in Ihrer Anmeldebestatigung nachlesen.

Brauchen Sie ein Hotelzimmer?
Marianne Merten
Telefon (0711) 34008-40, Fax -43 - E-Mail: Marianne.Merten @ tae.de
(Diese Zimmervermittlung ist ein kostenioser Service der TAE.)

Haben Sie weitere Fragen zum Lehrgang?
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Telefon (0711) 34008-59 - E-Mail: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Weiterbildungsprogramme Tribologie (TAE)

Die Technische Akademie Esslingen bietet zwei Weiterbildungsprogramme Tribologie (TAE) an, die sich jeweils über zwei Jahre erstrecken:

Tribologie (TAE) -1
für Schmierstoffanwender,

Tribologie (TAE) - 2
für Schmierstoffhersteller und -vertreiber.

Nähere Informationen enthalt unsere detaillierte Ubersicht
- bitte fordem Sie sie an.

Das Oualitatsmanagementsystem der Technischen Akademie Esstingen ist nach DIN EN ISO 9001 zertifiziert.

March 2003

Hydraulik flüssigkeiten
11. - 13. Marz 2003
Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

Ostfildern-Nellingen, An der Akademie 5

Die Leitung:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz

Das Thema:

Hydraulik flüssigkeiten

Eigenschaften, Normung und Prüfung, Anwendung

Die Leitung:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
T+S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik,

Der Termin:

11. - 13. Marz 2003 Der Ort:
Ostfildern-Nellingen, An der Akademie 5

Veranstaltung : Nr. 28817/68.614

Nutzen und Ziele:


Schwerpunkt dieses Lehrgangs sind Hydraulikmedien für Anlagen, die nach dem hydrostatischen Prinzip arbeiten.

• Welche Anforderungen werden an Hydraulikflüssigkeiten gestellt?
• Welche Eigenschaften besitzen Hydraulikflüssigkeiten?
• Welche Bedeutung haben Hydraulikflüssigkeiten für den störungsfreien Betrieb von Hydraulikanlagen?
• Welche Wechselbeziehungen bestehen zwischen Dichtungsmaterialien und Hydraulikflüssigkeiten?
• Auf welche Erfahrungen beim praktischen Einsatz unterschiedlicher Hydraulikflüssigkeiten kann zurückgegriffen werden?

Praktiker und Wissenschaftler stellen in kurzen Referaten den Stand der Technik dar. Während des Lehrgangs steht ausreichend Zeit für die Diskussion spezieller Probleme und praktischer Beispiele mit den Dozenten zur Verfügung.

Der Teilnehmerkreis:

Konstrukteure, Betriebsingenieure und andere Betreiber von Hydraulikaniagen, die mit der Gestaltung sowie der Überwachung und Instandhaltung der Aniagen befasst sind, aus dem allgemeinen Maschinenbau, Aniagenbau und Bergbau, für Werkzeugmaschinen, Förderanlagen, Fahrzeuge und Baumaschinen, Mitarbeiter aus Entwicklung und Technischem Dienst der Mineralölindustrie

Die Dozenten:

Pro f. Dr.-Ing. WilfriecI J. Bartz, T+S Tribologie uund Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Bock, Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim
Dr. Edgar Freitag, Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnik GmbH, Schwalmstadt
Dipl.-Ing. Henrik Helnemann, Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim
Dipl.-Ing. Henrik Kar/, Pali GmbH Machinery and Equipment, Dreieich
Günter Hertel, D. A. Stuart GmbH, Wuppertal
Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Krethe, Wearcheck GmbH, Brannenburg
Dr. Günter Peschk, Beilstein
Dr. W. David Phillips, Great Lakes Chemical Corporation, Manchester (United Kingdom)
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Reichel, Sachverständiger für Hydraulik in der Antriebstechnik, Essen
Dr. Christian Seyfert, Fuchs Petrolab AG, Mannheim
Dr. Dieter Staeck, Tornesch
Dr. Raiph G. Weyandt, Institut Fresenius Chemische und Biologische Laboratorien GmbH, Taunusstein

Das Programm:

Dienstag, 11. Marz 2003
8.30 bis 12.00 und 13.00 bis 18.45 Uhr

1. Einführung in die hydraulische Leistungsübertragung (W. J. Bartz)

Elemente hydraulischer Leistungsübertragung - Hydraulisches Prinzip - Hydraulikaniage - Vor- und Nachteile hydraulischer Leistungsübertragung - Komponenten und Leistungsfluss - Energieverluste - Betrieb von Hydraulikaniagen - Anforderungen an die Hydraulikfiussigkeit

2. Mineralölbasische Hydraulikflüssigkeiten - Aufbau, Eigenschaften und Normung (W. J. Bartz)

Rohöl: Charakteristik; Verarbeitung; Additivierung; Hydrauliköl - Eigenschaften: Rohöleinfluss, p/t-Verhalten, Gaslöslichkeit, typische Analysen - Anforderungen an Hydrauliköle: Keep clean, Multimetall-Vertraglichkeit, Materialermudung, Demulgiervermögen, Rostschutz - Instandhaltung/Pflege von Aniagen und Öl - Stand Anforderungsnorm DIN 51524 - Hydraulikflüssigkeiten auf Pflanzenölbasis - Normung Hydrauliköle

3. Biologisch schnell abbaubare Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (W. J. Bartz)

Anforderungen an umweltverträgliche Hydraulikflüssigkeiten: grundsätzliche Anforderungen, Gesundheits- und Wassergefährdung - Eigenschaften umweltverträglicher Hydraulikflüssigkeiten: verfügbare Flüssigkeiten, Vergleich wichtiger Eigenschaften, Aufbau umweltverträglicher Hydraulikflüssigkeiten, Vergleich kennzeichnender Eigenschaften - Verhalten umweltverträglicher Hydraulikflüssigkeiten in der Praxis - Normung und Standardisierung - Entsorgung

4. Anwendung und Überwachung mineralölbasischer Hydraulikflüssigkeiten in der Praxis (H. Heinemann)

Hydrostatische und hydrodynamische Funktionen - Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften der Hydrauliköle - Anforderungen an Hydrauliköle im praktischen Betrieb - Gebrauchtälanalysen - Nationale und internationale Normung - Anwendungsbeispiele

5. Filtration von Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (H. KarI)

Welche Verschmutzungsquellen existieren? - Yerschleißmechanismen - Definition der ÖIreinheit mit Hilfe von Normen - Filterleistungsdaten - Welche Filterkonzepte gibt es? - Wie sauber soli die Hydraulikfiussigkeit sein?

6. Gase in Hydraulikölen (D. Staeck)

Löslichkeit von Gasen - Henryscher Gesetz-Bunsen-Koeffizient - Luft-ln-Öl-Dispersionen - Stokessches Gesetz - Luftabscheidevermögen - Kompressibilität - Kavitation - Oberflachenschaum

7 Bauformen von Hydraulikdichtungen (E. Freitag)

Einteilung der HY-Dichtungen - Bauformen - Dichtungen - Abstreifer - Führungen - Dichtungswerkstoffe - Funktion - Einflüsse auf den Dichtvorgang - Anwendungsbeispiele - Dichtungssysteme - Primär- und Sekundärdichtung

Mittwoch, 12. Marz 2003
8.30 bis 12.30 und 13.45 bis 17.30 Uhr

8. Wechselbeziehungen von konventionellen und biologisch abbaubaren Hydraulik-DrückfIussigkeiten mit elastomeren Dichtungswerkstoffen (G. Peschk)

Auswahl der in hydraulischen Bauelementen einsetzbaren Basiselastomere - Ternperatureinsatzgrenzen von Druckmedien und Dichtungswerkstoffen - Prufmethoden zur chemischen, physikalischen und mechanischen Beständigkeit von Dichtungswerkstoffen, Werkstoffvergleich und Einsatzempfehiungen

9. Nichtwassnge schwer entflammbare Hydraulik flüssigkeiten (W. D. Phillips)

Hydraulikflüssigkeiten - Phosphatester - Carboxylatester - Chlorierte Biphenyle - „Cocktail-Flussigkeiten" - Schwerentflammbarkeit - Oxidationsbestandigkeit - Hydrolytische Beständigkeit

10. Wasserhaltige Hydraulikflüssigkeiten - Anforderungen und Eigenschaften (G. Hertel, U. Schmitz)

Gruppeneinteilung - Kennzeichnung - Identifizierung - Verschleißschutz - Alterungsbestandigkeit - Verträglichkeitsmerkmale - Entflammbarkeit und selbsttatiges Weiterbrennen - Arbeitsschutz - Umweltverträglichkeit - Entsorgung - Neuere Entwicklungen

11. Schwer entflammbare Hydraulikflüssigkeiten in Industrie, Bauwesen und Bergbau (W. Bock)

Definition und Beurteilung der Schwerentflammbarkeit - Typen schwer entflammbarer Flüssigkeiten - Technische Kriterien optimaler Anwendung - Humantoxische und umweitschonende Aspekte

12. Wasserhydrauliken (J. Reichel)

Klarwasser als Hydraulikflüssigkeit - Physikalische und biologische Eigenschaften - Maßnahmen und Erfahrungen für den Betrieb von Hydrauliksystemen - Anwendungsbeispiel

13. Prüfung von Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (J. Reichel)

Arten von Druckflüssigkeiten - Eigenschaften - Genormte Mindestanforderungen - Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung des Verschleißschutzvermögens - Laborprüfmaschinen - Mechanische Prüfung in Pumpentests - Prüfung der Gebrauchstauglichkeit - Walzlagerlebensdauer - Einfluss von Verunreinigungen - Alterungsverhalten - Zweck der Prüfungen und daraus resultierende Vorteile für den Anwender

Donnerstag, 13. Marz 2003
8.30 bis 11.30 und 13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr

14. Uberwachung von Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (C. Seyfert)

Konzepte der Zustandsuberwachung: Warum Uberwachung / Anderung von Eigenschaften im Betrieb - Konzepte zur Überwachung - Laboruntersuchungen: Probenahme - Chemisch/physikalische Kenndaten - Verunreinigungen/Verschleiß - Beurteilung von Sonderfiussigkeiten (z.B. HFA/HFC) - Vor-Ort-Untersuchungen: Einfache Tests (z.B. optisch) - RULER - On-line-Uberwachung: Betriebsparameteruberwachung - Partikelzahiung - Sensorik (Dielektrische GróBen, Wassergehalt, Viskositat)

15. Ölanałysen zur Früherkennung von Hydraulikausfällen und zur Schadensanałyse (R. Krethe) Trendanalyse zur Beobachtung des Maschinenzustandes - Ermittlung des optimalen Olwechselinten/alls - Probeentnahme: wann, wo, wie? - Testverfahren und ihre Aussagekraft - Ölanalysen und Korrekturrnaßnahmen - Typische Praxisbeispiele

16. Allgemeine Mikrobiologie wasserbasischer Arbeitsflüssigkeiten (R. G. Weyandt) Mikroorganismen - Mikrobielle Materialzerstörung - Nachweistechniken - Biozidwirksamkeit - Adaptation/Resistenzbildung - Prüfverfahren

17. Hygienische Aspekte von wasserbasischen Arbeitsfluiden (R. G. Weyandt)

Umgang mit biologischen Agenzien - Hygienisch relevante Mikroorganismen - Gefahrdungspotenziale am Arbeitsplatz - Anlagenüberwachung - Ökologische und ökonomische Aspekte - Fallbeispiele

Die Telinahmegebühr:

€ 960,00 (mehrwertsteuerfrei)
einschl. Unterlagen, Mittagessen und Pausengetränken

So melden Sie sich an:

mit den Angaben:
Veranstaltung Nr.: 28817

Vor- und Nachname, akad. Titel

Technische Akademie Esslingen
Postfach 1265
D-73748 Ostfildern

(0711) 3 40 08-23,-24, -25

Ursula Prezewowsky
Patricia Zink

per Fax:

per E-Mail:
Anmeldung @ tae.de

aktuelle Informationen
im Internet:

Hinweise zur Anreise erhalten Sie mit der Anmeldebestatigung. Mit der Anmeldung erkennen Sie unsere Geschaftsbedingungen an - insbesondere hinsichtiich der Stornierungs- und Zahiungsmodalitäten. Uber die vollständigen Geschäftsbedingungen (die wir Ihnen auch gerne zusenden) informiert Sie unser Gesamtprogramm. Außerdem können Sie sie in Ihrer Anmeldebestätigung nachlesen.

Brauchen Sie ein Hotelzimmer?

Marianne Merten
Telefon (0711) 34008-40, Fax -43 - E-Mail: Marianne.Merten @ tae.de
(Diese Zimmervermittiung ist ein kostenioser Service der TAE.)

Haben Sie weitere Fragen zum Lehrgang?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Telefon (0711) 34008-59 - E-Mail: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Weiterbildungsprogramme Tribologie (TAE)

Die Technische Akademie Esslingen bietet zwei Weiterbildungsprogramme Tribologie (TAE) an, die sich jeweils über zwei Jahre erstrecken:

Tribologie (TAE) -1
für Schmierstoffanwender,

Tribologie (TAE) - 2
für Schmierstoffhersteller und -vertreiber.

Nähere Informationen enthält unsere detaillierte Ubersicht
- bitte fordem Sie sie an.

Das Oualitatsmanagementsystem der Technischen Akademie Esslingen ist nach DIN EN ISO 9001 zertifiziert.

Einsatz von Wälzlagern bei extremen Betriebs- und Umgebungsbedingungen

Termin: 24.03.2003 - 25.03.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Dr.-Ing. Erich Kleinlein
Referenten: Dr.-Ing. E. Kleinlein Industrieberatung Wälzlagertechnik, Gochsheim
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: Wälzlagerschmierung bei extremen Einsätzen
    * Hochleistungsschmierstoffe * Auswahl von Werkstoffen und Wärmebehandlung * Mikro- und Makrogeometrie zur Optimierung von Reibungsverhalten, Schmierungszustand und Lagerlebensdauer * Schmierung bei hoher Belastung, Stoßbeanspruchung * Festschmierstoffe, Compounds und Beschichtungen * Schmierfrist und Nachschmierung * Schmierung bei extremen Umgebungsbedingungen * Betrieb bei hohen Drehzahlen * Wellenabdichtungen * Wechselwirkungen verschiedener Schmierstoffe, Schmierstoffveränderungen, Verträglichkeit mit Lager- und Dichtungsmaterialien * Wälzlager bei oszillierender Beanspruchung * Trends
Teilnahmegebühr: 700 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 28895
Prospekt anzeigen

Entsorgung, Verwendung und Aufbereitung gebrauchter Schmieröle und Kühlschmierstoffe

Termin: 26.03.2003 - 27.03.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Dr. H.-P. Baumert, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn
Chem.-Ing. H.-J. Bradke, IWL Institut für gewerbliche Wasserwirtschaft und Luftreinhaltung Köln, Erfstadt-Liblar
Dr. rer. nat. D. Bruhnke, Mineralöl-Raffinerie Dollbergen GmbH, Uetze-Dollbergen
Dr. R. Freitag, Castrol Industrial GmbH, Mönchengladbach
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. J.-D. Herbell, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg,
Dipl.-Ing. H. Kißler, ABAG – itm GmbH, Fellbach
Dipl.-Ing. E. Merschbrock, Ingenieurbüro Merschbrock, Rietberg
Dipl.-Ing. H. Meyer, Miele & Cie. GmbH & Co., Oelde
R. Röhrig, KrW Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallverwertungs-Gesellschaft mbH, Köln
W. Szramka, Baufeld-Mineralölraffinerie, Duisburg
Dr. B. Widmann, Technische Universität München, Freising

Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.

Konsequenzen aus dem Urteil des EuGH zur Altölentsorgung in Deutschland für die Umgestaltung des Rechts der Altölentsorgung * Beseitigung von Gebrauchtemulsionen – Verfahren und Anlagen zur Spaltung von Emulsionen und zur Abscheidung von Ölen und Fetten * Multiraffinate aus Altölen * Umweltrelevanz von Schmierstoffen und Altöl, Anfall und Verbleib gebrauchter Schmierstoffe * Entsorgung von Altöl in der Sondermüllverbrennung * Wirtschaftlichkeitsaspekte bei Einsatz und Entsorgung von Kühlschmierstoffen * Automatische Kühlschmierstoffpflege – Der Weg zur Standzeitverlängerung und Kosteneinsparung in der Metallbearbeitungsbranche * Aufbereitung von Metallbearbeitungsölen * Sammlung und Transport von Altöl und mineralölhaltigen Abfällen * Abfallrechtliche Behandlung von Pflanzenölen * Möglichkeiten der energetischen und stofflichen Verwertung von Hydraulikölen auf Rapsölbasis

Teilnahmegebühr: 770 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 28921
Prospekt anzeigen

Tribologie und Schmierung bei Windkraftanlagen

Termin: 31.03.2003 - 02.04.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Dr. B. Bauer, SKF GmbH, Schweinfurt
Dr. rer. nat. E. Becker, Flender Service GmbH, Herne
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) W. Göbel, SKF GmbH, Schweinfurt
Dipl.-Ing. Gregorius, Castrol Industrie GmbH, Mönchengladbach
Chem.-Ing. (grad.) H. Grupp, Allianz-Zentrum für Technik GmbH, München
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. W. Haas, Universität Stuttgart
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) R. Karbacher, FAG OEM und Handel AG, Schweinfurt
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) D. Kempkes, Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Weilerbach
Dr.-Ing. J. Loos, RWTH Aachen
Dr. U. Mann, Klüber Lubrication KG, München
H. S. Möller, ELSAM A/S, Fredericia, Dänemark
Dr.-Ing. A. Schmidt, HYDAC Fluidtechnik GmbH, Sulzbach
G. Schmitt, HYDAC Fluidtechnik GmbH, Sulzbach
Dr.-Ing. J. Theißen, A. Flender GmbH, Bocholt
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: Zustandsüberwachung von Windkraftanlagen
    * Condition Monitoring an Triebsträngen von Windenergieanlagen * Wälzlager für Windkraftanlagen * Lubrication Selection for the Horns Reef Wind Farm * Spezialschmierstoffe in Windkraftanlagen * Anforderungen Wälzlagerschmierstoffe in Windkraftanlagen * Anforderungen an Schmierstoffe und Getriebeöle für Windkraftanlagen * Windenergieanlagen zuverlässig abdichten * Schmierung der Hauptwellenlager * Getriebetechnik und -schmierung für Windkraftanlagen * Kühlung und Filtration von Getriebeöl in Windkraftanlagen * Graufleckentragfähigkeit der Getriebeöle
Teilnahmegebühr: 960 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 28955
Prospekt anzeigen

March 30 - April 3, 2003
Washington DC, USA
Deadline for abstract: November 22, 2002
  • Wear assessment and monitoring
  • Wear mechanisms and mapping
  • Wear modeling and prediction
  • Materials engineering and the use of coatings to control wear
  • Frictional behavior associated with wear
  • Wear of materials for medical applications
  • Wear of materials at the nano-scale
  • Wear modeling, including computer simulations
  • Wear test methods and standards (jointly organized by ASTM-G2)
Special sessions are being organised for the following topics:
  • Wear of materials for medical applications
  • Wear of materials at the nano-scale
  • Wear modelling, including computer simulations
  • Wear test methods and standards (jointly organised by ASTM-G2)
  • Keynote lectures will provide critical assessments of our current understanding of various aspects of wear.
For full guidelines on submitting an abstract visit:

or contact:
Sarah Wilkinson
WOM 2003 Conference Secretariat
Elsevier Science, The Boulevard, Landford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 843691
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 843958
Email: sm.wilkinson @ elsevier.co.uk

April 2003

Meeting Customer Needs

An international conference on additives for automotive fuels and lubricants: their chemistry, mode of action and tribological performance

1st - 3rd April 2003
Jubilee Campus, Nottingham University, UK

Organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry Industrial Inorganic Chemicals and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Tribology Group.

This meeting will focus on:

  • Recent advances in additive chemistry and function as a way of meeting the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) performance requirements.
  • Product formulation for performance and the link between additive chemistry and emissions.
  • The chemical and tribological aspects of the performance of fuel and lubricant additives.
  • Present and future additive technology in the context of developments by the OEMs in reducing the cost of vehicle ownership.
  • Engine design developments and the use of novel materials including non-ferrous materials, ceramics, coatings and other surface treatments.
  • Tribological performance issues such as fuel economy and retention, wear protection and engine durability.

The aim of the meeting is to bring together the automotive and chemical industries with cademia and provide a multi-disciplinary forum for chemists, engineers and tribologists to share ideas for future developments in the science and technology of fuels and lubricants. This is the third meeting in a series organised by the RSC Industrial Inorganic Chemicals Sector and the Tribology Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

The programme will comprise plenary and contributed oral presentations, as well as poster sessions. Contributed papers are now invited.

Training Day
A one-day training session entitled "An Introduction to Additive Technology" - in association with Octel and Infineum - will be held at Jubilee Campus, Nottingham, UK on 31 March 2003. This session will explain the basic science and technology of additives as well as the terminology and current practice used by the industry. The training day will be beneficial to those who want an introduction to the use of additives in fuels and lubricants including their chemistry, properties and function.

For further information please contact:
Samantha Bradley
Royal Society of Chemistry Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J OBA, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7440 3304
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7734 1227
Email: Industry @ rsc.org

To receive free RSC news by email, register online at:

Lagerungen der Feinwerktechnik

Termin: 02.04.2003 - 03.04.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Dipl.-Ing. G. Bankmann, Schweinfurt
Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. J. Bartz, T + S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
S. Beyer-Faiß, Dr. Tillwich GmbH Werner Stehr, Horb-Ahldorf
Dr. rer. nat. G. Dornhöfer, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart
Dr. F. Franek, Technische Universität Wien, (Österreich)
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) U. Hocke, Mahr GmbH, Göttingen
U. Iffland, Gebr. Reinfurt GmbH & Co. KG, Würzburg
Dipl.-Ing. M. Müller-Brodmann, Schunk Sintermetalltechnik GmbH, Heuchelheim
Dipl.-Phys. W. Scheerer, Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft, Stuttgart
W. Stehr, Dr. Tillwich GmbH, Horb-Ahldorf
Dipl.-Chem. Dr. G. Wahl, Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH, Gießen
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: Gestaltung, Berechnung, Werkstoffe und Schmierung
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
    Wälzlagerungen in der Feinwerktechnik * Grundlagen der Tribologie * Feinwerktechnische Lagerungen * Schmierstoffe in der Feinwerktechnik * Schmierung moderner Tribosysteme in der Feinwerktechnik * Sinter- und Kunststoffgleitelemente * Hochgenaue Kugelführungen für spielfreie Hub- und Drehbewegungen * Kleinkugellager * Sinterlager in der Feinwerktechnik * Reibungs- und Verschleißverhalten von Stahl/Kunststoff- und Kunststoff/Kunststoff-Paarungen * Simulation des tribologischen Verhaltens von Kunststoffgleitlagern * Kohlenstoffgraphit als Lagerwerkstoff * Spezialschmierstoffe
Teilnahmegebühr: 750 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 28971
Prospekt anzeigen

Schmierung von Verbrennungskraftmaschinen

Termin: 09.04.2003 - 11.04.2003 (3 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: C. von Eberan-Eberhorst
Referenten: B. Behring, ESSO Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg
Ir. P. van Donkelaar, Greentech Research sprl, Herbeumont (Belgien)
C. von Eberan-Eberhorst M. A., Hamburg
Dr. R. Freitag, Castrol Industrie GmbH, Mönchengladbach
Dipl.-Ing. M. Gairing, DaimlerChrysler AG, Neuhausen
C. Heine, Wearcheck GmbH, Brannenburg
Dr.-Ing. O. Parr, Ludwigsburg
Dipl.-Ing. G. Vögtle, Augsburg
Dipl.-Ing. D. Voigt, Braunschweig
Dr. M. Völtz, BP Oil International, Hamburg
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
    Motorenschmierstoffe als Partner der Motorenentwicklung * Anforderungen an Schmierstoffe für Kraftfahrzeugmotoren * Grundlagen der Motorenschmierung * Leichtlauföle für Pkw und Nutzfahrzeuge * Motorschmierung bei modernen Pkw-Motoren * Aufbau und Wirkungsweise moderner Motorenölfilterungssysteme * Schmieröle für Großdieselmotoren * Hochleistungsmotorenöle – Internationale Spezifikationen und Praxisanforderungen * Schmierung von 2-Takt-Motoren * Motorenölanalysen und ihre Aussagekraft * Umweltschutzregelungen für Frisch- und Altöl
Teilnahmegebühr: 960 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29032
Prospekt anzeigen

EUROTHERM Seminar nr 73
Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media
15th-17th April, 2003
Mons, Belgium
Contact: Eurotherm 73 Seminar Secretariat (email: eurotherm73 @ fpms.ac.be)

TRIBOLOGY: Science and Applications
April 23-27, 2003
    Deadlines :
    February 28, 2003
    registration to the Conference and reservation of the accommodation in the mansion of the PASc in Vienna
    March 20, 2003 delivery of the one-page abstract of the presentation

Österreichisches Kompetenzzentrum
für Tribologie



Science and Applications

Review Conference on scientific cooperation between
Austria, Poland and their world-wide partners
especially from Middle-European Countries

April 23 - 27, 2003



    I would like to participate in the Conference "Tribology: Science and Application", organized in Vienna from 23 till 27 of April 2003:

    Please type or print in CAPITAL LETTERS (English only):

    Title (Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms.), Family Name, First Name

    Affiliation, Street, City, Postal Code, Country:

    Tel. (including country and area code), Fax, E-mail:

Accommodation request

of nights
Room type
Polish Academy of Sciences, Mansion




31 EURO per night

47 EURO per night

    Mark your preferred accommodation by an "x".
    Your reservation will be accepted according to the rule:
    "first application - first acceptance".
    In case you want to rent a double room, please fill in the name of the second person:

    Arrival Date:  April 22, 2003;
    in case of another day please fill in:   April …. , 2003
    Intended Departure Date:  April ……,2003
    Payment: In case you want to stay in the mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences you are supposed to pay only by cash on your arrival day.

    Date: ……………..     Signature: ………………………

Chairperson and organizer of the conference:

Prof. Marian A. HERMAN

Scientific Centre of the
Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna
Boerhaavegasse 25, A-1030 Wien

Tel.: (+43-1)-713-5929-305,    (+43-1)-713-0383-305
Fax: (+43-1)-713-5929-550,    (+43-1)-713-0383-301
E-mail: herman.viennapan @ ycn.com

Co-organizers of the conference:

  • Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Centre in Vienna
  • Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Chemistry in Płock (WUT)
  • Institute for Terotechnology in Radom
  • Central Petroleum Laboratory in Warsaw
  • State Committee for Scientific Research, Poland

  • Austrian Tribology Society
  • Austrian Centre of Competence for Tribology (AC2T)
  • Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Institute for Micro Technique and Precision Engineering of the Vienna University of Technology
  • Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Austria

Venue of the conference:

Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Scientific Centre in Vienna
Boerhaavegasse 25
A-1030 Wien, Austria

Preliminary list of invited speakers:

  1. Prof. Dr. E. Deulin et al., Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
    The Role of Adsorbed Water Film for Sliding Friction of Smooth and Rough Surfaces

  2. Prof. Dr. K. Hiratsuka et al., Chiba Institute of Technology, Department of Precision Engineering, Chiba, Japan
    Wear and Catalysis

  3. Dr. K. Nakayama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan
    Tribomicroplasma - the Origin, Characteristics and Applications

  4. Dr. R. Nevchoupa, Bauman Moscow State University, Russia
    Mechanoemission: An attempt of Generalized Clasification

  5. Dr. A. Pauschitz et al., Institute for Micro Technique and Precision Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
    Tribological Investigation of Biologically Friendly Lubricants

  6. Doc. Dr. Petr Řepa, Charles University, Department of Electronics and Vacuum Physics, Head of Vacuum Physics Group, Prague
    Outgassing of Metals Induced by Mechanical Action in UHV: A review

  7. Prof. Dr. A. Ritter, VPI & SU, Department of Physics, Blacksburg U.S.A.
    Statistical Characteristics of Vacuum Triboemission

  8. Prof. Dr. M. Szczerek, Institute for Terotechnology, Radom, Poland
    Repeatability and Reproducibility: Problems of Tribology

The aim and scope of the Review Conference

The Conference "TRIBOLOGY: Science and Applications", is devoted to reviewing the current scientific results achieved so far in all of the already realized cooperation projects as well as to the presentation of new offers for mutual Austrian-Polish and Polish-other Middle-European Countries cooperation in the future. It should also summarise the most valuable achievements gained in the preceding years 2001 and 2002 by the cooperating partners from the mentioned countries.

Presentation forms

Only the following oral presentations will be accepted for the conference program:

(a) Invited (35 min+ 10 min disc.)
(b) Contributed (15 min. +5 min. disc)
(c) Advertisements (15 min.)

The subject (title, co-authors and contents) of each presentation should be earlier specified in the form of a short, one- page abstract in English, which should be sent to the organizer of the Conference not later than on

March 20, 2003.

The whole text of the presentation
should be delivered on the first day of the Conference
in hard copy duplicate and in the electronic version
(on a floppy disk).

The conference proceedings volume will be published by the Publishing House (CUN) of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw at the beginning of the year 2004.

February 28, 2003

registration to the Conference and reservation of the accommodation
in the mansion of the PASc in Vienna

March 20, 2003

delivery of the one-page abstract of the presentation

April 23, 2003

arrival at the accommodation place in Vienna and submission
of the complete manuscript of the presentation

Participation expenses:
No registration fee is required
for the Conference participation. The access to the Party and the Banquet is free of charge. The same holds for conference materials as well as for the Proceedings Volume. The participants cover, however, their accommodation and living expenses, as well as travel expenses to Vienna and back.

How to submit an Abstract

Method 1: E-mail Submission
Please save your abstract in a MS Word 6.0 or higher format (Word 2000 preferred) and mail it to herman.viennapan @ ycn.com as an attachment in the form as shown below.
Method 2: Floppy Disk Submission
Please save your abstract in a MS Word 6.0 or higher format (Word 2000 preferred) onto a regular floppy disk (3.5”), carefully label the disk with your name as well as the paper title and mail it to the Conference Chairperson in Vienna.

Abstract example (on format A4)

  1. Title of the intended presentation
    (in capital letters)
  2. Authors: A.B. Unknown*, C.D. Known and E.F. Master
    The affiliation with addresses
  3. ABSTRACT of a presentation: ?
    (insert A for invited, B for contributed or C for advertisement)
    Text not longer than 3000 characters of the computer size 12.
  4. E-mail (or Fax) of the corresponding author:
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    * presenter's name is underlined

    Information concerning the detailed Program of the Conference, as well as confirmation of registration and accommodation, will be given in (and in addition to) the Second Announcement leaflet at the end of March 2003.

    Scientific Committee:


      Prof. Dr. F. Franek, Co-Chairman, General Manager of AC2T Research, Wiener Neustadt
      Dr. A. Pauschitz, Vienna University of Technology (VUT), Tribology and Design Section, Vienna
      Doz. Dr. Ecker, AC2T Research, Wiener Neustadt
      Prof. Dr. H. Störi, VUT, Institut of General Physics, Vienna


      Prof. Dr. hab. C. Kajdas, Co-Chairman, WUT, Institute of Chemistry in Płock
      Prof. Dr. hab. J. Zielinski, Vice-President of the WUT for affairs of the Technical and Social Sciences School in Płock
      Prof. Dr. hab. M. Szczerek - Institute for Terotechnology in Radom, Deputy Director for Scientific Research
      Dr. M. Majzner - WUT, Institute of Chemistry in Płock, Head of the Tribology Laboratory

       Preliminary Programm:
      23.04.Welcome Session:
      Tribotesting, Triboemission, Tribosurface Analysis, Tribochemistry
      24.04.Morning:Visit to the ARCS, Seibersdorf

      Afternoon sessions: Centre of Competence for Tribology, Wiener Neustadt Lubricated Friction & Wear and Diesel Fuel Lubricity

      25.04. - 26.04Symposium: Tribology in Vacuum Tribomechanically Stimulated Outgassing of Metals in UHV, Wear and Catalysis in UHV, Vacuum Triboemission

      27.04.Closing Session: Summarizing Presentations


of the conference

Science and Applications

April 23 - 27, 2003

Wednesday, April 23

[ Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vienna]
King Jan III Sobieski`s conference hall

19:00       Opening Session

Chairperson: M.A.Herman

19:00       Welcome addresses

19:30       Inauguration presentation:

Physics and Chemistry of Tribology
Czesław Kajdas, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

20:15       Concert: The Vienna Music

21:00       Get-together Party in the Knight`s room

Thursday, April 24

  9:00       Bus departure for Seibersdorf

from the entrance to the PASc. mansion in Vienna

10:00       Visit to the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf

welcome address:
Information on the activities of the ARCS labs
Andreas Merstallinger, ARCS, Austria

10:15       Invited presentation 1:

Vacuum Tribology and Cold Welding
Andreas Merstallinger, ARCS, Austria

10:45       Visits to the research laboratories of ARCS
Lunch break

13:00       Bus departure for Wiener Neustadt

13:30       Visit to the Austrian Center of Competence

for Tribology, AC2T
Wiener Neustadt

Welcome address:
Information on the activities of the AC2T research labs
Friedrich Franek, AC2T research, Austria

14:00       Conference Session 1: Lubricated Friction and Wear

Chairperson: Cz.Kajdas

Invited presentation 2:
Title to be given
Friedrich Franek, AC2T research, Austria

14:30       Invited presentation 3:

M.J. Furey, Department of Mechanical Engineering Virginia Tech, USA

15:00       Invited presentation 4:

Tribological investigations of biologically friendly lubricants
Andreas Pauschitz et al., Vienna University of Technology, Austria

15:00       Coffee break

16:00       Conference Session 2: Diesel Fuel Lubricity

Chairperson: A. Ecker

  Invited presentation 5:
Diesel fuel lubricity
George Anastopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

16:30       Contributed presentation 1:

Compatibility and pumpability problems of Diesel fuel additive and methods of their evaluation
R.Kempiński et al., Research and Development Centre for Rafinery Industry, Płock, Poland

16:50       Contributed presentation 2:

Lubricity and tribochemistry of selected CHO and CHNO compounds- a review
M. Majzner et al., Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

17:10       Contributed presentation 3:

How substituents of heteroaromatics influence the lubricity of Diesel fuel
E. Kenesey et al., AC2T research, Austria

17:30       Coffee break

18:10       Conference Session 3: Measurement Techniques

Chairperson: M.Furey

dd>Invited presentation 6:
Repeatability and reproducibility problems of tribotesting
Marian Szczerek, Institute of Terotechnology, Radom, Poland

18:30       Invited presentation 7:

New approach to account for independent tribological test result that cannot be corrected in a simple way
A.Kulczycki et al., Central Petroleum Laboratory,Warsaw, Poland

19:00       Contributed presentation 4 :

An electrochemical technique to measure the wear of metals against polymer in corrosive environment
M. Roy et al., Vienna University of Technology, Austria

19:20       Contributed presentation 5:

Testing the effect of lubrication on the friction and wear of polymers
M.Kozma et al., University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary

19:40       Adjourn

20:00       Conference banquet in Wiener Neustadt

22:00       Bus departure for Vienna

Friday, April 25
Symposium: Tribology in Vacuum

[ Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vienna]
King Jan III Sobieski`s conference hall

  9:00       Welcome address

Czesław Kajdas, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

  9:15       Symposium Session S1: Wear, chemical reactions, and outgassing

Chairperson: R.Nevshupa

Invited presentation S1:
Wear and chemical reactions
K.Hiratsuka et al., Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan

  9:45       Invited presentation S2 :

The role of water coverage at dry friction of smooth and rough surfaces
E.A. Deulin, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia

10:15       Invited presentation S3:

Outgassing of metals induced by mechanical action in UHV (a review)
P. Řepa, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic

10:45       Coffee break

11:15       Symposium Session S2: Triboemission and catalysis

Chairperson: E.Deulin

Invited presentation S4:
Tribomicroplasma - the origin, characteristics, and applications
K.Nakayama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,Tsukuba, Japan

11:45       Invited presentation S5:

Statistical characteristics of vacuum triboemission from abrasion of alumina
A.Ritter et al., Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA

12:15       Invited presentation S6:

Triboemission: an attempt of generalized classification
R. A. Nevshupa, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia

12:45       Contributed presentation CS1:

Low- energy triboelectrons and tribochemistry- a review
G.J.Molina et al., Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, USA


Conference Excursion
to Kreuzenstein Castle


14:15       Bus departure from the PASc. mansion

18:00       Symposium Session S3: Tribology in vacuum

Chairperson: A. Kulczycki

Contributed presentation CS2:
Treatment of surfaces for ultra-high vacuum applications using free radicals
G. Vorlaufer et al., AC2T research, Austria

18:20       Contributed presentation CS3:

Peculiarity of the friction surface of anti-frictional composite material under dry friction vacuum conditions
Y. Simeonova et al., Space Research Institute BASc., Sofia, Bulgaria

18:40       Contributed presentation CS4:

An AFM study to evaluate the nanotribological properties of Ti containg hard carbon/carbide coating
M.Roy et al., Vienna University of Technology, Austria

19:00       Contributed presentation CS5:

Tribology in nano- and mesoscale; an AFM study
A.Ciszewski et al., Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wrocław, Poland

19:20       Coffee break

19:40       Symposium Session S4: Miscellanea

Chairperson: M. Szczerek

Contributed presentation CS6:
Fatigue wear and accompanied texture effects in near-surface areas
J.T.Bonarski et al., Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, PASc.,Cracow,Poland

20:00       Contributed presentation CS7:

Materials for medical applications-investigation on HIP joint balls
Ch. Monetti et al., AC2T research, Austria

20:20       Contributed presentation CS8:

Tribological properties of liquid crystals as lubricant additives
V.Vekteris et al., Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania

20:40       Invited presentation S7 :

Mechanism of water synthesis under Pt/Pt tribological system in vacuum
Cz.Kajdas et al., Warsaw University of Technolgy, Poland

21:10       Closing address

Cz. Kajdas, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

21:30       Adjourn

Saturday, April 26

[ Vienna University of Technology]

10:00       Conference Session 4: Surface Physics

Chairperson: A.L.Ritter

Welcome Address
W.S.M.Werner, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of General Physics, Austria

10:15       Invited presentation 8:

Quantitative electron spectroscopy- fundamentals and applications
W.S.M.Werner, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of General Physics, Austria

10:45       Contributed presentation 6:

Separated elementary kinds of friction; phase changes in the boundary layer
K.Krawczyk, Technical University, Radom, Poland

11:05       Contributed presentation 7:

On the chemical composition of the layers formed during sliding of metallic alloys at high temperature
A. Pauschitz et al., AC2T research, Austria

11:25       Contributed presentation 8:

Parameters determining polymeric coating resistance to tribological wear
under the influence of hard particles impact
D. Kotnarowska et al., Technical University, Radom, Poland

11:45       Contributed presentation 9:

Tribological properties of metallic composites containing glassy carbon
J. Myalski et al., Silesian Technical University, Katowice, Poland

12:05       Adjourn

12:15       Visits to the laboratories of the Vienna University of Technology

13:00       Lunch break, and free time for Vienna sightseeing

19:00       Conference Session 5: Bearing Systems

[ Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences]
Chairperson: K.Hiratsuka

Contributed presentation 10:
Selection of oils for porous bearings
A.Król et al., Military University of Technology,Warsaw,Poland

19:20       Contributed presentation 11:

Investigations of porous bearings saturated by greases
B. Giemza et al., Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

19:40       Contributed presentation 12:

Ecological bearing systems for water turbins
A.Neyman et al., Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

20:00       Contributed presentation 13:

Comparison of functional properties of special and typical rolling Bearings
M. Styp-Rekowski, Technical and Agricultural University, Bydgoszcz,Poland

20:20       Adjourn

Sunday, April 27

[ Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences]

10:00       Conference Session 6: Miscellanea

Chairperson: A. Pauschitz

Invited presentation 9:
Nano- and microscopic characterization of surfaces of engineering materials
K. Kurzydłowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

10:30       Contributed presentation 14:

Lubrication in sheet-metal forming prosesses
J. Adamus, Technical University of Częstochowa, Poland

10:50       Contributed presentation 15:

Adaptation in tribological systems
V.Vekteris, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania

11:10       Contributed presentation 16 :

Environmentally- friendly ecological greases
J. Drabik et al., Institute for Terotechnology, Radom, Poland

11:30       Contributed presentation 17:

Modification of oils tribological properties by addition of metal powders
A.Kotnarowski, Technical University, Radom, Poland

11:50       Contributed presentation 18:

A description of friction coefficient in numerical simulations of forging processes
P. Lacki, Technical University of Częstochowa,Poland

12:10       Coffee break

12:30       Closing Session

Chairperson: K. Kurzydłowski

Advertisement presentation
Central Petroleum Laboratory, Warsaw, Poland
A. Majoch, Warsaw, Poland

12:45       Summarizing presentation

F.Franek, Vienna Technical University, Austria

13:15       Closing address

M.A.Herman, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vienna

13:30       Adjourn

STLE STLE Annual Meeting
April 28th - May 1st 2003

The Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers (STLE) will hold its 58th Annual Meeting & Exhibit program on April 28 - May 1, 2003, in New York City at the Hilton New York hotel. Nearly 1,500 technical professionals from around the world are expected to attend.

The conference program will feature more than 250 presentations in 48 sessions devoted to state-of-the-art research and industry practice, with presenters from academia, government and industry.

The New York meeting is also an opportunity for people to enhance their professional credentials through nine different technical education courses, or by sitting for one of STLE's two professional certification exams - Certified Lubrication Specialist (CLS) or Oil Monitoring Analyst (OMA).

An expanded exhibit program will feature more than 85 companies and organizations presenting the latest in products and services for the lubrication professional.

Information and registration materials for the 2003 Annual Meeting and Exhibition will be mailed in January to STLE members, past attendees, and interested parties. To request registration materials or more information, visit the STLE website at www.stle.org

6th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids
28th-30th April, 2003
Versailles, France
Contact: F. Brionne (email: brionne @ ensic.inpl-nancy.fr)

May 2003

Schäden an geschmierten Maschinenelementen

Termin: 07.05.2003 - 08.05.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: CH-06060 Sarnen

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. J. Bartz, T + S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf

Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: Gleitlager – Wälzlager – Zahnräder
    Schadensstatistik * Rolle des Schmierstoffs bei Schäden an Maschinenelementen * Zahnradschäden, Wälzlagerschäden, Gleitlagerschäden – Analyse und Verhütung
Teilnahmegebühr: 1390 CHF
Lehrgangsnummer: 29084
Prospekt anzeigen

Grundlagen der Schmierstoffe und ihre Anwendungen, Teil I + II

Termin: 12.05.2003 - 16.05.2003 (5 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. J. Bartz, T+S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
    >Teil I: Grundlagen (12. – 14. Mai)
    (Veranstaltung Nr. 29108.1/68.621)
    Inhalt: Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive für Schmierstoff, Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb – Ölanalyse zur Beurteilung von Schmierstoff und Reibstelle, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften, Viskosität und Fließverhalten

    Teil II: Anwendungen (15. u. 16. Mai) Inhalt: Getriebeschmierstoffe * Motorenschmierstoffe * Verdichterschmierstoffe * Hydraulikanlagen und -flüssigkeiten * Schmierstoffe für Metallbearbeitung: spanende Bearbeitung, Umformung

Teilnahmegebühr: Teil I + II: EUR 1.230,00

Teilnahmegebühr: 1230 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29108
Prospekt anzeigen

Grundlagen der Schmierstoffe und ihre Anwendungen, Teil I: Grundlagen

Termin: 12.05.2003 - 14.05.2003 (3 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. J. Bartz, T+S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.

Teil I: Grundlagen
    Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive für Schmierstoff, Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb – Ölanalyse zur Beurteilung von Schmierstoff und Reibstelle, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften, Viskosität und Fließverhalten
Teilnahmegebühr: 880 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29108.1
Prospekt anzeigen

7th Asian Symposium on Visualization
26th-30th May, 2003
Singapore, Republic of Singapore
Contact: 7ASV Secretariat (email: 7ASV @ nus.edu.sg)

June 2003

TRIMIS 2003 in Neuchatel, Switzerland June 01-03,2003
01 - 03 June, 2003
Neuchôtel • Switzerland
Tel. direct + 41 32 720 5269
Fax direct + 41 32 720 5740
E-mail: henry.haefke @ csem.ch
A workshop focusing on the tribology of microsystems - TRIMIS 2003 - will take place in Neuchatel, Switzerland, between 01 - 03 June, 2003. The two-day workshop is being organized by CSEM. The objective is to provide a forum for experts in fabricating microsystems and tribologists involved in micro and nanotribology to discuss problems and find solutions for the critical tribological issues associated with microsystems.

The Invited Speakers at this workshop will be (tentatively):
Prof.Koji Kato, Tohoku University, Japan
Prof. Nico de Rooij, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Prof. Zygmunt Rymuza, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Mike Dugger, Sandia National Laboratory, USA

Vendor Exhibits:
Interested exhibitors are invited to present their equipment at the meeting. Please contact Ms. Karin Chabloz (Tel: +41 32 720 55 75, kch @ csem.ch) for more information.

Abstract Submission:
You are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation at the meeting. For further information please visit the workshop website: www.csem.ch/trimis/trimis-2003.pdf or connect to www.csem.ch - then click the button EVENTS - then TRIMIS.

Henry Haefke
Section Head, Micro and NanoMaterials
Surface Engineering

Emerging Technologies and Techniques in Porous Media
9th-20th, June, 2003
Neptun-Olimp, Black Sea, Romania
Contact: Contact: Professor Derek B. Ingham (email: amt6dbi @ amsta.leeds.ac.uk)

2003 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on
Micromechatronics for Information
and Precision Equipment
June 16-18th, 2003
Yokohama, Japan
11/30/02: submission of a one-paragraph abstract
12/31/02: Notification of acceptance
3/31/02: Camera-ready 2-page manuscript for conference
6/18/03: Full paper manuscript.

Dear Colleagues:
You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to the conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE) on June 16-18th, 2003 at Yokohama, Japan. This conference is organized jointly by the Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS) division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the Information, Intelligent, and Precision (IIP) equipment division of the Japanese society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). A large portion of this conference addresses mechanical engineering aspects of data storage and information processing applications and hence, might be of interest to you.

Some important dates of the conference are as follows.

11/30/02: submission of a one-paragraph abstract through the conference web site: http://www.jsme.or.jp/iip/IIP-ISPS-Joint-MIPE.html. (Deadline would be extended somewhat because of the Thanksgiving holiday in US).
12/31/02: Notification of acceptance
3/31/02: Camera-ready 2-page manuscript for conference
6/18/03: Full paper manuscript.
Thank you very much for your attention of this issue. Look forward to receiving your contribution.
Sincerely yours,

Conferece chairman
2003 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE)

Mitsuya, Y. (Yasunaga Mitsuya)
Nagoya University
Dept. of Electronic-Mechanical Engineering
Tel. +81 52 789 2784
Fax. +81 52 789 3129
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603

Aktive und passive Magnetlager

Termin: 17.06.2003 - 18.06.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dr. Johan K. Fremerey,Dr. Thomas Gempp,Dipl.-Ing. Christof Klesen,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Nordmann,Dr. Reto Schöb,Dr. A. Traxler,Bruno Wagner,Dipl.-Ing. Otto Linnemann,Dr.-Ing. R. Keuper
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
Teilnahmegebühr: 750 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29207

Prospekt anzeigen

June 23-26, 2003
Berlin, Germany
Deadline for abstract: January 15, 2003
    Scope and Topics
  • Surface Science
  • Surface Analysis
  • Thin Films and Coatings
  • Nanotechnology
  • Electronic Materials
  • Biosurfaces
  • Vacuum Science and Technology

2nd International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2003)
23rd-26th, June, 2003
Contact: Contact: HEFAT2003 Secretariat (email: hefat2003 @ mweb.co.za)

Wälzlagertechnik, Teil B

Termin: 25.06.2003 - 27.06.2003 (3 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. J. Bartz, T + S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
Dipl.-Ing. U. Brockmüller, Techn. Beratung Wälzlager, Oberwerrn
Dipl.-Ing. M. Burckhardt, RWTH Aachen
Dr.-Ing. G. Ellmer, Ingenieure Prof. Sturm + Partner GmbH, Dresden
Dr.-Ing. E. Kleinlein, Industrie-Beratung-Wälzlagertechnik-Tribologie, Gochsheim
Dipl.-Ing. H. Köttritsch, SKF Österreich AG, Steyr (Österreich)
Dipl.-Ing. G. Morgenstern, manasscon Management Assistance & Consulting, Mettmann
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. A.-G. Ruß, Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) R. Sternagel, CEROBEAR GmbH, Herzogenrath
Dipl.-Ing. H. Velde, SKF Linearsysteme GmbH, Schweinfurt
Dipl.-Ing. H.-D. Willeke, FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schäfer AG, Schweinfurt
Dr. rer. nat. F. Wunsch, München
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: (Sonder-)Typen – Auswahl – Tribologie – Schmierstoffe – Überwachung
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
    Wälzlagerschmierstoffe * Wälzlagerschäden * Tribologische Gesichtspunkte bei der Auswahl und Auslegung funktionsgerechter Lagerungen * Keramische Beschichtungen von Wälzlagern * Überwachung von Wälzlagerungen * Wälzlagerschmierung * Wälzlager zwischen normaler und optimaler Funktionserfüllung * Elastohydrodynamische Schmierung von Wälzlagern * Schmierstoffversorgung von Wälzlagern mit Ölen und Fetten * Wälzlagertypen * Kegelrollenlager als moderne Maschinenelemente * Keramikwälzlager * Auswahlkriterien für Linearführungssysteme * Produktivitätserhöhung durch die Verwendung geteilter Wälzlager * Langzeit- und Extremschmierung mit Fetten und Festschmierstoffen
Teilnahmegebühr: 960 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29229
Prospekt anzeigen

PROBLEMS AND PROSPECT of the propulsion engineering DEVELOPMENT

June 26-27, 2003
SAMARA, Russia
Deadline for abstract: January 15, 2003
Applications for participation should be submitted to our address before April 15, 2003.
Materials for publication should be submitted before April 15, 2003 (abstracts) and before June 30, 2003 (articles).

Conference Object
Directional detection of the most actual lines and total experience generalization in the areas of scientific investigation, design, construction strength, reliability, production, backfitting and engineering personnel training for aerospace and other branches of industry
Conference Themes:
  • The reliability problems of engines, power supply installations and their systems;
  • Development prospects and use of engines for aviation, space - rocket systems, motor transport mechanical engineering and stationary power supply installations;
  • Aircraft engines conversions problems;
  • Operation processes and engines theory;
  • Construction strength and reliability of engines and their systems;
  • Wear and tear, friction and reliability of engines friction assembly;
  • Damping and vibration problems in engines;
  • Burning processes and heat exchange in power supply installations;
  • Propulsion engineering, power engineering and space vehicle ecology problems;
  • Production and advanced technologies in propulsion engineering;
  • Computer-aided design and manufacture of engines;
  • Monitoring and control systems of engines;
  • Personnel training.
Organized by:
Russian Federation Education Ministry
Samara region administration
JSC Samara Scientific and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov
Samara State Aerospace University
Samara scientific centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) named after P.I. Baranov
Association of Aero Engines Manufactures
Academy of Aviation and Aeronautical science
Financial and industrial group LDvigateli NK
Space forces of Russia

Program Committee:
  • Gritsenko Ye. A. - DSc , professor, General Designer ? General Director of the Samara Science and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov ? Chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)
  • Kozlov D.I. - Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc, professor, General Designer ? General Director of State Scientific Company Russian Cosmic Centre "CSKB -PROGRESS"
  • Rynkevitch S.Yu. - PhD, Vice General Director of ROSAVIAKOSMOS
  • Skibin V.A. - Professor, Head of Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) (Moscow)
  • Soifer V.A. - DSc, professor, Rector of Samara State Aerospace University (Samara)
  • Titov K.A. - Governor of Samara region
  • Fridlyanov V.N. - Vice Minister of Industry and Science Ministry
  • Tchuiko V.M. - DSc, professor, President of Aircraft Engine Conctruction Association (Moscow)
  • Shitarev I.L. - DSc, professor, President of Financial ? industrial Group LNK Engines (Samara)
  • Shlenov Yu.V. - Vice Minister of Education Ministry
  • Shorin V.P. - member of Russian Academy of Science, Chairman of Samara Scientific Centre Russian Academy of Science (Samara)
Organizing Committee:
  • Gritsenko Ye. A. - DSc , professor, General Designer ? General Director of the Samara Science and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov. Chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)
  • Veretennikov V.G. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Moscow Institute of Aviation (Technical University) (Moscow)
  • Ganin A.A. - PhD, Director of Volga branch of JSC Research-and-Production Association „Energomash”
  • Galdin A.A. - Director of Public Conversion Promotion Foundation (Samara)
  • Gortyshov Ju.F. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Kazan Technical University (Kazan)
  • Daniltchenko V.P. - DSc, professor, chief designer of the SSTC named after N.D. Kuznetsov (Samara)
  • Doronin V.I. - Head of Samara Industry and Trade Department
  • Zhernakov V.S. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Ufa State Aviation (Technical University) (Ufa)
  • Ignachkov S.M. - First Deputy General Designer of the SSTC named after N.D. Kuznetsov (Samara)
  • Kirilin A.N. - PhD, The LPROGRESS Works Director (Samara)
  • Kurbatov V.P. - PhD, The LMOTOROSTROITEL JSC Technical Director (Samara)
  • Noznitskyi Ju.A. - DSc, Deputy Head of Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) (Moscow)
  • Ovchinnikov V.N. - PhD. General Director of JSC, Samara Design Bureau Machine-Building (DBMB)
  • Pavlenko V.F. - DSc, professor, First Vice-President of Academy of Aviation and Aeronautical science
  • Petrenko S.A. - DSc, professor, Director and Chief Constructor of Design Office of Russian Cosmic Company L Energiya
  • Shakhmatov Je.V. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Samara State Aerospace University, Vice-chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)

  • The oficial languages of the Conference are Russian and English
  • Participation presupposes:
    presentation of reports, advertising presentations, poster presentations, demonstration of commercial products, participation as listener.
  • Collections of abstracts and articles will be published on the basis of the conference materials.
  • Applications for participation should be submitted to our address before April 15, 2003.
  • Materials for publication should be submitted before April 15, 2003 (abstracts) and before June 30, 2003 (articles).
  • Registration fee is 200 US dollars (three hundred roubles for Russian citizens).
  • Program and collection of abstracts will be handed out to participants on the day the conference opens.
Materials are to meet the following requirements:
  • Language publications Russian or English
  • Number of pages: abstract up to 2; article up to 7
  • Text: - typewritten (hard copy) and diskette 3.5"
  • Text WinWord
  • Page format: A5 (148 x 210 mm)
  • Margins: 20 mm top, bottom, right, left
  • Script: - 10 point; type - Times New Roman
  • Figures, tables, graphs are allowed in the text
  • Title is printed in capital letters. Below after a space follow the authors` last name and initials printed in small letters. Then after a space comes the complete name of the organisation and city after another space follows the text printed with one space between the lines.
Please send Your papers to the address:
443086 Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34,
Samara State Aerospace University, Faculty No.2.

Contact telephones:
(846 - 2) - 34-79-22;
35-74-22; 35-74-39

e-mail: fdla @ ssau.ru

web: www.ssau.ru/conferences/conf_06.2003_en.shtml

Grundlagen der Schmierstoffe und ihre Anwendungen, Teil I + II

Termin: 30.06.2003 - 04.07.2003 (5 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert
    In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.

    Teil I: Grundlagen (12. – 14. Mai)
    (Veranstaltung Nr. 29108.1/68.621)
    Inhalt: Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive für Schmierstoff, Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb – Ölanalyse zur Beurteilung von Schmierstoff und Reibstelle, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften, Viskosität und Fließverhalten

    Teil II: Anwendungen (15. u. 16. Mai)
    Inhalt: Getriebeschmierstoffe * Motorenschmierstoffe * Verdichterschmierstoffe * Hydraulikanlagen und -flüssigkeiten * Schmierstoffe für Metallbearbeitung: spanende Bearbeitung, Umformung

    Teilnahmegebühr: Teil I + II: EUR 1.230,00

Teilnahmegebühr: 1230 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29252
Prospekt anzeigen

Grundlagen der Schmierstoffe und ihre Anwendungen, Teil I: Grundlagen

Termin: 30.06.2003 - 02.07.2003 (3 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert
    In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.

    Teil I: Grundlagen

    Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive für Schmierstoff, Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb – Ölanalyse zur Beurteilung von Schmierstoff und Reibstelle, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften, Viskosität und Fließverhalten

Teilnahmegebühr: 880 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29252.1
Prospekt anzeigen

July 2003

The Fourteenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-14)
6th-10th July, 2003
Bali, Indonesia
Contact: Contact: Dr. Yanuar (email: istpl4 @ yahoo.com | istpl4 @ eng.ui.ac.id | yanuardr @ yahoo.com)

International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics 2003).
AIM2003 will be held in Kobe, JAPAN on July 20-24, 2003.

We would be grateful if you are interested in the conference and consider to submit papers.
We now provide a web-based electronic paper submission procedure so that you could submit papers easilly.
July 20 - 24, 2003
Kobe, Japan
Paper Submission
- December 20, 2002, Electronic Submission of Full-Length Papers
- March 14, 2003, Notification of Acceptance
- April 18, 2003, Electronic Submission of Final camera-Ready

Please contact the Tutorial/Workshop Chair for the proposals by November 29, 2002.

Tutorial/Workshop Chair:
Prof.Luigi Glielmo (Universita del Sannio in Benevento, Italy)
glielmo @ unisannio.it
Please find further information on our web site, http://www.aim2003.org/
For further inquiries and any questions, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to meeting you in Kobe next year !

Best Regards,

Shigeki Sugano, General Chair
aim2003 @ sugano.mech.waseda.ac.jp

Hideki Hashimoto, Program Chair
aim2003pc @ sugano.mech.waseda.ac.jp

The Tribology Groups of the Institute of Physics and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers are staging a:
One Day Meeting - Tuesday 22nd July 2003
Workshop - Wednesday 23rd July 2003
Robinson College

Speakers will include:

Prof. K L Johnson (University of Cambridge); Prof. M Ciavarella (Politecnico di Bari); Dr A Kapoor (University of Sheffield); Prof. L Josefson (Chalmers University); Dr C Davis (University of Birmingham); Dr H P Evans (University of Cardiff); Dr E J Myers (University of Newcastle); Dr A Olver (Imperial College); Mr A Lee (Torotrack).

Workshop for invited participants: 9.30-12.30 Wednesday 23rd July.

Those above plus, Fujii (NTN Bearings); Morales-Espejel (SKF); Loughton (Railway Safety Ltd); Ventry (AEAT Rail); Sawley/Dembosky (TTCI).

For further information please contact:

John Williams/Margaret Stack

August 2003

2nd International Symposium on Stability Control of Rotating Machinery
4th-8th August, 2003
Gdańsk, Poland
Contact: Jeanette A. Cox (email: jeanette.cox @ bpb-co.com)

International Symposium on Transient Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Single and Two-phase Flows, TRCON-03
17th-22nd August, 2003
Cesme, Turkey
Contact: Prof. Faruk Arinc (email: arinc @ metu.edu.tr)

International Workshop
August 18-20, 2003
Tomsk, Russia
April 1, 2003 - Second announcement
May 1, 2003 - Deadline for registration form and abstract submission
June 1, 2003 Notification of acceptance of paper presentation
August 18-23, 2003 - Submission of manuscripts for publication
    Organized by
  • Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
  • Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
  • International Scientific Center for Physical Mesomechanics of Materials
  • Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • Institute of Geophysics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA
  • Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • European Structural Integrity Society
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research
  • Berlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany
About twenty years ago a new paradigm - a concept of structural levels of deformation of solids - was formulated. Over the past years this concept has been treated theoretically and tested experimentally. This gave rise to the development of a new scientific trend - Physical Mesomechanics, which allows one to relate mechanics of the solids under loading to the physics of plasticity and strength.
Physical Mesomechanics considers solids under loading as a multilevel self-organized system where shear stability loss occurs in a self-consistent way at micro-, meso- and macroscale levels. A basic act of plastic flow is "shear+rotation". It gives rise to dissipative mesostructures and fragmentation of solids at the mesolevel. Fracture is the final stage of fragmentation of solids where its global shear stability loss occurs at the macrolevel. In last ten years a large body of experimental and theoretical research of behavior of solids under loading were done at micro-, meso- and macroscale levels. The results of these investigations allow one to refine understanding of the mechanisms of deformation and fracture of solids in various conditions of loading.
Physical Mesomechanics was the topic of several international conferences took place in Russia, Israel, Germany, China and Denmark.


The Workshop is intended for discussion of fundamental features and engineering applications of Physical Mesomechanics.
Application of the methods of Physical Mesomechanics to the problems of heterogeneous material response to different loading, fatigue and wear; nondestructive testing, experimental and computational methods, hardening and reconditioning technologies, materials for electronics will be in the focus of the Workshop. A special session will be devoted to geodynamics.
There will be Plenary sessions including key-note lectures. Round table and poster sessions will also be organized.
    Foundations of Physical Mesomechanics
  • Main Features of Physical Mesomechanics
  • Main Tools of Physical Mesomechanics
    Application of Physical Mesomechanics
  • Design of gradient and composite materials
  • Materials with hardened and wear-resistant coatings
  • Nanomaterials
  • Materials for electronics
  • Nondestructive testing
  • Shock-wave loading
  • Geodynamics and tectonics
V. Panin
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS Tomsk, Russia


G. Sih
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
S. Psakhie
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS
Tomsk, Russia D. Klimov Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS Moscow, Russia

R. ArmstrongUniversity of Maryland,
College Park, USA
Y. BaiChinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, China
V. FominInstitute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS,
Novosibirsk, Russia
K. FrolovMechanical Engineering Research Institute, RAS,
Moscow, Russia
S. GoldinInstitute of Geophysics, SB RAS,
Novosibirsk, Russia
R. GoldsteinInstitute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS,
Moscow, Russia
I. GoryachevaInstitute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS,
Moscow, Russia
Y. HongChinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, China
Y. HorieLos Alamos National Laboratory,
Los Alamos, USA
E. KozlovRussian Federal Nuclear Center
Institute of Technical Physics,
Snezhinsk, Russia
V. KuropatenkoRussian Federal Nuclear Center
Institute of Technical Physics,
Snezhinsk, Russia
Ph. LetnikovInstitute of the Earth's Crust, SB RAS,
Irkutsk, Russia
Lu KeInstitute of Metal Research, CAS,
Shenyang, China
P. MakarovInstitute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS,
Tomsk, Russia
V. MyasnikovInstitute of Automation and Control Processes, FEB RAS,
Vladivostok, Russia
K. MillerStructural Integrity Research Institute,
Sheffield, Great Britain
O. NaimarkInstitute of Continuous Media Mechanics, UB RAS,
Perm, Russia
G. OstermeyerBraunschweig Technical University,
Braunschweig, Germany
G. PluvinageMetz University,
Metz, France
V. PopovBerlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany
International Scientific Center for Physical Mesomechanics of Materials
A. RevuzhenkoSiberian Independent University,
Institute of Mining,
Novosibirsk, Russia
E. SantnerBundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM),
Berlin, Germany
S. SchmauderUniversity of Stuttgart,
Stuttgart, Germany
E. ShemyakinMoscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
V. TitovLavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, SB RAS,
Novosibirsk, Russia
S. ToyookaSaitama University,
Saitama, Japan
M. WnukUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Milwaukee, USA
Yu. YanovskiiInstitute of Applied Mechanics, RAS,
Moscow, Russia
S. YoshidaSouthern Louisiana University
Hammond, USA
Shou-Wen YuTsinghua University,
Beijing, China

    The Workshop will take place in Tomsk, Russia.
    Tomsk, one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Siberia, was founded in 1604 and it will celebrate the 400th anniversary next year. The wooden architecture of the city, preserved from old times, is harmoniously combined with modern buildings. The present-day Tomsk is an important scientific and cultural center in the east of Russia. The city called Siberian Athens has 6 universities and more than 20 scientific research institutes.
  • April 1, 2003 - Second announcement
  • May 1, 2003 - Deadline for registration form and abstract submission
  • June 1, 2003 Notification of acceptance of paper presentation
  • August 18-23, 2003 - Submission of manuscripts for publication
    A prospective author is requested to submit a 250-500 word abstract in English to the Workshop Secretariat. Abstracts should be sent in hard copy by mail and in electronic form by e-mail (in MS Word or RTF format only) as soon as possible and no later than May 1, 2003.
    A book of abstracts will be published before the Workshop and will be available at the time of registration. The key-note and selected poster papers will be issued in the International Journal 'Physical Mesomechanics'.


  • before August 1, 2003 250$
  • in cash at the registration 270$
  • for accompanying person 160$
    Included in the registration fee:
  • Workshop Program and Book of Abstracts
  • Transportation from Tomsk Airport/ Railway Station to the Conference Hotel
  • Workshop stationary
  • Lunches on August 19,20
  • Coffee breaks
  • Rent of the Conference Hall
  • Welcome cocktail
  • Banquet
    ATTENTION! There is a special discount on the registration fee. For persons who intend to take part in both Mesomechanics'2003 Workshop and CADAMT'2003 Conference the total fee will be:
  • before August 1, 2003 320$
  • in cash at the registration 350$
  • for accompanying person 200$
Dr. Evgenii Alexandrovich Kovalevskii
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS
pr. Academicheskii, 2/1
634021, Tomsk, RUSSIA
Phone: (3822) 258073
Fax: (3822) 259576
E-mail: evgenii @ fed.tomsk.ru

Registration Form
International Workshop
Mesomechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
Tomsk, Russia
August 18-20, 2003
First Name _____________________________________________________________________________
Middle Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Last Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Title 0Prof. 0Dr. 0Mr. 0Ms.
Position _______________________________________________________________________________
Organization ___________________________________________________________________________
Country ________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________Postal code_____________________________________
Mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ________________________________Fax __________________________________________
E-mail _________________________________________________________________________________
0 I intend to present a paper entitled _________________________________________________
Please, return this form to the Workshop Secretariat as soon as possible and no later than May 1, 2003

VIIth International Conference Computer-Aided Design of Advanced Materials and Technologies
August 20-23, 2003
Tomsk, Russia

    Organized by :
  • Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
  • Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
  • International Scientific Center for Physical Mesomechanics of Materials
  • Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • Institute of Geophysics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA
  • Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research
  • Berlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany

International Forum - Symposium on Safety and Economy of Hydrogen Transport, IFSSEHT-2003
18th-21st August, 2003
Sarov, Russia
Contact: IFSSEHT-2003 Secretariat (email: gusev @ sar.ru)

EFMC2003 The 5th Euromech fluid conference 24-28 august 2003
August 24-28, 2003 The European Mechanics Society is an international non-governmental non-profit scientific organisation.

The objective of the society is to engage in all activities intended to promote in Europe the development of mechanics as a branch of science and engineering. Mechanics deals with motion, flow and deformation of matter, be it fluid or solid, under the action of applied forces, and with any associated phenomena.

Letter of the Chairman

The next European Fluid Mechanics Conference will be held in Toulouse (France) from August 24 to August 28, 2003. This conference, organised under the auspices of EUROMECH by the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, will be the fifth in the series started in Cambridge in 1991 and continued in Warsaw (1994), Göttingen (1997) and Eindhoven (2000). The conference will cover the whole field of Fluid Dynamics, ranging from very fundamental aspects to recent applications. This conference will provide a unique opportunity for fluid dynamicists to see what is going on in this very active field in Europe and to exchange their views on recent developments. The conference will comprise invited lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions, and three mini-symposia dealing with selected topics. Selection of papers will be made on the basis of a one-page abstract. Following the general policy of EUROMECH Conferences, no proceedings will be published.


All correspondence can be directed to the EFMC2003 Conference Office.

Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Allée Camille Soula
31400 Toulouse, France

Fax: + 33 (0)5 61 28 59 42
E-mail: efmc2003 @ imft.fr
Web: www.imft.fr/efmc2003

Electronic registration and electronic submission of abstracts are strongly encouraged.
The use of fax and classic mail is restricted to persons for whom electronic means are not available.

Hotel accommodation has to be arranged by the attendees themselves. To help them, a list of hotels with rates and addresses is available at the hotel page. Note that rooms have been pre-booked until June 30, 2003.

Conference schedule

November 1, 2002: Registration possible on the Web site.
December 10, 2002: Deadline for abstracts submission (1 page). Texts must follow the guidelines sent out and given on the Web site. The authors must also specify preference for an oral or a poster presentation.
January 10, 2003: Deadline for application for young researchers' fellowships.
March 1, 2003: Notification of acceptance (oral or poster). Preliminary programme is drawn up and made available on the Web site.
April 1, 2003: Notification of acceptance of fellowships for young researchers.
May 1, 2003: Deadline for registration at a reduced fee. Registration deadline for authors of oral presentations. Final programme available on the Web site.
June 30, 2003: Deadline for payment at a reduced fee and for the reservation of pre-booked hotel rooms.

The two Euromech Young Scientist Prizes 2003 will be attributed at the end of the Conference. These prizes, 500 euro each, will reward the best oral and poster presentations given during EFMC2003 by scientists less than 35 years old at the time of the conference. To apply to these prizes, young contributors must send an electronic mail to the EFMC2003 Conference Office (efmc2003 @ imft.fr) before December 10, 2002. This e-mail must specify the date of birth of the applicant, his or her address and the title and number of his or her abstract. Note that applicants must be the presenting author of their contribution (oral or poster).

Paticipants less than 35 years old at the time of the conference may apply for a partial financial support. To this end, after having submitted their abstract, they have to send a short vitae, a motivation letter and a copy of their abstract (all three in PdF format) to the e-mail address: fyrefmc @ imft.fr.This package must be sent not later than January 10, 2003. The possibility for a financial support will be examined only for those of the applicants whose abstract will have been accepted by the Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference Committee. The decision will be notified by electronic mail, not later than April 1, 2003.

The conference will be held at the Centre des Congres Pierre Baudis
11 esplanade Compans Caffarelli
31000 Toulouse

The city of Toulouse has an international airport. There are also frequent trains running to Toulouse from the main French cities (facilities and access maps).
You can find in the link hereafter general information about Toulouse including urban transport :

Invited Presentation
Euromech Lecture
H. K. MOFFATT, Cambridge

Invited Lectures

S. CANDEL, Paris
Y. S. KACHANOV, Novosibirsk
W. KOCH, Göttingen
D. LOHSE, Twente
W. K. MELVILLE, San Diego
N. PEAKE, Cambridge
D. QUERE, Paris
D. L. WEAIRE, Dublin

Contributed comuncations

Three types of presentations will be accepted: Regular lectures, Posters and Mini-symposia.
Mini-symposia will consist of oral presentations on the following topics:

  • Aeroacoustics (conveners: J. Delfs, Braunschweig; A. Dowling, Cambridge)
  • Experimental techniques: Light and sound (conveners: C. Baudet, Grenoble; J. Westerweel, Delft);
  • Microgravity fluids dynamics (conveners: M. Dreyer, Bremen; B. Zappoli, Toulouse)
Go to authors instructions for further information.

August 25: Welcome ceremony at the Capitole (City-Hall of Toulouse).

Social programme

August 26 afternoon: Visit of the city of Albi, historical and artistic capital of the Albigeois, with its famous Cathedrale Sainte-Cécile and the Museum Toulouse-Lautrec. Albi Tourist Office.

August 26 evening: Banquet: an opportunity to enjoy the tasty world famous cuisine of southwest France, in the Chateau de Croisillat.

For accompanying persons:
August 25 afternoon: Visit of Toulouse (guided walk in the historical centre of the city) Toulouse Tourist Office.

2nd International Conference on Engineering Rheology, ICER 2003
24th-27th August, 2003
Zielona Góra, Poland
Contact: Prof. E. Walicki (email: E.Walicki @ ijame.uz.zgora.pl)

September 2003

30th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology

2nd - 5th September 2003
Lyon, France

The central theme of this conference is to highlight the transient aspects of the processes in tribology and to point out the differences obtained with the stationary conditions, be it experimental, analytical or numerical.

Papers are therefore invited from the fields of mechanics, material science and physico-chemistry that focus on the transient aspect of a particular phenomenon in friction, lubrication and wear.

Topics include:

    Stick-slip behaviour, static and dynamic friction

    Vibration, noise and tribological contacts

    Operating conditions including acceleration/deceleration/impacts

    Transient effects on material properties (for example lubricant rheology)

    Reaction times of additives, third bodies

    Different time scales of processes in tribology

For further details please contact:

Laboratoire de Mecanique des Contacts
Batiment J. d'Alembert
INSA de Lyon
20 Avenue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne cedex, France

Tel: ++33 (0) 4 7243 8452
Fax: ++33 (0) 4 7889 0980
email: lmc @ insa-lyon.fr

September 7-12, 2003
Prague, Czech Republic
Abstract submission - 15th April 2003
Letter of acceptance - 30th May 2003
Early Registration and Hotel reservation - 20th June 2003
Manuscript Submission - 10th July 2003

Sattelite Workshop:
Fundamental and Practical Applications of Surface Diffusion
Location and Time: Třešť castle, Czech republic, September 14 - 17, 2003

Scope of the Workshop:
· microscopic approaches
· large-scale modeling of surface diffusion
· clusters and nanostructures
· growth of nanostructures
· sputtering and etching
· chemical reactions, catalysis
· diffusion in biological systems
· molecular assembly on surfaces

Scope of the Conference
The Conference will be concerned with results of theoretical and experimental investigations in the following general areas:

· Surface structure, morphology, roughness and topography
· Diffusion, dynamics and growth at surfaces
· Magnetic properties of low dimensional systems
· Magnetic interfaces
· Small particles, clusters and nanostructures
· Electronic structure of low dimensional systems
· Organic molecules on surfaces
· Adsorption, chemisorption and surface reactions
· Surface thermodynamics and phase transitions
· Nanotribology
· Heteroepitaxy and surface alloying
· Techniques: surface and interface microscopy and spectroscopy

Sattelite Workshop:
International Workshop on Surface Physics
Location and Time: Polanica Zdroj, Poland, September 13 - 15, 2003

The International Workshop on Surface Physics is intended to replace the International Seminar on Surface Physics that was organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics of the University of Wroclaw in the years 1976 - 2000. During the last few years it has become clear that the original formula of the Seminar, which was intended as a platform for exchange of ideas between the scientist from the "East" and "West", is exhausted.
We decided to switch the formula to a more typical workshop gathering surfacists, experimentalists and theoreticians, working on rapidly developing research field of surface science. The program of the Workshop is built around 10-12 invited talks presented by the world leader scientists. Certain number of contributed papers (10) will be selected for oral (20 min.) presentations and the other will be displayed as posters. Proceedings of the meeting will be published.
There will be ample time for discussion. Emphasis will be put on the creation of maximum opportunities for informal discussion and the facilitating of direct person-to-person exchanges of ideas about new developement. The idea is to encourage stronger contacts between the young scientists and the senior figures of various fields. There will be young scientists presentations.

The theme of the oncoming workshop will be:

Metals on Solid Surfaces

and will cover following topics:

· Surface topography
· Metallic nanostructures on surface
· Electronic structure and properties
· Interatomic interactions on surfaces
· Surface alloying and mixing

Up to date the following scientist have agreed to provide talks:
· Ernst Bauer (Tempe, USA)
· Harald Brune (Lausanne, Switzerland)
· Harald Ibach (Juelich, Germany)
· Mieczyslaw Jalochowski (Krakow, Poland)
· Bengt Lundqvist (Goeteborg, Sweden)
· Theodore Madey (Rutgers, USA)
· Vladimir Matolin (Prague, Czech Republic)
· Anton Naumovets (Kiev, Ukraine)
· Herbert Pfnuer (Hannover, Germany)
· Marek Szymonski (Cracow, Poland)
· Ugo Valbusa (Genova, Italy)
· Klaus Wandelt (Bonn, Germany)

The workshop is supposed to be a satellite meeting to the 22nd European Conference on Surface Science to be held in Prague, 7 - 12 September 2003. The format of the Workshop will be limited to about 100 - 120 participants. The venue of the Workshop will be Polanica Zdroj a small spa town located midway between Wroclaw and Prague (some 160 km from Prague), on the Polish side of the border.


Prof. Antoni Ciszewski
Institute of Experimental Physics
University of Wroclaw
plac M. Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw
tel (+48 71) 3759310
fax (+48 71) 3287365
e-mail: ciszewsk @ ifd.uni.wroc.pl
Prof. Adam Kiejna
Institute of Experimental Physics
University of Wroclaw
plac M. Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw
tel (+48 71) 3759264
fax (+48 71) 3287365
e-mail: kiejna @ ifd.uni.wroc.pl

2nd International Conference

8th-10th September 2003
Bournemouth, UK

Sustainable Product Engineering of Bournemouth University Research Centre and the University of Oviedo in Spain at this conference will deal with the Characteristics of Interacting Surfaces; A Key Factor in Sustainable and Economic Products.

The objectives are to highlight the issues of wear and friction between interacting surfaces in relative motion as well as the effect lubrication has on these interacting surfaces which are a prerequisite for product function, quality and cost. These characteristics have environmental as well as life cycle consequences which emphasise the importance their consideration has during the early stages of product design.

It is the purpose of this conference to draw together expertise in this multi-disciplinary field to assist in a better understanding of the issues relating to tribological characteristics so that they can be addressed early in the product design stage.

Conference Topics
Papers are invited on the topics listed below and other which fall within the general scope of the conference:

  • Life-orientated Products
  • Sustainable Product Development
  • Product Life Design Tools
  • Life Cycle Assessment for Optimised Products
  • Energy Studies in Product Use Phase
  • Environmental Impact Assessmen
  • Surface Quality
  • Surface Engineering
  • Lubricants
  • Advanced Materials
  • Analytical Studies
  • Test Methods

Exhibition Facilities
There will be exhibition facilities for the display of products, literature, etc. related to the theme of the conference.

The first conference on Tribology in Environmental Design took place in 2001 and was a very great success, with a large international participation.

For general information please visit website:

For further information please contact
Ms. Deborah Newton-Perks
Conference Secretariat, TED2003
Bournemouth University, Studland House, 12 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth Dorset BH1 3NA, UK
Tel: 44 (0)1202 503750
Fax: 44 (0)1202 503751
Email: ted_info @ bournemouth.ac.uk

ASM-2003 Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference
8-10 September 2003
Anaheim Hilton Hotel
Anaheim, California
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2003
You will be notified as to the acceptance of your abstract approximately the first week of March 2003
The Only Conference for Medical Devices that Focuses on Applied Materials, Processes and Technology
  • Fatigue Life and Durability of Implants
  • Surface Engineering
  • Joining and Forming Processes
  • Effect of Materials on Surgical Techniques
  • Biocompatibility
Product Range Covered will include:
  • Vascular Stents and Stent-grafts
  • Orthopaedic Implants
  • Dental Materials
  • Surgical Instruments and Devices
Materials Covered will include:
  • Stainless Steels, Ti Alloys, Co-Cr Alloys, Nitinol, and Noble Metals
  • And More!
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2003

Submit your abstract for consideration today!

Sponsored by: ASM International, The Materials Information Society

Co-Sponsored by:

ASTM International Committee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

This event will focus on materials, processes and technology as they relate to medical/dental devices:

  • surgical devices;
  • minimally invasive devices for vascular applications including cardiovascular, neurovascular, and peripheral vascular applications;
  • equipment used in orthopaedic (knee, hip, elbow, spine, bone attachment, etc), respiratory, ophthalmic, neurological, and urological fields
  • dental (implants, dental materials, orthodontics and endodontics, wires, devices and instruments, etc)
  • non-implantables, e.g., catheters and guidewires
  • interventional devices
This event will provide an ideal opportunity to take a look at state-of-the-art in science and technology pertaining to medical device materials, as well as examine ways to apply those to your products and applications.

Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Fatigue Life and Durability of Medical Implants
  • Corrosion Resistance of Medical Implants
  • Surface Engineering of Medical Devices
  • Surface Removal Techniques including electropolishing, chemical etching
  • Surface treatment modification techniques including coatings
  • Sterilization as it impacts surfaces
  • Joining Methods for Medical Devices
  • Joining specific to medical implants
  • Bonding of metal to plastics
  • Bonding plastics to plastics
  • Forming processes used in medical devices
  • Laser Cutting
  • Photo/chemical etching
  • Wire drawing
  • Sheet forming
  • Shape setting of NiTi Alloys
  • Forging and investment casting
  • Heat treatment methods used in medical implants
  • Effect of materials on surgical techniques
  • Endovascular/cardiovascular procedures
  • Orthopaedic procedures
  • Dental procedures
  • Biocompatibility of implant materials
  • Imaging
  • Materials for In-vivo Imaging (issues such as MRI & related device heating or magnetic pulling)
  • The conference will cover materials including, but not limited to: Stainless Steels, Titanium Alloys, NiTi, Co-Cr Alloys, Nitinol and Noble Metals
  • Regulatory Affairs as Related to Materials
Recommended attendees include, but are not limited to:
  • Product development/design engineers of medical device industries who are interested in the knowledge of materials
  • R&D scientists in the medical device industry
  • R&D managers of the medical device industry
  • Material producers who supply or are interested in supplying materials to medical device industries
  • Companies that supply specific equipment/technologies to meet medical device needs
  • Vascular/Orthopaedic surgeons/dentists who are interested in the knowledge of implant materials
  • Manufacturing engineers from the medical device industry
  • Academic scientists who are interested in disseminating their knowledge among the above audience or exchanging information with their peers or with industrial R&D scientists
  • Other (non-medical device) industry scientists who are interested in disseminating their knowledge among their customer base
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Deadline is 15 January 2003

Please seriously consider your ability to prepare a full manuscript and present your work at the conference BEFORE submitting your abstract. All costs associated with your participation are your responsibility (travel, housing, registration, etc.)

Interested authors should submit a 100-150 words abstract (in English) to www.asminternational.org/absubmit_meddevices.cfm; simply complete the requested presenter and co-author information: name, title, company/affiliation, complete address, phone and fax number and e-mail address.

You will be notified as to the acceptance of your abstract approximately the first week of March 2003.

Conference proceedings will be published and distributed to all attendees following the event. Deadline for manuscript submissions will be AT the event and the book published by the end of the year.

Organizing Committee:
Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava, Event Chairman
R&D Principal Engineer
Edwards Lifesciences LLC
Irvine, California
Dr. Phillip J. Andersen
Andersen Metallurgical LLC
Madison, Wisconsin
Dr. Stanley A. Brown
Biomaterials Engineer
USFDA Center for Devices and
Radiological Health
Div. of Mechanics & Materials Science
Rockville, Maryland
Dr. Sepehr Fariabi
Senior Director
Edwards Lifesciences LLC
Irvine, California
Dr. Farrokh Farzin-Nia
Technical Director of Materials R&D
Ormco Corporation
Inglewood, California
Dr. Darel E. Hodgson
Chief Technology Officer
Shape Memory Applications/Johnson Mathey
Palo Alto, California
Dr. Dana Medlin
Principal Engineer
Zimmer Incorporated
Warsaw, Indiana
Dr. Y. V. Murty, FASM
Technology Assessment
Carpenter Technology Corporation
Reading, Pennsylvania
Prof. Henry J. Rack, FASM
Prof., Materials Science & Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina
Dr. Ming H. Wu
Vice President of Technology
Memry Corporation
Bethel, Connecticut

Visit the ASM website frequently at www.asminternational.org/meddevices for updates on this event.

Questions? Contact us:
ASM International
Conference Administrator, Medical Devices Event
Materials Park, Ohio U.S.A. 44073-0002
Telephone: 440.338.5151
Fax: 440.338.4634

Termin: 08.09.2003 - 11.09.2003 (4 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Dr.-Ing. H.-G. Baldauf,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Wolfgang Gläntz,Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried F. Güsmer,Dipl.-Ing. Reiner Jardot,Dr.-Ing. Franz Joachim,Dipl.-Ing. Eduard M. Laukotka,Dr.-Ing. Klaus Michaelis,Dr.-Ing. Gert Schönnenbeck,Dr. Joachim Vetter,Dip
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de
Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert.
    Schmierstoffe und ihre Eigenschaften – Auslegung von Getrieben – Praktische Getriebeschmierung – Schadensanalyse

    In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.

    Grundlagen der Zahnradschmierung * Praktische Getriebeschmierung * Getriebeschmierstoffe * Berechnung und Auslegung von Zahnradpaarungen auf der Basis der Elastohydrodynamik * Berechnung und Auslegung von Zahnradpaarungen unter Berücksichtigung des EP-Verhaltens * Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb und Gebrauchtölbeurteilung bei Getriebeölen * Schadensbild und Schadensursache als Grundlage der Schadensanalyse

Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt DEM
Lehrgangsnummer: 680637

Prospekt anzeigen

5th Mińsk International Seminar „Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators”
8th-llth September 2003
Mińsk, Belarus
Contact: Prof. Leonard L. Vasiliev (email: Lvasil @ hmti.ac.by)

YAROFRI-2003 5th International Symposium on Friction Products and Materials
September 9th - 11th 2003
Yaroslavl, Russia

Programme of the Symposium

  • Friction composites and products: development, technology, testing
  • Markets of friction products: features, development, manufacturers and suppliers marketing
  • Theoretical issues of friction and wear
For further details please contact:

Mr E G Piven
159948 Yaroslavl
Moskovsky Avenue, 149

Tel: +7 0852 44 1663
Fax: +7 0852 44 1591
Email: tiir @ yaroslavl.ru

Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings 2003 Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings 2003 Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings 2003 Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings
First Circular
Call for papers
10-12 September 2003
Zurich, Switzerland
Location Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg
Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and
Structured Coatings

A European conference on recent developments in additive technology and surface coatings for the reduction of wear and friction on moving surfaces

General Information
Contact   EMPA
Dr Rowena Crockett
Ueberlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Duebendorf
Phone: +41 1 823 46 12
Fax:     +41 1 823 40 38
Email: rowena.crockett @ empa.ch

Internet: www.empa.ch/sst

Dates 10-12 September 2003

Location Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg

Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings


This meeting is organised jointly between the Brussels section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE, Brussels Section), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA) and Tribology Letters (Kluwer Publishing). It is aimed at people from industry and academic institutions, who have a shared interest in recent developments in elucidating the mechanisms of additives in forming protective coatings, as well as the increasing use, by coating manufacturers, of highly structured approaches to improving wear resistance.

Subjects cowered by this meeting will include

  • new additives and new insights: chemistry and mechanisms of wear and friction reduction
  • techniques for the fabrication of structured surfaces
  • physical and chemical properties of surfaces that lead to wear protection
  • the use of surface analytical approaches for the characterization of coating and additive properties

    Guidelines for abstracts

  • Abstracts should be written in English and no longer than one A4 page
  • The presenter should be marked with an asterisk (*)
  • The full postal address as well as the email address of the corresponding author should be given
  • Please state with the submission of the abstract whether oral or poster presentation is preferred (or no preference)
  • Abstracts should be sent to rowena.crockett @ empa.ch as an email attachment


Oral Presentation:
Closing date for submission of abstract 28 February 2003

Poster Presentation:
Closing date for submission of abstract 31 March 2003

Publication of papers

Papers submitted for oral or poster presentations may be submitted for publication in a special edition of Tribology Letters, subject to normal reviewing procedures.

Inwited speakers and (prowisional) titles of talks

Prof. Hugh Spikes (Imperial College, England):
The antiwear film-forming properties of zinc dialkyldithiophosphates

Dr Marcus Morstein (Platit AG, Switzerland):
Novel high-performance PVD coatings by nano- and microscale structuring

Dr Sandrine Bec (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France):
Nanorheological properties of antiwear tribofilms

Dr Joerg Patscheider (EMPA, Switzerland):
Wear protection by nanostructured hard coatings

Organising committee

Dr Rowena CrockettEMPA, Switzerland
Prof. Nicholas SpencerETHZ, Switzerland and Tribology Letters Ir Michel RoegiersSTLE, Belgium
Dr Lukas RohrEMPA, Switzerland
Mr Sigi RoosEMPA, Switzerland
Prof. Hugh SpikesImperial College, England
Dr Paul HugEMPA, Switzerland
Dr Joerg PatscheiderEMPA, Switzerland

10-12 September 2003

Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg, Switzerland

Further information
Internet: www.empa.ch/sst

Dr Rowena Crockett, EMPA
Phone: +41 1 823 46 12
Fax:    +41 1 823 40 38
Email: rowena.crockett @ empa.ch

Other STLE conferences (www.stle.org)
STLE 2003 Annual Meeting and Exhibition ApriI 27-May 1, 2003, New York, NY

STLE-ASME Joint Tribology Conference October 26-29, 2003, Jacksonyille, FL

Request for further information

Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and
Structured Coatings

To receive further information, please complete this form.

Tick boxes as appropriate

? Please send the second circular and application form

? l would like to present an oral paper

Closing date for submission of abstract: 28 February 2003

? l would like to present a poster

Closing date for submission of abstract: 31 March 2003

Provisional title for oral presentation or poster


? My company is interested in sponsoring this event

Please write in capitals or type




September 10-13, 2003
Rostov-on-Don (Russia)

The Russian academy of sciences in association with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, The Ministry of Transport Communication of the Russian Federation, Interdisciplinary Scientific Tribology Council, Association of Tribology Engineers and Rostov State University of Transport Communication have the honor to invite you to participate in the international Congress "Mechanics and Tribology of Transport Systems". The Congress will be held in September 10-13, 2003 in Rostov-on-Don (Russia).

- Development ofpromising transport technique.
- Mechanics of transport systems.
- Problems of friction, wear, lubricants and lubrication.
- New wear-resistant materials and reinforcing technologies.
-Safety of traffic, information technologies, communication and telecommunication systems on transport.

Russian and English with translation.
15.08.2002 - first information message;
15.10.2002 - registration form and abstract;
15.12.2002 - confirmation of preliminary participation;
15.04.2003 - submission of papers and registration fee;
15.06.2003 - notification of acceptance and proceedings publishing.
The Rostov State University of Transport Communication
Authors are invited to send Registration forms and Abstracts to the Organizing Committee by 15.10.2002.
Address: Myasnikova Nina Alekseevna
”Mechtribotrans-2003”, RGUPS
sq. Narodnogo Opolcheniya 2,
Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344038
E-mail:mtt @ rgups.ru , or
myasnikoya @ rgups.ru
Tel.: (+7 8632) 726-349
Fax: (+7 8632) 45-06-13
Further information on the Congress can be found at page: www.mtt.rgups.ru.
Registration Form of a participant is filled in the same way as the one of author.

Vice President ofthe RAS, acad. V. V. Kozlov
Academician-secretary ofthe RAS V.E. Fortov
Deputy Chairmen:
acad. RAS D.M Klimov
acad. RAS E.A. Fedosov
acad. RAS K. V. Frolov
corr. memb. RAS V.I. Kolesnikov
Scientific secretary: dr. M.A. Bronovets
acad. RAS V.S. Avduevskii
acad. RAS N.A. Anfimov
acad. RAS V.A, Babeshko
acad. RAS V.V. Bolotin
acad. RAS R.F. Ganiev
acad. RAS K. S. Kolesnikov
acad. RAS A.B. Kurzhanskii
acad. RAS V.M.Matrosov
acad. RAS F.M. Mitenkov
acad. RAS N.F. Morozov
acad. RAS G.V. Novozhilov
acad. RAS V.E. Panin
acad. RAS V.M. Pashin
acad. RAS V.G. Peshekhonov
acad. RAS I.D. Spasskii
acad. RAS M.N. Tishehenko
acad. RAS O.N. Favorskii
acad. RAS F.L. Chernousko
acad. RAS G.G. Chorny
acad. RAS A.G. Shipynov
acad. RAS V.P. Shorin
dr. R. Bassani (Italy)
dr. W. Bartz (Germany)
dr. A. Gerve (Germany)
dr. F. Franek (Austria)
dr. B. Jacobson (Sweden)
dr. K.L. Johnson (Great Britain)
dr. K. Holmberg (Finland)
dr. K. Kato (Japan)
dr. J. Larsen-Basse (USA)
dr. T. Mathia (France)
dr. J..P. Pascal (France)
dr. S. Pytko (Poland)
dr. W. Schiehien (Germany)
dr. Xie Uou Bai (China)
corr. memb. RAS V.I. Kolesnikov
corr. memb. RAS I.G. Goryacheva
gen. director «Rostvertol» B.N. Slyusar
cor. memb. RAS B.V. Gusev
corr. memb. RAS V.G.Inozemcev
corr. memb. RAS N.A. Mahoutov
prof. N.A. Boushe
prof. D.N. Garkunoy
prof. Ju.N. Drozdov
prof. V.J. ICershenbaum
prof A.L. Lisitsyn
prof. Ju.M. Louzhnov
prof. N.K.. Myshkin
prof. Ju.M. Pleskachevskii
prof. V.K. Homeriki
prof. A.V. Chichinadze
prof. A.N. Guda
prof. Jevdokimov
prof. I.M. Elmanov
prof. A.A. Zarifyan
dr. P.G. Ivanochkin
prof. I.A. Maiba
dr. N.A. Myasnikova.
dr. A.V. Okhotnikov
dr. V.M. Prihodko
dr. A.V. Chelokhyan
prof. P.N. Shcherbak

9 International Conference
on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces

Halmstad, Sweden
10-11 September 2003
E-mail surfconf @ set.hh.se


This is the ninth in the very successful series of conferences which have firmiy established surface topography as a new and exciting interdisciplinary field of scientific and technological studies. Recent advances in measurement techniques have extended the scope of roughness measurements to much smaller scales and many new results wait to be reported. On the other hand, the methodology and techniques of roughness measurement and characterisation have been extended to quite different fields of technological application with fascinating results.


The measurement, characterisation and analysis of surface roughness on any scale. This is to include experimental, theoretical and computational work. Conference subjects will include: Bioengineering; Nano surfaces; Surface measurements; Instrumentation; Topological characterisation of surfaces; Tribology; Industrial applications; Optical surfaces. There will be a special emphasis this year on applications of 3D measurement.


The aims of the Conference are as before, to bring together practising engineers and research workers in a forum where the latest work can be reported, and where the progress made since the last Conference can be discussed and assimilated so that its benefits may be transferred to industry and to scientists and engineers in other disciplines.


It is planned to hold an exhibition of surface measuring equipment in conjunction with the Conference and on the same site. Organisations interested in exhibiting should contact the Conference Secretary for further details.


There will be a one-day tutorial workshop on the preconference day on the theory and practice of surface roughness, with the opportunity for hands-on use of the latest measuring instruments.


The conference will be organised this year by Halmstad University, currently one of Sweden's leading centres for research in surface topography. This is oniy the second time that the Conference has been heid at a continental European venue and it will be an excellent opportunity for oyerseas visitors to experience traditional Swedish hospitality in beautiful Halmstad, one of the most popular seaside holiday resorts in northern Europe. The actual conference venue will be the Hotel Tylosand, in a spectacular beach setting with extensive leisure facilities which will be available to delegates.

Offers of Papers

Potential authors should forward titles and extended abstracts to the Conference Secretary by 1 ApriI 2003. These should be not longer than two A4 sides and should include the authors' names and affiliations. Papers selected for presentation, either in formal sessions or as posters, need not be submitted in their final form till the date of the conference. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be given detailed instructions for the preparation of manuscripts or posters. Abstracts and papers should be submitted by email to surfconf0>set.hh.se. Up-to-date information about the Conference will be available on the Conference home page at www.capaximp.demon.co.uk

The Organising Committee apologises for the short notice of this announcement. The 9th Conference was originally planned to take place at Miskolc in Hungary in ApriI 2003, but unfortunately circumstances have necessitated its postponement. Anyone who submitted an abstract for the Hungary meeting is warmiy invited to resubmit it to Halmstad. Priority will be given to any such resubmissions.

Organising Committee

Professor L. Blunt (Huddersfieid University, UK)
ProfessorT. R. Thomas (Avalon Technology, UK)
Professor B.-G.Rosen (Halmstad University, Sweden)

Conference Secretary:

Christel Sjunnesson
University of Halmstad
School of Business & Engineering
Box 823
SE-301 18 Halmstad
Telephone +46 35167544
Fax +46 35167564
E-mail surfconf @ set.hh.se

First Annual European Rheology Confrence, AERC 2003
llth-13th September, 2003
Guimaraes, Portugal
Contact: AERC 2003 Secretariat (email: aerc2003 @ dep.uminho.pt)

WTC III, The 2005 World Tribology Congress & Exhibition
12th-16th September, 2003
Washington, DC, USA
Contact: Edward P. Salek (email: esalek @ stle.org)

3rd International Conference "Research and Development in Mechanical Industry" RaDMI 2003
14th-18th September, 2003
Herceg Novi (Montenegro Adriatic), Yugoslavia
Contact: Prof. Predrag Dasic (email: dasicp @ ptt.yu)

10th International Conference on Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials
15th-17th September, 2003
Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact: Central Laboratory of Physico-Chemical Mechanics of BAS (email: clphchm @ clphchm.bas.bg)

Grundlagen der Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik
Termin: 15.09.2003 - 19.09.2003 (5 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de
Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert.
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
    Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Hydrodynamische und elastohydrodynamische Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch leicht abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive für Schmierstoffe, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften von Schmierölen und -fetten * Viskosität und Fließverhalten * Gleitlagertechnik und -schmierung * Wälzlagertechnik und -schmierung * Zahnradtechnik und Getriebeschmierung * Motorenschmierung * Schmierung von Verdichtern * Hydraulikflüssigkeiten * Schmierstoffe in der Metallbearbeitung und Umformung: spanende Metallbearbeitung, Umformung * Schäden an geschmierten Maschinenelementen
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680627
Prospekt anzeigen - weitere Info anfordern




XXVI Jesienna Szkoła Tribologiczna

September 16 do 19, 2003
Nidzica, PL
15.02.2003 - Termin nadsyłania zgłoszenia wstępnego i streszczenia referatu
28.02.2003 - Drugi komunikat powiadamiający o przyjęciu referatu
23.05.2003 - Termin nadsyłania pełnego tekstu referatu
20.06.2003 - Ostateczny termin nadsyłania poprawionego tekstu referatu

VI Konferencja


Konferencja odbędzie się w Niedzicy, w dniach 16-19 września 2003r.


XXVI Szkoła Tribologiczna nt.: Problemy Tribologiczne w Przyrodzie i Technice została połączona z VI Konferencją nt.: Problemy Niekonwencjonalnych Układów Łożyskowych. Każda z tych konferencji będzie miała odrębne sesje.

Konferencja odbędzie się w Ośrodku Hotelowo - Turystycznym nad jeziorem Czorsztyńskim w Niedzicy, w dniach 16 - 19 września 2003.

W ramach przygotowywanej konferencji organizatorzy pragną połączyć tematykę wynikającą z biotribologii z projektami, aplikacjami, problemami eksploatacyjnymi, badaniami modelowymi i użytkowymi węzłów tribologicznych obiektów technicznych. Dla pełnej realizacji zamierzonego celu pragniemy zwrócić się do wybranych specjalistów o opracowanie referatów wprowadzających poszczególne sesje.

Przewidujemy referaty o tematyce:
biotribologia i aplikacje medyczne,
nowoczesne materiały,
problemy technologiczne,
konstrukcje przyjazne dla środowiska,
badania modelowe i użytkowe,
kierunki badań w przyszłości.


15.02.2003     Termin nadsyłania zgłoszenia wstępnego i streszczenia referatów (maksymalnie jedna strona formatu A4). Adres e-mail.

28.02.2003     Drugi komunikat powiadamiający o przyjęciu referatu, wytyczne do opracowania referatu.

23.05.2003     Termin nadsyłania pełnego tekstu referatu. Referaty mogą być napisane w języku polskim lub angielskim. W przypadku opracowania tekstu w języku angielskim niezbędne jest dołączenie obszernego streszczenia w języku polskim. Referaty opracowane w języku polskim powinny zawierać streszczenia w języku angielskim i rosyjskim. Przewiduje się drukowanie nadesłanych referatów w Materiałach Konferencyjnych, Tribologii, Zeszytach Naukowych Politechniki Łódzkiej i kwartalniku ZEM.

20.06.2003     Ostateczny termin nadsyłania poprawionego tekstu referatu.

16.09.2003     XXVI Szkoła Tribologiczna

Koszt uczestnictwa wynosi:
wpłata do 17 maja
-    1100 zł. - pełny koszt uczestnictwa
-     900 zł. - koszt uczestnictwa dla studentów i emerytowanych pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych
wpłata po 17 maja
-    1300 zł. - pełny koszt uczestnictwa
-    1000 zł. - koszt uczestnictwa dla studentów i emerytowanych pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych

20.06.2003 Nieprzekraczalny termin nadsyłania opłat za uczestnictwo w konferencji.


Zakład Geometrii Wykreślnej i Rysunku Technicznego
Instytutu Konstrukcji Maszyn Politechniki Łódzkiej
ul. B. Stefanowskiego 1/15
90-924 Łódź
tel. (042) 631 22 49
fax (042) 631 22 52
e-mail: zgwirt @ mail.p.lodz.pl

Komitet Honorowy Konferencji:

prof. Jan Krysiński - Politechnika Łódzka
prof. Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
prof. Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
prof. Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
prof. Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska

Komitet Organizacyjny Konferencji:

Przewodniczący - Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
Radosław Bednarek - Politechnika Łódzka
Mirosława Ciepielewska - Politechnika Łódzka
Krzysztof Siczek - Politechnika Łódzka
Anna Sławińska - Politechnika Łódzka
Bogdan Warda - Politechnika Łódzka
Piotr Witosławski - Politechnika Łódzka

Komitet Naukowy Konferencji:
Przewodniczący - Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
Tadeusz Burakowski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Czesław Cempel - Politechnika Poznańska
Janusz Cwanek - AR Rzeszów
Jan Czajgucki - Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia
Ryszard Czarny - Politechnika Wrocławska
Jan Dąbrowski - Politechnika Białostocka
Antoni Dziama - Politechnika Wrocławska
Monika Gierzyńska-Dolna - Politechnika Częstochowska
Karol Grudziński - Politechnika Szczecińska
Zdzisław Haś- Politechnika Łódzka
Janusz Janecki - WITPiS Sulejówek
Czesław Kajdas - Politechnika Warszawska
Wiesław Kaniewski - Politechnika Łódzka
Jan Kiciński - IMP PAN
Mieczysław Korzyński - Politechnika Rzeszowska
Czesław Koziarski - Politechnika Wrocławska
Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
Andrzej Kulczycki - Centralne Laboratorium Naftowe
Stanisław Laber - Politechnika Zielonogórska
Zbigniew Lawrowski - Politechnika Wrocławska
Wiesław Leszek - Politechnika Poznańska
Jerzy Łunarski - Politechnika Rzeszowska
Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
Karol Nadolny - Politechnika Poznańska
Antoni Neyman - Politechnika Gdańska
Waldemar Oleksiuk - Politechnika Warszawska
Olgierd Olszewski - Politechnika Gdańska
Stanisław Płaza - Uniwersytet Łódzki
Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
Andrzej Raczyński - Politechnika Łódzka
Zygmunt Rymuza - Politechnika Warszawska
Jan Sadowski - Politechnika Radomska
Jan K. Senatorski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Jacek Stupnicki - Politechnika Warszawska
Józef Szala - ATR Bydgoszcz
Marian Szczerek - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Jerzy Szumniak - WITPiS Sulejówek
Stanisław F. Ścieszka - Politechnika Śląska
Włodzimierz Świderski - Politechnika Łódzka
Włodzimierz Waligóra - Politechnika Poznańska
Wojciech Wieleba - Politechnika Wrocławska
Krzysztof Wierzcholski - Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia
Marek Wiśniewski - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska
Wiesław Zwierzycki - Politechnika Poznańska

Grundlagen der Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik

Termin: 16.09.2003 - 17.09.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

Leitung: Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Rolf Stock
    Referenten: Dr. Joachim Boßlet, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Deters, Dr. Jürgen Güttler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Illgner, Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kunst, Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Rolf Stock, Martin Wolberg
Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert
Grundlagen des Verschleißverhaltens von Eisenwerkstoffen und praktische Maßnahmen zur Verschleißminderung In Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V., der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V. und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik (AWT)

Grundlagen des Verschleißes von Werkstoffen und Richtlinien zur Bearbeitung von Verschleißfällen * Einsatzhärte-Schichten * CVD- und PVD-Schichten * Verschleißprüfung in Betrieb und Labor * Galvanische Schichten * Randschichthärten * Verschleißminderung durch Nitrieren, Nitrocarburieren und Borieren * Auswahl und Anwendung verschleißhemmender Schichten

Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680603
Prospekt anzeigen


The Materials
Information Society

The 2nd Annual
Surface Engineering
Congress and

Reach engineers and sclentists
who purchase surface engineering
products and services.

16-17 September 2003
Indianapolis, Indiana USA

Polish Society of Tribology
ul Żwirki I Wigury
Centralne Lab. Naftowe
Naftowe 2091
Materials Park, Ohio
E-mail: cust-srv @ asminternational.org

Where else can you talk to your top customers and prospects, face to face?

I encourage your company to participate as an exhibitor at our second ASM Intemational Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition, September 15-18 in Indianapolis. There is no other event like it - and no more cost effective way to talk to your customers and prospects during 2003.

Last year, ASM's combined events in Columbus, Ohio drew more than 2,800 registrants, with nearly 600 attracted by our first-ever surface engineering event.

This year, we expect a combined exposition attendance of 7,000 for our second ASM Surface Engineering Exposition, which will be co-located with the ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition and the North American Die Casting Association Exposition.

To attract more attendees who are interested in industrial applications, we're planning some exciting new features^ For example, as a strong value-added feature, we're going to hold a free one-day seminar, "Applied Surface Treatments for Industry: Choices and Practical Applications." With technical talks presented by industrial experts, this session will attract engineers, manufacturing engineers, materials engineers and quality control personnel.

The enclosed prospectus will tell you more about THE surface engineering business show. To reserve your exhibit, please contact Charles A. Dec at 440/338-1733, or by e-mail at cdec @ asmintemational.org. We look forward to helping you reach the decision makers YOU want to reach.


Arnold H. Deutchman
Worthington BeamAlloy Corporation
2003 Congress and Exposition Organizer

The 2nd Annual
Surface Engineering
Congress and

Reach engineers and scientists
who purchase surface engineering
products and services.

16-17 September 2003 • Indianapolis, Indiana USA

Co-located with The 22nd ASM Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition and
The North American Die Casting Association Congress & Exposition

Extend Product Life...
Physical Vapor Deposition
Add Value...
Chemical Vapor Deposition

Reduce Costs...
Laser Peening
Improve Performance...
Laser Processing
Prevent Wear...
Thermal Spray
Prevent Corrosion...
Arcjet Deposition

Exhibit at THE surface engineering business show, featuring:

Equipment Manufacturers • Consumables Suppliers • Testing & Evaluation
Coamercial Coating Services • Consultants • National Laboratories


Heat Treat Exhibitor List

(As of 1/9/03)
CompanyBooth No.
Booth No.
Abbott Furnaces Company729 ADVACO523
AFC-HOLCROFT801 Agfa NDT Inc. Krautkramer Ultrasonic Systems700
Air Products & Chemicals117 Ajax-TOCCO Magnethermic201
ALD Thermal Treatment, Inc.122 Allegheny Alloy Incorporated741
Alloy Engineering Co322 Alpha l Induction Service Center101
Apollo America Corporation702 ARR433
ASM Education838 AVS Inc. (Advanced Vacuum Systems)318
Bloom Engineering Co., Inc.520 BOC Edwards511
Bone Frontier Company227 BTU International128
Buehier Ltd.205 C. I. HayesInc.407
Can-Eng Furnaces Limited221 Capital Induction Inc.613
Centorr Vacuum Industries Inc.711 Centre for Induction Technology, Inc.727
Chino Works America Inc.719 Cleveland Electric Labs616
CompAS Controls Inc.828 Contamination Control Specialists633
Contour Hardening500 Control Concepts Inc.721
Cooley Wire Products127 CoorsTek405
Cornerstone Systems Inc.419 Custom Electric Manufacturing901
Datapaq Incorporated332 Despatch Industries233
Dry Coolers401 Eciipse Combustion Inc.426
ECM USA Inc.232 Eitel Presses Inc.2422
EquoTip Associates900 Eurotherm Controls Inc133
Flame Treating Systems339 Flinn & Dreffein Engrg Co423
Fluxtrol Manufacturing Inc627 Furnace Bek Company Limited (The)539
Furnace Controls Corp.611 Graftech, Inc.126
Graphite Engineering & Sales807 Graphite Machining Incorporated733
Graphite Machining Torrance Inc.939 Graphite Metallizing Corporation438
Halmar Robicon313 Hauck Manufacturing Company 417
Haynes International Inc.517 HC Starek, Inc.2405
Heat Treating Progress Magazine132 Heatbath/Park Metallurgical601
Heess GmbH & Company902 Hi-Tech Weighing Systems238
Honeywell International Inc.100 Houghton Inti Inc.210
Huettinger Electronic, Inc.805 Hydrothrift Corp429
Ibg NDT Systems811 Induction Tooling Inc.827
Inductoheat Inc617 Industrial Heating Magazine111
Inland Vacuum Industries522 Inter-Power Corporation521
J L Becker Company706 Jackson Transformer Company821
Johnstone Co., Inc.738 KH Huppert Company116
Kolene Corporation311 Kromschroder Inc820
Laniy Company739 LECO Corporation2400
Leybold Vacuum USA Inc.228 Lindberg/SPX Corporation101
Magnetic Specialties, Inc.338 Marathon Sensors Incorporated211
Maxon Corporation2417 Metallurgical High Vacuum Corporation910
Mitutoyo America Corporation2416 MTS Systems Corporation632
Newage Industries317 Nitrex Metal Inc.607
Noble Industrial Furnace Co.740 Park Thermal International (1996)518
Performance Review Institute812 Phase II112
Pillar Industries327 Praxair Inc.527
Precision Plus Vacuum Parts2310 Preco Laser Systems, LLC810
Procedyne Corporation506 Process Development & Control, Inc.923
Protection Controls, Inc.717 Puritech Recycling533
Oual Fab2411 Quantik Induction427
Radyne Corporation411 Raytek, Inc.904
Rolled Alloys701 Rubig Patt Technologies Inc.906
SBS Corporation106 Schunk-INEX Corp.239
Schwarzkopf Technologies Corp.305 SECO/WARWICK501
SGL Carbon Group329 Shimadzu832
Siemens Applied Automation, Inc.129 Siemens Building Technology638
Sinterite Furnace Division933 Smartskim Systems, C/o Universal Separators Inc.535
Super Systems Inc.817 Surface Combustion301
T-M Vacuum Products Inc.826 Tech Induction705
Techint Technologies626 Televac516
Tenaxol Inc505 Thermal Ceramics639
Thermo Transfer, Inc.504 Thermotech Industries713
Toyo Tonso PA Graphite Inc.917 Trent Inc.903
Tucker Induction Systems, Inc.816 Tuthill Vacuum Systems605
Unifrax Corporation907 VAC-AERO International Inc.217
Vacuum Furnace Systems-VFS432 Vacuum Processes, Inc.110
Vaisala235 Vesuvius McDanel704
Warner Power629 Waukee Engineering Company710
Wellman Furnaces, Inc.620 Williams Industrial Service Inc.421
WS Thermal Process Technology Inc.333 Yokogawa Corporation of America2401
Zetec Inc732 Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc.226

A unique business and educational opportunity for the surface engineering marketplace, from the world leader in metals and materials information.

ASM The Materials
Information Society

Since 1913, ASM has been the world's foremost society for providing reliable technical information on metals and metallurgy, and surface engineering remains an area of high member interest.

Nearly 20,000 ASM members and customers are involved with surface engineering or modification. To meet their need for information about practical industrial applications of surface engineering, we've created a unique event that no other sponsoring organization can match.

International Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition

To promote the commercial advance of surface engineering technology and to increase surface engineering marketing opportunities for our exhibitors, ASM will co-locate its 2nd International Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition with America's largest heat treating show, the ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition.

While other events focus on the science of surface engineering, ASM brings together the PRACTICAL applications, the underlying science - and the BUSINESS of surface engineering.

Testing Equipment Manufacurers and Service Providers

Analytical equipment and techniques

are keys to the successful application of
surface engineering.

For many decades, manufacturers of equipment used for testing, analysis and characterization have represented one of the largest groups of exhibitors at ASM expositions. Our expositions in Indianapolis will again attract a large numberof engineers and managers who are interested in improving quality, improving product and equipment performance, reducing wear and corrosion and extending product life.

Our surface engineering attendees
are looking for new equipment and technology.
Be here to meet them, face to face.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to exhibit your latest equipment, products and services. And, talk business - face to face - with your buyers and prospects.

The ASM International Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition will attract primary decision makers and infuencers: engineers, division managers, general managers, supervisors and project managers who need your products and services to stay competitive.

Who should exhibit?

Equipment Manufacturers and Consumables Suppliers

  • Physical Vapor Depositfon (PVD)
    • Vacuum Evaporation, Sputtering, Cathodic Arc, Ion Plating
  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
    • Vacuum and Thermal, Diffusion
  • Ion Assisted Coattings
  • Thermal Spray
  • Etectrolytic Deposition
  • Laser Cladding and Surface 'Ireatment
  • Electroplating
  • Surface Preparation and Cleaning
  • Surface Finishing

    Coatings Service Providers

  • PVD
  • CVD
  • Electroplating
  • Thermal Spray

    Testing and Evaluation Providers

  • Materials Characterization
    • Metalographic/SEM/X-Ray
  • Nondestructive Testing
    • Profilometry/Mechanical Properties
      • Profilometry/Mechanical Properties

    • National Laboratories & Consortia

    When you partner with ASM,
    you get much more than an exhibit booth.

    We support our show - and your exhibit! - with a comprehensive marketing campaign that includes:

    • In-depth coverage in Advanced Materials & Processes and Heat TreatingProgress magazines - before, during, and after the show
    • FREE show passes for your customers and other qualified attendees
    • An exciting new website at www.asminternational.org/surface
    • A heavy advertising schedule in our magazines and our websites
    • An easy-to-use marketing kit for exhibitors that will help you maxmiize visibility for your participation in our shows

4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering "Chemical Engineering, a Tool for Progress", ECCE 4
21st-25th September, 2003
Granada, Spain
Contact: ECCE 4 Secretariat (email: ecce4 @ anque.es)
September 22-25, 2003
Churchill College, Cambridge, UK
Conference Themes
  • Abrasion and erosion by solid particles, liquid impact or cavitation
  • Theory and modelling, including CFD
  • Experimental methods and standardisation of tests
  • Mechanisms of erosive wear and material damage
  • Case studies of practical examples
  • Applications of abrasion or erosion in processing and manufacturing
  • Abrasion and erosion of metals, plastics, ceramics, cermets, composites and biomaterials
  • Wear-corrosion interactions and synergies
  • Abrasion, erosion or erosion-corrosion resistant coatings and surface modification, including erosion of thermal barrier coatings
  • Damage to optical materials and sensor windows
  • Wear in nano- and micro-scale systems (NEMS and MEMS)
  • Sensing and monitoring
  • Related topics in tribology

    23 - 25 September 2003
    Poland, Warsaw, „Europejski” Hotel
    Deadline: for papers should be elaborated according to the enclosed typing instruction by 31.03.2003
    e-mail: inte @ imp.edu.pl
    Honorary Patronage
    Ministry of Economy
    International Scientific Committe
    International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
    prof. A. Nakonieczny (Poland) - the Chairman
    prof. T. Bell (England}
    prof. L. Berkowski (Poland)
    prof. T. Burakowski (Poland)
    prof. L. Druga (Rumania)
    prof. D. Fan (China)
    prof. J. Flis (Poland)
    prof. M. Gantois (France)
    prof. S. Gerasimov (Russia)
    prof. J. Grosch (Germany)
    prof. Z. Haś (Poland)
    prof. M. Hetmańczyk (Poland)
    prof. L. Jeziorski (Poland)
    prof. J. Kaczmarek (Poland)
    prof. T. Karpiński (Poland)
    prof. G. Kodżaspirov ((Russia)
    prof. Z. Kolozsvary (Rumania)
    prof. M. Korwin (Canada)
    prof. P. Kula (Poland)
    prof. J. Kusiński (Poland)
    prof. C. Leroux (France)
    prof. A. Maciejny (Poland)
    prof. P. Mayr (Germany)
    prof. E. Mittemeijer (Germany)
    prof. K. Oczoś (Poland)
    prof. V. Pokhmurskii (Ukraine)
    prof. W. Precht (Poland)
    prof. W. Przetakiewicz (Poland)
    prof. Z. Rogalski (Poland)
    prof. E. Roliński (USA)
    prof. J. Senatorski (Poland)
    prof. O. Sirotkin (Russia)
    prof. D. Slovetsky (Russia)
    prof. B. Smouan (Croatia)
    prof. T. Sobusiak (Poland)
    prof. H. Spies (Germany)
    prof. J. Tacikowski (Poland)
    prof. W. Tilipalov (Russia)
    prof. G. Totten (USA)
    prof. S. Watanabe (Japan)
    prof. J. Tymowski (Canada)
    prof. T. Wierzchoń (Poland)
    prof. S. Wojciechowski (Poland)
    prof. R. Wooo (England)
    prof. M. Wysiecki (Poland)

    The Sponsor
    The State Committee for Scientific Research
    The Chairman of the Seminar
    prof. A. Nakonieczny
    Poland, Warsaw, „Europejski” Hotel
    23 - 25 September 2003
    Presentation and exchange of latest scientific achievements with indication on possibilities oftheir application in the industrial practice
    Modeling and simulation of processes and layers, thermodynamics and kinetics of processes
    Nitriding technologies
    Gas, ion fluid bed, bath nitriding
    Cyaniding, oxy-nitriding, sulfo-nitriding, nitrocarburizing
    Runs, requirements and control of products
    Nitriding of various materials
    Steels, cast irons, Ti and Al alloys, etc.
    Industrial equipment
    Gas, iron, fluid bed, bath and auxiliary equipment
    Industrial processes
    Nitriding of machine parts and tools and preliminary processes
    Ecology of processes
    Control and monitoring of processes
    Control of nitrogen and other elements potentials
    Analyzers, detectors and probes
    Control and monitoring of processes with utiiization of computer techniques
    Complex, combined, joint and duplex technologies
    Nitriding and PVD, PACVD techniques, nitriding-hardening, nitriding-implantation, electrolytic coatings-nitriding, etc.
    Formation and properties of layers
    Structure, concentration of elements, phase composition, thickness, tribological, strength and anticorrosion properties
    Nitriding steels and their properties
    Trends - the present state and perspectives of:
    Processes and equipment
    Modeling and control
    Industrial implementation
    only in English language
    papers should be elaborated according to the enclosed typing instruction by 31.03.2003
    PAPERS            INSTRUCTION 1            INSTRUCTION 2


    participants may pick up their packets at the Seminar Registration Desk
    Plenary sessions
    Fair/Exhibition of technology, materials, equipment, and control and measurement apparatus
    Arival of participants of Seminar
    Meeting of the International Scientific Committee (05.00 p.m., „Europejski” Hotel)
    09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Registration of participants and distribution of the Seminar materials
    11.00 a.m. Opening of the Seminar
    11.15 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. Lectures
    12.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Coffee Break
    12.30 p.m. - 02.30 p.m. Lectures
    02.30 p.m. - 05.00 p.m. Visiting the Fair/Exhibition
    07.00 p.m. D i n n e r
    09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Lectures
    11.00a.rn. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee Break
    11.30 a.m. - 01.30 p.m. Lectures
    01.30 p.m. - 03.30 p.m. Visiting the Fair/Exhibition
    05.00 p.m. - 08.00 p.m. Warsaw signtseeing
    09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Lectures
    11.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee Break
    11.30 a.m. - 01.30 p.m. Lectures and closing ceremony
    will be sent to the participants of Seminar by 15.06.2003
    on participanfs account (for information about hotel accommodation, please see attached list of the hotels in Warsaw and its location)
    should be sent at the address of the Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej by 31.03.2003
    registration fee 550 EURO (one persons)
    registration fee had been transferred on account of Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej:
    Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy S.A. III O/Warszawa,
    no 10601057-320000413311,
    with indication „Seminar” up to 31.07.2003. The registration fee is accepted only as bank transfer
    exhibitors of the Fair/Exhibition should sent preliminary application form by 31.12.2002
    Sincerely yours
    Professor Dr. Aleksander Nakonieczny
    Director of the Institute of Precision Mechanics
    Chairman of the Seminar
    For further information, please contact:
    Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
    Duchnicka 5, 01-796 Warszawa, Poland
    tel. (48-22) 663 43 35. fax (48-22) 663 43 17
    e-mail: inte @ imp.edu.pl

    September 24-26, 2003
    San Sebastián, Spain

    The areas listed below are expected to be the major themes for the Symposium. Papers covering these areas are specifically encouraged, though all abstracts submitted will be given due consideration.

    Mechanisms Design, Analysis and Hardware

    • Descriptions of novel and challenging designs
    • New methods for design, analysis and verification of mechanisms.
    • Design Guidelines, high reliability.
    • Design/manufacturing/verification for high-volume production.
    • Design for disturbance attenuation, low shock, low noise performance.

    Components/Equipment, Micro/Nano devices

    • Motors, actuators, transmission devices, bearings.
    • Hold-down/release, deployment, pointing, scanning, high-precision devices.
    • Wheels, mechanical coolers, pumps, valves, solar array drive mechanisms, etc.
    • Sensors, miniaturisation of space mechanisms, MEMS, micro/nano developments.

    Tribology and Materials

    • Lubricants and lubrication for bearings, gears, joints, electrical contacts.
    • Application of smart materials in mechanisms.
    • Extreme temperatures, environments, and operating conditions.
    • New tribo-materials and/or surface modification, micro/nano tribology.
    Launch Vehicles
    • Separation systems, engine/propulsion regulation, gimballing devices.
    • Turbopumps, cryogenic tribology.
    In-Orbit Performance and Post-Flown Investigations
    • Experience with flight hardware, including reports on in-flight mechanism performance and anomalies, lessons learned.
    • Post-flown investigation of mechanisms and tribological components.
    Science Observatories, Earth Remote Sensing, and Planetary Exploration Mechanisms
    • Mechanisms for manipulations, robots, rovers.
    • Sampling systems and in-situ analysis devices.
    • Mechanical devices for science and remote sensing instruments.
    Space Platforms, Tethers, Re-entry Vehicle Mechanisms
    • Mechanisms for re-entry vehicles and the International Space Station.
    • Long-term mechanism operation and maintenance in space.
    Oral or poster presentations may be accompanied by the demonstration of novel mechanisms and products.

    The National Conference on Tribology, with mtemational participation, ROTRIB'03
    24th-26th September, 2003
    Galati, Romania
    Contact: Professor Ion Crudu (email: rotrib03 @ ugal.ro)

    ROTRIB'03 - National Conference on Tribology, with international participation, 24-26 September, Galati, ROMANIA

    A new Virtual Presentation format is now available for those who cannot attend in person the Conference but wish to participate by submitting their work for inclusion in the ROTRIB'03 Conference Proceedings. The Registration fee (50EUR) includes the Conference Proceedings (Review and CD-ROM with ISBN number) and mailing costs. The paper submitted without the presenter attending the conference in person will be refereed and published as part of the Conference Proceedings. Presenters will submit written versions of their presentations for publication in print and electronic format.

    You can obtain further information from the web site www.om.ugal.ro/rotrib'03/. If you have any further queoes you can direct them to rotrib03 @ ugal.ro.

    We hope you will be able to participate to ROTRIB '03 either in person or through a Virtual Presentation. We are looking forward to meet you and your colleagues in September 2003, in Galati, Romania.

    With best wishes,

    Professor Ion Crudu, University "Dunarea de Jos" of Galati, Romania
    Chairman of the Organizing Committee


    October 2003

    October 5-10, 2003
    Berlin, Germany
    Deadline for abstract: December 1, 2002
    • Adhesion
    • Depth profiling
    • Materials for batteries
    • Polymers
    • Tribology
    • Biomaterials
    • Environmental studies
    • Metals
    • Magnetic materials
    • Catalytic materials
    • Glass and ceramics
    • Micro- and optoelectronics
    • Solid-liquid interface
    • Composite materials
    • Heritage conservation
    • Nanoindentation
    • Corrosion
    • Imaging
    • Oxidation
    • Oxide surfaces
    • Thin films & coatings (inorganic)
    • Thin films & coatings (organic)



    Terminarz konferencji:
    do 30.05.2003 nadsyłanie zgłoszeń uczestnictwa
    do 15.06.2003 uczestnicy otrzymają Komunikat nr 2
      (informacje o dokładnym miejscu konferencji, wskazówki redakcyjne dla autorów referatów)
    do 01.09.2003 nadsyłanie referatów
    do 20.09.2003 uczestnicy otrzymają Komunikat nr 3(szczegółowy program konferencji)
    7-10.10.2003 konferencja
    web: http://tempus.metal.agh.edu.pl/sim2003

    Komunikat nr l

    Kraków - Krynica

    7 - 10 październik 2003r.

    Przewodniczący Komitetu Organizacyjnego:

    prof.dr hab.inż. Jerzy Pacyna

    Sekretariat Komitetu Organizacyjnego:

    mgr inż. Grzegorz Zając

    mgr inż. Piotr Bała

    mgr inż. Edyta Skrzypczak

    ,      mgr inż. Grzegorz Zając
      Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
      Wydział Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej
      Zakład Metaloznawstwa i Metalurgii Proszków
      al. Mickiewicza 30
      30-059 Kraków

    tel.:   (0-12)617-26-19

    fax:  (0-12)617-31-90

    email:  sim2003 @ tempus.metal.agh.edu.pl

    web:    tempus.metal.agh.edu.pl/sim2003

    Wydział Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej

    Akademii Gómiczo-Hutniczej

    zaprasza do udziału w konferencji pod nazwą:




    która odbędzie się w dniach 7-10 X 2003

    w Krynicy

    Do udziału w konferencji szczególnie zapraszamy młodych doktorów, asystentów i przede wszystkim doktorantów z kierunków: „Inżynieria Materiałowa”, „Metalurgia”, „Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa” i „Fizyka Techniczna”reprezentujących specjalności: „Metaloznawstwo i obróbka cieplna”, „Inżynieria stali i stopów specjalnych”, „Inżynieria powierzchni”, „Materiały spiekane”, „Polimery”, „Ceramika i szkło”, „Kompozyty”, „Materiały dla elektrotechniki i elektroniki”, „Biomateriały”, „Przetwórstwo stopów i materiałów specjalnych”, „Badania materiałów” oraz „Fizyka nowych materiałów”. Konferencja, organizowana w formie szkoły, stwarza warunki do wymiany myśli naukowej, dyskusji, nawiązywania współpracy oraz integracji młodych pracowników nauki w/w specjalności z całej Polski.
    Młodym pracownikom nauki konferencja ta daje szansę prezentacji pierwszych wyników własnych badań oraz stwarza możliwość ich wnikliwej oceny przez kolegów oraz zaproszonych profesorów - wybitnych przedstawicieli z zakresu Inżynierii Materiałowej.
    Wysoki poziom merytoryczny prezentowanych prac oraz atrakcyjny program, przy stosunkowo niskiej cenie (spotkanie trwa przez 4 dni) sprawiają, że konferencja cieszy się z roku na rok coraz większym uznaniem wśród młodych pracowników nauki.
    Tegoroczna konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 7-10 października 2003r. w Krynicy a koszt uczestnictwa wyniesie 780 PLN.
    Zapewniamy publikację dobrze udokumentowanych, recenzowanych prac w materiałach konferencyjnych.
    Prosimy o przekazanie informacji o konferencji innym, zainteresowanym osobom.

        Zainteresowane osoby prosimy o przesłanie wypełnionego (zamieszczonego niżej) zgłoszenia do 30.05.2003 na adres organizatorów.

    Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące przygotowania referatów zostaną podane w Komunikacie nr 2.

    SIM-2003 XXXI Szkoła Inżynierii Materiałowej

    Kraków - Krynica 7 - 10 X 2003




    Stopień naukowy:........................................................






    Tytuł referatu: ............................................................





    Współautorzy referatu:.................................................


    Strona 2

    Inne informacje :

    Uwagi do organizatorów:

    The 7th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery - AICFM7
    7th-10th October, 2003
    Fukuoka, Japan
    Contact: Masato FURUKAWA (email: furu @ mech.kyushu-u.ac.jp)

    The 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials
    7th-10th October, 2003
    Lake Placid, New York, USA
    Contact: Petra Novak (email: sem @ fs.uni-lj.si)

    8th International Tribology Conference ITC'03
    8th-10th October, 2003
    Belgrade, Serbia
    Contact: ITC'03 Secretariat (email: ivkovic @ knez.uis.kg.ac.yu)

    Schäden an geschmierten Maschinenelementen

    Termin: 09.10.2003 - 10.10.2003 (2 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

    Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dr.-Ing. Franz Joachim,Dipl.-Ing. Hubert Köttritsch,Dr.-Ing. Klaus Michaelis,Dr.-Ing. Johannes Neukirchner,Dr. Johannes Stoiber,Dipl.-Ing. Maik Wilhelm
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert
      Gleitlager – Wälzlager – Zahnräder

      Schadensstatistik * Rolle des Schmierstoffs bei Schäden an Maschinenelementen * Zahnradschäden, Wälzlagerschäden, Gleitlagerschäden – Analyse und Verhütung

    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680628
    Prospekt anzeigen

    October 15-18, 2003
    Badajoz, Spain
    Deadline for abstract: March 24, 2003
  • Surface and Interface Science
  • Physical and Biophysical chemistry
  • Nano-sciences and Technologies
  • Imaging Techniques
  • Engineering Physics
  • Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physics, Health Physics
  • Environmental Physics
  • Biomechanics
  • Computational Physics
  • Applied Solid State and Materials Science
  • Non-linear Physics
  • Instrumentation, Metrology, Certification...
  • Accoustics
  • Industrial Physics
  • Applied Optics
  • Opto-electronics
  • Industrial Physics
  • Physics and Information Sciences and technologies, Quantum Information Sciences
  • Nuclear Sciences, Radioactivity, Radiochemistry...
  • Semiconductors devices and Photonics
  • Applied Aero-Space Physics/Engineering
  • Biomagnetism



    22-25th October 2003
    Bośnia and Herzegovina
    deadline for the papers submission is July 01, 2003.

    Organized in order to mark 45th anniversary of the
    Faculty of Eechanical Engineering Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo

    Under the auspices Danube Rectors' Conference &
    rectors' honor committee OF DAAAM international

    Organized by:

    DAAAM International Vienna
    Vienna University of Technology
    OIAV 1848 Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects


    DAAAM International was founded on November 5th, 1990 at the Vienna Symposium, in order to mark the 175th anniversary of the Vienna University of Technology. The purpose of DAAAM International is to provide a world forum for engineers, scientists and industrial managers to present and discuss the current status and impact of advanced manufacturing and automation. During the last ten years the activities of DAAAM International are supported from the scientists and experts from more than fifty countries all over the world. During the last three years the DAAAM International focused activities on the regional and global long-term cooperation between (technical) universities. The results of this initiative is the founding of the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna and the start of two long-tenn cooperation projects. The founding document of the Network is the University Charter of Dubrovnik, signed on October 23rd 1997 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
    The main aims of DAAAM are: • To organize the annual DAAAM International Symposium. • To found and organize the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna as a strategie alliance and permanent international open platform for long-term co-operation and partnership in fields of technology, research and education. • To organize long - term projects initially known as Interuniversitary Doctoral Studies • To organize a pilot project initially known as Virtual University. • Exchange of people, scientific and teehnieal information. • International cooperation among scientists and engineers. • R & D, education and industrial application. • To cooperate with other national and international organizations in matter of common interest. • International scientifie and academic cooperation in the frames of DAAAM International Network for Advanced Technologies.

    International DAAAM Symposiums:

    1. "Automation and Metrology" - Vienna 1990, Austria
    2. "Flexible Automation" - Strbske Pleso 1991, Slovakia
    3. "Flexible and Intelligent Automation"- Budapest 1992, Hungary
    4. "Automation and Metrology: Man, Technology, Environment"- Brno 1993, Czech Republic
    5. "Automation and Metrology: Challenge and Chance "- Maribor 1994, Slovenia
    6. "Intelligent Manufacturing Systems" - Kraków 1995, Poland
    7. "Product & Manufacturing: Flexibility, Integration, Intelligence"- Vienna 1996, Vienna (250 published papers)
    8. "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation",- Dubrovnik 1997, Croatia
    9. "Intelligent Manufacturing, Automation & Networking" - Cluj - Napoca 1998, Romania
    10. "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Past- Present - Future" - Vienna 1999, Austria
    11. "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Man- Machine - Nature", Opatija 2000, Croatia
    12. "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Precision Engineering", Jena 2001, Germany
    13. "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Learning from Nature", Vienna 2002, Austria

    The main objective of the Symposium is to provide a world forum which annually takes part in Middle Europe to exchange knowledge, experience, results and infonnation related to various aspeets of the advanced manufacturing and modem automation. The scope of the Symposium covers seientific, technological and practical concepts concerning research, development and realization of advanced manufacturing automation and networking concepts, offering a unique opportunity for experts to meet and exchange ideas. MAIN TOPICS

    The Symposium includes all topics from the fields of advanced manufacturing, automation and networking. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
    • Actoric & Sensoric • Adaptive Control • Advanced Modelling Techniques • Agile Manufacturing • Agility • AGV • AI Techniques • Applications - all areas • Architectures • Artificial Intelligence •ASRS • Assembly and Disassembly • Automatic ID • Automotive Industry • Automotive Supply Industry • Autonomous Systems • Business Process Reengineering • Business Strategies • CAD/CAM/CAE Systems • Case Studies • CAx-Technologies • CIM • Collaborative Engineering • Computational Intelligence • Concurrent Engineering • Control • Control Strategies & Algorithms • Decision Making • Design • Design Automation • Diagnosis and Performance Monitoring • Ecodesign • Emergent Synthesis • Evolution Strategy • Expert Systems • FIexible Automation • FIexible Manufacturing Systems • Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy Control • Fuzzy Control & Systems • Genetic Algorithms • Hardware & Software • Holonic Systems • Human Computer Interaction / Human Machine Interface • Human Factors • Hybrid Manufacturing Systems • IMS • Industrial Automation • Industrial Robots • Intelligent Systems • Internet Solutions • Knowledge-Based Systems • Large Scale Systems • Lay - Out Design • Learning/Reasoning Systems • Logistics • Machine Learning • Machine Tools • Machining • Maintenance • Man-Machine Systems • Management • Manufacturing • Manufacturing Process Control • Manufacturing Process Planning • Materials • Measuring • Mechatronics • Microrobotics • Mobile Robots • Modelling • Modern Methods • Modern Production: Theory & Praxis • Monitoring • Motion Planning • Multirobot Systems • Networking • Neural Networks • New Manufacturing Paradigms • Non-Conventional Machining • Optimal Design • Optimization • Perception and Recognition • Precision Engineering • Process Control • Process Planning • Product Modelling • Production Engineering • Production Planning and Scheduling • Production Systems: Design, Control, Exploitation • Programming • Quality Management • Rapid Prototyping • Reasoning • Reliability • Reliability/Safety/Stability • Robot Applications - all areas • Robot Control • Robot Dynamics • Robot Kinematics • Robot Mechanisms • Robot Safety • Robotic Systems • Robotics • Robust Control • Safety • Scheduling • Self - Organizing Systems • Sensing and Sensor Data Fusion • Sensor Data Fusion • Sensors • Service Robots • Simulation • Smart Systems & Cards • System Simulation •Systems Analysis • Systems Engineering • Systems Integration • Systems Methodology • Teleoperation • Tools • TQM • Trends in Manufacturing & Automation • Virtual Manufacturing • Virtual Reality • Vision Systems • Welding, joining & cutting •


    The Organizing Committee invites authors as well as participants. The symposium language is English. Authors are kindly asked to complete the Application form and send it to the DAAAM International Vienna as soon as possible. One person can be the first author of one and the coauthor of another paper. The deadline for the papers submission is July 01, 2003. The papers have to be prepared exactly according to the Instructions for Authors. Papers will be subject to review by an international paper reviewing committee. The authors will be notified by July 20, 2003 about the results of reviewing. Authors must submit a diskette/CD with the final manuscript and 2 hard copies of camera-ready paper. The deadline for the submission of the final paper and the conferenee fee is September l, 2003.

    Corresponding adresses

    President of DAAAM International
    Professor Dr. DDr.h.e. Branko KATALINIC
    TU Wien, Karisplatz 13, A-1040 Wien, Austria, Europe
    Fax: 0043-1-58801-31199 9 0043-1-58801-31121
    E-mails: katalinic @ mail.ift.tuwien.ac.at president @ daaam.com
    More information: URL http://www.daaam.com (Uwaga: do przeglądania wymaga obniżenia ochrony prywatności)

    I M S ` 2003 IMS 2003 Intelligence Maintenance System
    October 25-27, China
    Xi`an, China
    The Conference solicits papers (but not limited) in the folIowing areas:
    * Application ofinformation science in maintenance science
    * Artificial intelligence approaches in maintenance techniques
    * Monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance based-on network
    * New-type transducers and sensing technology
    * Signal processing and diagnostic feature extraction
    * Integration and fusion of information
    * Assessment on equipment performance decline
    * Forecast of equipment running condition and predict maintenance
    * Monitorable and maintainable design
    * Maintenance management, organization and decision making
    * Tribology in maintenance
    * Education and training
    Hosting Organization
    Xi'an Jiaotong University
    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

    Assisting Organizations
    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    Tsinghua University

    The next STLE/ASME International joint Conference
    October 26th-29th, 2003
    Sawgrass Marriott Resort and Beach Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

    The next STLE/ASME International joint Conference will be held October 26th-29th, 2003 at the Sawgrass Marriott Resort and Beach Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

    You are invited to submit an abstract of your papers for this important meeting to www.asme.org/conf/trib03

    For further information contact STLE

    Gleitreibung und Gleitverschleiß bei Kunststoffen
    Termin: 27.10.2003 - 28.10.2003 (2 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
      Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Feinle
      Referenten: Dipl.-Ing. P. Bongardt, Dr. rer. nat. Gerd Dornhöfer, Dipl.-Ing. Fritz Dürr, Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Feinle, Dr.-Ing. O. Krüger, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. E. Santner, Werner Stehr, Prof. Dr. Günter Stein
      Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

      Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung

      Teilnahmegebühr: 690 EUR

      Lehrgangsnummer: 680599
      Anmelden Prospekt anzeigen - weitere Info anfordern

    Tribology, Industry, education

    30 and 31 October 2003
    108, Rakovski St. - Sofia, Bulgaria
    15.09.2003 Participation form and abstract
    30 & 31.10.2003 Registration and fees
    15.11.2003 Submission of paper fuli text
    23.12.2003 Proceedings publication


    president by Prof DSc N. Manolov
    in the collaboration with



    the 12th SESSION CONTACT 2003
    including National conference "SOFIA'03"
    on the problems of interdisciplinarity
    National conference


    Main topie:

    Tribology, Industry, education

    30 and 31 October 2003
    108, Rakovski St. - Sofia, Bulgaria

    Conference fees
    Members of Balkan Tribological Association or students:
    Company presentation:
    One copy of the conference proceedings is included in the conference fee.

  • Contact interaction
  • Tribomechanics and tribotechnics
  • Tribomaterials & surface coatings
  • Tribochemistry, lubrication, lubricants
  • Tribometry & triboinformatics
  • Tribology, industry, ecology
  • Tribotechnologies and. university educakion

    Instructions for authors
    All papers prepared in Bulgarian, English or Russian should be submitted in a word processing file (on a 3.5" disk or e-mail). All figures, photographs and illustrations (black and white) should be placed in the text. The title and the authors' name with the name of organisation should be followed by a summary not longer then 10 lines in English, and the main body of the paper.

    15.09.2003 Participation form and abstract
    30 & 31.10.2003 Registration and fees
    15.11.2003 Submission of paper fuli text
    23.12.2003 Proceedings publication

    For contacts:

    Tribology Centre
    Technical Uniersity - Sofia 1156
    e-mail: kandeva @ vmei.acad.bg;

    emiass @ abv.bg
    IMara Kandeva, Tel.:(+359 2) 965 2643
    Emilia Assenova, Tel.: (+359 2) 517622

    PARTICIPATION FORM "BULTRIB 2003" Name, Family name:............................................................... Company ................................................. Position: ............. Address:................................................... ..................... Tel. : ...................... Fax: .................... e-mail: ................. Title and authors of paper: Topic: .......................................................................... Hotel reservation: Yes [ ] No [ ] Accommodation dates:............ Please submit this form not later than 15.09.2003 to: Tribology Centre, Technical University - Sofia 1156 or: e-mails: kandeva @ vmei.acad.bg & emiass @ abv.bg

    Dear colleague,
    The Interdisciplinary Civil Academy INCA assisted by the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists organize the 12th Session CONTACT 2003 including the Conference with international participation "BULTRIB 2003" on 30. and 31.10.2003 in Sofia - The House ofTechnique, Rakovsky Str. 108.

    Please find attached the invitation for the Conference "BULTRIB 2003" as PageMaker and PDF-files and the Registration form as MSWord-file. Your presence will be deep honor and great benefit for all Bulgarian tribologists. Be welcome to Sofia.

    With best regards
    Emilia Assenova, Acoss.Prof. PhD, President
    Society of the Bulgarian Tribologists

  • November 2003

    Alternative Kraftstoffe - Biokraftstoffe und Wasserkraftstoff

    Termin: 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003 (3 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

    Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung

    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680638
    Prospekt anzeigen

    Tribologie und Schmierung bei der Massivumformung

    Termin: 06.11.2003 - 07.11.2003 (2 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
    Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Referenten: Dipl.-Ing. Jens Baur,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Wilfried Wagener,Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Barnert,Vertribsleiter, Prokurist Karl-Rolf Eversberg,Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Kretz,Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Nittel,Dr. Helmut Seidel,Dr. F. R. Venema,Dr.rer.nat. Ralph H. Ullmann,Dipl.-
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung

    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680629
    Prospekt anzeigen


    Termin: 13.11.2003 - 14.11.2003 (2 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
    Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dr. Lutz Frassek,Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Freiherr von Kress,Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Kreuser,Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Kriegesmann,Dipl.-Ing. Anja Dwars,Dr.-Ing. Frank Meschke,Dr.-Ing. Manuel Schöpke,Dr.-Ing. Detlef Steinmann,Dr. Gert Wah
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung

    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680630

    Prospekt anzeigen

    Wirtschaftliches Zerspanen durch optimale Kühlschmierstoffe

    Termin: 24.11.2003 - 25.11.2003 (2 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

    Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Gernot Bischoff-Steinke,Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Hessel,Dr. Dietrich Hörner,Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Joksch,Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Liebsch,Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Lung,Dipl.-Ing. E. Merschbrock,Dr. Hans Jürgen Schlindwein,Dipl.-Ing. André Walter
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680631
    Prospekt anzeigen

    «RELIABILITY - 2003»

    25-27 November 2003
    30 May 2003 - presentation of Applications (Registration Forms)
    l May 2003(?) - presentation of Applications for participation in the exhibitions.
    31 July 2003 - presentation of full text of paper and payment of the organizing fee.


    International Scientific-Technica
    l Conference «RELIABILITY - 2003»,

    devoted to 90-th of
    Samara State Technical University

    The Conference is conducted by:
    Russian Academy of Science (RAS) - Samara Scientific Centre, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of Russian Federation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Samara State Technical University (SSTU), Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Volga Region Department of Russian Engineer Academy (REA), Samara Departments of Academies of Quality, Transport, Astronautics and Aeronautics, Commercial-Industrial Chamber of the Volga Region, Samara Industrial Enterprises and Joint-stock Companies; Kuibyshev Raił Way, "AV-TOVAZ", State Scientific Enterprise Rocket-Space Center "Central Specialized Constructor Bureau - Progress" (SSE RSC "CSCB-Progress"), Samara Scientific-Technical Complex of acad. N.D. Kuznetsov (SSTC of acad. N.D. Kuznetsov), "MOTOROSTROITEL", "SAMARAENERGO", "SAMARANEFTEGAZ", "SAMARATRANSGAZ", «SAMARA BEARING FACTURY».

    Samara, 25-27-th of November 2003


    Purposes of the Conference

    • Generalizations of scientific develop results by the problem ofreliability and quality of machines.
    • Improvement of scientific bonds and communication between science and industry of different countries and regions.
    • Rise in the level of technical education by the problem ofreliability and quality.

    Information Maintenance of the Conference

    The State Publishing House of Russian Federation "Machine building" will conduct the information maintenance and issuing the collection of the conference works.
    Working Languages of the Conference -
    Russian and English (with translation).

    Schedule Work of the Conference

    1-st day - 25-th of November 2003.
    The sitting hali of Samara Scientist House.

    The first plenary meeting.

    2-nd day - 26-th of November 2003.

    Works of sections and exhibition

    1. Reliability in aviation and cosmonautics.
    2. Reliability in machine building.
    3. Reliability in energetic.
    4. Reliability on oil and gas extraction, transferring, and working.
    5. Reliability in railway transport.
    6. Reliability in automobile transport.
    7. Reliability of vessel mechanisms and energetic plants.
    8. Symposium "Reliability of Tribosystems".
    3-rd day - 27-th of November 2003.
    The sitting hali ofthe Samara Scientist House.

    The second plenary meeting by the problem of technical education in Russia.

    Program Committee


    Kazakov V.A. - Vice-governer of the Samara Region;
    Kalashnikoy V. V. - Rector of the SSTU.

    Committee members:

    Ajr Murli - Vice-president of the SAE, USA;
    Ardalin B. V. - President of Commercial-Industry Chamber of the Samara Region;
    Bartz W. J.- Professor of the Technical Academy, Germany;
    Gritsenko E.A. - General constructor of the N.D. Kuznetsov SSTC;
    Gromakovsky D.G. - Director of Scientific-Technical Centre "Reliability" of SSTU, professor - Chairman of Organizing Commiittee;
    Dikop V. V.- Chief engineer of Samara Energetic Company;
    Zaporozhets V. V. - Professor of the Kiev Aviation Institute;
    Kogan E.Y. - Chief of the Department of Science and Education of Administration of Samara Region, Professor;
    Korcek S. - Leader of Laboratory of the "FORD" Company, USA;
    Kozlov D.I. - General constructor of the SSE RSC "CSCB-Progress", Corresponding Member of RAS;
    Pinchuk L.S. -Academic ofthe Belarus Academy of Science, Belarus;
    Plohov E.M. - Chief ofthe Kuibyshev Rail Way;
    Prusov P.M. - Chief constructor ofthe join-stock company "AV-TOVAZ";
    Pytko S. - Professor of the Mountain Academy, Poland;
    Skibin V.A. - Director of the CIAM;
    Soifer V.A. - Corresponding Member of RAS, Rector of SSAU;
    Stepaneriko O.L. - Technical Director of the "Samaragaz";
    Frolov K. V. - RAS Academic, Director of mstitute of Engineering Science ofRAS;
    Humphreys H. - Manager of the firm "DELCAM-PIc", Great Britain;
    Shammazov A.M. - Rector of Ufa Oil and Gas University, Professor,
    Shitarev I.L. - General director of the joint stock company "Motorostroitel", President of Samara Union of Employers;
    Shlenov Y. V. - Deputy Minister of Education of RF;
    Shorin V.P. - RAS Academic, Chairman of the Presidium of Samara Scientific Centre.

    Organizational Committee

    Gromakovsky D.G. - Professor ofthe SSTU.

    Scientific secretaries:
    Denisenko A.F. - Professor ofthe SSTU;
    Danilin A.I. - Professor ofthe SSAU.

    Committee members:
    Barvinok V.A. - Corresponding member ofthe RAS, Chainnan of Samara Department of the Russian Federation Academy of Quality;
    Grigorov P.P. - Deputy Head of the Administration of Samara Region;
    Gńgoryan L.G. - Professor of SSTU, Director ofthe Institute of Oil-Gas Technologies of SSTU;
    Doronin V.I. - Manager of Department ofmdustry and Commerce of Administration of Samara Region;
    Klimochkin Y.N. - Professor of SSTU, Pro-rector by Scientific Work of the SSTU;
    Miheev Y. V. - General Director of the Volga Region Department of the Russian Engineer Academy;
    Mohonko V. P. - Main engineer of Kuibyshev Rail Way;
    Obihod A.P. - Main engineer of Joint-Stock Company "Samara-neftegaz";
    Putko V.F. - Professor of SSTU, Chairman of Samara Regional Society Moyement of Undertakers";
    Tarasov E.M. - Professor, Pro-rector of Samara Academy of Ways of Communication;
    Tihonov Y.A. - Vice-president of Commercial-Industrial Chamber of the Samara Region;
    Shaikin A.P. - Professor, Pro-rector of Tolyatti State University;
    Shahmatov E. V. - Professor, Pro-rector of SSAU;
    Shtrikov B.L. - Professor, Pro-rector of SSTU.


    Main buildmg of SSTU, 244,
    Molodogvardeiskaya st.,
    Samara, Russia, 443100,
    Telephone: (8462) 32-15-42,
    E-mail: ntc @ sstu.edu.ru, pnms3 @ mail.ru
    Web site of the Conference:
    Leader - Dmitry Grigoryevich Gromakovsky

    The State Educational Institution
    of Higher Professional Education
    Samara State Technical University (SSTU)

    Rector of the University -

    Professor, Ph.D.,
    Vladimir Vasilyevich Kalashnikov,
    Vice-rector by Scientific Work -
    Professor, Ph.D.,
    Yuri Nikolaeyich Klimochkin.

    Way to Main Building of SSTU
    by the city transport

    From airport and railway station by buses 2, 23, 44, 47, to bus stop «Pervomaiskaya» or 24, 41, 46 to buss stop «Polevaya», also by trams 5, 20, 22 to «Polevaya» and 23 to station «Pervomaiskaya».

    Information about University

    Samara State Technical University was founded in 1914. The range of State to the University was awarded in 1992. The University includes 16 faculties such as: Automatic and Information Technologies, Machine Building, Physics-Technological, Engineering-Economical, Electrotechnical, Heat-and-Power Engineering, Engineering-Technological, Chemical-Technological, Oil-Technological, Humanities, Postal Tuition, Initial Preparing and Improvement of Professional Skill and others.
    There are 115 professors and doctors, 617 candidates and docents work in the University.
    On the 70 chairs of the University preparing the specialists in 18 trends, 54 specials in practice for all branches of industry are performed.
    There are more than 18000 students, including 270 foreigners are educated on the all faculties including the filial.
    Synthesis of technical, humanities and economical spheres of knowledge permits to prepare of specialists of new type.
    The most important principle of the Technical University - the unity of education, scientific researching and engineer working-outs. The SSTU is a biggest technical centre of the Middle Volga Region. There are 77 scientific departments, including 16 scientific and engineering centers, 2 Researching institutes in its structure. The post-graduate studentship works In University.
    By problems of reliability of technological, energetic and transport machines more than 30 chairs and scientific departments of the University are engaged.


    to participation in the International Scientific-
    Technical Conference


    Please, fill in and send us by E-mail: mailto:ntc @ sstu.edu.ru or pnms3 @ mail.ru,
    or post on address: Main Building SSTU, 244,
    Molodogvardeiskaya st., 443100, Samara, RUSSIA
    Tel./fax ofOrganizing Committee: (8462) 321542.
    Chairman of Organizing Committee:
    Dmitry Grigoryevich Gromakovsky

    Your would like

    • To make plenary report.
    • To make report on sections 1-8.
    • To make stand report.
    • To participate in the Conference without report.
    • To participate in the exhibition.
    • To place advertisement in the Collection of Works.
    • To conduct of presentation of your firm.


    Scientific rank
    Scientific degree
    Organization, firm
    City, country

    Telephone (with code of city)
    Fax number
    Title of paper

    Necessity in accommodation:
    City hotel
    Preventive clinic of SSTU

    Information about works by reliability of machines
    in the Samara Industrial Region

    Samara Rocket-Space Center «Central Specialized Constructor Bureau - Progress» (General Constructor D.I. Kozlov, leader of works by ensuring the reliability V. A. Kapitonov) has a uncial practice of system ensuring of reliability and safety of flying the space technique.
    Joint-stock Company "AVTOVAZ" (leaders by technical development G.K. Saharov and P.M. Prusov) conducts of working out the unity system of quality management, and technical maintenance of model series ofautomobiles of the ciasses A, B, C.
    Acad. N.D. Kuznetsov Specialized Scientific Technical Complex, «MOTOROSTROITEL», SCBM (Leaders: Y.A. Gritsenko, I.L.Shitarev, V.N. Ovchinnicov) work on creating the aviation engine of 6-th generation NK-93, power station with heightened reliability, gas transferring aggregates of new generation.
    Kuibyshev Rail Way (Chief engineer V.P. Mohonko), Samara Academy of Communication Way (professors Y.M. Tarasov, Y.Y. Prosvirov, V.L. Grigoryev and others) in company with Volga Region Department of Russian Engineer Academy induce corporative program of quality management for increasing the technical level of exploitation, reliability and safety of transferring.
    SSTU works out the methods of increasing the quality and reliability of technological, energetic machines and control systems (professors E.Y.Rappoport, D.G. Gromakovsky, A.F. Denisenko, B.L. Shtrikov, A.M. Abakumov, P.A. Kulakov and others), methods of diagnostics (professors Y.I. Steblev, N.V. Diligensky, M.Y.Livshits, B.K. Chostkovsky), new resource saving and repairing technologies (professors A.P. Amosov, A.I. Shchelokov, V.F. Putko, N.V. Nosov and others).
    The SSAU (Corresponding member of RAS V.A. Soifer, professors Y.V, Shahmatov, L.M. Logvinov, Y.L. Tarasov, A.I. Belousov, V.A. Komarov and others) perform the works by ensuring the reliability of space apparatus, aviation engines, constructions of planes, control systems and communications.
    Joint-stock companies «Samaraneftegaz», «Samaratransgaz», «Prevolzhskie nefteprovody», «Yugo Zapad Transnefteproduct» (Chioengineers A.P. Obihod, O.A. Stepanenko, A.G. Budnik, V.V. Ivanenkov) perform renovation and modifing of equipment for defence (pipe-lines, increasing the reliabililty on oil and gas extracting, transferring and keeping.
    Joint-stock company «Volgotanker» works out the systems of application of altemative kind of fuels, control of working the tanker fleet, technology of vessels hulis renovation.
    Works of collaborators of company "YUKOS", chemists of Tolyatti, Novokuibyshevsk, Chapaevsk, Syzran, and other towns of Samara region are devoted to ensuring the high level of reliability and safety.

    Requirements to Papers

    The annotation must contain the title of report, surnames of authors, text not exceeding l page on Russian or English languages. Type - Times New Roman, size - 11 pt, single space between lines.
    Full text of paper in the Russian or English languages must be performed with using editor Word for Windows version 6.0 or higher. The text not exceeding 6 pages must be sent us before 1.09.2003 by E-mail or by post. Paper must be presented on diskette 3,5" and in the form of hard copy on white sheets of the format A4, printed on qualitative printer.
    Text of a paper must be printed with the type Times New Roman, size - 12 pt. Pages without numeration.
    Title of paper is printed in center with big letters without dividing into syllables, type - Times New Roman Bold. On the next line, beginning from left side, initials and surnames of the authors, the names of organization, city, state are written.
    Text of paper is written with single space, tabulation - 5 mm and evening by width, with automatic dividing into syllables. In conclusion of paper, after one line from the text, the bibliographic list under the title "LITERATURE" is printed. References on literature sources in the text are given in square brackets.

    Deadlines for Presentation of Materials

    30 May 2003 - presentation of Applications (Registration Forms) for participation in the Conference and abstract of paper.
    l May 2003(?) - presentation of Applications for participation in the exhibitions.
    31 July 2003 - presentation of full text of paper and payment of the organizing fee.

    Organizing Fee

    200 USD

    Standard settlement instructions
    for wire bank transfer in USD:

    INTERMEDIARY (for example *);

    Bank - The Bank of New York
    Account no. - 890-0057-610
    SWIFT code - IRVTUS3N


    BRANCH No. 28
    Beneficiary's account: 40503840054110200033
    Beneficiary: Samara State Technical University
    Details of payment: Conference by Reliability
    * You may use any intermediary for payment.

    Ökologische und ökonomische Aspekte bei Schmierstoffen

    Termin: 27.11.2003 - 28.11.2003 (2 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

    Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Bock,Dr. Dietmar Breuer,Dr. rer. nat. Detlev Bruhnke,Dr. Thomas Fack,Dr. Rüdiger Freitag,Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Mäckle,Dipl.-Chem. Kristin Manuwald,Dipl.-Biol. Gudrun Maxam,Dr. Johann Mehlstäubl,Dr. Jürgen Pock
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680632

    Prospekt anzeigen

    December 2003




    2 - 4 grudnia 2003 r.
    31.05.03 r. - nadsyłanie kart zgłoszeń i streszczeń referatów o objętości l strony,
    30.06.03 r. - II komunikat, akceptacja tematyki referatów,
    31.08.03 r. - nadsyłanie pełnych tekstów referatów,
    15.11.03 r. - III komunikat, informacje końcowe i program obrad.
    E-mail: transcomp @ garda.home.pl

    Politechnika Radomska

    Wydział Transportu
    Instytut Automatyki
    i Telematyki Transportu


    Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów
    i Techników Komunikacji

    Oddział w Radomiu






    Zakopane 2 - 4 grudnia 2003 r.


    Prof.dr hab.inż. Z. Łukasik - PR - przewodniczący kierunku Elektryka
    Prof.dr hab.inż. Z. Strzyżakowski - PR - przewodniczący kierunku Transport
    Prof.dr inż. R. Matusiak -PR - z-ca przew. kierunku Elektryka
    Prof.dr hab.inż. R. Bogacz -IPPT PAN i PW - z-ca przew. kierunku Transport
    Prof.dr hab.inż. J. Adamczyk - AGH
    Prof.dr hab.inż. A. Chudzikiewicz - PW
    Prof.dr hab.inż. J. Dyduch - PR
    Prof.dr hab.inż. K. Frischmuth -TU Rostock
    Prof.dr hab.inż. L. Grochowski - PW
    Prof.dr hab.inż. J. Hansel - AGH
    Prof.dr hab.inż. S. Jackowski - PR
    Prof.dr hab.inż. T. Kaczorek - PW
    Prof.dr hab.inż. A. Lewiński - PR
    Prof.dr hab.inż. J. Lewitowicz - PW
    Prof.dr hab.inż. S. Luft -PR
    Prof.dr hab.inż. M. Łukow-MIIT Moskwa
    Prof.dr hab.inż. M. Sitarz -PSI
    Prof.dr hab.inż. W. Szcześniak - PW
    Prof.dr inż. R. Wawruch - AM Gdynia
    Dr inż. P. Lesiak -PR - sekretarz naukowy


    Prof.dr hab.inż. M. Luft -PR - przewodniczący
    Mgr inż. W.Fabirkiewicz -SITK- z-ca przewodniczącego
    Dr inż. K. Krzysztoszek -PR - sekretarz organizacyjny
    Dr inż. P. Bojarczak -PR
    Mgr inż. A. Jagielski -SITK
    Mgr inż. J. Solski -SITK
    S. Grzywacz -PR


    dotyczy komputerowego wspomagania w projektowaniu, symulacji i badaniach. Obrady będą się toczyć w następujących sekcjach:
  • trakcja elektryczna,
  • pojazdy trakcyjne,
  • dynamika pojazdów szynowych,
  • automatyka i sterowanie w transporcie szynowym,
  • diagnostyka toru i taboru.


  • konstrukcja i badania pojazdów,
  • eksploatacja pojazdów,
  • bezpieczeństwo ruchu.


  • systemy informatyczne statkowe i zabezpieczenia żeglugi,
  • modelowanie ruchu,
  • automatyzacja siłowni okrętowych i sieci energetycznych,
  • automatyzacja procesów obliczeniowych.


  • wspomaganie badań,
  • projektowanie konstrukcji,
  • eksploatacja i bezpieczeństwo samolotów.


  • komputerowe systemy wspomagania,
  • diagnostyka elementów urządzeń,
  • metody i środki kształtowania bezpieczeństwa.


  • konstrukcje budowlane i inżynierskie,
  • mechanika nawierzchni kolejowej,
  • mechanika nawierzchni drogowe - lotniskowej.


  • układy elektryczne i elektroniczne,
  • systemy elektroenergetyczne,
  • systemy pomiarowe,
  • systemy telekomunikacji,
  • automatyzacja procesów przemysłowych,
  • sztuczna inteligencja i systemy eksperckie.


  • budowa i eksploatacja maszyn,
  • mechanika układów złożonych,
  • trybologia,
  • dynamika maszyn,
  • przepływy cieczy i gazów.


  • programowanie w systemach alarmowych,
  • zintegrowane systemy zabezpieczeń,
  • środki techniczne w systemach zabezpieczeń.


  • stanowiska laboratoryjne wspomagane komputerowo,
  • zintegrowane programy symulacyjne,
  • informatyka w dydaktyce szkół wyższych,
  • programy nauczania i szkolenia.

    do 31.05.03 r. - nadsyłanie kart zgłoszeń i streszczeń referatów o objętości l strony,
    do 30.06.03 r. - II komunikat, akceptacja tematyki referatów,
    do 31.07.03 r. - wniesienie pełnej opłaty:
    960 PLN od uczestników krajowych,
    250 $ od uczestników zagranicznych,
    do 31.08.03 r. - nadsyłanie pełnych tekstów referatów,
    do 15.11.03 r. - III komunikat, informacje końcowe i program obrad.

    II Komunikat o sposobie przygotowania referatów będzie przesłany tylko do osób, które nadeślą streszczenia. Wszyscy Uczestnicy otrzymają III Komunikat wraz z programem konferencji.
    Informacje o przebiegu przygotowań konferencji będą umieszczane na stronie internetowej konferencji: www.transcomp.prv.pl

    Opłata konferencyjna obejmuje:

  • materiały konferencyjne,
  • koszty noclegów,
  • koszty wyżywienia,
  • obsługę konferencji,
  • imprezy towarzyszące.
    Konferencji towarzyszyć będzie wystawa sprzętu informatycznego, aparatury, oprogramowania i wydawnictw.

    Referaty będą opublikowane w Pracach Naukowych Politechniki Radomskiej: seria Transport i seria Elektryka ( 3 pkt. w rankingu KBN ).
    Ostateczny termin nadsyłania referatów do 31.08.2003
    Podstawowym warunkiem opublikowania referatów jest pozytywna recenzja oraz terminowe wniesienie opłaty.

    Dr inż. Konrad KRZYSZTOSZEK
    Instytut Automatyki i Telematyki Transportu
    ul. Malczewskiego 29
    26-600 RADOM
    tel. (048)361-77-05, 361-77-07 lub 361-77-00
    Fax: (048)361-77-42
    E-mail: transcomp @ garda.home.pl
    Strona Intemetowa: www.transcomp.prv.pl

  • Additive für Schmierstoffe

    Termin: 03.12.2003 - 05.12.2003 (3 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

    Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dr. rer. nat. Achim Fessenbecker,Dr. Peter C. Hamblin,Dr. Rüdiger Holinski,Dr. rer. nat. Walter Holweger,Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried H. Kägler,Dr. Gordon D. Lamb,Dr. Bernd Lindstaedt,Dipl.-Ing. J. Raddatz,Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Sieg
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung

    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680633

    Prospekt anzeigen

    Grundlagen der Schmierstoffe und ihre Anwendungen

    Termin: 08.12.2003 - 12.12.2003 (5 Tag(e))
    Ort: CH-06060 Sarnen

    Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert.
      In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.

      Teil I: Grundlagen (3 Tage)

      Inhalt: Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive, Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb - Ölanalyse zur Beurteilung von Schmierstoff und Reibstelle, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften, Viskosität und Fließverhalten
      Teil II: Anwendungen (2 Tage)
      Inhalt: Getriebeschmierstoffe * Motorenschmierstoffe * Verdichterschmierstoffe * Hydraulikanlagen und -flüssigkeiten * Schmierstoffe für Metallbearbeitung: spanende Bearbeitung, Umformung
      Teil I + II je: EUR 1.200,00
      Teil I je: EUR 850,00

    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt CHF
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680634

    Prospekt anzeigen


    Tribology and Lubrication Engineering
    January 13 – 15, 2004
    Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

      Main Subjects
    • Scientific Session: Additive Mechanism of Effectiveness, Hydrodynamic,
    • Elastohydrodynamic, and Mixed Film Lubrication Processes and Mechanisms
    • Calculation and Designing of Tribocontacts (Journal and Roller Bearings, Silder Gearing, Cam/Tappet-Systems etc. Including Lubricant Properties)
    • Special Aspects of Tribology
    • For-Life-Lubrication
    • Friction and Wear
    • Base Oils for High Performance Lubricants
    • Mineral Oils and Synthetic Fluids
    • Additive Developments and Technology
    • Solid Lubricants and Their Application
    • Lubricating Greases
    • Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants
    • Lubrication of Roller and Journal Bearings
    • Lubrication of lndustrial Gears, Compressors, and Refrigeration Compressors
    • General Application of Lubricants in Industry, Forestry, and Agriculture
    • Hydraulic Fluids and Seals
    • Metal Working and Metal Forming Lubrication and Lubricants
    • Tribological Behaviour of Materials
    • Lubricants for Automobile Gears, Transaxles, and ATFs
    • Engine Oils and Lubrication
    • Tribotesting and Evaluation
    • Classification and Standardization of Lubricants
    • Analyses, Recovery, Rerefining, and Disposal of Used Oil
    • Health and Environment Aspects, Laws, and Regulations

    Technische Akademie Esslingen
    Colloquium Secretary TribologyTelephone: (+49-711) 3 40 08 12
    Postfach 12 65Telefax: (+49-711) 3 40 08 43
    D-73748 OstfildernE-Mail: Renate.Pfeiffer @ tae.de

    February 2004

    March 2004

    Understanding Friction, Lubrication and Wear
    2nd to 5th March 2004
    Shanghai, China
    March 1, 2004Palace Room, 3rd Flr.SAE Asian Steering Committee Meeting9:00 AM-5:00 PMFumio Ueada, Senior Staff Engr, Fuel & Lubricant Dept, Toyota Motor Corp.
    March 2, 2004Palace Room, 3rd Flr.SAE Asian Steering Committee Meeting9:00 AM-4:30 PMFumio Ueada, Senior Staff Engr, Fuel & Lubricant Dept, Toyota Motor Corp.
     Marble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Conference Registration 4:00-6:00 PM
     Marble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Wellcoming Cocktail Reception6:00-8:00 PMSPONSORE BY F&L ASIA INC.
    March 3, 2004Cathay Room, 3rd FLr.7:30 - 8:30 AMBreakfast for March 3 Speakers Session Chairmen and Advisory Board Opening Session
     Opening Session9:00 - 9:30 AM
     Opening RemarksVicky Villena-Denton, Editor, F&L ASIA, Inc.
     Marble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Fumio Ueada, Senior Staff Engr, Fuel & Lubricant Dept, Toyota Motor Corp.
    Plenary SessionMarble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Business Session: "Opportunities and Challenges - New Horizons in China and Asia"9:30 - 12 NOONOrganizer/Chairman: Stephen Puckett, Managing Director, Tri-Zen International
    Keynote Address: "China: Asia's New Locomotive"Hugh Peyman, President, Research Works
    "Successful Business Development in China"Andrew Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Greater China Consult
    "A Season of Change: Emerging Trends in Project Financing in China"David Lim, First Vice President, Structured Finance Asia, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.
    "Managing Business Risk in China"Howard Wu, Associate, Baker & McKenzie, Shanghai
    Marble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Networking Tea Break10:00 - 10:30AMSPONSORED BY CROMPTON PETROLEUM ADDITIVES
    Metropole, Renaissance, Astor & Cathay Rooms, 3rd Flr.LUNCH12:00 - 1:30 PMSPONSORED BY EXXONMOBIL ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD.
    Palace Room, 3rd Flr.VIP LUNCH12:00 - 1:30 PM
    Break-out SessionMarble 1&2, 4th Flr.Technical Session 1: "Keynote Session"1:30 - 5:00 PMOrganizer/Chairman; Dr. Stephen Hsu, Leader, Nanotribology Group, U.S. National Institute of Science & Technology
    "Boundry Lubricating Films: Its Origin, Theory, and Potential Replacement for ZDDP"Dr. Stephen Hsu, Leader, Nanotribology Group, U.S. National Institute of Science & Technology
    "Nano-borated Detergents: Performance and Mechanisms"Prof. Jean Michel Martin, Ecole Centrale de Lyon
    "Imaging, in Situ and Combinatorial Approaches to the Understanding of Lubricant Additive Behavior"Prof. Nicholas Spencer, Chair and Department Head, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
    "Nanopartides as Lubricant Additives"Prof. Wei Ming Liu, Director, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics
    Break-out SessionMarble 3, 4th Flr.Commercial Sesion (With Sequential Translation)1:30 - 5:15 PMChairman: Wilfried Bartz, Technische Akademie Esslingen
    "Lower TBN Lubricants for Asia Pacific Markets with Improved Diesel Fuel Quality"Ajay Upponi, Market Manager for Automotive, Chevron Oronite
    "The Impact of Hardware Technology Drivers on Lubricant and Fuels Development in Asia Pacific"Dr. Brian Crichton, Manager, Industry Liaison, Infineum International Limited
    "Selecting the Optimum Hydraulic Oil to meet the Viscosity Requirements of Major Pump Manufacturers"Doug Placek, Global Product Manager, Degussa - RohMax Oil Additives
    "Current and Future Automotive Gear Lubricants In The Asa-Pacfic Market"Hirohito Hasegawa, Lubrizol Southeast Asia
    "The Change in Additive Requirements with the Reduction of Sulphur in Asia and the Introduction of Alternative Fuels"Roger Needham, Product Manager, Octel Refinery Specialties
    Marble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Networking Tea Break3:00 - 3:30 PMSPONSORED BY ACFA
    M-ON-THE—BUND (Bus pick-upand drop-off at Ritz-Carlton)Cocktail Reception Celebrating our 10th Year!6:00 - 9:00 PMSPONSORED BY CHEVRON ORON1TE
    March 4, 2004Marble 1&2, 4th Flr.SAE Colloquia9:00 - 12 NOONOrganizer/Chairman: Fumio Ueada, Senior Staff Engr, Fuel & Lubricant Dept, Toyota Motor Corp.
    "Activities of Lubricant Working Groups in SAE Fuels and Lubricants Steering Committee for Asia"Kiyotaka Nakamura, Leader, Passenger Car R&D, Nissan Motor Corp.
    "Reduction of olefin and Sulfur: Contents in FCC Gasoline - Challenges Facing China's Petroleum Refining Industry"Cao Dongxue, Deputy Director, Refining Technology Division, SINOPEC
    "Synthetic Fuels: A Scenario for Meeting China's Auto Fuel Demands"Henry Xu, Senior Manager, R&D Dept., Volkswagen (China) Investment Company Ltd.
    "Application of Aftermarket Gasoline Detergent In China"Wang Yang, Chief Engineer, Beijing Chengzhi Howwy Oil Products Co.
    "Effects of Detergent on Nozzle Flow and Emission of Diesel Engine"Zhao Liang, Engineer, Shanghai Gaoqiao Company Oil Refinery Plant
    "Cleaner Fuels In Asia - The Contribution of the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities"Cornelius Huizenga, CAI-Asia
    "Proposed Fuel Efficiency Standards in China"Speaker to be Announced
    "Developing Clean Fuel Vehicles in Shanghai"Lui Hui Ping, Shanghai Municipal Liaison Office for the Promotion of Clean Auto Action
    Marble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Networking Tea Break3:00 - 3:30 PMSPONSORED BY BASF
    The Ritz-Carlton BarRohMax Hospitality Suite5:30 PM Onwards
    March 5, 2004Cathay Room, 3rd Flr.Appreciation Dinner for Advisory Board/Session Chairmen*7:30 - 8:30 AM
    Plenary SessionMarble 1&2, 4th Flr.Base Oil Session9:00 - 11:30 AMOrganizer/Chairman; Harland Bulow, Consultant, Tri Zen
    "The Changing Landscape of Basestock Supply, Demand and Quality"Tan Thie Chew, NEA Regional Sales Manager, ExxonMobil, Basestock Marketing - Asia Pacific
    Marble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr."Asia Pacific Lube Basestocks: Current Market Environment"Harland Bulow, Consultant, Tri Zen
    Networking Tea Break10:00 - 10:30 AMSPONSORED BY BASF
    "Gas to Liquids - The Next Generation of Base Oils"David Wedlock, Technology Manager, Shell Global Solutions (UK)
    "Premium Base Oils: Market, Supply and Role of Technology"Jirong Xiao, Director, R&D and New Business ChevronTexaco
    Metropole Room, 3rd Flr.SAE Workshop9:00 AM - 5:00 PMOrganizer/Chairman; Fumio Ueada, Senior Staff Engr, Fuel & Lubricant Dept, Toyota Motor Corp.
    Workshop 1: Global Test Methods9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    "An Overview of Japanese Test Methods for Automotive Fuels & Lubricants"Kiyoshi Inoue, Group Manager, Transportation Lubricants R&D Group, Nippon Oil Corp.
    "Engine Oil Category Development In North America"Lee Grant, Southwest Research Institute
    "Activities of the New CEC"11:00 AM - 12:00 NoonSpeaker to be announced
    Workshop 2: Fuels11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
    "Gasoline Quality Requirements in Asia"Yasunori Takei, Toyota Motor Corp.
    "Diesel FuelQuality Requirements in Asia"Yasunori Takei, Toyota Motor Corp.
    Break-out SessionMarble 3, 4th Flr.Technical Session 2: "Science and Technology Trends in Lubrication"9:00 - 11:30 AMOrganizer/Chairman: Dr. Stephen Hsu, Leader, Nanotribology Group, U.S. National Institute of Science & Technology
    "Ashless Antiwear/EP Additives: Status, Trends and Future Needs"Dr. Oscar Tamo, Program Leader, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering
    "Effect of Surface Texture on Lubrication"Dr. Diann Hua, Caterpillar Inc.
    Marble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Networking Tea Break10:00- 10:30 AMSPONSORED BY BASF
    Metropole, Renaissance, Astor & Cathay Rooms, 3rd Flr.LUNCH12:00- 1:30 PM
    Break-out SessionMarble Hall Foyer, 4th Flr.Technical Session 3: "China Lubricants Market" (With Sequential Translation)1:00- 5:30 PMOrganizer/Chairman: Ronald Koo Consultant
    "The Status and Future of PetroChina Lubricating Oil Industry"Madam Liao GuoQin, President, PetroChina Lubricant Company
    "Current Status and Future Development of China's Lubricant Enterprises"Song YunChang, First Vice President, Saiopec Lubricant Company
    "The Application of Hydrogenated Base Oil in the Lube Oil"Madam Yu QiaoZhen, Assistant Manager, Shanghai Lubricating Oil Company; Director, Shanghai Oil Refinery Research Institute
    "The Future Development of of Chinese Automotive Industry"Peng Wei, Deputy Director, Science and Technology Division, SAE-China
    "OEM's Requirements on Engine Oils Performance in China - Opportunities and Challenges"Cheng Hua, Product Manager, Lubrizol China, Inc.
    Break-out SessionMarble 3, 4th Flr.Technical Session 4: "Clean Air, Clean Fuels"1:30- 5:30 PMOrganizer/Chairman: Cornelius Huizenga, Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities
    "Environmental Regulations of Fuels for Motor Vehicles in China"Tang Dagang, Director, AEI/CRAES, VECC-SEPA
    "Cleaner Fuels in Asia; The Role of Pricing, Taxation and Incentives"Grant Boyle, Program Associate UN University Institute of Advanced Studies, Japan
    "The Approach for Integrated Assessment of Energy Options and Health Benefits - IES Project: Shanghai Case Study"Changhong Chen, Professor/ Director, Atmospheric Environment Institute, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences
    "The Development of a Medium Term Fuel Quality Strategy for Thailand"Dr. Supat Wangwongwatana, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand
    Renaissance, Rooms 3rd Flr.LUNCH12:00- 1:30 PM
    Metropole Room, 3rd Flr.SAE Asian Steering Committee1:00- 2:00 PM
    Workshop 3: Lubricants2:00 - 5:00 PM
    "Quality Managemnt Syststem for Lubricants in Japan"Hitoshi Hamaguchi, Area Sales Manager, Degussa Japan (RohMax Oil Additives)
    "Status and Trends of Engine Lubricant Specifications for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine"Kenji Tomizawa, Group Manager, Power Train Research & Development Division, Hino Motors Ltd.
    "Motorcycles Requirement and JASO Standards Promotion"Masatoshi Akagi, Chief Engineer, Motorcycle Division, Honda R&D Co.
    "Requirements of Engine Oil for Gasoline Engine"Kiyotaka Nakamura, Leader, Passenger Car R&D, Nissan Motor Corp.
    "New Specification Development of Hydraulic Oil and Grease for construction Equipment"Satoshi Ohikawa, Senior Chief Researcher, Komatsu Ltd.
    March 6, 2004Off-siteOptional Tour to Hangzhou8 AM - 6 PM
    Off-siteOptional GolfAt your leisureNote: By idyvidual arrangment
    • Members and invited Quests only

    SAIT-2003 "TRIBOLOGY 2004"
    8th International Tribology Conference
    Understanding Friction, Lubrication and Wear
    24-26 March 2004
    University of Pretoria Conference Centre
    Pretoria South Africa
    30 04 2003: Return of Reply Form
    30 06 2003: Submission of paper abstract
    31 07 2003: Notification of acceptance of papers, & format instructions
    30 09 2003: Second Announcement & Registration
    30 11 2003: Submission of final paper
    30 01 2004: Final Programme & Reg

    The main aim of the Conference is to provide participants with an opportunity to present their work and to exchange ideas and results, and to meet people with similar tribological interests.


    Experimental, theoretical and case studies on the following topics can be submitted:

    • Industrial Tribology - Problems and Solutions
    • Lubricants Testing and Condition Monitoring
    • Wear Processes and Tribology of Materials
    • EHD, Boundary and Fluid Film Lubrication
    • Machine Elements
    • Tribology and the Environment

    friction, lubrication and wear”

    "TRIBOLOGY 2004"


    8th International Tribology

    presented by

    The South African
    Institute of Tribology

    24-26 March 2004

    University of Pretoria Conference Centre

    Pretoria South Africa

    The main aim ofthe Conference isto provide participants with an opportunity to present their work and to exchange ideas and results, and to meet people with similar tribological interests.

    Our plenary guest speakers are Professor Hugh A Spikes, of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London, and Dr Ali Erdemir of the Argonne National Laboratory in lllinois.

    The official language ofthe Conference is English.

    Return of Reply Form
    30 April 2003
    Submission of paper abstract
    30 June 2003
    Notification of acceptance of papers, & format instructions
    31 July 2003
    Second Announcement & Registration
    30 September 2003
    Submission of final paper
    30 November 2003
    Final Programme & Reg
    30 January 2004

    The SAIT holds the copyright for the publication of accepted papers until after the conference proceedings have been published.

    Persons interested in presenting a paper should submit an abstract of approximately 500 words to the Conference Organising Committee no later than the above deadlines. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. No paper will be published unless presented by one of the authors.

    Exhibition space will be available at the Conference venue. Sponsorship of various Conference events is invited. Details are available from the Conference Organising Committee.

    Experimental, theoretical and case studies on the following topics can be submitted:

    Industrial Tribology - Problems and solutions: Applications and case studies in metalworking and manufacturing processes, lubrication equipment in the mining, power generation, automotive, steel, textile and agricultural industries.

    Lubricants Testing and Condition Monitoring: Properties and applications of mineral and synthetic oils and greases, metalworking fluids and solid lubricants. Maintenance of tribosystems, oil analysis, fluid cleaniiness and filtration technology. Failure analysis techniques, modeling and simulation of tribosystems.

    Wear Processes and Tribology of Materials: Friction and wear, surface engineering, sliding and rolling contacts, wear control; wear aspects of metallic materials, ceramics, composites, polymers and coatings; tribology in medical applications; tribology in electronics.

    EHD, Boundary and Fluid Film Lubrication: Bearings, rotor dynamics, modeling of fluid film phenomena; applications to gears and rolling bearings.

    Machine Elements: Use of numerical methods in design methodologies for tribocontacts; studies on wear and surface deterioration of tribosystems; computer aided design oftribo elements.

    Tribology and the emironment: Health and safety problems, environmental issues, conservation, recycling and disposal of tribological waste materials.

    Professor Philip L de Vaal
    Rob H Hodgson
    Hugo J Howse
    Patrick G Swan
    Mrs Gillian Fuller
    PO Box1240
    South Africa


    Fax+ 27-11-804-3484
    or 804-4972
    email: secretary @ sait.org.za
    website:   http://www.sait.org.za

    Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa, offers the technical facilities and the cultural amenities of an international city, and has amongst the best scientific and academic institutions in Africa. Pretoria has a pleasant and sunny climate and a most scenic natural setting.

    There are many interesting attractions in and around Pretoria including the Union Buildings and Botanical Gardens. It is a central departure point for the intriguing "Lost City", and for the Kruger National Park, the Pilanesberg Game Reserve, located in an extinct volcano, and many other interesting attractions. Pretoria is oniy 40 minutes from Johannesburg International Airport, and is linked to the restof the country by air, road and rail. To Durban with its beaches, and to Gape Town with its history and magnificent scenery.

    The University of Pretoria Conference Centre is on the University Campus, and is centrally situated close to hotels, guest houses, shops and banks.

    Reibung und Verschleiß von Werkstoffen, Bauteilen und Konstruktionen

    Termin: 29.03.2004 - 30.03.2004 (2 Tag(e))
    Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern

    Leitung: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. E. Santner
      Referenten: Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Stangner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Deters, Dr.-Ing. Paul Deyber, Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Fischer, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Knoll, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. E. Santner, Dr.-Ing. J. Schöfer, Dr.-Ing. Mathias Woydt
    Hotline: Wilfried.Bartz @ tae.de

    Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert.
    Ursachen - Analyse - Optimierung

    In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
      Grundbegriffe der Tribologie, Reibungs- und Verschleißmechanismen, Analyse tribotechnischer Systeme * Reibung und ihre Bedeutung für die Funktionsfähigkeit von Maschinenelementen * Analyse von Hochtemperaturverschleißschäden * Einschränkung von Reibkorrosion, Fretting, Passungsrost * Tribologische Prüf- und Analysetechnik * Konstruktive Maßnahmen zur Verschleißminderung
    Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
    Lehrgangsnummer: 680606
    Prospekt anzeigen

    April 2004

    Nanotechnology Growth Opportunities

    Nanotechnology Growth Opportunities

    April 15-16, 2004 Nanotechnology Growth Opportunities
    Irvine, California

    In Orange County resides the nation's largest medical devices' industry. Additionally, in San Diego is the nation's third largest biotech industry, with a higher percentage of the companies as relatively newer startups based on high tech. Our Nanotechnology Growth Opportunities for the Biotech and Medical Device Sectors forum will provide solutions for both the biotech and medical devices industry on how to capitalize on the next wave of new technology that will boost their existing market shares and open up new markets and opportunities.
    Forum Chair,
    ASME Nanotechnology Institute Advisory Board Member

    Professor Abraham Lee
    Biomolecular Microsystems & Nanotransducers (BioMINT) Laboratory
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    University of California at Irvine
    204 Rockwell Engineering Center
    Irvine, CA 92697-2715


    ** THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004 **

    1:30pm - 2:00pm
    2:00pm - 2:10pm
    Introduction, Welcome
    Abraham Lee(University of California, Irvine)
    2:10pm - 2:35pm

    Understanding the Nanobio Investment Environment
    Nobi Kambe(NanoGram Corporation)

    2:35pm - 3:00pm
    Industry Viewpoint : Medical Devices
    Walt Baxter(Medtronic Cardiac Rhythm Management)
    3:00pm - 3:15pm
    Current Medical Device Research Interests in Ophthalmology
    Stephen Laguette (Advanced Medical Optics)
    3:15pm - 3:30pm
    3:30pm - 5:00pm
    VC Panel
    Nobi Kambe
    (NanoGram Corporation)
    Greg Jensen (Ernst & Young Life Sciences)
    William J. Link(Versant Ventures)
    Ed Niehaus
    5:00pm - 5:15pm
    Funding Opportunities for New Research Partnerships
    Dev Kambhampati (UC Discovery Grant)
    5:15pm - 7:00pm
    Poster Session/Networking Reception
    ** FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2004 **
    8:00am - 8:30am
    8:30am - 9:00am
    Plenary: Qdot Nanotechnology - A Revolution in Biomedical Detection
    Andy R. Watson(Quantum Dot Corp)
    9:00am - 10:30am
    Track 1 : Biotech

    Nanobio Molecular Recognition
    Kenneth J. Shea (University of California, Irvine)

    Nanobio Lithography
    Debjyoti Banerjee (NanoInk)

    Nano Probing Tools
    Eric Henderson(Bioforce Nanosciences)

    Panel Discussion with Q&A

    10:30am - 11:00am
    11:00am - 12:30pm
    Track 2 : Biomed

    Drug Delivery
    Ching-An Peng (University of Southern California)

    Molecular Motor Mechanisms
    Steven Gross (University of California, Irvine)

    Probing Cellular Forces
    Taher Saif(University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

    Panel Discusssion with Q&A

    12:30pm - 2:00pm
    2:00pm - 3:15pm
    Track 3 : New Applications that Integrate Biomed with Biotech

    Micro and Nanotechnology to Integrate Diagnostics with Treatment
    Abraham Lee(University of California, Irvine)

    What Can Nanotechnology do for Medicine?
    Nancy Allbritton (University of California, Irvine)

    Interfacing Live Cells with Micro and Nanotechnology
    Sangeeta Bhatia(University of California, San Diego)

    3:15pm - 3:30pm
    3:30pm - 4:30pm
    Future Directions/Challenges/Opportunities
    4:30pm - 5:30pm
    INRF Lab Tour
    Goran Matijasevic(University of California, Irvine)

    May 2004

    13-14 maja 2004, Kraków, Polska
    15 I 2004 zgłoszenie uczestnictwa oraz tematu referatu (plik MS Word)
    29 II 2004 opłata uczestnictwa
    31 III 2004 nadsyłanie streszczeń referatów

    Katedra Mechaniki Doświadczalnej i Biomechaniki
    Politechniki Krakowskiej
    Krakowski Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Jana Pawła II
    przy współudziale
    Sekcji Biomechaniki Komitetu Mechaniki PAN
    Krakowskiego Centrum Technik i Technologii Medycznych

    organizują w dniach 13-14 maja 2004



    Wiceminister Nauki oraz Wiceprzewodniczący KBN Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Jan Kurzydłowski
    JM Rektor Politechniki Krakowskiej Prof. dr hab. inż. Marcin Chrzanowski
    JM Rektor Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
    Prorektor Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego ds. Collegium Medicum Prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Zembala


    Przewodniczący: Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Mazurkiewicz
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Romuald Będziński
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Jan Chłopek
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Tadeusz Cieślik
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Czyżewski
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Jan Ryszard Dąbrowski
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Kędzior
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Jan Kulig
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Jan Marciniak
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Pałko
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Bogna Pogorzelska-Stronczak
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Tadeusz Popiela
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Pytko
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Sadowski
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Konstanty Skalski
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Szaflik
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Henryk Skarżyński
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Olgierd Smoleński
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Dagmara Tejszerska
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Wall
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Leszek Wojnar
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Wojnarowski
    Prof. dr hab. n. med. Daniel Zarzycki
    Dr hab. inż. Wiesław Chladek
    Dr hab. n. med. Jacek Lelakowski
    Dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Żmudka
    Dr inż. Roman Kustosz
    Dr Zbigniew Nawrat
    Dr n med. Mieczysław Pasowicz


    Przewodniczący: Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Milewski
    z-ca: Dr n. med. Stanisław Rumian
    Sekretarz: Mgr inż. Magdalena Kromka
    Skarbnik: Alicja Gusiew
    Członkowie: Mgr inż. Piotr Cichoń
    Mgr inż. Michał Kopacz
    Mgr inż. Marcin Szydek
    Mgr inż. Paweł Banyś


    Szanowni Państwo!

    Celem organizatorów III Krakowskich Warsztatów Inżynierii Medycznej, wzorem poprzednich lat, jest stworzenie okazji do wymiany doświadczeń pomiędzy środowiskami lekarskimi, technicznymi i firmami oferującymi nowoczesny sprzęt medyczny jak również administracją służby zdrowia. Mamy także nadzieję na wytyczenie nowych kierunków działań podejmowanych przez interdyscyplinarne zespoły badawcze. Jest to kontynuacja założeń jakie przyświecały organizowanym w latach 2000 i 2002 Warsztatom, które spotkały się z gorącym poparciem i odzewem uczestników. Tematyka aktualnie organizowanych Warsztatów dotyczyć będzie głównie nowoczesnych technik związanych z metodami diagnozowania obrazu w różnych dziedzinach medycyny, zagadnień związanych z telemedycyną jako nowoczesną technologią telekomunikacyjną i teleinformatyczną wykorzystywaną przy zdalnie wykonywanych zabiegach operacyjnych oraz przy zdalnym monitorowaniu wyników badań i ich konsultowaniu jak również technologii biomateriałów i ich zastosowań medycznych. Oczekujemy również innych oryginalnych prac z zakresu inżynierii medycznej. Gorąco zachęcamy uczestników do prezentacji osiągnięć powstałych w interdyscyplinarnych zespołach badawczych.


    • telemedycyna
    • techniki obrazowania w medycynie
    • biomateriały
    • inżynieria medyczna



    • koszty organizacyjne
    • druk materiałów konferencyjnych i pokonferencyjnych
    • udział w sesjach naukowych
    • wyżywienie
    • bankiet
    Uczestnicy III Krakowskich Warsztatów Inżynierii Medycznej otrzymają certyfikat potwierdzający ukończenie Warsztatów

    Planuje się wydanie zakwalifikowanych przez Komitet Naukowy referatów w formie suplementu do Przeglądu Lekarskiego


    15 I 2004
    zgłoszenie uczestnictwa oraz tematu referatu (plik MS Word)

    29 II 2004
    opłata uczestnictwa

    31 III 2004
    nadsyłanie streszczeń referatów

    Po otrzymaniu zgłoszenia uczestnictwa prześlemy Komunikat nr 2 zawierający informacje dotyczące nadsyłanych streszczeń, warunków wpłaty oraz adresy hoteli


    Politechnika Krakowska
    Wydział Mechaniczny
    Instytut Mechaniki Stosowanej
    III Krakowskie Warsztaty Inżynierii Medycznej
    al. Jana Pawła II 37
    31-864 Kraków

    tel. (012) 628 33 29, 628 33 48, 628 33 63
    fax. (012) 648 45 31
    e-mail:mkromka @ mech.pk.edu.pl

    Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers
    May 17th – 20th 2004
    Sheraton Centre, Hotel, Toronto, Canada

    Tribology and Lubrication professionals representing 50 industries from around the world at the next STLE 2004 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 17-20, 2004, at the Sheraton Centre Hotel in Toronto.

    Our Annual Meeting Committee is currently developing the program for STLE 2004, and we expect more than 250 technical and practical presentations will be given at the Toronto meeting. If you plan to submit an offer form, remember that the deadline is Oct. 1, 2003. The easiest way to submit your proposal is by clicking here on the 2004 Toronto Offer Form, or through the STLE website (www.stle.org).

    For a detailed program and registration information visit the STLE website (www.stle.org)

    Courtesy of A. Majumdar and K. Hsu

    Nanomechanics: Sensors and Actuators

    May 18-19, 2004
    Reno, Nevada Courtesy of A. Majumdar and K. Hsu
    On behalf on the University of Nevada, Reno, we wish to welcome you to a nanotechnology conference on May 18-19, 2004 in Reno, NV titled "Nanomechanics: Sensors and Actuators." Reno is known as the "Biggest Little City in the World," making it the perfect place to host the biggest conference on little technology.

    Through investigation, we have established two needs. One need is to provide a forum to educate our fellow engineers in nanotechnology. The second need is to provide a forum for researchers and industrial partners to share information. We propose to fulfill these needs by developing a conference which will have a one day training program on nanomechanics and a one day program to highlight new developments. Nanomechanics is the design, fabrication, and use of structures and devices, both organic and inorganic, with motion or dimensions measured in nanometers. The specific focus of this year's conference will build on and celebrate the 10-year anniversary of molecular recognition with micro- and nanocantilevers and will include the pioneers and world experts of the field presenting the latest results and future possibilities.

    It is no wonder that more than 300,000 people make the Reno-Tahoe area their home and why 5.1 million people visit every year. A chain of high-peaked mountains surround the region in every direction. The geography ranges from high desert hills to valleys covered with deciduous and evergreen trees. A river flows casually through the heart of the city among an eclectic mix of stately manors, quaint churches, sleek high rises, city parks, and casinos. Shopping malls and new residential developments canvas the city limits and are nestled against mountains that offer endless outdoor recreation, and cradle the magnificent Lake Tahoe.

    In addition to the area's spectacular beauty, Reno-Tahoe offers an extraordinary mix of history and culture, world-class ski and golf resorts, 24-hour gaming and entertainment, a mild climate with four distinct seasons, a healthy, diverse economy, and community spirit as strong as ever. (http://www.renolaketahoe.com)

    Welcome to "The Biggest, Little City in the World". We are here to serve you. Please feel free to contact us.

    Candice Bauer
    bauerc1 @ asme.org

    Jesse Adams, PhD
    jdadams @ unr.edu

    University of Nevada, Reno
    Mechanical Engineering Dept., MS 312
    Reno, NV 89557

    June 2004

    NORTRIB 2004

    NORTRIB 2004
    11th Nordic Symposium on Tribology

    1st to 4th June 2004
    All aspects of tribology are welcome as topics for papers – experimental and theoretical work as well as case studies:

    Deadline, Abstracts, January 16 2004
    Notification, Paper Acceptance, March 26 2004
    Deadline, Paper, April 30 2004

    June 1 & 2 Rica Ishavshotel, Tromso
    June 3 Grand Nordic Hotel, Harstad
    June 4 Coastal express or “Hurtigrute” from Harsted to Bodo?

  • Wear Processes and Tribology Materials
  • Friction
  • Boundary Lubrication
  • Hydrodynamic Lubrication and EHD
  • Lubricants Testing and Condition Monitoring
  • Industrial Tribology
  • Environmental Aspects of Tribology
  • Magnetic Recording Tribology
  • Nano-Tribology
  • Machine Elements
    The official language of the conference is English

    For further details please contact:
    Professor Kristian Tonder
    Dept. of Machine Design and Materials Technology, NTNU
    Rich. Birkelandsv. 2 B
    7491 Trondheim, Norway

    Tel: +47-73 59 28 93
    Fax: +47-73 59 41 29
    Email: Kristian.Tonder @ immtek.ntnu.no

  • 2<sup>nd</sup> International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

    2nd International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

    June 14-16, 2004
    Rochester, New York


    2<sup>nd</sup> International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology
    The 2nd International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology is intended to provide a forum for discussion on advances in the field of fuel cell systems and components for stationary, mobile and portable power generation applications and to further stimulate research activities in this emerging field.

    Don't miss this opportunity to interact with leading global experts who will be delivering keynote lectures. Bring your spouse to Rochester - we can arrange tours to Niagara Falls, nearby wineries, Rochester Science Museum, and Letchworth Park. Send an email to fuelcell @ asme.org for spouse registration information.

    Take a minute to read the welcome letter from the Chair

    Preliminary Program now available!

    NEWS ALERT: ASME announces the new Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology!



    David Garman- Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy

    Future Fuel Cell Research & Development Initiatives
    Andrew Bosco- GM Global R&D, Honeoye Falls, New York, USA

    A UTC Perspective on Fuel Cell Product Development,
    Francis R. Preli- UTC Fuel Cells, South Windsor, Connecticut

    PEM Fuel Cell Design Boundaries and Their Relationship to Technology Trendlines
    Pat Hearn- Ballard Power Systems, Burnaby, BC, Canada

    Towards a Near-series Sulzer Hexis Combined Heat and Power SOFC System
    Emad Batawi- Sulzer Hexis Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland

    Light-Weight SOFCs for Automotive Auxiliary Power Units
    Rudolf Hans Henne- German Aerospace Centre, Stuttgart, Germany

    Reducing Fuel Cell Cost without Lowering Operating Temperature
    Gerry Agnew- Rolls Royce Fuel Cell Systems Ltd

    SOFC in Hybrid Plants
    Louis Schick- GE Global Research, Niskayuna, New York

    Development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and the Component Materials
    Koichi Eguchi- Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

    Development of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell at IHI
    Shogo Sonoda- Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

    MTU's HotModule Generator Commercialization: Targets, the Product, Experience and Status
    Gerhard Huppmann- MTU CFC Solutions GmbH, Munich, Germany

    Korea's R&D Plan for commercializing MCFC
    Tae-Hoon Lim- Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Science City, Korea

    Materials and Stack Development of DMFC for Mobile Application
    Hyuk Chang- Samsung Company, Suwon, Korea

    A Fuel Cell for the Mass Market
    Juan Becerra- MTI MicroFuel Cells, Inc., Albany, New York, USA

    Direct Carbon Fuel Cells
    John F. Cooper- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California

    Organic/Inorganic Nanocomposites Membranes for Fuel Cells
    >Ailton de Souza Gomes- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Fuel Cell Power Conditioning
    >J.S. Lai- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA CV & Photo

    Advances in the Research and Development of Fuel Cells in China
    >C-F. Ma- Beijing University of Technology, Beijing , China CV & Photo

    Advanced Ceramic Fuel Cell R&D
    Bin Zhu- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Sweden



    A Three Dimensional CFD Model for PEMFC
    S. Li, U. Becker- Fluent Inc., Morgantown, WV

    Thermal Modeling of a PEM Fuel Cell
    J. Fagley- General Motors Corporation, Honeoye Falls, NY

    A Simple Thermal model of a PEM Fuel Cell
    A. Caglar, K. Promislow, J. St. Pierre, B. Wetton

    A Two-Phase Flow Mathematical Model for Proton Exchange - Membrane Fuel Cells with Enhanced Geometry
    S.H. Chan- Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
    T. Tong, M. Abou-Ellail- George Washington University, Washington DC
    K. Beshay- Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

    Influence of Water Behavior in the Gas Diffusion Layer on the Performance of PEMFC
    G.G. Park, Y.J. Sohn, S.D. Yim, T.H. Yang, Y.G. Yoon, W.Y. Lee, C.S. Kim- Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon, Korea

    Water Transport in the Membrane of a PEM Fuel Cell
    P.C. Sui, N. Djilali- University of Victoria, Victoria, British Colombia, Canada

    Effects of Channel Shapes on the Flow Distributions of An Interdigitated Flow Field
    Y. Wang- UTC Fuel Cells, South Windsor, CT

    Characterization of Water Vapor Transmission Rate through Fuel Cell Components
    A. Jena and K. Gupta- Porous materials, Inc., Ithaca, NY

    Transient Response Analysis of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Considering Equivalent Circuit, Mass and Heat Conservation
    K. Ito, H. Masuda, T. Masuoka- Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka, Japan
    H. Koori, K. Onda- Toyohashi Univ. Tech., Toyohashi, Japan

    Combining CFD and Stress Models for PEM Cells-Initial Development
    C. Martinez-Baca and R. Travis- Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London, UK

    Coupled CFD and Process Simulation of a Fuel Cell Auxiliary Power Unit
    S.E. Zitney, M.T. Prinkey, M. Shahnam- Fluent, Inc., Morgantown, WV
    W.A. Rogers- National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV

    The Role of Radiative Heat Transfer with Participating Gases on the Temperature Distribution in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    J.D.J. VanderSteen, J.G. Pharaoh- Queen's University, Ontario, Canada

    Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow of a Flat-Tube High Power Density Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
    Yixin Lu, Laura Schaefer, Peiwen Li - University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Adaptation of Existing CFD code to Numerical Simulate Regenerative Fuel Cell
    A. Garrard, S. Beck and P. Stying

    An Electro-Analytical Study of Methanol Crossover through Nafion 117 Membrane
    F. Kadirgan- Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
    O. Savadogo- Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada

    Quantitative Imaging of Flow Structures in a U-Shaped Fuel Cell Flow Channel
    J. Martin, P. Oshkai, N. Djilali- University of Victoria, Victoria, British Colombia, Canada

    Characterization of Water Vapor Transmission Rate through Fuel Cell Components
    A. Jena and K. Gupta- Porous Materials, Inc., Ithaca, NY

    AC Impedance Investigation of Flooding in Micro Flow Channels for Fuel Cells
    S.W. Cha, R. O'Hayre, Y. Saito, F.B. Prinz- Stanford University, CA.


    Corrosion Resistant, Lightweight and Inexpensive Metallic PEM Fuel Cell
    J. Hung and H. Tawfik- Institute for Research and Technology Transfer (IRTT), State University of New York at Farmingdale, Farmingdale, NY

    Durability and Performance of Press Molded Polymer Composite Bipolar Plates
    V. Webb, D. Hahn, D. Baird, S. Case, J. Lesko- Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

    DuPont Bipolar Plates and MEA's for Fuel Cell Applications
    N.J. Whitty and M. Tisack- DuPont Fuel Cells, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada

    A Conductive Adhesive / Sealant for Bonded PEM Bipolar Assemblies with Coolant Flow Channels
    J. Clulow- Bulk Molding Compounds, Inc., West Chicago, IL

    PEM Fuel Cell Stack Development - Alternate Bipolar Materials - A Feasibility Study
    N. Rajalakshmi, V. Vijay, S. Pandian and K.S. Dhathathreyan- SPIC Science Foundation, Guindy, Chernnai, India

    Nitride Metallic Bipolar Plates
    M.P. Brady, P.F. Tortorelli, K.L. More, L.R. Walker- Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    H. Wang- National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, Colorado
    K. Weisbrod, M. Wilson, F Garzon- Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, New Mexico
    I. Paulauskas, R.A. Buchanan- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

    Preparation and Characterization of Porous Gas Diffusion CNT Electrode for Fuel Cell Application
    A. K. Chatterjee, M. Sharon, R. Banerjee- Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India

    Influence of Porous Electrode Structure on PEM Fuel Cells Design and Performance
    P. Asinari and M. Coppo- Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy

    High Performance Gas Diffusion Electrodes with Catalyzed Membranes and Commercial Membranes for PEMFC
    N. Rajalakshmi, R. Rajini and K.S. Dhathathreyan- SPIC Science Foundation, Guindy, Chennai, India

    Seals and Sealants in Fuel Cell Environments: Material, Design, and Durability Challenges
    D.A. Dillard, S. Guo, M.W. Ellis, J.J. Lesko, J.G. Dillard- Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
    B. Vijayendran, J. Sayre- Battelle, Columbus, Ohio

    New Conceptual Gas Distributor with Mass Transfer Enhancing Function in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells
    P.W. Li, S. Chen and M. Chyu- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Polymer-Zeolite Nanocomposites for Catalyst Support in PEM Fuel Cells
    R. Anderson, H. Marcelo, C. Herbst, J.A. Mota1, I.F. Macędo, A.M. Rocco- Laboratório de Reatividade de Hidrocarbonetos e Catálise Orgânica , Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

    Fitting Model to Measurements by Tuning the Porosity and Conductivity of the Catalyst Layer
    M. Bang, M. Odgaard, T.J. Condra, and S.K. Kaer- Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

    Development of a Flexible Pilot MEA Manufacturing Line
    R.H. Puffer- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    Glen Hoppes- Celanese Ventures, GmbH

    Stack Compression of PEM Fuel Cells
    Y.H. Lai, T. Trabold, D. Miller, and C. Ji- General Motors Corporation, Honeoye Falls, NY


    SWNT Enhanced PEM Fuel Cells
    H. J. Ruf, B. J. Landi, and R.P. Raffaelle- NanoPower Research Laboratories, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

    The Effect of Porosity Distribution Variation on Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
    R. Roshandel, B. Farhanieh- Sharif University of Technology
    E.Saievar Iranizad- Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran-Iran

    Technical Issues Governing the Selection and Development of Dielectric Coolants For Fuel Cell Systems
    L. A. Momoda, S.L. Skeith- HRL Laboratories, LLC, Malibu, CA
    J.H. Lee- General Motors Corporation, Rochester, NY

    Role of Defects on Mechanical Response of Nafion Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications
    A. Mian, G. Newaz, L. Vendra, and X. Wu- Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

    Measurement of Contact Resistance between Gas Diffusion Layer and Bi-Polar Plate in a PEM Fuel Cell
    V. Mishra and R. Pitchumani- University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut

    A Study of Anti-CO Poison to the PEM Fuel Cell
    Y. Yan, L.Y. Sung, H.S. Chu, F. Chen, F. Tsau- Energy and Resources Laboratories, ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan

    Analysis of A 3 KW PEM Fuel Cell Stack Developed in ITRI
    Y. Yan, M.H. Tsay, H.S. Chu, F. Tsau, R.J. Shyu- Energy and Resources Laboratories, ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan

    Measurements and Correlations of V-I Characteristics for PEM Fuel Cell
    A.K. Chatterjee, S.K. Mitra and R. Banerjee- Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India

    Analysis and Design of a PEM Fuel Cell
    V. Mishra and R. Pitchumani- University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut

    Analysis of the Cogeneration Potential of a 5 KW PEMFC from Experimentally Determined Performance Data
    A.F. Orlando, C.E. Reuther, L.G. Val, J. Oexmann- Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

    Lessons Learned from Residential Experience with Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Systems for Combined Heat and Power
    D.D. Boettner, D.D. Massie- United States Military Academy, West Point, NY
    C.A. Massie- Massie and Massie Consulting Engineers, West Point, NY

    Performances Evaluation of a Small Size Cogenerative System Based on a PEM Fuel Cell Stack
    M. Bagnoli, M. Bianchi, A. De Pascale, A. Peretto- University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy


    A Stack Design for Portable Direct Methanol Fuel Cell-Based on the Newly Developed Heterogeneous Composite Bipolar Plate
    L.J. Chen, M.S. Lee- National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

    Materials and Stack Development of DMFC for Mobile Application
    H. Chang- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Suwon, Korea

    Partial Oxidation of Methonal over Silver Catalysts at Moderate Temperature
    H-S. Hung, Y-J. Chen, and C-T. Yeh - National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

    Construction and Preliminary Testing of a Direct Water Methanol Fuel Cell
    Cpt. D. Plummer- Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York

    Mass Transport Inside a Liquid Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
    M.R. Golriz and J. Gu- Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada

    In Situ Visualization Study of Carbon Dioxide Gas Bubble Behavior in Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Electrodes
    H. Yang and T.S. Zhao- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Konk SAR, China


    Micro Fuel Cells
    R.P. Raffaelle, H.J. Ruf, E.C. Piscani, and W.J. Grande- Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

    The Analysis of the Operating Characteristics in a 600W Air Cooling Portable PEMFC
    Y.J. Sohn, G.G. Park, T.H. Yang, Y.G. Yoon, W.Y. Lee, S.D. Yim and C.S. Kim- Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon, South Korea

    Design Concepts for Direct Exit Flow in Micro Fuel Cells
    W. Shi, S.J. Lee- San Jose State University, San Jose, CA


    Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Development of IHI
    S. Sonoda, M. Tooi, T. Matsuyama, N. Murata-Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (ihi), Tokyo, Japan

    Prediction of Flow Field in a MCFC Stack with Channels of Complex Shape
    D.N. Ryu, D.H. Choi- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea.

    Numerical Simulation of an Internal Reforming Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Stack
    Z. Ma, S. Blanchet, M. Farooque- Fuel Cell Energy Inc., Danbury, CT
    G. Iaccarino, P. Rai, R. Moffatt, P. Moin- Stanford University, Stanford, CA

    Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Hybrid Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine Power Plant for Control System Development
    H. Ghezel-Ayagh, M. Lukas, S.T. Junker- Fuel Cell Energy Inc., Danbury, CT

    Energy Recovery from Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Part I: Integration of an Anaerobic Digester and with a High Temperature Fuel Cell
    P. Lunghi, R. Bove- University of Perugia, Italy
    E. Cerluini- University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy, 2ENEA, Italy. , and A. Moreno3,

    A Comparison Between Life Cycle Assessment of an MCFC System, An LFG - MCFC System, and Traditional Energy Conversion Systems
    U. Desideri, P. Lunghi, R. Bove, F. Zepparelli- University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy


    Cell-to-Cell Voltage Variations with Increasing SOFC Stack Size
    A. C. Burt, I. B. Celik- West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
    W. A. Rogers, R. S. Gemmen- US DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV

    Performance of Anode-Supported SOFC Single Cells using Thin Electrolyte of YSZ and ScSZ at Intermediate Temperatures
    Y.S. Yoo, J.W. Park, J.M. Oh- Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI), Daejeon, Korea
    J. Bae- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea

    Improvement of the Performance for the Anode-supported SOFC's
    S. Amaha, Y. Baba, H. Yakabe and T. Sakurai- Tokyo Gas Co., Tokyo, Japan

    Microscopic Observation of SOFC Anodes under Operation with Hydrocarbon Fuels
    T. Kwada, K. Yashiro, T. Taura, K. Takeda, A. Kaimai, H. Matsumoto, J. Mizusaki- Tohuku University, Sendai, Japan

    New Electrochemical ABO3-Materials for Fabrication of SOFC Components
    A.V. Gorbunov- Heat & Mass Transfer Institute, Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus
    V.A. Gorbunova, N.M. Gamanovitch, G.I. Novikov- Belarussian State University of Technology, Minsk, Belarus

    Development of SOFC Stack using 10x10 cm2 Anode Supported Cells
    H. Kim, H.Y. Jung, J.H. Lee, J. Kim, H. Song and H.W. Lee- Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea

    Performance of Small Stack for Intermediate Temperature-Operating Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Stainless Steel Interconnects
    J. Bae- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea
    J.W. Park, H.C. Lim and Y.S. Yoo- Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI), Daejeon, Korea.

    Oxygen Permeation and Methane Conversion Properties of Ceria-Based Composite Membranes Prepared by Tape-Casting Technique
    H. Takamura, T. Kobayashi, A. Kamegawa, and M. Okada- Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

    Performance Characterization of Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cells for Hydrogen Production
    J. E. O'Brien, J. S. Herring, C. M. Stoots, P.A. Lessing- Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID

    Dynamics of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Operation
    R. Gemmen, C.D. Johnson, National Energy Technology, Morgantown, WV

    Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power System for Stationary Applications
    A.B. Campbell, J.F. Ferrall, J.D. Powers, and N.Q. Minh- GE Power Systems, Torrance, CA

    A SOFC Power-Conditioning System
    S.K. Mazumder and R.K. Burra- University of Illinois, Chicago, IL

    Evaluation of Bio-Fuels Use in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    P. Lunghi and R. Bove- University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy


    Multi-scale Analysis of Transport Phenomenon inside the SOFC using MD and CFD Techniques,
    C.H.Cheng, Y.W.Chang, C.W.Hong- National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

    Numerical Investigation of the Strategies for Reducing the Cell Thermal Gradient of an Indirect Internal Reforming Tubular SOFC
    T. Nishino, H. Iwai, K. Suzuki

    Numerical Modeling of a Disk Shape Planar SOFC
    Z. Dang- Japan Science and Technology Agency and Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
    H. Iwai- Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
    K. Suzuki- Shibaura Institute of Technology, Shibaura, Japan

    Numerical Analysis of a Biomass-fuelled Ceramic Fuel Cell System
    B. Sundén- Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
    J. Yuan, B. Zhu- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
    B. Elmegaard- Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
    R.K. Shah- Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

    Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow of a Flat-Tube High Power Density Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
    Y. Lu, L. Schaefer, P. Li- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Thermodynamic Analysis of SOFC Systems Using Different Fuel Processors
    R. Bove- University of Perugia, Italy
    N. M. Sammes- University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

    Modeling the System and Component Performance Interactions of a SOFC Based APU for Changes in Application Load: Transient Response and Control Strategy
    D. F. Rancruel, M. R. Von Spakovsky- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
    S.K. Mazumder, R.K. Burra, K. Acharya- University of Illinois, Chicago, IL


    Effect of the Fuel Cell Operating Pressure on the Optimization of a Hybrid System SOFC / Turbine for Cogeneration
    G.C. Karvountzi, P.F. Duby- Columbia University, New York, NY
    C.M. Price- Tractebel Power Inc., Houston, TX.

    Towards a Near-Series Sulzer Hexis Combined Heat and Power SOFC System
    Emad Batawi- Sulzer Hexis Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland

    CHP Based on an Externally Integrated SOFC/GT Hybrid System: The Case of a Hospital under French Legislation
    M. Diacakis, R. Hales, M. Morin, P. Pilidis- Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, AL.

    A Mild Hybrid Engine-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Vehicle Configuration using a Continuously Variable Power-Split Transmission
    M.M. Gomez, V.H. Mucino, J.E. Smith- West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.

    Study of a Hybrid Solid Oxide Fuel Cell: Energetic Analysis and Sankey Diagram
    J.L. Silveria1, A.C. Caetano de Souza, G.B. Gallo- Sao Paulo State University, Gauratinguetá, SP, Brazil


    Direct Conversion of Coal and Coal-Derived Carbon Fuel Cells
    J. F. Cooper- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA.

    SARA's Direct Carbon Fuel Cell
    E. M. Patton, S. Zecevic, and P. Parhami- Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA), Inc., Cypress, CA.

    Studies on a Direct Coal Fuel Cell with and without Depolariser
    L.K.Verma- Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India

    Direct Carbon Fuel Cell with Molten Hydroxide Electrolyte
    S. Zecevic , E.M. Patton and P. Parhami- Scientific Applications and Research Associates (SARA) Inc., Cypress, CA.

    A Theoretical Study of the Carbon/ Carbonate/ Hydroxide (Electro-Chemical) System in a Direct Carbon Fuel Cell
    K. Hemmes- Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
    M. Cassir- l'École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie ENSC, Paris, France


    Saccharide Fuel Cell (SFC)
    P. Schechner, L. Mor, S. Kimchi- Ort Braude College, Carmiel, Israel
    H. Tarabeah- Towns Association For Environmental Quality, Sahnin, Israel
    C. Dosoretz- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
    K. Hemmes- Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

    A Novel Approach to Designing Highly Efficient and Commercially Viable Biofuel Cells
    S.D. Minteer and Nick L. Akers- Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO.

    Polymeric Electrode for Sodium Bororhydride Fuel Cell
    K. Deshmukh and K.S.V Santhanam- Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.

    Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell for Automotive Applications and Vehicle Modeling
    M. Brandăo, O. Silvio, A. Silvio, C. Aníbal- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

    The Integrated Plasma Fuel Cell (IPFC) Energy Cycle, A Highly Efficient Combined Cycle Fossil and Biomass Fuel Power Generation and Hydrogen Production Plant with Zero CO2 Emission
    M. Steinberg- HCE, LLC, Melville, NY.

    Next Generation Fuel Cells
    K.H.S. Prasad- State University of New York at Buffalo, Amherst, NY.

    Marine Applications of Fuel Cell Technology
    J. Yuan, B. Sundén- Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
    J. Sun, P. Sun- Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China
    T. Nakazawa- World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden


    Fuel Processing For Fuel Cell Applications
    I. Samanta and R.K. Shah- Rochester Institute of technology, Rochester, NY.

    The Design of a Catalytic Reactor/Heat Exchanger and Fuel Cell for the Covert Generation of Electricity
    D. Hou, E. Lesniak, M. Lundberg, S.W. Churchill, and W.B. Retallick-University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

    Modeling and Design of Gasoline Reformer for Fuel Cell Applications
    Y. Liu, J. Nicole, D. Yee, R. D. Betta- Catalytica Energy Systems, Inc, Mountain View, CA.

    A Compact Membrane Reactor for Producing Pure Hydrogen for PEM Fuel Cells from Ammonia
    T. Vencill and A. Challappa- MesoFuel, Inc., Albuquerque, NM

    Dynamic Simulation of an Auto-Thermal Methane Reformer and Its Integration with a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Stack
    L. Yuan, J. Brouwer, and G. S. Samuelsen- University of California, Irvine, California

    Development of A Methanol Reformer for Portable PEMFC Power System
    C.H. Lee, C.H. Huang, C.T. Lin, Y.C. Liu and H. S. Chu- Union Chemical Laboratories and Energy and Resources Laboratories, ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan

    Plasma-Catalytical Partial Oxidation of Various Carbonaceous Liquids into Synthesis Gas
    A. Czernichowski- Etudes Chimiques et Physiques (ECP
    P. Czernichowski- Spring Acres Dr., Spring, Texas
    K. Wesolowska- Hydrocarbon Synergy (HCS), Orleans, France

    Transport in a Methanol Steam Reformer as the Fuel Processor for Fuel Cell Systems
    H.G. Park- University of California at Berkeley, Berkley, CA

    An Alkaline Fuel Cell for Multi-Fuel System
    A. Verma, K.V. Singh, S. Basu- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India

    The Role of Oxygen Conducting Supports in Decreasing Carbon Deposition, A Review
    M.D. Salazar-Villalpando, I. Celik - West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
    D.A. Berry, D. Shekhawat, T.H. Gardner - National Energy Technology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV


    Fuel Cell Dogmas Revisited
    K. Hemmes- Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

    Fueling our Future: Four Steps to a New Reliable, Cleaner, Decentralized Energy Supply Based on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
    A.A. Evers- Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR, Starnberg, Germany

    Fuel Cells: Highly Efficient and Clean Production of Power and Heat
    A.B. Stambouli- University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, Oran, Algeria
    I.B. Celik- West Virginia University, WV

    The Hydrogen Economy, Fuel Cells Internal Structure Optimization and Research Perspectives
    J.V.C. Vargas- Universidade Federal do Paraná Curitiba, PR, Brasil
    J.C. Ordonez- Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

    Comparisons and Contrasts of Aeronautical and Terrestrial Hybrid Power Systems
    C. Haynes, T. Smith- Georgia Tech Center for Innovative Fuel Cell and Battery Technologies, Atlanta, Georgia
    W. Wepfer- Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
    D. Tucker- National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV
    R. A. Blesch- NASA John H. Glenn Research Center

    Intellectual Property Rights for New Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology: What Can Be Patented?
    W. Buskop- Buskop Law Group, P.C., Houston, TX

    Design of a Fuel Cell System for a Motorcycle
    N. English and R.K. Shah- Rochester Institute of technology, Rochester, NY

    Institut for Produktion og Ledelse

    Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

    CIRP The International Institution for Production Engineering Research

    The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity

    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Japanese Society of Tribologists

    2nd International Conference
    on Tribology in
    Manufacturing Processes

    June 16-18, 2004
    Nyborg, Denmark
    30-09-2003 - Submission of abstract
    30-11-2003 - Notification of acceptance
    31-01-2004 - Submission of full manuscript
    30-04-2004 - Final programme publication -
    16-18, June 2004 - Date of Conference
    Co-sponsored by:

    CIRP The International Institution for Production Engineering Research

    The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity

    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Japanese Society of Tribologists

    Call for Papers

    Prospective contributors are invited to submit papers on the relevant topics.

    An abstract in English of about 400-600 words is expected. Please structure the abstract as follows:

    • Title of paper
    • Author(s)
    • Corresponding author's address
    • Phone, Fax, E-mail
    • Keywords
    • Text of Abstract
    • Literature
    The abstract shall be sent to:

    ICTMP2004 @ ipl.dtu.dk

    Publication of Papers

    All papers will appear in proceedings of the conference.

    A selection of papers will be made for a special issue of the Journal of Materials Processing Technology.


    The working language will be English.


    Submission of abstractSeptember 30, 2003
    Notification of acceptance and instructions for preparing the full manuscriptNovember 30, 2003
    Submission of full manuscriptJanuary 31, 2004
    Final programme publicationApril 30, 2004
    Date of ConferenceJune 16-18 2004

    Scope of the Conference

    The 2nd International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, ICTMP2004, which is going to take place June 16-18, 2004 in Denmark, is a follow up to the first ICTMP heid in Gifu, Japan in 1997. The objective is to bring together professionals from industry and academia to present and discuss recent advances in Tribology in Manufacturing Processes including forming, cutting and casting of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. Specific topics of interest are:

    Conference topics

  • Friction, lubrication and wear phenomena
  • Modelling of friction, lubrication and wear
  • Testing of friction, lubrication and wear
  • Development and characterization of lubricants
  • Tool materials and coatings
  • Friction assisted processes
  • Surface engineering, generation and properties of tribologically suitable surfaces

    International Scientific Committee

    Prof. N. Bay (chairman and contact)
    Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
    E-mail: nb @ ipl.dtu.dk

    Prof. K. Dohda (co-chairman)
    Gifu University, Japan

    Prof. W.R.D. Wilson (co-chairman)
    University of Washington, USA

    Conference Secretariat

    Att.: Mrs. Pia Holst Nielsen
    Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering and Management
    Technical University of Denmark
    Building 425,
    DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, DENMARK
    Tel: +45 45 25 47 63
    Fax: +45 45 93 01 90
    E-mail: ICTMP2004 @ ipl.dtu.dk

    Conference Web Site


    Conference Site

    The conference will be held at Hotel Nyborg Strand, a 4 stars hotel and fully equipped conference center situated in Nyborg town on the island of Funen at the Great Belt approx. 1 1/2 hours drive by train or car from Copenhagen International airport.
    Hotel Web Site: www.nyborqstrand.dk


      Conference feeDKK 4500 (approx. 600 €)
      (including conference proceedings, 3 lunches, conference dinner, local transport and conference facilities)

      AccommodationsDKK 2000 (approx. 265 €)
      (including two overnights in Hotel Nyborg Strand, breakfast and one dinner)

    International Programme Committee

    A. Azushima (Yokohama National University, Japan)
    P. Bariani (University of Padova, Italy)
    E. Brinksmeyer (University of Bremen, Germany)
    T.H.C. Childs (University of Leeds, UK)
    L. De Chiffre (Technical University of Denmark)
    A. Erdemir (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
    M. Geiger (University of Erlangen, Germany)
    K. Holmberg (VTT, Finland)
    H. Ike (RIKEN, Japan)
    Y.-T. Im (KAIST, Korea)
    I. Inasaki (Keio University, Japan)
    S. Jahanmir (NIST, USA)
    I. S. Jawahir, (University of Kentucky, USA)
    F. Klocke (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
    B. S. Lindström (KTH, Sweden)
    P.M. Lonardo (University of Genova, Italy)
    T. Matsumara (Tokyo Denki University, Japan)
    Y.-G. Meng (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
    F. Micari (University of Calabria, Italy)
    M. Murakawa (Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan)
    T. Nakamura (Shizuoka University, Japan)
    J. Oudin (University ofValenciennes, France)
    H. Saiki (Kumamoto University, Japan)
    S.R. Schmid (University of Notre Dame, USA)
    R. Shivpuri (Ohio State University, USA)
    T. Umehara (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
    J. Vizintin (University of Ljubijana, Slovenia)
    Z.R. Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China)

    Return Card (mail or fax)

    2nd International Conference on
    Tribology in Manufacturing Processes
    June 16-18, 2004, Nyborg, Denmark



    Title: (Prof., Dr., Ms., MU:






    I wish to submit a paper with the title:

    Please send the programme to me

    I suggest to send call for papers and programme to




    Att.: Mrs. Pia Holst Nielsen
    Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering and Management
    Technical University of Denmark
    DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby


    Tribology of Surface Layers and Coatings
    14th International Tribology Conference

    17th – 18th June 2004
    presented by The Czech Tribology Society
    EDUKA, Prague
    Hotel Krystal
    Prague, Czech Republic


    Ass.Prof.Jan Suchanek (Czech Tribology Society), PhD
    Email: csvzp @ ms.anet.cz


    Ing. Jin Chvojka

    EDUKA Prague
    Zarubova 489/16
    142 00 Praha 4
    Fax: 241471966 Email: eduka @ eduka.cz


    Experimental, theoretical and case studies on following topics can be submitted:

    • Adhesion phenomena
    • CVD coatings – preparation, properties, applications
    • Duplex coatings – preparation, properties, applications
    • Functional thin films
    • Low friction surface layers and coatings
    • Measuring techniques of surface layers and coatings
    • PVD coatings – preparation, properties, applications
    • Roughness and topography effects
    • Surface forces
    • Tribo-design of surface treated components
    • Tribological aspects affecting production and operation

    Nano Training Bootcamp

    Nano Training Bootcamp

    June 29 - July 2, 2004
    Northwestern University
    Evanston, IL, USA
    Touted as the most ambitious national research topic since the Sputnik days, Nanotechnology has spurred considerable national and international interest across many walks of life - from ordinary citizens to politicians, and from scientists to engineers. Remarkable advances have been made in the last decade in the science of nanoscale structures, exotic nano-phenomena and proof-of-concept device systems. However, in order to truly harness the great potential of "nano-somethings", it is absolutely imperative to translate advances in "Nanoscience" into viable "Nanotechnology". That bridge between Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is undoubtedly "Nanoengineering" which holds the key to successful development of various Nanotechnologies - from novel paradigms in electronics, mechanics to biodiagnostics and therapeutics, just to name a few.

    The ASME Nano Training Bootcamp is specifically organized to offer a detailed and tutorial-based account of advances in fundamentals related to Nanoscience in a wide variety of fields, and prospects for translating these advances into useful Nanotechnologies. The participants will be challenged with open-ended questions and opportunities in engineering nanosystems. Given by experts in academia and industry, the ASME Nano Training Bootcamp will provide intense sessions on characterization, solids and devices, societal impact, and fluids/synthesis/devices. Participants will enjoy not only extensive and interactive coverage of significant topics in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology but will also be offered a broad overview of instrumentation, techniques and facilities essential to complement classroom lectures.

    Questions or concerns? Contact us!

    28 June - 2 July, 2004
    Venice, Italy

    July 2004

    August 2004

    21th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM)
    15th-17th August, 2004
    Warsaw, Poland
    Contact: Prof. W. Gutkowski (email: ictam04 @ ippt.gov.pl)


    XIVth International Congress on Rheology

    22nd-27th August, 2004
    Location: COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea, Korea, Republic of
    Contact: Prof. Jae Chun Hyun (email: icr2004 @ icr2004.or.kr)
    Contact: Professor Jae Chun Hyun, jchyun @ grtrkr.korea.ac.kr, Applied Rheology Center, Korea University, Seoul
    Organization:Korean Society of Rheology
    Symposium Chairman: Professor Jae Chun Hyun
    Symposium Co-Chairman: Professor Seung Jong Lee
    Abstracts due: September 30, 2003
    Computational rheology Prof. Anthony N. Beris Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    University of Delaware
    Prof. Nhan Phan-Thien Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
    National University of Singapore
    Flow instability Prof. Savvas G. Hatzikiriakos Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering
    University of British Columbia

    Prof. Eric S. G. Shaqfeh

    Dept. of Chemical and Mechanical Engineering
    Stanford University

    Foams, emulsions & surfactants

    Dr. Andrew M. Kraynik

    Sandia National Laboratories

    Prof. L. Gary Leal

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    University of California, Santa Barbara

    Foods & biomaterials

    Prof. Howard A. Barnes

    Unilever Research

    Materials processing Prof. Donald G. Baird Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
    Prof. Jose Antonia Covas Dept. of Polymer Engineering
    University of Minho
    Prof. Jean-Michel Piau Laboratoire de Rheologie
    Domaine Universitaire

    Microstructural modeling

    Prof. Ronald G. Larson

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    University of Michigan

    Nanorheology & microfluidics

    Prof. Gerald G. Fuller

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    Stanford University

    Dr. Sangtae Kim

    Lilly Research Laboratories
    Eli Lilly and Company

    Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics

    Prof. Ole Hassager

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    The Technical University of Denmark

    Prof. Gareth H. McKinley

    Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Polymer melt

    Prof. Paula Moldenaers

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

    Prof. Manfred H. Wagner

    TU Berlin

    Prof. Hiroshi Watanabe

    Inst. for Chemical Research
    Kyoto University

    Polymer solutions

    Prof. Susan J. Muller

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    University of California, Berkeley

    Prof. Tam Sridhar

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    Monash University

    Rheometry & experimental methods

    Prof. Malcolm R. Mackley

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    University of Cambridge

    Prof. Robert K. Prud'homme

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    Princeton University

    Solids &  composites

    Prof. Gregory B. McKenna

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    Texas Tech University

    Prof. H. Henning Winter

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    University of Massachusetts Amherst

    Suspensions & colloids

    Prof. David V. Boger

    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    University of Melbourne

    Prof. Hiromoto Usui

    Dept. of Chemical Science and Engineering
    Kobe University

    General papers

    Prof. Jae Chun Hyun 

    Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering
    Korea University

    Prof. Won Ho Jo 

    School of Materials Science and Engineering
    Seoul National University


    ITC 2004 Third International Tribology Conference

    August, 28-31, 2004
    January 31, 2004, Submission of abstracts
    February 28, 2004, Notification of acceptation and 2-nd Announcement
    May 15, 2004, Camera-ready manuscripts

    Organized by

    Department of Mechanics, University of Zielona Góra

    Under the Auspices of

    Polish Tribological Society and
    The ASME Tribology Division Int. Com.

    Scientific program

    This multidisciplinary, third international conference will provide a forum for researches and practitioners to exchange information, present new developments, and discuss the future directions and priorities in the areas of tribological phenomena in non-conventional bearings. The Scientific Program will let participants share the most recent advances in research and practice of "tribology" through plenary and keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations. Contributions are invited in the following broad thematic areas:

    1. Dry and boundary lubrication
    2. Fluid film lubrication
    3. Elastohydrodynamic lubrication
    4. Fundamentals of friction and wear
    5. Surface and contact problems
    6. Rolling/sliding contacts
    7. Lubricant rheology and chemistry
    8. Solid lubrication
    9. Tribofailures
    10. Surface characterization and surface coatings
    11. Advanced tribomaterials
    12. Tribology of machine elements
    13. Maintenance tribology
    14. Tribology in extreme environments
    15. Tribology in processing
    16. Nano and microtribology
    17. Biotribology
    18. Practical applications of friction and wear

    Sessions consist of oral and poster presentations.

    Publication and submission of abstracts

    The proceedings of the Conference will be published as a special issue of the
    International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

    Submissions will be selected on the basis of one-page abstracts. Participants wishing to enter their poster presentations, should indicate so in the lower right corner of the abstract. In the same location indicate the area, named in the Scientific Program, to which your contribution should be allocated. The abstract should contain the title of the presentation (Times 14 pts), the author(s)'s name(s) and their
    affiliation(s) including full mailing address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address (Times 12 pts).

    Social program

    A number of social and tourist activities will be organized for participants and accompanying persons. A post-conference tour will also be organized provided there is sufficient interest.


    An international exhibition of testing equipment and tribology related literature will be organized. Manufactures and publishers are invited to address their interest to the conference organizers.


      Fees include registration, copy of proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks, dinners, welcome reception*:
    • 400 Euros for regular participants,
    • 300 Euros for students,
    • 200 Euros for accompanying persons
    *10% surcharge after May 15, 2004



    Submission of abstracts January 31, 2004
    Notification of acceptation
    and 2-nd Announcement February 28, 2004
    Camera-ready manuscripts May 15, 2004


    The official language of the Conference will be English. Detailed information of the camera-ready manuscript will be sent in the 2-nd Announcement.

    Address for correspondence

    Prof. Edward WALICKI
    Conference Coordinator, ITC 2004
    Department of Mechanics
    University of Zielona Góra
    ul. Szafrana 2, 65-516 Zielona Góra, POLAND
    e-mail:E.Walicki @ ijame.uz.zgora.pl
    Tel: (+48) 68 32 82 472 Fax: (+48) 68 32 47 446


    9th Mechatronics Forum
    International Conference

    August 30 - September 1, 2004
    Culture & Convention Centre, METU, Ankara, Turkey
    20 February 2004 - Submission of extended abstract
    1 April 2004 - Notification of acceptance
    15 May 2004 - Full paper due

    September 2004


    1st – 3rd September 2004
    Cardiff University

    The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics are holding a Symposium on Elastohydrodynamics and Microelastohydrodynamics. The venue is:

    Cardiff School of Engineering
    Queen’s Buildings
    P O Box 925
    Cardiff CF24 OYF, UK. www.cardiff.ac.uk/engin/

    Correspondence should be made with:

    Professor R W Snidle
    Cardiff School of Engineering
    Cardiff University
    Queen’s Buildings
    P O Box 925
    Cardiff CF24 OYF, UK.

    Tel: +44 (0) 29 20874273
    +44 (0) 29 20874476 (Secretary)
    Fax: +44 (0) 29 20874317
    Email: snidler @ cf.ac.uk


    7th – 10th September 2004
    Trinity and All Saints College
    The University of Leeds, UK.

    Offers of papers should be submitted to Mrs Sheila Moore no later than Friday 27 February 2004

    For further information contact:

    Anne Neville and/or Martin Priest
    The University of Leeds
    School of Mechanical Engineering
    Institute of Tribology
    Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.

    Tel: +44 (0) 113 343 2155
    Fax: +44 (0) 113 242 4611
    Email:leeds-lyon @ mech-eng.leeds.ac.uk

    EUROCORR 2004

    12 - 16 september 2004

    Long term prediction and modelling corrosion –

    Workshop Tribocorrosion : First Announcement

    The Commission TRIBOCORROSION of CEFRACOR France (a European Federation of Corrosion Member Society) and the newly established Working Party WP18 TRIBOCORROSION of the European Federation of Corrosion are most pleased to announce the Special Workshop on TRIBOCORROSION that will be held during the EUROCORR 2004 Congress under the theme:

    Tribocorrosion: What are industrial needs and actual scientific insights?

    This workshop is organised in two successive plenary sessions of half-a-day on the topics “Tribocorrosion in industrial systems” and “Tribocorrosion in living systems”, followed by a one-day poster session.

    Contributions are invited on the following topics that are of primary interest:
    1. Tribocorrosion in industrial systems

    Case studies in automotive, chemical industry, marine, microelectronics – basics and technological test (mechanisms, modelling, standardisation) and – prevention, monitoring, and environmental effects (coatings, paints, lubrication, cathodic protection, pollution, emissions).

    2. Tribocorrosion in living systems

    Case studies in dentistry, orthopaedics, food, biological sludges, biolubricants, biosystems, - basics and technological test (mechanisms, modelling, standardisation) and prevention monitoringand biologic effect (coatings, lubrication and bio-compatibility).

    Proposals for lectures and/or posters should be sent to:

    Commission Tribocorrosion – Eurocorr 2004
    28, rue Saint Dominique
    F-75007 Paris (France)

    September 14-17, 2004.
    The Conference will be held in ROMA on September 14-17, 2004.
    Enrico Ciulli
    Universita' di Pisa
    Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Nucleare e della Produzione
    Via Diotisalvi 2, I-56126 Pisa Italy
    tel: +39 050 836661, fax: +39 050 836665
    e-mail: ciulli @ ing.unipi.it


    3rd ESF Nanotribology Workshop
    18-22 September 2004
    Sesimbra, Portugal


    „Współczesne wyzwania tribologii”


    Krajowa Konferencja Naukowo - Techniczna

    Hotel Anders nad Jeziorem Szeląg Mały
    22th – 24th September 2004

    Hotel Anders, Stare Jabłonki
    Sekretarz Anna Prońska;
    15.03.2004 - nadsyłanie zgłoszeń udziału w Konferencji
    1.04.2004 - komunikat nr 2 z wytycznymi dla Autorów
    15.05.2004 - nadsyłanie pełnych referatów
    15.06.2004 - informacja o zakwalifikowaniu referatu do druku
    (warunkiem opublikowania referatu jest dokonanie wpłaty)
    1.07.2004 - wnoszenie opłat za uczestnictwo

    Sekcja Podstaw Eksploatacji KBM PAN

    Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne

    Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN w Gdańsku

    Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji w Radomiu

    Wydział Mechaniczny Politechniki Gdańskiej

    Komunikat Nr 2

    Gdańsk, 20.04.2004

    Ze względu na dużą ilość osób chętnych do zaprezentowania wyników swoich prac w czasie konferencji, Komitet Organizacyjny zmuszony został do poczynienia pewnych zmian w uprzednio planowanym programie. Nie mamy w trakcie tak krótkiej imprezy możliwości zapewnienia wszystkim chętnym czasu do bezpośredniej prezentacji referatów. Zdecydowaliśmy się więc na zorganizowanie kilku sesji tematycznych oraz sesji plakatowych. Ponadto zakładamy prezentację przez jednego autora jednego referatu, w wyjątkowych przypadkach dwóch. Decyzję w tej sprawie podejmie Komitet Naukowy. Wszystkie referaty, zakwalifikowane przez recenzentów, zostaną opublikowane w czasopismach ZAGADNIENIA EKSPLOATACJI MASZYN, TRIBOLOGIA oraz PROBLEMY EKSPLOATACJI.
    Przewiduje się wygłoszenie referatów problemowych wybranych przez Komitet Naukowy.
    W załączeniu przesyłamy instrukcję dla Autorów dotyczącą sposobu przygotowania materiałów do publikacji. Prosimy o przestrzeganie terminu ich nadsyłania na adres sekretariatu podany w stopce.
    Komitet Organizacyjny zastrzega sobie prawo nie przyjęcia referatów przygotowanych niezgodnie z instrukcją.


    Jednocześnie przypominamy o ważniejszych terminach:
    • nadsyłanie pełnych referatów :                          15.05.2004
    • informacja o przyjęciu referatu do druku :         15.06.2004
      warunkiem opublikowania referatu jest dokonanie wpłaty
    • wnoszenie opłat za uczestnictwo :                     1.07.2004 Prosimy o dokonywanie wpłat na konto

        Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN
        BZ WBK SA o/Gdańsk
        42 10901098 0000 0000 0901 5357

      z zaznaczeniem na przelewie nazwy Konferencji oraz nazwisk osób, których opłata dotyczy.

      SEKRETARIAT: dr Anna Prońska
      Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN, ul. Fiszera 14, 80-952 Gdańsk
      e-mail aga @ imp.gda.pl; tel. (58) 341-12-71 w.274; tel. kom. 609-690-358

      Komunikat Nr 1

      STARE JABŁONKI - 2004

      Komitet Honorowy Konferencji :

      prof. Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Honorowy Przewodniczący SPE KBM PAN
      prof. Józef Szala - Przewodniczący KBM PAN
      prof. Janusz Rachoń - Rektor PG
      Jakub Radulski - Prezes Zarządu ALSTOM Power Sp. z o.o.
      prof. Stanisław Pytko - Prezes PTT
      prof. Adam Mazurkiewicz - Dyrektor ITeE
      prof. Jarosław Mikielewicz - Dyrektor IMP PAN
      prof. Adam Barylski- Dziekan WM PG

      Komitet Organizacyjny Konferencji :

      Przewodniczący - prof. Jan Kiciński - IMP PAN
      V-ce Przewodniczący -prof. Marian Szczerek - ITeE
      V-ce Przewodniczący -prof. Antoni Neyman - WM PG
      Anna Prońska - IMP PAN
      Beata Belina - ITeE

      Sekretariat :

      Siedziba - IMP PAN
      ul. Fiszera 14 , 80-952 GDAŃSK Sekretarz : Anna Prońska
      tel.: (0 - 58) 341 12 71 w. 274
      tel. kom. 609 690 358
      e-mail: aga @ imp.gda.pl

      Komitet Naukowy :

      Adam Barylski - Politechnika Gdańska
      Wojciech Batko - AGH Kraków
      Tadeusz Burakowski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
      Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
      Czesław Cempel - Politechnika Poznańska
      Adam Charchalis - AMW Gdynia
      Wojciech Cholewa - Politechnika Śląska
      Janusz Cwanek - AR Rzeszów
      Romuald Cwilewicz - Akademia Morska, Gdynia
      Jan Czajgucki - Akademia Morska, Gdynia
      Ryszard Czarny - Politechnika Wrocławska
      Jan Dąbrowski - Politechnika Białostocka
      Monika Gierzyńska-Dolna - Politechnika Częstochowska
      Jerzy Girtler - Politechnika Gdańska
      Karol Grudziński - Politechnika Szczecińska
      Zdzisław Haś- Politechnika Łódzka
      Janusz Janecki - WITPiS Sulejówek
      Czesław Kajdas - Politechnika Warszawska
      Wiesław Kaniewski - Politechnika Łódzka
      Romuald Karpiuk - ALSTOM Power Elbląg
      Jan Kiciński - IMP PAN
      Mieczysław Korzyński - Politechnika Rzeszowska
      Czesław Koziarski - Politechnika Wrocławska
      Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
      Andrzej Kulczycki - Centralne Laboratorium Naftowe
      Stanisław Laber - Politechnika Zielonogórska
      Zbigniew Lawrowski - Politechnika Wrocławska
      Wiesław Leszek - Politechnika Poznańska
      Jerzy Łunarski - Politechnika Rzeszowska
      Bolesław Łuniewicz - ALSTOM Power Elbląg
      Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
      Adam Mazurkiewicz - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
      Karol Nadolny - Politechnika Poznańska
      Antoni Neyman - Politechnika Gdańska
      Waldemar Oleksiuk - Politechnika Warszawska
      Olgierd Olszewski - Politechnika Gdańska
      Piotr Ostrowski - ALSTOM Power Elbląg
      Paweł Piec - Politechnika Krakowska
      Stanisław Płaza - Uniwersytet Łódzki
      Adam S. Polak - Politechnika Krakowska
      Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
      Andrzej Raczyński - Politechnika Łódzka
      Wojciech Radulski - ALSTOM Power Elbląg
      Zygmunt Rymuza - Politechnika Warszawska
      Jan Sadowski - Politechnika Radomska
      Jan K. Senatorski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
      Jan Sikora - Politechnika Gdańska
      Lech Starczewski - WITPiS Sulejówek
      Jacek Stupnicki - Politechnika Warszawska
      Marian Sułek - Politechnika Radomska
      Józef Szala - ATR Bydgoszcz
      Marian Szczerek - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
      Jerzy Szumniak - WITPiS Sulejówek
      Stefan Szyndler - Federal - Mogul Bimet SA
      Stanisław Ścieszka - Politechnika Śląska
      Włodzimierz Świderski - Politechnika Łódzka
      Włodzimierz Waligóra - Politechnika Poznańska

      Termin Konferencji :

      22 -24 września 2004

      Miejsce Konferencji :

      Hotel Anders, Stare Jabłonki

      Odpłatność za uczestnictwo :

      Opłata pełna - (zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie, materiały
      konferencyjne, program socjalny) 1 100,- zł
      Opłata dla osoby towarzyszącej 800,- zł

        Ważniejsze terminy :

        • nadsyłanie zgłoszeń udziału w Konferencji: 15.03.2004
        • komunikat nr 2 z wytycznymi dla Autorów: 1.04.2004
        • nadsyłanie pełnych referatów: 15.05.2004
        • informacja o zakwalifikowaniu referatu do druku : 15.06.2004
          (warunkiem opublikowania referatu jest dokonanie wpłaty)
        • wnoszenie opłat za uczestnictwo

        Cele i problematyka

        Konferencje z cyklu: SZKOŁY TRIBOLOGICZNE i INŻYNIERIA ŁOŻYSKOWANIA przez wiele lat funkcjonowały w środowisku jako niezależne imprezy naukowo - techniczne. W trakcie dyskusji prowadzonych w ramach Sekcji Podstaw Eksploatacji KBM PAN coraz częściej wysuwane były postulaty połączenia merytorycznego i organizacyjnego obu tych imprez. Postulaty te postanowiono urzeczywistnić w 2004 roku łącząc Szkołę Tribologiczną z Inżynierią Łożyskowania z zachowaniem jednakże pewnych specyficznych odrębności obu imprez. Tak powstała nowa Konferencja, w której tytule zachowane zostały tradycyjne nazwy dotychczasowych imprez, do których być może uczestnicy już się przyzwyczaili.

        Organizatorzy wyrażają nadzieję, że powyższe połączenie, poza oczywistymi oszczędnościami ekonomicznymi i "odciążeniem" terminarza imprez naukowych, przyniesie korzyści w postaci integracji środowiska i zespolenia wysiłków wokół wspólnych przecież celów.

        Stały postęp w rozwoju technologii i tym samym we wprowadzaniu nowych materiałów, nowych metod badawczych i diagnostycznych, nowych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych w tribologii i inżynierii łożyskowania stwarza potrzebę cyklicznych spotkań dla wymiany poglądów i informacji.

        Podczas konferencji będzie możliwość prezentowania osiągnięć nauki i techniki w referatach plenarnych, sesyjnych i sesjach plakatowych, a także przy stoiskach firm wytwarzających łożyska i ich elementy, materiały łożyskowe, środki smarowe, uszczelnienia i inne środki oraz elementy związane z łożyskowaniem i szeroko pojętą tribologią.

          Tematyka konferencji obejmować będzie:

        • analizę procesów tribologicznych i metodykę prowadzenia badań,
        • diagnostykę węzłów łożyskowych, metody monitorowania ich stanu w aspekcie stanów granicznych, montaż i eksploatację łożysk,
        • projektowanie układów łożyskowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dynamiki maszyn wirnikowych, odkształceń i przemieszczeń gniazd łożyskowych itp.,
        • badania właściwości łożysk, materiałów łożyskowych, substancji smarowych, uszczelnień ruchowych, środków i technologii regeneracji węzłów ruchowych,
        • tribologię w zakresie tarcia technicznie suchego, mieszanego i płynnego,
        • aspekty ekologiczne inżynierii łożyskowania,
        • nowe metody i technologie w inżynierii łożyskowania,
        • problemy mikro i nanotribologii,
        • problemy biotribologii,
        • inne procesy tribologiczne, w tym w ekstremalnych warunkach,
        • współczesne wyzwania tribologii w aspekcie procesów integracyjnych w poszczególnych dyscyplinach naukowych i współpracy międzynarodowej po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej

          Program socjalny

        • Uroczysta kolacja
        • Wycieczka
        • Spotkanie przy ognisku


    27th – 29th September 2004

    in Gottingen

    Research and Practical Applications

    The reduction of friction and wear during the manufacturing process and during application are extraordinarily important objectives in industry and research. The tribology conference provides impulses and solutions with help of contributions to the main topics:

    Tribologically optimised components and production methods
    Tribological problems in practice:
    • Materials
    • Surface coatings and lubricants
    • Maintenance and improvement of the special knowledge for practical implementation
    • Information about present-day developments
    Invitation to submit offers for presentation of papers on the following topics:
    • Tribosystems
    • Materials
    • Thin Layers and Surface Technologies
    • Lubricants and Lubrication
    • Cutting and Forming Technologies
    • Machine Elements and Driving Technology
    • Tribology in Automotive Technology
    • Testing – Measuring – Monitoring
    • Registration of Papers including descriptive summary (max. 1 page DIN A4):

    • Gesellschaft fur Tribologie e.V.
    • Ernstrasse 12, 47443 Moers
    • Tel: 02841/54213
    • Fax: 02841/59478
    • Email: tribologie @ gft-ev.de
    • Internet: www.gft-ev.de

    October 2004

    European Micro & Nano Systems

    European Micro & Nano Systems

    October 20 - 21, 2004
    Noisy Le Grand (Paris), France

    European Micro & Nano Systems

    European Micro and Nano Systems is being jointly organized by:

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME, USA)
    ASME Nanotechnology Institute (USA)
    TIMA (Techniques de l'Informatique et de la Microélectronique pour l'Architecture, France)
    ESIEE (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique, France)


    • Club Nano-MicroTechnologie (France)
    • Association Française de Mécanique (AFM, France)
    • ISBS-Paris (Institut Supérieur des Bio-Sciences de Paris, France
    Take a minute to read the welcome letter from the Chair

    Conference Scope

    Industrial Aspects

  • Commercialization of µ & n systems
  • Information technology based applications
  • Biological technology based applications
  • Energy technology based applications
  • Medical technology based applications.

    Research Aspects

    • a. µ & n materials
    • silicon
    • polymers
    • ceramics
    • material testing and characterization

      b. µ & n fabrication/manufacturing

    • ultrasonic
    • erosion
    • machining iv. printing

      c. µ & n mechanics/devices

    • fluidics
    • actuators
    • robotics
    • motors
    • optics

      d. µ & n design/integration

    • self-assembly
    • computational tools
    • multiscale modeling
    • use of µ for n exploration

      e. µ & n electronics

    • circuits and architectures
    • molecular electronics, spintronics, magnetics
    • tubes and wires
    • scaling


    24th – 27th October 2004

    Key deadlines: 2nd January, 2004

    Hilton Long Beach, Long Beach, California

    Papers are invited in the following topical areas :
    • Tribomaterials
    • Lubricants and Additives
    • Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
    • Hydrodynamic Lubricatrion and Fluid Film Bearings
    • Rolling Element Bearings
    • Engine Tribology
    • Machine Components Tribology
    • Contact Mechanics
    • Magnetic Storage Tribology
    • Manufacturing/Metalworking Tribology
    • Nanotribology
    • Engineered Surfaces
    • Biotribology
    • Emerging Technologies/Other “An international exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge pertaining to engineering practice in research, development, manufacturing, application and teaching of the science and technology of tribology.”
    Sponsors: ASME International, Tribology Division and The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE)

    Key deadlines: 2nd January, 2004

    Contact: www.asmeconferences.org/ijtc04

    November 2004


    SYMPOSIUM 2004

    Reibung und Verschleiß im Spannungsfeld von Fahrzeugherstellern und deren Kunden

    Friction and wear
    in the "interface" of car producers and their customers

    Donnerstag, 4. November 2004
    ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH 2444 Seibersdorf
    ZeitÖTG Session DeutschÖTG Session EnglishÖGO Session Deutsh
    09:00 E. Kny (ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH), M. Herman (PAN - Wissenschaftliches Zentrum der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien), F. Franek (ÖTG • Österreichische Tribologische Gesellschaft / AC²T research GmbH), W. Stiefler (ÖGO • Österreichische Gesellschaft für Oberflächentechnik)
    09:15A. Merstallinger,
    ARC Seibersdorf, A:
    Innovative Verfahren zur Herstellung (zukünftiger) tribologischer Werkstoffe.
    09:40S. Steinhäuser,
    TU Chemnitz, D:
    Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen für Beschichtungen im Verschleißschutz.
    10:05G.E. Nauer,
    A: Aluminiumoberflächen - elektrochemische Prozesse zur Vorbehandlung.
    Präsentation der Modellierung von galvanischen Prozessen u. Reaktionen.
    11:00l. Godor,
    Montanuniversität Leoben, A:
    Entwicklung von PTFE-Bronze-Compounds für Dichtungszwecke.
    Betriebsähnliche Untersuchung, Schadensanalytik u. Ableitung eines Schadensmechanismus.
    C. Kajdas,
    Warsaw University of Technology, PL:
    A specific tribochemical and tribocatalytic enhancement of Oxidation processes.
    Mechanism of mechanically induced Oxidation processes of selected lubricant components and tribocatalysis of some gases.
    G. Gattringer,
    Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, A:
    Altfahrzeuge VO: Gesetzliche Vorgaben und deren Auswirkungen.
    Mit dem Inkrafttreten der Altfahrzeuge VO wurden im November 2002 zahlreiche Verpflichtungen für die österreichische Wirtschaft wirksam. Viele dieser Vorgaben führten zu einem erhöhten Verwaltungs-aufwand der betroffenen Wirtschaftskreise. Neben einer Kurzdarstellung der gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen werden die daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen auf die Sammlung und Verwertung von Altfahrzeugen skizziert.
    11:20 N. Fateh,
    MCL - Werkstoffkompetenzzentrum, A:
    Schichtentwicklung im System Ti1-xAlxN zur Optimierung tribologischer Eigenschaften.
    Härte-, Zähigkeits- u. Oxidationseigenschaften bei Raum- u. Hochtemperaturen.
    K. Hiratsuka,
    Chiba Institute of Technology, J:
    Tribocatalytic Oxidation of Methane.
    Discussion of tribocatalysis and the detailed reaction mechanisms using negative-ion-radical action mechanism approach.
    U. Stiefler,
    Stiefler GmbH, A:
    Praktische Erfahrungen mit Cr6-freien Verfahren: Möglichkeiten, Ausblick und Umsetzungen.
    Anhand von Erfahrungen der Fa. Stiefler mit der Entwicklung von Cr VI freien Oberflächen wird eine Diskussion über Anforderungen aufgrund von Normen aber auch Kunden sowie der Sinnhaftigkeit der EU-Altfahrzeug-verordnung angeregt. Zur Präsentation gelangen konkrete Zahlenbeispiele aus der Produktion. Angesprochen werden in weiterer Folge auch zukünftige Trends (Mehrschichtsysteme auf organischer Basis,..).
    11:40 B. Mollay,
    Modellierung von galvanischen Prozessen und Reaktoren.
    Vorstellung einer Computer-Simulation. Sie liefert bei Kenntnis aller für die ablaufenden Elektrodenreaktionen relevanten elektrochemischen Parameter im Prinzip eine vollständige Beschreibung von Abscheidungsoder Ätzprozessen und kann damit zur Optimierung technischer Prozesse herangezogen werden.
    J. Brenner,
    AC²T, A:
    Tribochemical influence on the tribology of polyimide and polyimide compounds in gaseous environments and vacuum.
    Comparison of tribology data from experiments with filled and unfilled polyimides in special environment.
    Collini GmbH., A:
    "Best Available Techniques" • für die Oberflächenbehandlung.
    Die Galvanotechnik, einerseits Schlüsseltechnologie, andererseits "klein strukturiert", ist herausgefordert. Nach IPPC - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control - Directive 96/61/EC, wird soeben das "BREF" zur Besten-verfügbaren Technik fertig geschrieben. Eine Chance für die Branchenteilnehmer, die sich aktiv um ein professionelles Management und stabile Prozesse kümmern. Veraltete Verfahrensabläufe werden verschwinden. Mittelfristig. Anlagen erneuern, oder gar ersetzen, kostet Geld. Und was nützt dies alles dem Kunden, der es bezahlen muss?
    12:00 Uhr Diskussion
    12:00 F. Grün,
    Montanuniversität Leoben, A:
    Kritische Betrachtung von Tribometeranwendungen.
    Vergleich mittels Mikrotribometer erzielter Ergebnisse mit numerischer Simulation.
    F. Schweitzer,
    SKF Österreich AG, A:
    Rolling bearing designs forturbochargers and turbocompound drive Systems.
    Introduction of rolling bearings äs well äs special double row angular contact ball bearings for the use in drive System of trucks.
    12:20 Mittagspause und LaborbesichtigungLunch time and tour of the labsMittagspause und Laborbesichtigung
    14:20 E. Kenesey,
    AC²T, A:
    Entwicklung eines Hochleistungsöles für Zwei-Takt Motoren.
    Untersuchung unterschiedlicher Reinsubstanzen bzgl. ihrer Eignung als Schmierstoffzusatz bei Kraftstoffen.
    E. Badisch,
    AC²T, A:
    Characterization of tribo-layers on TiN coatings.
    Characterization of tribo-layers formed during ball-on-disc testing on chlorine containing TiN coatings.
    S. Steinhäuser,
    TU Chemnitz, D:
    Probleme und Erfolge tribologischer Werkstorfuntersuchungen.
    Beurteilung tribologischer Untersuchungen zum Ermüdungsverlauf am Beispiel von Überrolllebensdauerkurven von 100Cr6.
    14:40 J. Zuleeg,
    Klüber Lubrication München KG, D:
    Voraussagen zum Stick-Slip-Verhalten mit Hilfe des Schwing-Reib-Verschleiß-Prüfgerätes.
    Einteilung von Schmierfetten mit unterschiedlicher Ruckgleitneigung anhand der Interpretation der Stribeckkurve.
    U. Fastner,
    Pulse Plating - an innovative method for surface modification.
    Presentation of advantages of Pulse Plating in theory and practice.
    T. Müller,
    RÜBIG GmbH & Co KG, A:
    Verschleißminimierung durch kombinierte thermo-chemische und plasma-aktivierte Diffusions- und Beschichtungsprozesse.
    Durch die immer größer werdende Anfor- derung aus der Industrie, Verschleiß zu minimieren bzw. die Kosten der eingesetzten Materialien zu reduzieren kommt plasma-aktivierten thermochemischen Oberflächen-behandlung eine immer größere Bedeutung zu. Durch Verfahren wie Plasmanitieren oder der plasmaunterstützten CVD Beschichtung können Materialien oberflächlich in ihren Eigenschaften derart optimiert werden, daß sie verschleißfesterwerden bzw. durch Aufbringung von Gleitschichten bessere tribologische Eigenschaften haben. Hierdurch wird eine Alternativ zum Einsatz teurer neuer Werkstoffe geschaffen.
    15:00 E. Sauer,
    Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik, A:
    Entwicklung einer elektronisch regelbaren Lamellenkupplung aus tribologischer Sicht.
    Einfluss der Ölschädigung in Lamellenkupplungen auf die konstruktive Auslegung.
    M. Major,
    Montanuniversität Leoben, A:
    Some contributions to the development of transferfilm ofvarous PTFE compounds.
    Investigation of the conditions of transfer film development on various PTFE compounds to get a better understanding of real service performance.
    S. Svetsky,
    Korrosionsprüfungen in der Automobilindustrie.
    Die in industriellen Prüflaboratorien durchgeführten konventionellen (Salzsprühnebelverfahren, ..) bzw. zyklischen (Korrosionswechseltest, ..) Korrosionsprüfungen unterliegen den strengen Anforderungen internationaler Normen. In diesem Bereich die länderübergreifende Zusammenarbeit in Form von Ringversuchen, Know-How-Austausch, Normenbildung u.a. von besonderer Bedeutung.
    15:20 J. Myalski,
    TU Gliwice, PL:
    Gestalten physikalischer und mechanischer Eigenschaften von Bremsbelägen durch Addition amorphen Kohlenstoffs.
    Reibzahlbeeinflussung eines Friktionswerkstoffes durch Kohlenstoffpartikel.
    T. Wisniewski,
    Warsaw University of Technology, PL:
    A Specific Affect of the Ester-type Compound Concentration on Diesel Fuel Surface Tension.
    New specific relationship of fuel surface tension versus the additive concentration.
    R. Melcher,
    Beschreibung einer CrVI-freien Dick-schichtpassivierung für Zinkschichten
    Die EU Altfahrzeugverordnung fordert CrVI Beschichtungssysteme. Dazu wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches im Prinzip auf Crlll- Verbindungen beruht. Beschrieben werden Zusammensetzung, Prozessparameter und Prozessführung.
    15:40 KaffeepauseCoffeebreakKaffeepause
    16:10 A. Posmyk,br>Schlesische Universität Katowice, PL:
    Tribologisches Verhalten der für die Autoindustrie bestimmten Verbundwerkstoffe.
    Vergleich der Werkstofflegierungen AIMC und AISi12Mg am Beispiel eines Kolbens für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen.
    C. Ötsch,
    AC²T, A:
    SRV-investigations of engine oils.
    The influence of ageing of lubricants to the tribological properties.
    J. Becker,
    Henkel Central Eastern Europe GmbH., D:
    Neue chromfreie Systeme zur Erzeugung von sichtbaren chromfreien Schichten.
    Rückblick auf die Entwicklung der ersten chromfreien Systeme, über die "Kinderkrank-heiten" bis hin zu High-Tech-Prozessen, heutiger Erfahrungsstand und bewährte Anwendungsgebiete. Neuentwicklung von chromfreien Systemen zur Erzeugung von sichtbaren chromfreien Schichten, bisherige Erfahrungen und Anwendungsgebiete, Herausforderung für die Zukunft.
    16.30÷17.10 Uhr
    16:30 N. Dörr,
    AC²T, A:
    Bestimmung des Wassergehaltes von Schmierstoffen.
    Optimierung der Wasserbestimmung nach Karl-Fischer bei höher legierten Schmierstoffen.
    T. Sebestyen,
    AC²T A:
    Laser surface heat treatment - an overview.
    To extend lifetime of tools and machine elements with respect to improvement of wear, heat or corrosion resistance.
    16:50 P. Geiderer,
    AC²T A:
    Entwicklung einer Prüfeinrichtung für kombinierten Abrasiv/Schlagverschleiß durch mineralisches Material.
    Einflüsse auf die Auswahl einer Untersuchungseinrichtung für Abrasionsverschleiß.
    M. Przedlacki,
    Warsaw University of Technology, PL:
    The products of Tribochemical Reaction of PFPE Oil on Aluminium and Steel surfaces.
    Products of tribochemical reactions into tribocontact, using SRV tester.
    Podiumsdiskussion über mögliche Kooperationsformen mit Oberflächentechnikverbänden aus den neuen EU-Staaten.

    Eingeladen werden die jeweiligen Vereinigungen aus dem Bereich der Oberflächentechnik der Länder Slowakei,Slowenien, Tschechien und Ungarn.

    17:10 Abschlussdiskussion und SchlusswortDiscussion and Closing ceremonyAbschlussdiskussion und Schlusswort

    Teilnahmeentgelt / ragistration fee€ 185,-
    Ermäßigtes Teilnahmeentgelt für Mitglieder der ÖTG und ÖGO (gem. Mitgliedskategorie) sowie für und ÖGO (gem. Mitgliedskategorie) sowie für Forschungspartner der AC2T research GmbH. € 148,-

    Kein Teilnahmeentgelt für Vortragende, Studierende (nach Maßgabe verfügbarer Plätze) und im Rahmen der ÖTG-Firmen-mitgliedschaft (je nach gewählter Kategorie des ÖTG-Mttglieds-beitrages) sowie für max. eine Person von OGO-Mitglieda-firmen!

    Special flat rates (e.g. for groups) upon requst!

    Im Teilnahmeentgelt sind Tagungsunterlagen, Pausengetränke und Mittagsimbiss enthalten. Preise verstehen sich excl. VAT.

    Registration fee includes proceedings, coffee breaks and short lunch. All prices are excl. VAT.

    ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH
    A 2444 Seibersdorf (Parkplätze vorhanden)
    Anfahrt / How to mt to the venue:
    A2 Südautobahn bis Knoten Guntramsdorf, abzweigen auf A3 Richtung Ebreichsdorf, Ebreichsdorf Nord abfahren, in Ebreichsdorf Abzweigung links nach Seibersdorf B60

    Veranstalter / Conference organizer;

    ÖTG - Österreichische Tribologische Gesellschaft
      +43 (1) 505 34 00
      +43 (1) 505 34 00 - 4
    Floragasse 7/2office @ oetg.at
    A 1040 Wien www.oetg.at
    Sekretariat: Fr. Martina Nuhsbaumer
    Mobil: 0676 84516 23 00
    Bankverbindung: BA-CA (BLZ 11000), Konto 0964-6606500

    Teilnehmeranmeldung erbeten bis 15. Oktober 20041
    Please register till Oktober 15, 2004!

    Änderungen vorbehalten! - Subject to changes without notice!

    Association for the Heat Treatment of Metals Institute of Physics of Materials Czech Academy of Sciences

    20th International Conference on Heat Treatment

    November 23 - 25, 2004
    Grand Hotel Křižova, Czech Republic
    Contact Address: Ecosond s.r.o. K. Vodárné 531, 257 Čerčany, IČ: 45807698, DiČ: CZ45807698
    Organizing committee:
    Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc.
    Prof. Ing. Peter Grgač, CSc.
    Prof. Ing. Vojtěch Hrubý, Dr.Sc.
    Dr.Ing. Peter Jurči
    Ing. František Klíma
    Ing. Miloslav Kouřil, CSc.
    Ing. Alexandra Musilová
    Ing. Jiři Stanislav, CSc.
    Ing. Pavel Stolař, CSc.


    Contact addresses:

    Ing. Alexandra Musilová
    Ing. Pavel Stolar, CSc.
    Aassociation for the Heat Treatment of Metals
    K Vodárně 531
    257 22 Čerčany
    tel.: +420-603 837 850
    fax.: +420-317 776 638
    e-mail: asociacetz @ mbox. vol.cz
    Ing. Ivo Diouhy, CSc.
    Institute of Physics of
    Materials Czech
    Academy of Sciences
    Zizkova 22
    616 62 Brno
    tel.: +420-541 636 342
    fax.: +420-541 218 657
    e-mail: idlouhy @ ipm. cz

    Preliminary program

    9:30 Opening Ceremony
    1. The hardening shops development in the Czech Republic and relationship to customers P. Stolař, S. Stanislav*; ECOSOND s.r.o.. *BODYCOTE s.r.o.

      Heat treated materials, microstructure and properties relationships

    2. Fracture behaviour of welds made of paerlitic and bainitic steel
      I. Diouhy; UFM AV CR
    3. Influence of heat treatment conditions on quality and on mechanical properties of high-strength steel P460N
      M. Šmátralová, J. Sobotka; VITKOVICE - Výzkum a vývoj s.r.o.
    4. Optimalization of strength - plastic properties intercritically annealed of thin steel sheets
      G. Rosenberg, Ĺ. Juhár*, M. Vlado, V. Vrchovinský, G. Janák; TU Košice - Hutnickafakulta, *U.S. Steel Košice s.r.o.
    5. The grit size and mechanical properties of cast steels 20Mn5 and 20MnNb5
      J. Cejp, K. Macek, G. Pluphrach; ČVUTFS
    6. Heat treatment optimalitazion of TRIP steels
      S. Neměcčk, Z. Nový, H. Staňková*. B. Mašek*; COMTES FHT, s.r.o., * Západočeská universita, * TU Chemnitz

      11:40-13:00 LUNCH

    7. Influence of long-time annealing on strength and impact toughness of steels
      G. Rosenberg; TUKošice - Hutnickafakulta
    8. Effect of long-term annealing on the dissimilar weldments of 9Cr and 2.25Cr steels
      M Jedináková, A. Výrostková; ÚMVSAV
    9. New non-conventional methods of thermomechanical treatment
      B. Mašek, L.W. Meyer*; ZČU v Plzni. •TU Chemnitz
    10. Advanced high wear resistance tool steels
      P. Grgač; STU Tmava
    11. High speed steels structure changes applying by unconventional heat treatment
      M. Lašček; STUMTF, Katedra aplikovanej mechaniky

      14:40- 15:00 coffee BREAK

    12. Wear and corrosion resistance of Nb-alloyed PM tool steel
      P. Novák, D. Vojtěch, J. Šerák; VŠCHT Praha
    13. Monitoring of heat treatment processes quality by diffraction methods
      Ĺ. Čaplovič; STU Tmava. MTF/KMI
    14. Heat treatment of complex-shape tools
      A. Křiž, L. Kajer; ZČU v Plzni
    15. Modification of superalloy single crystal cast microstructure by heat treatment
      M. Martinkovič; STU v Bratislavé
    16. The relationship between structure and mechanical properties of refractory steels
      J. Kudrman, B. Podhorná, J. Čmakal; ÚJP PRAHA a.s.
    17. Influence of tempering temperature on mechanical properties of welds made of low alloy refractory steels
      P. Mohyla; VŠB TU Ostrava

      18:00 dinner


      Parallel session
      10:00 Opening

      10:00 -11:40
    18. Phase transformation in steel during the quenching
      B. Smoljan, S.S. Hanza, D. Rubeš, N. Tomašič; The university of Rijeka, Faculty of engineering
    19. Computer simulation of heat treating processesJ. Tejc; MECAS ESI s.r.o.
    20. Methodics of numerical analysis of electromagnetic and temperature fields by induction heating with program system ANSYS
      M. Behúlová; STU KMS MtF
    21. The application of numerical simulation in industrial heat treatment
      M. Slováček; Ústav aplikované mechaniky Bmo, s.r.o.
    22. Thermal effect of liquid aluminium in ultrasonic field
      L. Moraru; University of Galati, Faculty of Science, Department of Physisc

      11:40-13:00 Lunch


      Metallographical and testing methods in heat treatment

    23. Automation of microhardness measurement after heat treatment
      Z. Hanuš; Hanyko spol. s.r.o.
    24. Optimization of selection the equipment for measuring the microhardness
      J. Kuna; LECO INSTRUMENTE Plzeň, spol. s r.o.
    25. A short survay on GD OES
      R. Dorka, D. Koňař; SPECTRUMA

      14:00-14:20 coffee break


      Surface heat treatment - laser, plasma, electron beam, induction heating Surface engineering (CVD, PVD)

    26. Laser hardening of tools and moulds
      A. Bransden; Bodycote Wärmebehandlung GmbH
    27. Electron beam surface technologies in the automotive industry
      R. Zenker, A. Buchwalder*; Zenker Consult, *TU Bergakademie Freiberg
    28. Results correlation between tribological analyses and scratch test of the nanocrystalline layersA. Kríč, J. Hájek; Zdpadočeská Universita v Plzni
    29. Changes of shafts proportions by medium-frequence hardeningL. Sádecký, M. Kajko; SIGUS TOVARNIKY a.s.

      15:40-16:00 coffee break

    30. Metal heat treatment by short impulse of electrical current
      A. Ilyin; Tomsk Polytechnic University
    31. Electrical explosion as a metal treatment by electrical current of high power
      Y.S. Kwon, A. Ilyin*; University of Ulsan.*Tomsk Polytechnic University
    32. Ultrasonic modification of surface and its influence on covering properties
      V.A. Klimenov, Z.G. Kovalevskaya*. Y.F. Ivanov**, V.A.Kukareko***; Tomsk Polytechnic University, *Institute of strength physics and materials science SB RAS, **Institute of high current electronics SB RAS, ***Institute of machine safety NAS of Belarus
    33. The increase of hard-alloy tool durability by method of pre-treatment with the help of high-power ion beam and deposition of titanium nitride coating
      G.E. Remnev, V.A. Tarbokov; High Voltage Research Institute

      18:00 DINNER

      Wednesday 24.11.2004
      9:00 Opening

      Equipment for the heat treatment
    34. State of the art in the salt bath heat treatment
      M. Mainka. J. Bosslet; Durferrit GmbH
    35. Endolin® - an economical heat treatment process for steel and non-ferrous alloys
      G. Wagendorfer, H.P. Schmidt*; Messer Austria GmbH, *Messer Group GmbH
    36. Brazing, annealing and hardening in continuous furnaces under protective atmosphere
      R. Weiss; Mahler GmbH- Industrial furnaces
    37. On-Site production of nitrogen for heat treatment on metals requirements
      T. Langr, G. Plicht*; Air Products s.r.o., Air Products GmbH

      10:20-10:40 COFFEE BREAK

    38. IVANIT nitriding control system with long physical life
      I. Kleffmann; IVA Industrieofen GmbH
    39. Nitriding in gas and facilities for its regulationP. Stolař. ECOSOND s.r.o.
    40. Pulsed plasma nitriding in engine manufacturing industriesV. Huchel, S. Stramke; ELTRO GmbH
    41. Integration of vacuum heat treatmen plants into modem serial production - furnace concepts and practical examples
      K. Löser, G. Schmitt, K. Ritter; ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH

      12:00-13:30 lunch

    42. New cell concept for flexible heat treatment processes
      F. Bless, L. Oimann, B. Edenhofer; Ipsen International GmbH
    43. Optimized heat treatment by vacuum hardening with integrated "sub zero" treatmentR. Stein; SCHMETZ GmbH Vakuumöfen
    44. Vacuum carburizing - SECO/WARWICK single and multi-chamber furnaces
      M. Korecki, D. Siniarski; SECO/WARWICK Ltd.
    45. Reduced distortion of gear parts in gas carburizing pusher furnaces due to high pressure gas quenching
      H. Altena, F. Schrank, *W. Jasienski; AICHEUN Holding GmbH, •GM Powertrain
    46. Potentional for distortion lowering of gear components in case hardening processes
      P.Jurči, P. Stolař, L. Pavlů*. H. Altena**; ECOSOND s.r.o., *Škoda Auto a.s., **Aichelin GmbH

      14:50- 15:10 coffee break

    47. The importance of quenching media testing
      F. Vráblik, P. Stolař; ECOSOND s.r.o.
    48. Results of industrial cleaning by waste free dry iceblasting technology CryoClean in hardening shops J. Borek: LINDE TECHNOPLYN a.i.
    49. Low pressure carburizing and high pressure gas quenching; expected advantages and practical experience
      A. Lström, UNDE GAS

      16:30-16:50 coffee BREAK

    50. The reliability of hot work steel suppliers for die applications
      J. Stanislav, M. Kurflrt; BODYCOTE s.r.o.
    51. A new generation of ceramic burners and radiant tubes, for heat treatment furnaces
      P. Venský, J.A. Wünning, J.G. Wünnmg; Rekumat Warmeprozesstechnik CR s.r.o
    52. Technological line for heat treatment of forgings - description and basic results
      V. Beran; Realistic a.s.
    53. The SMA application - possibilities of failure and analysis their influence in heat treatment field
      S. Rašková; Moravské kovárny a.s. Jihiava


      thursday 25.11.2004
      9:00 Opening

      Heat treatment ofnon ferrous alloys and advanced materials

    54. The relation between structure and nickel super-alloys properties after heat treatment B. Podhorná, J. Kudrman, K. Hrbáček*; ÚJP PRAHA a.s., •PBS Velká Biteš a.s.
    55. Superplastic deformation mechanism of mechanical alloying of Al alloys
      M. Besterci, 0. Velgosová*; ÚMV SAV, *TU Košice
    56. Influence of chemical composition and heat treatment on fatigue properties of AlMgSi alloys
      J. Siegl, J. Adámek, J. Faltus*; ČVUT-FJFI, *VUK a.s. Panenské Brezany
    57. Microctructure identification of AlMgMnSi1 alloy welding joints
    58. M. Huddková, E. Čaplovič, M. Dománkov; STU Tmava

      10:20-10:40 coffee BREAK

    59. Influence of heat treatment on the structure and properties of Mg-alloys
      L. Čižek, M. Greger, J. Hubáčková, I. Juřička, R. Konečná; VSB - TU, FMMI
    60. Influence of heat treatment technology on nonferrous alloys properties
      J. Fabiánová; TUKosice

      Phase transformations and diffusional processes

    61. Effect of Thermomechanical Treatment on Structure Evolution in Si-Mn TRIP Oceli
      J. Zrnik, Z. Nový; COMTES FHT, s.r.o.
    62. Analysis of relationship between nonmetallic inclusions and acicular ferrite formation
      E. Mazancová. Z. Jonšta, K. Mazanec; VŠB-TU Ostrava

      12:00-13:30 Lunch

    63. CORR-I-DUR® : thermochemical treatment for simultaneous improvement of corrosion an wear resistance
      G. Walbwiak; Bodycote Wärmebehandlung GmbH
    64. Diffusion processes in intermetallic compounds
      J. Drápala, P. Kubiček, M. Kursa, K. Barabaszová. M. Losertová; VŠB - TU Ostrava
    65. Boronizing of the high-alloy tool steels
      Sedlická; STU Trnava, MTF/KMITS
    66. Thermal fatigue of single crystal nickel base superalloy
      J. Zrník., P. Jenčuš; COMTES FHT, s.r.o.

      14:40 close OF CONFERENCE

      Poster session

    P1. Microstructure and properties of a laser-hardened surface of the steel ČSN 12050
          M. Kolega, J. Fiala, I. Kraus*; ZCU v Plzni,*ČVUT v Praze
    P2. Homogenization annealing of aluminium alloys
          K. Oravec, G. Janák, T. Pisarčik, M. Bajcura; TUKošice
    P3. Auto-operated heat treatment line for steel rolling bars
          A. Cieslar, B. Matloch; AUTEL, a.s.
    P4. Microstructure and mechanical properties of reactor pressure vessel steels P. Haušild, M. Karlik, M. Kytka*. P. Pešek*; ČVUT-FJFI, *ÚJV Řež a.s.
    P5. Investigation of the thermal effect on a structure-formation under electron beam fusion
          V.A. Klimenov, O.N. Nekhoroshkov, D.V. Gubarkov*. V.G.Butov; Tomsk Polytechnic University, institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS
    P6. Measurement of carburized case depth with the device of express testing "thermo test"
          Yu.P. Egorov, V.S. Evseev, A.S. Ivanov; Tomsk Polytechnic University
    P7. Application of new technologies to the production of steel fine-sized and heavy-loaded tools with improved properties
          A. Shmatov; Belarussian State Polytechnic Academy

    December 2004

    iCAT 2004

    1st International Conference on Advanced Tribology 2004 (iCAT 2004) Department of Mechanical Engineering

    December 1- 3, 2004
    National University of Singapore, Singapore
    Submission of abstract: 1 June 2004
    Notice of acceptance of abstract: 15 July 2004
    Early registration by: 1 September 2004
    Full paper submission on: 1 December 2004
    Email: icat2004 @ nus.edu.sg
      (The presenting author should bring the paper and submit at the time of registration.)
    Many recent developments in the industrial and technological fields have necessitated innovative approaches to study tribology and apply tribological knowledge for technological and economic advancements. The aim of this conference is to present and record recent works that have been carried out in the areas such as tribology of materials, new engineered surfaces, application of tribological research and development to new technological and industrial fields, new coatings etc.
      The topics include but they are not limited to the following areas:

    • Tribology of nano-structured materials and surfaces

    • Micro/Nano-tribology and applications

    • Bio-tribology

    • Modeling and simulation in tribology

    • Tribology for micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and micromachines

    • Wear resistant coatings

    • Micro/nano hardness of hard or soft surfaces including biological materials

    • Tribological testings

    • Tribology of information storage

    • New industrial applications of tribology

    • Wear mapping and materials selection in tribology

    • Advanced lubrication and lubricants

    iCAT 2004

    Workshop on: “Nanotribology in Magnetic Media”, VMD

    December 1, 2004
    Limerick, Ireland

    4th International Conference
    Industrial Tribology (ICIT 04)

    Theme - Tribology for Equipment Reliability

    Date: December 15th - 18th, 2004
    Hyatt Regency Mumbai, India
    Important Deadlines
    Abstract - 31st August 2004
    Papers - 15th October 2004
    Corrected papers - 15th November 2004


    The Executive Committee has decided to organize the next in a series of the national and International Conferences on Industrial Tribology from 15th-18th December 2004 at Mumbai - the Commercial & Industrial capital of India. This conference will be the fourth in a series of International Conferences after the last one at Jamshedpur in 2002. The conference will be jointly organized by Indian Oil Corporation Limited along with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd and Larsen & Toubro Ltd under the aegis of the Tribology Society of India.

    Mumbai, the commercial capital of India is home to various sectors of Indian Industry such as chemicals, engineering, automotive, energy, textiles etc. In this regard, the theme for the conference has been appropriately decided as " Tribology for Equipment Reliability ".

    Abstracts of papers related to various aspects of Tribology may be sent to the Organising Secretary at the following address by 31st of August 2004.

    Mr. S. K. Swaminathan
    Organising Secretary, ICIT 2004
    Executive Director (Lubes)
    Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
    G-9 Ali Yavar Jung Marg
    Bandra East, MUMBAI-400051 (INDIA)
    Phone: +91-22-26443881
    Fax: +91-22-26423272
    Email: skswaminathan @ indianoil.co.in
    nanda @ indianoil.co.in

    The Abstracts may also be submitted by clicking here

    Hyatt Regency Mumbai
    Sahar Airport road,
    Ph: +91-22-56961234
    Fax: +91-22-56961235
    Direct +91-22-56961419
    website: http://www.mumbai.regency.hyatt.com

    The Conference will be held at the following Venue during 15-18 December 2004

    January 2005

    Fuels Fuels
    e-mail anmeldung @ tae.de
    in Ostfildern
    12. bis 13. Jan. 2005

    February 2005

    March 2005

    1st Vienna International Conference on

    Micro- and Nano-Technology

    March 9 - 11, 2005
    Vienna, Austria


    July 31st, 2004 - Submission of title and abstracts
    Sept. 3rd, 2004 - Notification of acceptance
    Oct. 1st, 2004 - Availability of program, see “Program details”
    Oct. 15th, 2004 - Submission of full manuscripts, see “Paper submission”

    General Information

    Micro- and Nano-Technology up to now is rather poorly understood and developed. Nevertheless there are many future-orientated efforts all over the world in order to increase pertinent knowledge. This has not only fundamental importance, but, offers moreover an immense range of practical applications. Accordingly, Micro- and Nano-Technology has become a rapidly growing field.

    It is the aim of this conference to address the main aspects of Micro- and Nano Technology with specific focus on the following nanotechnology issues:

    Nanomaterials show significantly different mechanical properties. Material strength, scratch hardness as well as friction and wear are strongly influenced by the nanostructure. In addition, in the presence of gaseous or liquid media (e.g. lubricants) the material properties vary considerably. The near-surface volume changes due to mechanical activation chemistry. Engineering in this field has to consider these sometimes sophisticated facts and implement them into the many practical applications, ranging from precision systems to precision surface engineering, tribological systems, medical, respectively therapeutic devices, micro¬ and actuator systems, and others.

    Experts from above and other fields are invited to present their research results as well as corresponding applications and to exchange ideas and discuss them with other colleagues working in different fields of research and application.

    Scientiefic Commitee

      Conference Chairmen
    W.J. BARTZTribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Germany
    F. FRANEKAustrian Tribology Society, Austria
      Scientific and Organisation Committee
    M. SCHERGE (Chairman)IAVF Antriebstechnik AG, Germany
    B. BHUSHANThe Ohio State University, USA
    H. DETTERVienna University of Technology, Austria
    F. FRANEKAustrian Tribology Society, Austria
    K. FRIEDRICHUniversity of Kaiserslautern, Germany
    S. HSUNIST - National Institute of Science and Technology, USA
    K. KATOTohoku University, Japan
    Z. RYMUZAWarsaw University of Technology, Poland
    E. SANTNERBAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany
    N. SPENCERSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland

    Wiener Neustadt
    Wednesday, March 9th 2005

    10.00Registration (WKO)
    12.30Bus transfer to Wiener Neustadt
    14.00 Opening - Welcome address
        Session 1
        Chairman: F. Franek
    14.15Engineeringmethods in the field of micro- and nanoparts, -components and -systemsH. Detter, Vienna University of Technology, A
    14.45Electrochemically prepared nano-structured layers: characterisation and propertiesG. E. Nauer, ECHEM, A
    Coffee Break
        Session 2
        Chairman: H. Detter
    15.45Tribological applicability of microemulsions - a critical viewN. Dörr, AC2T, A
    16.15 Low-power implantable vibrometer for measurement of nanometric vibrations inside middle earA. Vujanic, Vienna University of Technology A

    16.45Visitation of research laboratories

    18.00Evening event
    20.30Bus transfer back to Vienna (arrival at WKO)

    Main Conference


    Topics / Contents of Presentation:
    • Basic and practical aspects of Micro- and Nano-Technology
    • Micro- and Nano-Engineering/-Systems
    • Micro- and Nano-Materials
    • Micro- and Nano-Tribology
    • Measurements in the Nano-Range

    Plenary Papers

    The Ohio State University, USA
    Nanotribology and nanomechanics: state-of-the-art and critical importance to nanotechnology
    Vienna University of Technology, A
    Micro- and nano-systems engineering
    HSU S.
    National Institute of Science and Technology, USA
    Grand challenges in nanotechnology: metrology and measurements
    KATO K.
    Tohoku University, Japan
    Wear mechanisms at micro-nano contacts
    European Commission, Belgium
    Micro-/Nanotechnology - a challenge and perspective for basic and industrial research
    Warsaw University of Technology, PL
    Ultrathin films for MEMS applications
    Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und-prüfung (BAM), Germany
    Changes and challenges of nanotribology
    IAVF Antriebstechik, AG, Germany
    Self-organized tribological nanolayers in lubricated systems
    ETH Hönggerberg, Suisse
    Lubrication with water: macroscopic, microscopic,

    March 10 - 11, 2005
    Preliminary Program

    Thursday, March 10th, 09:30, Sallinger SaalPlenary Sessions
    Chairman: BartzSelf-organized tribological nanolayers in lubricated systems
    M. SCHERGE, IAVF Antriebstechnik, Germany
    Grand challenges in nanotechnology: metrology and measurements
    S. HSU, National Institute of Science and Technology, USA
    Chairman: Scherge Nanotribology and nanomechanics: state-of-the-art and critical importance to nanotechnology
    B. BHUSHAN, The Ohio State University, USA
    Micro-/Nanotechnology - a challange and perspective for basic and industrial research
    G. POPOVIC, European Commission, B
    Thursday, March 10th, 13:00, Sallinger SaalPlenary Sessions
    Chairman: Franek Lubrication with water: macroscopic, microscopic, and nanoscopic phenomena
    Wear mechanisms at micro-nano contacts
    K. KATO, Tohoku University, J
    Chairman: Bhushan Ultrathin films for MEMS applications
    Z. RYMUZA, Warsaw University of Tehnology, PL
    Changes and challenges of nanotribology
    Thursday, March 10th, 16:00, Sallinger SaalNanoeffects - general aspects
    Chairman: SantnerNanotribology: practical applications
    S. HSU, National Institute of Science and Technology, USA
    Nanotechnology from a specialty chemicals solution providers´s perspectives
    M. JUNGK, Dow Corning, D
    Micro-and Nanotechnological Production
    H. DETTER, Vienna University of Technology, A
    Diatom Biananotribology
    I. C. GEBESHUBER, AC2T research, A
    Thursday, March 10th, 16:00,
    Room 2
    Nanoeffects and nanoanalytics for macrosystems
    Chairman: SpencerParticle generation with supercritical Co2
    E. LACK, NATEX Prozesstechnologie, A
    Deformation induced transient and stationary changes of the near-surface layer
    A. ELEÖD, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H
    Formation of severely deformed surface layers: the effect of strain path
    F. WETSCHER, Erich Schmid Institut für Materialwisschenschaften, A
    Thickeners nanostructure effect on tribological properties of Bentonite-based grease
    A. POGOSIAN, State Engineering University of Armenia, ARM
    Thursday, March 10th, 16:00,
    Room 7
    Nanoscale - interaction in microsystems
    Chairman: KatoSignal enhancement of microarrays
    C. PREISINGER, ARC Seibersdorf research, A
    Structure and properties of nc-CrC/a-C:H thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering
    G. GASSNER, University of Leoben, A
    A finit element based method for wear simulation in micro systems
    N. HUBER, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, D
    Tribospectroscopy of surfaces with statistically random roughnessV. POPOV, Technical University Berlin, D
    Friday, March 11th, 09:00,Room 2Nanoscale - interaction in microsystems
    Chairman: EtsionInteraction between contact sliders and molecularly thin lubricant films in magnetic hard disk drives
    N. TAGAWA, Kansai University, J
    Considerations on test structures for MEMS
    D. DENKIEWICZ, Warsaw University of Technology, PL
    Surface testing into the 21st century bridging the gap between nano and macro
    D. DREES, Falex Tribology, B
    Instruments for adhesion and friction measurements at micro/nano scale
    N. MYSHKIN, Metal-Polymer Research Institute Belarus, BY
    Friday, March 11th, 09:00,
    Room 7
    Nanoeffects and nanoanalytics for macrosystems
    Chairman: RymuzaMicrotribology and nanomechanics of ion bombarded polymers
    D. BIELISNKI, Technica University of Lodz, PL
    The macroscopic tribology of Ag thin film relating to the structure in nanometric Scale
    M. GOTO, Hino Motors, J
    Experimental work and modelling on micro contacts
    J.-P. KRUGERS, TNO Industrial Technology, NL
    Characterization of lubrication and friction phenomena in machining
    A. WALTER, Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik, D
    Friday, March 11th, 10:50,
    Room 2
    Chairman: MyshkinMicrotubes and nanowires of complex metal sulfides
    K. BENTE, Universität Leipzig, D
    X-Ray Analytics
    P. LAGGNER, Austrian Academy of Science, A
    Progress in force microscopy: the atom unwrapped
    G.J. GIESSIBL, Universität Augsburg, D
    Contact fatigue of nanostructured metals using nanoindentation methods
    R. SCHWAIGER, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, D
    Friday, March 11th, 10:50,
    Room 7
    Nanoeffects and nanoanalytics for macrosystems
    Chairman: HsuMicrostrctured components by micro powder injection moulding
    R. ZAUNER, ARC Seibersdorf research, A
    Fabrication of nanoporous Ni-based superalloy membranes
    J. RÖSLER, Technische Universität Braunschweig, D
    N-Surface engineering for implants
    J. WOSIK, ARC Seibersdorf research, A
    Crystal orientation changes of silver Films due to the tribological performance
    K. AKIMOTO, Nagoya University, J
    Friday, March 11th, 13:10,
    Room 2
    Chairman: SchwaigerAdvanced atomic force microscopy techniquesfor nano-scale analyses
    G. BENSTETTER, University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf, D
    Tribologcial behaviour of ultrathin polymeric films used for nanoimprinting
    M. EKWINSKA, Warsaw University of Technology, PL
    Nanoscale fretting wear study by scanning probe microscopy
    I. ETSION, Deptartment of Mechanical Engineering, IL
    Nanoindentitation investigations on high pressure torsion deformed W-Cu nanocomposites
    T. SCHOEBERL, Erich Schmid Instiut für Materialwissenschaften, A
    Friday, March 11th, 13:10,
    Room 7
    Nanoeffects and nanoanalytics for macrosystems
    Chairman: EleödIon beam assisted smoothing of surfaces
    B. RAUSCHENBACH, Leibnitz - Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung, D
    Development of nano-Si3N4 - materials and their applications
    I. SCHULZ, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft f. Keramische Technologien und Sinterwerkstoffe, D
    The application of nano-copper additive
    X. FU, PetroChina Refinding and Chemicals R&D Center, CN
    Development production of some polymeric surfactants from petroleum by-products for metal working fluids
    A.A. OMAR, Egyptian Petrolem Research Institute, ET
    Friday, March 11th, 15:00,
    Room 2

    Chairman: Benstetter
    Chemical polymerization of C60 fullerene films with vaporous 1,8-octanediamine, their spectral and photoconductivity properties
    V. BASIUK, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, MEX
    Development of nanocoating-technologies for different applications
    Modeling of atomic force microscopy force vs. distance curves for viscoelastic adhesive tip-sample contact
    N. BALABANAVA, Warsaw University of Technology, PL
    Freezing and melting of water in atomic-scale friction measurements
    K.B. JINESH, Leiden University, NL
    Friday, March 11th, 15:00,
    Room 7
    Nanoeffects and nanoanalytics for macrosystems
    Chairman: RauschenbachHigh resolution measurement of wear rate using low coherence interferometry based on a 3x3 fiber optic coupler
    Z. DJINOVIC, Vienna University of Technology, A
    FE modelling of functionally graded polymer composites
    K. VARADI, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H
    Interface phenomena at micro and nanoscale heterogeneous surfaces
    H. HAIDARA, Institute de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces, F
    Integral nanoanalytics - exemplified by magnetic properties of nanoscopic magnetic systems
    H. KRENN, Universität Graz, A

    IFPE 2005 Technical Conference

    March 15-19, 2005
    Las Vegas, USA

    CONEXPO-CON/AGG was the largest trade show of any industry in the Western Hemisphere in 2002, setting records with 2,112 exhibitors and 1.845 million net square feet (171,400 net square meters) of exhibits-the equivalent of over 42 acres or 38 football fields.

    IFPE 2005 Technical Conference Call for Papers

    You are invited to participate in the IFPE 2005 Technical Conference, held in conjunction with IFPE, the International Exposition for Power Transmission. IFPE is North America's largest exposition and technical conference devoted to power transmission and motion control through hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical and mechanical technologies.

    The IFPE Technical Conference, to be held March 16-18, 2005, will include a Technology and Design Program and a Hydraulic Fluids Symposium. Papers presented will be published as the Proceedings of the 50th National Conference on Fluid Power (NCFP).

    Abstracts for both segments must be submitted by July 1, 2004. For the abstract format and requirements, please click here. Please contact Show Management for more information: techconf @ ifpe.com.

    For a PDF of the IFPE 2005 Technical Conference Call for Papers, please click here.

    Technology & Design Program

    Possible topics include:



    • mobile
    • industrial
    • military
    • unique or specialized
    Control & Controllers
    • digital
    • analog
    • programmable
    • electrohydraulic
    • electropneumatic
    • CANbus

    Electric Motors

    • constant speed
    • variable speed
    • servo
    • stepper
    • linear
  • industrial
  • mobile Clutches
    • high horsepower
    • low horsepower, high cycle
    Other Components
    • gear boxes
    • drive shafts
    • universal joints
    • belts & pulleys
    • mechanical linear positioners


    • actuators & cylinders
    • pumps, motors & hydrostatics
    • valves: manual, solenoid, servo
    • sensors, gauges & transducers
    • seals & leakage control
    • conductors/fittings
    Fluid Power Circuits
    • mobile hydraulic
    • industrial hydraulic
    • pneumatic systems
    • testing systems
    • fluid filtering & conditioning
    • contamination measuring & control
    • miniaturization
    Simulation & Analysis
    • components
    • open & closed loop systems: static & dynamic
    • hydraulic & pneumatic design techniques
    • software programs


    Hydraulic Fluids Symposium

    • Possible topics include:
    • alternative hydraulic fluids
    • biodegradable fluids:
      • biodegradability testing
      • oxidative stability
      • performance testing
      • pump performance testing
      • system design challenges
    • biodegradable additives
    • fire resistance testing
    • standards development - an international view
    • fluid maintenance - modeling fluid performance problems
    • failure analysis
    • fluid-dependent materials development
    • fluid-related hydraulic system design challenges
    • case history discussions

    IFPE 2002 Technical Conference Paper

    The IFPE 2002 Technical Conference papers are available for purchase in book or CD-ROM formats. To order these publications, please contact the National Fluid Power Association's (NFPA) publication department by phone (414-778-3353), by fax (414-778-3361), by e-mail at publications @ nfpa.com, or order from their Online Store on the NFPA website.

  • April 2005

    Additives 2005 Ireland

    Additives 2005
    Optimising Automotive Power Trains

    5 - 7 April 2005
    The Burlington Hotel, Dublin, Ireland


    Monday 4 April 2005

    A special 'Introduction to Additive Technology' Training Day will precede the conference on Monday 4 April. Registration for the training day is separate from Additives 2005 registration. See Training Day page for further details.
    Registration for Additives 2005 will be open on the afternoon of Monday 4 April 2005.

    Tuesday 5 April 2005

    08.00Registration desk opens
    09.00Chairman's welcome and formal opening of conference

    Plenary Lectures

    09.20Plenary 1: Additives
    Shaun Kennedy, Infineum, UK
    10.10Refreshments and Posters
    10.40Plenary 2: Lubricants
    Angela Strank, BP, UK
    11.30Plenary 3: OEM
    Fumio Ueda, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
    14.00Plenary 4: Fuels
    Trevor Russell, ATC Fuel Additive Group

    SESSION 1: Lubricant and Fuel Interaction

    14.50(L1 - Keynote presentation): Heavy Duty Lubricants for Euro IV Engines
    Ian Wilby, Lubrizol Ltd, UK
    15.30(L2) Catalyst Compatible Engine Oils - Development of Zero Phosphorus/Low Sulfur Engine Oils
    R K Jensen* and A K Gangopadhyay, Ford Research & Advanced Engineering, USA
    H Gao and K K Bjornen, ConocoPhillips, USA
    15.50(L3) Mechanistic Studies on the Action of a Cerium Based Diesel Fuel Additive
    Barry Park*, Roger Scattergood and Chris Harris, Oxonica Ltd, UK
    Geoff Goddard and Stephen Samuel, Oxford Brookes University, UK
    16.10Refreshments and Posters
    16.50(L4) Effects of Lubricant Chemistry on Exhaust Soot Oxidation, Morphology and Performance of Diesel Particulate Filters
    Ewa Bardasz*, Tina Adams and Michael Griggs, Lubrizol Corporation, USA
    17.10(L5) Controlling emissions levels in HDDs through the use of effective diesel detergents
    Robert Barbour*, Walter Kudlich, Stephan Knittel and Rock Pistillo, Lubrizol Ltd, UK
    Klaus Richter and Walter Gotre, MAN AG, Germany
    17.30(L6) Heavy Duty Diesel Extended Drain Intervals with Lower Saps Lubricants
    Marco Corradi, Ray Fellows, Matthew Irving* and Christopher Locke, Infineum, UK
    17.50Close of sessions
    18.30Drinks reception and posters until 19.30

    Free Evening

    Wednesday 6 April 2005

    SESSION 2: Lubricant Testing

    09.00(L7 - Keynote presentation): The Degradation of Lubricants in Gasoline Engines
    Moray Stark*, John R Lindsay Smith and Julian Wilkinson, University of York, UK
    Peter M Lee and Martin Priest, University of Leeds, UK
    R Ian Taylor, Shell Global Solutions, UK
    Simon Cheung, Infineum, UK
    09.40(L8) Improved Methods of Controlling Oxidation & Reducing Deposit Formation in Low Phosphorus Engine Oils
    Vincent J Gatto* and William E Moehle, Albemarle Corporation, USA
    10.00(L9) Acid Neutralisation by "Overbased" Additives
    David Steytler*, Jonathan Middleton and Brian H Robinson, University of East Anglia, UK
    Peter J Dowding and Christopher J Adams, Infineum, UK
    10.20(L10) Trinuclear molybdenum compounds as crankcase lubricant antitoxidants
    Mark Glenny*, Infineum, UK
    Jon Dilworth, University of Oxford, UK
    10.40Refreshments and Posters
    11.10(L11) Formulating Transmission Fluids with Improved Friction Durability for Wet Start Clutches
    Rebecca Castle*, Infineum, UK
    Skip Watts, Infineum, USA
    11.30(L12) Testing antioxidant systems in bench and engine tests
    Jolanta Z Adamczewska* and Christopher Love, Lubrizol Ltd, UK
    11.50(L13) Testing After Treatment Compatible Lubricant Technology to the Limit
    Rod McAtee* and Doug Barr, Lubrizol Ltd, UK
    12.10(L14) A novel method for studying applicability of additives to tribo-materials
    I Minami*, A Yamazaki, H Nanao and S Mori, Iwate University, Japan

    SESSION 3: Lubricant Additives

    14.00(L15 - Keynote presentation): Title tba
    Jack Emert, Infineum, USA
    14.40(L16) The Adsorption and Stabilising Effect of Fuel Additives on Carbon Black
    Darby Kozak* and Brian Vincent, University of Bristol, UK
    Dave Moreton, Lubrizol Ltd, UK
    15.00(L17) Desk top molecular modelling as a tool for developing modern diesel and gasoline fuel additives
    Mark Davies, Lubrizol Ltd, UK
    15.20(L18) Fuel Efficient Heavy Duty Transmission Oil
    Arjun Goyal and Oscar Farng*, Exxon Mobil Research and Engineering, USA
    15.40Refreshments and Posters
    16.20(L19) How Statistical Models Can Benefit Product Development
    Chris Gray* and Colin Lewis, Infineum, UK
    16.40(L20) Novel Use of Emulsions as Lubricants in the Marine Shipping Industry
    Shachi D Gurumayum Sharma*, Stephen Cook, Alexandra Mayhew, David Hobson and Sarah Startin, Lubrizol Ltd, UK
    17.00(L21) Use of QSAR in the Fuels and Lubricants Industry
    Chris Friend* and Doug Barr, Lubrizol Ltd, UK
    17.20(L22) Derivatives of Pheolic Lipids as Additives for Lubricants and Fuels
    John Tyman* R A Johnson and M Patel, Brunel University, UK
    17.40(L23) Superior Performance of Inorganic Fullerene-Like Nanospheres as EP/AW Additives for Oils and Greases
    N Fleischer*, M Genut and A Zak, NanoMaterials Ltd, Israel
    L Rapoport, Holon Academic, Institute of Technology, Israel
    R Tenne, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
    18.00(L24) High Temperature Lubircant Oxidatio as Nano-Heterogeneous Process: A Challenge for AO Additive Chemistry
    V N Bakunin*, G N Kuzmina, E Yu Oganesova, E G Bordubanva and O P Parenago, A V Topchiev, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russia
    18.20Close of Sessions
    19.30Conference Dinner

    Thursday 7 April 2005

    SESSION 4: Friction and Wear

    09.00(L25 - Keynote presentation): Kinetics of Film Formation and Removal of Zinc Dialkyl Dithiophosphate Antiwear Additives
    Hugh Spikes*, Imperial College, UK
    Hiroshi Fujita, Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd, Japan
    09.40(L26) Formulating Considerations for High Performance Heavy Duty Manual Transmission Lubricants
    Vasu Bala, Cognis Corporation, USA
    10.00(L27) Nanolubrication by inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles
    Lucile Joly-Pottuz*, J M Martin and F Dassenoy, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
    C Schuffenhaeur and R Tenne, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
    N Fleischer, NanoMaterials Ltd, Israel
    10.20Refreshments and Posters
    10.50(L28) Novel Zero SAPS Antiwear components
    A S Oldfield*, T G Blease, V Wortel, R ter-Haar, C Verboom and J Gamwell, Uniqema, UK
    11.10(L29) Reduction of Wear and Friction by Functionalised Viscosity Index
    Michael Müller*, RohMax Additives GmbH, Germany
    Jingyun Fan and Hugh Spikes, Imperial College, UK
    11.30(L30) Lubricant Additive/Surface Interactions - The Role of the Tribocouple in Tribofilm Formation
    Anne Neville*, M Voong and R Kapadia, University of Leeds, UK
    11.50(L31) Adsorption Mechanism of Alcohol Induced by Friction on Aluminium
    Fabienne Wiltord*, Michel Querry and Philippe Vergne, Insa de Lyon, France
    Jean-Michel Martin and Thierry Le Mogne, Ecole de Lyon, France
    Frederic Jarnias, TOTAL, France
    12.10(L32) Ashless anti-wear Additives for motor oils: their volatility and other properties
    Marc Ribeaud*, Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Switzerland
    Paul Fasano, Scott Harold and Glenn Mazzamaro, Ciba Specialty Chemicals, USA
    12.30Final Remarks and Close of Conference

    * Denotes presenting author

    ICFP' 2005

    The Sixth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP' 2005)

    Date: April 5-8, 2005
    Venue: Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

    Organized by

    Institute of Mechatronic Control Engineering, Zhejiang University

    Co-Sponsored by

    The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control
    Ministry of Education, China
    National Natural Science Foundation of China
    Festo AG & Co
    Ningbo HOYEA Machinery Manufacture Co. Ltd
    Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
    Chinese Fluid Power Transmission and Control Society

    Chairman of ICFP' 2005

    Prof. Dr.-Eng. Ł¨Ing.Ł© Yongxiang Lu, Chairman of the International Program Committee, Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control

    International Program Committee ( IPC )

    IPC Chairman: Yongxiang Lu

    IPC Members:

    Baosen Sha (China ), Chongjia Nie ( China ), Guangshang Zeng ( China )Ł¬Hongyao Song ( China ), Huayong Yang ( China ), Hubertus Murrenhoff ( Germany ) ,Jan-Owe Palmberg ( Sweden ), Kevin Edge ( UK ), Matti Vilenius ( Finland ), Qingfeng Wang ( China ), Renhao Huang ( China ) , Richard Burton ( Canada ), Satoru Hayashi (Japan ), Ying Chen (China ), Yiqun Wang ( China ), Yuanzhong Lei ( China ), Zhanlin Wang ( China ), Zhuangyun Li ( China ), Zuwen Wang ( China )

    Organization Committee

    Chairman of Organization Committee: Qingfeng Wang
    Co-Chairman: Wei Li , Hong Zhou , Zhentao Weng

    Members: Fan Ding, Guoliang Tao, Huayong Yang, Minxiu Qiu, Qingfeng Wang, Shiqiang Zhu, Wei Li, Xuanyin Wang, Xin Fu, Ying Chen, Yuren Fan, Zhangwei Chen

    General Secretary: Wei Li

      Scope of Topics
    1. Mechatronics and Automation
    2. Innovation in Hydraulic Components and Systems
    3. Fluid Power for Mobile Machinery
    4. Water Hydraulics
    5. New Industrial Applications of Fluid Power
    6. Advances in Pneumatics
    7. Micro Fluidic System
    8. Tribology and New Material in Fluid Power Machinery
    9. CFD in Hydraulics and Pneumatics
    10. Environmental Problem in Fluid Power
    11. Component and System Simulations
    12. State Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis


    The first International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control was held in 1985, since then the conference was held consecutively every four years. Now we look forward to the sixth meeting again in Hangzhou. The conference will offer a great opportunity for the participants to exchange their innovations, new technology and, together define the new trends of development in the field of fluid power transmission and control.
    Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, is one of the most beautiful scenic places in China, with convenient flight routines to Hong Kong, Beijing and other important cities in China, and with only one and half hours of highway drive or express train to Shanghai. As a tourist you may enjoy her breathtaking scenery and the traditional cultures of southeast China.

    Key Dates:

    Deadline for the receipt of abstract July 30, 2004(put off until August 30)
    Notification of acceptance September 15, 2004
    Deadline for the receipt of manuscript December 15, 2004
    Conference duration April 5-8, 2005

    Conference Language: English

    Abstract Submission

    Authors are invited to submit the abstracts of their papers with approx. 300-500 words to the secretariat of the conference by July 30, 2004. The submitted papers should not have been published elsewhere. The abstract acceptance will be notified by September 15, 2004. The complete manuscripts are required to arrive by December 15, 2004.
    The abstracts can only be submitted through internet.
    Please visit the conference website : http://sklofp.zju.edu.cn/icfp
    Contact us for detailed information : Email : icfp2005 @ zju.edu.cn
    Tel : 086 0571 87953152

    About the New West Lake in Hangzhou

    The West Lake, located in the west of Hangzhou, has eulogized poems, paintings, myths and legends which have been enjoyed by Chinese as well as foreigners for centuries. There is rock-engraved calligraphy on a scenery hill standing in the West Lake, which says: "Where else in the world that can boast such a wonderful place?" Most Chinese are familiar with the popular saying which has been handed down for generations: "In the heaven there is paradise, on the earth there are Hangzhou and Suzhou". Since last year, having an elaborate remedy, the West Lake appears more beautiful with twice tour area than before. And all its beauty spots are opened to the public.

    Introduction to IMCE

    The Institute of Mechatronic Control Engineering (IMCE) of Zhejiang University is the companion organization of the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control (SKLoFP). The leading professor is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yongxiang Lu, Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The institute now has twelve professors, fifteen associate professors and senior engineers. The research activities in IMEC are mainly concentrated on the fluid power transmission and control, mechatronic control & automation. In recent years, many important achievements have been obtained in the fields of electro-hydraulic control, electro-pneumatic control, computer applications, state monitoring & fault diagnosis, applied fluid mechanics, robot techniques, new materials and sensors, modern control and information technology. Some new experimental equipments have been built. In the future, the institute will focus on improving the abilities of research and application both in the large-power automation and transmission, and in the hydro-mechatronic systems and devices with high performances.

    SAE World Congress

    April 11 - 14
    Detroit USA
    Contact: www.sae.org/congress

    May 2005

    ICMCTF 2005

    The International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films ICMCTF 2005

    May 2-6, 2005
    Town and Country Hotel
    San Diego, California, USA

    Tribology of Coatings and Thin Films


    Steve Bull, School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK.Phone: +44 191 222 7913; Fax: +44 191 222 8563; e-mail: s.j.bull @ ncl.ac.uk

    Kathryn J. Wahl, US Naval Research Laboratory, Code 6176, 4555 Overlook Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20375, USA.

    Phone : 202 767 5419; Fax 202 767 3321; e-mail : wahl @ stm2.nrl.navy.mil
    This symposium covers all aspects and areas of tribology of coatings and thin films produced on sliding, rolling, rotating and cutting surfaces of metallic, ceramic, and polymeric materials. Papers are welcome in the general topic areas of tribological coatings and recent advances in the design, development, characterization, and applications of tribological coatings and thin films. Special emphasis is placed on friction, wear and lubrication of coatings, multi-functional coatings for severe tribological environments, tribological coatings for biomedical applications, mechanical characterization of tribological coatings, friction and wear mapping, tribology of diamond, diamondlike carbon and related coatings, and coatings for green manufacturing and dry machining applications. Papers dealing with fundamental understanding and modeling of tribological coatings as well as, design and nano-scale tribology of coatings are also solicited.

    E1. Friction and Wear of Coatings I: Lubrication and Surface Effects

    Session Chairs: Julien Fontaine, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France and Jeffrey R. Lince, The Aerospace Corporation

    Papers are solicited in the area of surface modification/coating techniques for controlling the friction and wear of sliding, rolling or cutting contacts. Papers dealing with advanced lubricant/anti-wear technology, including self-lubrication, and liquid lubrication for coatings will be welcome. Papers that provide correlations between process parameters, chemical/physical/microstructural properties, mechanical properties, coating/substrate adhesion, and tribological performance are encouraged.

    Invited Speaker: Koji Kato, Tohoku University, Japan, "Nitrogen Lubrication of CNx Coatings".

    E2 Friction and Wear of Coatings II: Design and Modeling

    Session Chairs: Margaret M Stack, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom and Urban Wiklund, Angstrom Laboratory, Sweden

    Papers are solicited in the area of selection and performance modeling of surface modification/coating techniques for controlling friction and wear including the combined effects contact conditions and operating environment. Contributions that model correlations between process parameters and tribological performance are also welcomed. Papers on surface design by mathematical modeling and development of wear/ erosion maps and surface optimization for coating selection are also solicited. Papers addressing coatings for biomedical and dental applications looking at issues such as biocompatibility, foreign body reactions and adverse effects by wear debris reactions are of particular interest.

    E3/F1 Mechanical Properties and Adhesion

    Session Chairs: Yang. T Cheng, General Motors and Sarah Hainsworth, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

    This session is devoted to the measurement and modeling of the mechanical properties of the surface and near-sur­face regions of thin films, coatings, and surface engineered bulk materials. Topics of particular interest include studies of micro- and nano-tribological phenomena using scanning probe microscopy; mechanical property mapping using nano- and micro-indentation methods; quantitative determination of interface adhesion and residual stresses; and fundamental understanding of the processing-microstructure-mechanical property relationships across multiple length scales (from the atomic scale upwards).

    E4 Tribology of Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Carbon Coatings/Thin Films

    Session Chairs: Christophe Donnet, University Jean Monnet, France and Kazuhisa Miyoshi, Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan

    This session is intended to highlight recent advances made in tribological studies, as well as in applications of coatings and thin films of diamond, diamond-like carbon, CN, carbon nanotube, fullerene, and related materials such as c-BN and B-C-N. Nanolayered and nanostructured carbon based systems are of particular interest.

    E5/G4 Tribological Studies of Coatings for Green Manufacturing and Dry Machining

    Session Chairs: Otto Knotek, RWTH Aachen, Germany, Shuichi Watanabe, Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan, and Tim Ovaert, University of Notre Dame

    This session encompasses both fundamental and applied science of coatings including hard and hybrid coatings and new surface engineered systems for cutting- and forming-tools and other wear parts used in environmentally-friendly green machining and manufacturing technologies. Emphasis will be placed on the application of these smart tools to the finest engineering practices in dry machining, dry forming, dry sliding and dry lubrication. The overall aim of this session is to highlight the latest scientific and technological developments in the field and to bring together experts, scientists, service providers, original equipment manufacturers, end-users and other industry experts involved in metal-cutting and -forming operations to achieve longer tool life, higher productivity, and cleaner environment in their work places.

    Invited Speaker: Dr. Yoshimi Nishimura, Kurita Seisakusho Col, Ltd, Japan, "Uniform Coating of DLC Film by Means of PBIID Process using Superimposed RF and High-voltage Pulses.

    E6/C2. Mechanical Characteristics of Optical Films

    Session Chair: Paul Warren, Pilkington, and Jolanta E. Klemm-Sapieha, Ecolse Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada

    Mechanical behavior of optical films is essential for their reliable functional performance; this includes adhesion to different technologically important substrates, including polymers, residual stress, scratch-, wear- and abrasion resistance, hardness and other elasto-plastic properties. The mechanical characteristics are strongly affected by the film fabrication conditions, and there exist numerous testing methods. Frequently, only qualitative or semi quantitative results are available, a fact which makes the comparisons of data from different laboratories difficult. Papers describing mechanical characterization techniques suitable for optical films in various applications, film stability measurements and aging studies in different environments, performance of optical coatings on plastic substrates, and the effect of interfaces and film microstructure are particularly sought.

    Fifth International Conference on
    Computational Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    May 8 - 12, 2005
    Anaheim Marriott & Convention Center
    Anaheim, California, U.S.A.

    An Interdisciplinary Integrative Forum on Nanotechnology Computational Efforts in the Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Materials fields.

    Invited Speakers

    Nanotechnology at Motorola Labs, Vida Ilderem, Motorola, US (speaker biography)
    Robert Chau, Intel Corporation, US
    Lars Samuelson, Lund University, SE
    Simulation of Nanostructured Fluids, Soft Materials, and Self-Assembly, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Tohoku University, JP
    Electronics and Optoelectronics with Single Carbon Nanotubes, Phaedon Avouris IBM, US
    Recent Applications of Mesoscale Modeling to Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery, Amitesh Maiti, Accelrys, San Diego, US
    Multi-scale simulations of Personal Care Products, Fiona Case, Case Scientific, US and Hans Fraaije, University of Leiden, NL
    WINS: protocols design and implementation, Stefan Olariu, Old Dominion University, VA, US
      Industry Symposia
    • Nanoelectronics: Devices, Molecules, and Wires
    • Nano Scale Electronic Processing
    • Inorganic Nanowires
    • Carbon Nanotubes - bridging the gap
    • Scanning Probe Microscopy - imaging and tool
    • Nanostructured Fluids, Soft Materials and Self Assembly
    • Nanotechnology in Health Sciences
    • Nanotechnology for Cancer
    • Health and Environmental Protection
    • Micro- and Nanofluidics: Towards a Design Methodology
    • Bio Molecular Analysis
    • Smart Sensors and Systems

    Announcement and Call for Participation

    The largest gathering in the field worldwide, ICCN is the premier technical forum for presenting the latest research and development in computational methods, tools and applications in the biology, chemistry, physics and materials fields.

    The Nanotech 2005 Meeting, ICCN and MSM Conferences will be held at the Anaheim Marriott and Convention Center, Anaheim, California, U.S.A. Located in the heart of the exciting Anaheim Resort - sizzling with new attractions and entertainment such as the Disneyland© Resort featuring two magical theme parks, the property offers an outdoor promenade exploding with new restaurants, theatres, and shopping in a tropical setting of majestic palm trees, lush foliage, and vibrant flowers.

    The conference will start Sunday late afternoon with registration and reception, and adjourn Thursday afternoon. Technical sessions run Monday through Thursday. Exhibits are open Monday through Tuesday.

    The conference Technical Proceedings, consisting of articles submitted by authors of both oral and poster presentations will, be distributed to participants at registration.

    In addition to the Technical Program, an exciting series of Social Events are being prepared to allow attendees ample opportunity to interact socially and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Anaheim Resort.


    With the continued miniaturization and blending of technologies, advanced computational techniques in the nano and micro regimes are paramount in the advancement of all high technology regardless of its traditional domain. The ICCN provides a forum for the interdisciplinary blending of computational efforts in biology, chemistry, physics and materials, founded on inherently similar atomistic-modeling approaches but applied towards traditionally distinct disciplines.

    Topics and Application Areas top

    Computational Biology

  • Molecular Modeling
  • Protein Engineering
  • Structural Biology
  • Bioinformatics/Computational Genomics
  • Mathematical Biology
  • Computational Drug/Molecular Design
  • Gengineering
  • Functional/Structural Genomics
  • Self-Replicating/Organizing Systems

    Computational Chemistry

  • Combinatorial Chemistry
  • Polymers and Colloids
  • Solid State and Surface Chemistry
  • Catalysis, Separations and Reactions
  • Kinetics and Collision Dynamics
  • Crystallization and Additives
  • Formulations and QSAR
  • Molecular Electronic Structure
  • Quantum Molecular Dynamics - Theory & Applications
  • General Computational Chemistry - Theory & Methods

    Computational Materials

  • Interfaces and Contacts
  • Surfaces, Surface Processes and Thin Films
  • Optical and Vibrational Properties
  • Mechanical Behavior
  • Alloys and Nanostructures
  • Tribology
  • Radiation Effects in Solids & Cluster Impact Phenomena
  • Semiconductors & Electronic Materials
  • Glasses & Ceramics
  • Materials at High Pressure and High Temperature
  • Large-Scale Simulations
  • Multiscale Modeling of Materials
  • General Theory & Methods

    Conference Organization

    Conference Organization top

    Technical Program Chairs
    Matthew Laudon, NSTI, USA
    Bart Romanowicz, NSTI, USA

    ICCN - Nanotechnology Chair

    Wolfgang Windl, Ohio State University, USA

    ICCN - Biotechnology Chairs

    Srinivas Iyer, Los Alamos National Laboratory

    ICCN & Nanotechnology Conference Committee

    Wolfgang S. Bacsa, Université Paul Sabatier, France
    Roberto Car, Princeton University, USA
    Franco Cerrina, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
    Murray S. Daw, Clemson University, USA
    Robert S. Eisenberg, Rush Medical Center, Chicago, USA
    Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
    David K. Ferry, Arizona State University, USA
    Sharon Glotzer, University of Michigan, USA
    William Goddard, CalTech, USA
    Gerhard Goldbeck-Wood, Accelrys, Inc., UK
    Niels Gronbech-Jensen, UC Davis and Berkeley Laboratory
    Karl Hess, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
    Charles H. Hsu, MaxiMEM Limited, Taiwan
    Hannes Jonsson, University of Washington, USA
    Anantha Krishnan, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, USA
    Alex Liddle, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
    Philip Pincus, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
    Serge Prudhomme, University of Texas at Austin, USA
    Philippe Renaud, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne
    Robert Rudd, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
    Clayton Teague, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
    Dragica Vasilesca, Arizona State University, USA
    Arthur Voter, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
    Phillip R. Westmoreland , University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
    Gloria Yueh, Midwestern University, USA

    Biotechnology Committee

    Dirk Bussiere, Chiron Corporation, USA
    Amos Bairoch, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
    Stephen H. Bryant, National Institute of Health, USA
    Fred Cohen, University of California, San Francisco, USA
    Daniel Davison, Bristol Myers Squibb, USA
    Robert S. Eisenberg, Rush Medical Center, Chicago, USA
    Andreas Hieke, Ciphergen Biosystems, Inc., USA
    Leroy Hood, Institute for Systems Biology, USA
    Sorin Istrail, Celera Genomics, USA
    Srinivas Iyer, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
    Brian Korgel, University of Texas-Austin, USA
    Kurt Krause, University of Houston, USA
    Daniel Lacks, Tulane University, USA
    Atul Parikh, University of California, Davis, USA
    George Robillard, BioMade Corporation, Netherlands
    Tom Terwilliger, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
    Michael S. Waterman, University of Southern California, USA

    MSM - Microsystems Chair

    Narayan R. Aluru, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

    MSM - Semiconductor Chair

    Andreas Wild, Freescale Semiconductor, USA

    Conference Operations Manager

    Sarah Wenning, Nano Science and Technology Institute, USA

  • European Conference on Spacecraft Structures

    European Conference on Spacecraft Structures,
    Materials & Mechanical Testing

    Tuesday, May 10÷12 may


    Plenary Forum: Room A + B
    Opening Session

    09.00-09.50 Conference opening by ESA, ASI, CNES and DLR
    09.50-10.30 Keynote Paper
    10.30-10.45 Coffee
      Room A Room B Room C Room D
      Session 2.1: Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: Launchers-1 Session 3.1: Structural Dynamics and Microvibration: Microvibration and stability Session 4.1: Mechanical Testing: Mechanical Qualification Session 6.1: Materials-1
    10.45 STATIC QUALIFICATION LOGIC FOR ARIANE 5 STRUCTURES, Turzo, Guy, CNES AUDIBLE NOISE AND MICROGRAVITY CONTROL OF PRESSURIZED MODULE UNDER ON-ORBIT, MARUCCHI-CHIERRO, Pietro Carlo, Alenia Spazio S.p.A. GOCE SM mechanical test campaign results engineering evaluation, NOTARNICOLA, MARCO, Alenia Spazio S.p.A Materials Characterisation at Cryogenic Temperatures for the Planck Telescope, Delouard, Philippe, Contraves Space AG
    11.15 REVISITING ARCACHON: ARIANE 5 STRUCTURES DEVELOPMENT LESSONS LEARNED, Martín, Joaquín, EADS CASA Espacio Developing instrument force and torque limits from allocated spacecraft pointing stability constraints for an optical remote sensing satellite, Early, Derrick, Swales Aerospace ATV Modules: STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL TESTS - PROGRAM OVERVIEW FOCUSED ON THE MECHANICAL VERIFICATION CAMPAIGN, Damiani, Vincenzino, Alenia THE EFFECT OF PRODUCTION PARAMETERS ON PORE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF CARBON-CARBON, CARBON-CERAMIC MATERIALS BASED ON HIGH- AND MEDIUM-MODULUS FIBER FILLERS, Butyrin, G., FGUE "NIIGrafit
    11.45 Ariane 5 Solid Rocket Booster Skirt Structures:towards next generation innovative and competitive concepts, BARA, Patrick, S.A.B.C.A. GOCE Platform Micro-Vibration Verification by Test and Analysis, Weimer, Lars, EADS Astrium GmbH Vega Launcher Development and Qualification System Tests Campaign, FRAGNITO, Marino, ELV Experimental evaluation of the stability and mechanical behavior of contacts in Silicon Carbide for the design of the Basic Angle Monitoring system of GAIA, van Veggel, Marielle, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
    12.15 Ariane 5 Booster Domes connection to Stage Skirts: Research of an alternative optimised concept, BARA, Patrick, S.A.B.C.A. SUDDEN STRESS RELEASE TESTS PERFORMED ON GOCE SPACECRAFT COMPONENT SAMPLES, Canay, Miguel, EADS CASA Espacio AGILE Payload - Development and Testing of the Simplified Qualification Model, Acquaroli, Luigi, Oerlikon Contraves SpA 3D BRAIDED PREFORMS FOR SHAPED COMPOSITE MATERIAL, NEMOZ, Guy, IFTH
    12.45 Application of analytical (SINTAP) and damage mechanics based numerical simulation for the assessment of (plastically) hot spots in the ARIANE 5 main stage tank bulkheads, Windisch, Michael, MAN Technologie Design and Analysis of MARES Vibration Isolation Frame, Escolar Blasco, Daniel, AOES Database and application of spacecraft mechanical testing, Shaoguang, Y., Spacecraft AIT SIMULATION OF HIGH-VELOCITY IMPACT OF GRAPHITE/EPOXY COMPOSITE LAMINATES, Lukyanov, Alexander, Cranfield University
    13.15 Lunch
      Session 2.2:Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: Tools and Methodologies-1 Session 3.2: Structural Dynamics and Microvibration: Launch- and Launch Vehicle dynamics Session 4.2: Mechanical Testing: Dynamic Testing 1 Session 6.2: Materials-2
    14.00 Investigation of the structural and material nonlinear behaviour of the EPC-Frontskirt, Haller, H., INTALES GmbH RECENT EVOLUTIONS OF METHODOLOGY IN THE ARIANE 5 LOW FREQUENCY DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENTS PREDICTIONS AND QUALIFICATION PROCESS, MOUREY & LOUAAS, CNES Adapter for axial vibrations of large specimens, GIRARD, Alain, INTESPACE Advanced Metal Diboride Compounds for TPS application, Scatteia, Luigi, CIRA - Italian Aerospace Research Centre
    14.30 STRESS CONCENTRATION STUDY IN BOLTED JOINTS BY FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING: EXPERIMENTAL AND ANALYTICAL APPROACH., Rodriquez Minguez, D, RYMSA A Dynamic Analysis Tool for Europe’s Small Launcher Vega, Fischer, Hermann, AOES GROUP BV European Drawer Rack Modal Survey Test and Mathematical Model Updating, Bellini, Marina, Alenia Spazio S.p.A Thermo-Mechanical Testing of Oxidation Protection System for Ceramic Matrix Composites, Liedtke, Volker, ARCS (ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH)
    15.00 USE OF FINITE ELEMENT MODELS TO COMPUTE SELF-GRAVITY FIELD ON GOCE SPACECRAFT, Canay, Miguel, EADS CASA Espacio A space application of Modal Gain and Stress Recovery techniques using DCAP interfaced with Simulink/Matlab, Oliveira, André, ESA Optimal Vibration Test Planning using Uncertain Models, Cogan, Scott, FEMTO-ST Institute Cesice - A new technology for lightweight and cost effective space instrument structures and mirrors, Devilliers, Christophe, Alcatel Space
    15.30 Structural Verification of ISS Payloads Launched in Progress and Soyuz, Kujala, Rod AOES Group B.V Methodologies for Launcher-Payload Coupled Dynamic Analysis, Fransen, Sebastiaan, AOES ANALYSIS OF SWEPT-SINE RUNS DURING MODAL SURVEY AND QUALIFICATION TESTS OF LARGE AEROSPACE STRUCTURES, Gloth, Gerrit, German Aerospace Center An Overview of Recent Adhesive Bonding Programmes Conducted Within ESA’s Materials Physics and Chemistry, Williamson, Jason, ESA / ESTEC
    16.00 Coffee Break
      Session 2.3:Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: Reflectors Session 3.3: Structural Dynamics and Microvibration: General Applications Session 4.3: Mechanical Testing: Testing General 1 Session 6.3: Materials-3
    16.15 High precision thin shell reflectors - design concepts, structural optimisation and shape adjustment techniques, Lang, Michael, Technische Universitaet Muenchen FEM MODAL Analysis of LEO Satellites for structural optimization and determination of excited points in MODAL tests, Hemmati, Behrouz, irmfg DISPLACEMENT MEASUREMENTS BY VIDEOGRAMMETRY, EGUILLON, Lysiane, Intespace Comparison of results from post-flight investigations on FEP retrieved from Hubble Space Telescope and LDEF, Moser, Martin, ESA/ESTEC
    16.45 Optimisation and experimental characterisation of multi-functional layered hybrid material space structures, Baier, Horst, TU Muenchen The Coupled Load Analysis Application on FORMOSAT-2 Development, KUO, Jen-Chueh, National Space Program Office New developments for 3d measurement and test of spacecraft components, DUMONT, ARNAULD, ESIC-SN Quasicrystals - New type of material to prevent Cold Welding, Merstallinger, Andreas, ARC seibersdorf research
    17.15 Some Peculiarities of the Creation of Deployable Ring-Shaped Space Antenna Reflectors using Flexible Rods and Ropers, Tserodze, S, Georgian Institute for Space Constructions Finite Element Prediction of Vibration Damping in Honeycomb Sandwich Panels, HUGON, Julien, ALCATEL SPACE Miniaturized optical sensor for mechanical testing in industrial environment, Kebbel, V., BIAS SEIZURE IN AEROSPACE FRICTION UNITS, Drozdov, Y., IMASH
    17.45 Novel Concept for All-Composite Deployable SAR Reflectors, Pellegrino, Sergio, University of Cambridge Dynamic Behaviour of Metallic Bellows Used in Compensators at Feed System Fluid Lines, Hornung, Thomas, EADS-SpaceTransportation NetLander Surface Module Mockup Testing, Sproewitz, Tom, German Aerospace Center TRIBOLOGY OF THE ENGINEERING CERAMICS, Drozdov, Y., IMASH
    18.15 Membranes for Large and Precision Deployable Reflectors, Datashvili, Leri, TU Munich Reduction of overtesting in prediction of the ACES microgravity environment, Koekkoek, Ewout, AOES New developments in tele testing of spacecraft structures, GOUBE, Jean-Philippe, INTESPACE Manufacturing and Testing of Advanced COPVs, MAN Technologie AG, Radtke, Wulf, MAN Technologie AG
    18.45 Cocktail
    Wednesday, May 11
      Room A Room B Room C Room D
      Session 2.4: Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: Instruments & Small Sat. -1 Session 3.4: Structural Dynamics and Microvibration: Dynamic Tools and Applications Session 4.4: Mechanical Testing: Dynamic Testing 2 Session 11.1: Active Structures-1
    08.30 Design and dimensioning of HERSCHEL instrument cooling Helium system, WIERTZ, Thierry, AIR LIQUIDE DTA A Finite Element Based Perturbation Method for Vibrations of Imperfect Structures Jansen, Eelco, Delft University of Technology Review of data reduction techniques for the interpretation of dynamic qualification with swept-sine excitation, Polster, Malte, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Active Vibration Suppression in Spacecraft Structures Based on LQG Controller and Kalman Observer, Wagner, Mark, IABG mbH
    09.00 Structural Verification of Fly Wheel Exercise Device Segelke, Harlad, OHB-System Impact of Residual Modes in Structural Dynamics, Roy, Nicolas, Top Modal An Advanced Test Strategy for Boosted Modal Survey Testing of Non-Linear Space Structures, Göge, Dennis, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Feasibility Demonstration of an Active Payload Adapter for Ariane 5, Rittweger, Andreas, EADS Space Transportation
    09.30 Mechanical design of a multiaxes Martian seismometer, Paulin, Nicolas, EADS SODERN The application of modal effective mass and transmissibility synthesis in structural analysis and testing, van de Graaf, Henri, AOES Modal Survey Testing of ESA ISPR Racks for ISS, Bureo Dacal, Rafael, ESA / ESTEC Shape control of network structures based on a concept of force density method., Tanaka, Hiroaki, National Defense Academy
    10.00 HERSCHEL OPTICAL BENCH ASSEMBLY, Pascual, C., SENER Effect of Air on Dynamics of Large Appendages, G, Singh, Cadestech Development of an advanced numerical dynamic simulation model of the HYDRA facility, A. Cozzani, ESA ESTEC Damping of composite booms through active piezoelectric interface and piezoelectric patches, Bossens, Frederic, Micromega Dynamics, S.A
    10.30 Coffee Break
      Session 2.5: Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: Tools and Methodologies-2 Session 5.1: Random & Acoustics-1 Session 4.5: Mechanical Testing: Testing General-2 & Static Testing Session 11.2: Active Structures-2
    10.45 Improved Accuracy of Buckling Load Calculations using Multi-Level High-Fidelity Analysis, Hol, Jan, Delft University of Technology 60, Linear and Non-linear Solar Array Structural Vibrations in a Fluid Structure Environment, a FEM/BEM Approach, Wijker, Jaap, Dutch Space Static Test Performance on a Telecom Spacecraft Structure, CHAMBERLAND, Gilles, Alcatel Space Smart Telescope Tripod - Study about Control of Structural Deformations, PFEIFFER, Ernst K, HPS GmbH
    11.15 Research on the Yoshimura Buckling Pattern of Small Cylindrical Thin Walled Shells, de Vries, Jan, Delft University of Technology An Impedance/Mobility Condensation Method for Preliminary Vibro-Acoustic Analysis, Santiago Prowald, Julian, ESA-ESTEC Static Load Test Approach for Qualification of the ATV Spacecraft Structure Subsystem, Mouriaux, Franck, Contraves Space AG Electroactive polymers - new materials for spacecraft structures (final version), Carpi, Federico, University of Pisa
    11.45 Load Introduction into Circular Shell Structures, Reimerdes, Hans-G., RWTH-Aachen "Comparison of Acoustic and Random Responses of an L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Antenna Tile Subassembly", Gladwish, Roderick, EADS Astrium Limited STATIC AND PRESSURE TESTS OF ATV CARGO CARRIER STUCTURE, Bastia, Patrizia, Alenia Spazio New Developments on flexible »High Performance Piezoelectric Composite Elements« with Sensor and Actuator, Petricevic, Raino, Neue Materialien Würzburg GmbH
    12.15 On a High-Fidelity Hierarchical Approach to Buckling Load Calculations, Arbocz, Johann, Delft University of Technology Sound Vibration Analysis at the Time of an Artificial Satellite Launch, Shi, Q., JAXA NASA HANDBOOK FOR SPACECRAFT STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS TESTING, Scharton, Terry, Scharton Designs Modelling, development and test of active composites for sensing, actuation and control of space structures, Gaudenzi, Paolo, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
    12.45 New developments of the ESACRACK and Frames-2 software, Veul, Rudy, National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Preliminary study of fairings protection based on porous materials in absorption and transmission, KANFOUD, Jamil, Université de Technologie de Compičgne The Role of Mass Properties Measurment in the Space Mission, Wiener, Kurt, Space Electronics Coarse Pointing Device: smart technologies for a System on ISS, Acquaroli, Luigi, Oerlikon Contraves SpA
    13.15 Lunch
      Session 10.1: Composite Structures-1 Session 5.2: Random & Acoustics-2 Session 2.6:Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: Thermal, Thermo-elastic-1 Session 2.8 :Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: General
    14.00 APPLICATION OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR EUROSTAR CENTRAL TUBE, Pascual, Julio, EADS CASA Espacio GOCE SATELLITE VIBRO-ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE PREDICTIONS USING INTEGRATED F.E.M. & S.E.A. APPROACH, ULLIO, Roberto, Alenia Spazio S.p.A Modularized Structure for Discretization of Thermal Deformation, Ishimura, Kosei, Hokkaido University Structural Architecture of PRORA-USV Transonic Flight Test Vehicle, Venditti, Floriano, Carlo Gavazzi Space
    14.30 Mecabus manufacturing using new tooling and processes - Darmanin, Isabelle, Saab Ericsson Space AB STUDY OF VIBRO-ACOUSTIC ANALYSIS SYSTEM, Sasano, Hiroshi, MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP. Kinematic Adjustment of Mechanical Assemblies, Including Thermal Effects, Singh, Paramjeet, ISRO Satellite Centre From Proposal to Test: The Evolution of the MESSENGER Spacecraft Mechanical Design., Hartka, Ted, Johns Hopkins University
    15.00 Design, Manufacturing and Testing of a Reusable CFRP Intertank Structure, Diaz, Victor, EADS CASA ESPACIO The Prediction of Random Acoustic Vibration of Equipment Mounted On Honeycomb Panel, Shi, Q.JAXA Thermal interpolation from a nodal model to a FEM model by using heat fluxes, GUENEGO, Philippe, CNES TOULOUSE Welding qualification, and realisation, for HERSCHEL tanks and cryostat vessel, BALCET, Nicolas, Air Liquide
    15.30 Structural design and verification of a large composite structure: Thermal Control System for AMS-02 detector, Zambra, Riccardo, Carlo Gavazzi Space VIBROACOUSTIC STUDY OF HERSCHEL AND PLANCK SATELLITES RELYING ON A TIME DOMAIN FEM/BEM METHOD, Jollet Segura, Delphine, Alcatel Space The MIRI Cold Telescope Simulator: Alignment System, Baradiarán, Javier, Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA) Design and Calibration of the Meteoroid/space Debris Detector (MDD) G Spencer paper, Ernst-Mach Institute
    16.00 Coffee Break
      Session 10.2: Composite Structures-2 Session 5.3: Random & Acoustics: Force Limited Analysis & Testing Session 2.7:Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: Thermal, Thermo-elastic-2 room free for work-shop
    16.15 USE OF CARBON FITTINGS FOR MECHANICAL INTERFACES IN CFRP SANDWICHES, Gergonne, B., EADS Astrium Random specification of an equipment, method for force limiting using effective masses, GUENEGO, Philippe, CNES Toulouse Structural Design and Verification of the Planck Payload Module, Burkhalter-Lindner, Mathias, Contraves Space AG  
    16.45 Carbon fibre tube inserts - a light fastening concept with high load carrying capacity, Block, Joachim, DLR EQUIPMENT INTERFACE LOAD CHARACTERIZATION, LARUE, Nicolas Ludovic, EADS Astrium On the Verification of the Pointing Stability of the Deployable Boom Assembly (DBA) for SAR_Lupe, Zemann, Josef, Austrian Aerospace  
    17.15 ENHANCED DESIGN METHODS FOR MECHANICALLY FASTENED JOINTS IN COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, Camanho, Pedro, INEGI Force-limited vibration testing approach applied to random vibration test of SOLAR Payload, Trittoni, Laura, ALENIA SPAZIO S.p.A Planck High Frequency Instrument - Design and testing of the HFI structure / 0,1K dilution cooler, with a shape memory alloy Launch blocking system, Aigouy, Gérald, AIR LIQUIDE - DTA  
    17.45 HYBRID TITANIUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL IMPROVING COMPOSITE STRUCTURE COUPLING, Fink, Axel, German Aerospace Center Force-based acceleration spectra for vibration testing of space hardware, Escolar Blasco, Daniel, AOES Interdisciplinary optimisation of the structural spacecraft interface for LISA LTP, Lucarelli, Stefano, EADS Astrium GmbH  
    18.15 Use of RTM and Cobonding technology in Integrated CFFP I/F Rings, TRIGO, JESUS, EADS CASA ESPACIO Comparison of dynamic loads to space instruments, depending on the stage of development, Ritzmann, Swen, Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH    
    19.00 Conference Dinner
    Thursday, May 12
      Room A Room B Room C Room D
      Session 10.3: Composite Structures-3 Session 7.1: Inflatable / Deployable Structures, Inflatable Structures-1 Session 2.9: Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering: Instruments & Small Sat. -2 Session 9.1: Shock-1
    08.30 ANALYTICAL EVALUATION OF FRACTURE TOUGHNESS OF MULTILAYERED COMPOSITES, Radha Krishna, Ramesh Kumar, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, India Materials and Wall Concepts for UV-Curable Inflatable Structures, LEFEVRE, Yves-Marie, EADS-ASTRIUM Modular Structure for Small Satellites, Marjoniemi, Kari, Patria Advanced Solutions Space  
    09.00 MODELLING DELAMINATION CAUSED BY DEFECTS IN LARGE DIAMETER COMPOSITE CYLINDERS, Thirkettle, Anthony, AOES Mechanical testing of inflatable space structure beams, BARBET, Vincent, ALCATEL SPACE Small satellite Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, BOUDJEMAI, Abdelmadjid, National Centre of Space Techniques  
    09.30 Failure of Laminates composed of Unidirectional (UD) Laminae Where are the sources for the differences between experiment and prediction?, Cuntze, R. Processes in composite materials during polymerisation in free space environment, Kondyurin, Alexey, Institute of Polymer Research Sensitivity of Launcher Induce Loads to a Mini-Satellite Structure with Orientation Angle at the Interface, Najafi, Ali, ITRC Ariane 5 shock environment qualification for an earth observation satellite, COURAU, ETIENNE, CNES
    10.00 Failure Criteria for FRP and CMC - Theory, Experiments and Guidelines, Kaiser, Clemens, HPS GmbH Development of a 3.2m-long Inflatable and Rigidizable Solar Array Breadboard, PEYPOUDAT, Vincent, EADS SPACE Transportation THE IASI COLD BOX SUBSYSTEM (CBS): A PASSIVE CRYOCOOLER FOR CRYOGENIC DETECTORS & OPTICS, COURTEAU, PASCAL, ALCATEL SPACE SHOCK ATTENUATION SYSTEM FOR SPACECRAFT AND ADAPTOR (SASSA), Fernández, Ángel, EADS CASA Espacio
    10.30 Coffee Break
      Session 10.4: Composite Structures-4 Session 7.2: Inflatable / Deployable Structures, Inflatable Structures-2 Session 8.1: Stochastic Analysis-1 Session 9.2: Shock-2
    10.45 Factors of Safety for Fibre-Reinforced Composite Structures. How can we avoid a separate FOS for initial failure replacing onset of yielding?, Cuntze, Ralf Inflatable Habitat Design Based On Materials Validation In The SAS Simulator, Mileti, Sandro, University of Rome 'La Sapienza' Stochastic analysis, to do what?, Mary, Stephane, CNES Shock Attenuator System for Spacecraft and Adaptor - Feasibility Analysis, CAMARASA, Patrick, EADS Astrium
    11.15 New Approach for Robust Design of Composite Cylindrical Shells, Huehne, Christian, University of Hannover Structural Mechanics of Lobed Inflatable Structures, Lennon, Andrew, Consulting Engineer Relative importance of uncertain structural parameters, Pradlwarter, Helmut, University of Innsbruck SHOCK ANALYSIS PHILOSOPHY FOR ELECTRONIC UNITS, BREVART, Bertrand, ALCATEL SPACE
    11.45 Design of Variable Stiffness Composite Panels for Maximum Fundamental Frequency using Lamination Parameters, Abdalla, Mostafa, Delft Technical University Simulation of the Deployment Phase of a Rolled Inflatable Beam Using MSC-DYTRAN, LIENARD, Sébastien, IDEAMECH Application of high order derivatives to structural probabilistic analysis, Perrin, Stephane, CADOE Projection method in structural dynamics in application to shock propagation simulation for truss coupled shell structures, Kotzias, Bernhard, EADS Space-Transportation
    12.15 Load Carrying Capability of Stringer Stiffened Curved Composite Panels in the Postbuckling Region, Möcker, Thorsten, RWTH-Aachen First results of the PASTISS project Professional Analysis Software Tool for Inflatable Space Structures, Moysan, E., SAMTECh Probabilistic Laminate Analysis Using ESAComp Software, Wallin, Markus, Helsinki University of Technology Shock propagation simulation using FEM software, Shock propagation simulation using FEM software, Mary, S, CNES
    12.45 Composite Flow Moulding Components for Spacecraft Applications, R. Stadler, ICOTEC AN INFLATABLE SPACECRAFT, Burnup, Keith, Divealive Uncertainty and Reliability Analyses of Large Aerospace Structures, Schueller, G.I., University of Innsbruck SHOCK QUALIFICATION METHODS FOR EQUIPMENTS, BERNAUDIN, Jean-Baptiste, EADS Astrium
    13.15 Lunch
      Session 10.5: Composite Structures-5 Session 7.3: Inflatable / Deployable Structures, Deployable Structures and Materials Session 8.2: Stochastic Analysis-2 Session 9.3: Shock-3
    14.00 CFRP Electronics Housing for a Satellite, Brander, Timo, Helsinki University of Technology Novel concepts of space deployable systems based on energy storage textile-based structures, Monero, A., Italy A Stochastic Approach to the Validation of Spacecraft Structural Models, Roy, Nicolas, Top Modal Pyroshock generation, DILHAN, Denis, CNES
    14.30 Electronic enclosure for SAR antennas made of CFRP, Ralf JOHN, HTS GmbH Deployable Structure for Flexible Solar Generators, Seifart, Klaus, HTS GmbH Application of the Fuzzy Finite Element Method to Spacecraft Design, Moens, David, KULeuven ESA/ESTEC shock bench presentation, Kiryenko, S. ESA
    15.00 Multifunctional Equipment Design by using High thermal composite housings., Marcos, Jesus, Fundacion Inasmet Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Triaxial Woven Fabric, Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Triaxial Woven Fabric, Pellegrino, Sergio, University of Cambridge Stochastic Launcher-Satellite Coupled Dynamic Analysis, Fransen, Sebastiaan, AOES Development of a simulation process of the behaviour of space equipment subjected to pyrotechnic shocks, based on, SUTRA, Mathieu, Mecano-ID
    15.30 Manufacture and Assembly of CFRP Electronics Housing, Jussila, Jorma, Helsinki University of Technology Modeling of triaxial woven fabrics for antenna reflectors, Obst, Andreas, ESA/ESTEC Static and Dynamic Reliability Analysis of INTEGRAL Satellite in View of Low Failure Probability, Pellissetti, Manuel, University of Innsbruck Very first results from pyroshock database for satellites, GIRARD, Alain INTESPACE
    16.00 Coffee Break
    16.15-17.00 Closing Session


    Astron Extreme Light Weight Structures and Miirrors
    Niels Tromp, ASTRON

    dd>Engineering material for optics and structures

    Matthias Kroedel, ECM Cesic®

    Vibration Reduction of a Mini-Satellite Structure Using Passive Damping treatments
    Ali Najafi, ITRC (Iran Telecomunication Research Center)

    Peculiarities of Testing Techniques of Landing Spacecraft Thermal Protection at the High Enthalpy Test Bed
    George Gotovtsev, Lavochkin Association

    Research of Thermal Conditions of the "Mars Express" Spacecraft Fairing
    Alexander Klishin, Lavochkin Association

    European Drawer Rack (EDR) Static Test
    Antonietta Itta, Alenia Spazio Spa

    Thermal Protection and Tests Methods of "VENERA" Landing Spacecrafts
    Igor Zelenov, Lavochkin Association

    Structure-Control-Optics Interaction in High Precision Telescopes
    Horst Baier, TU Muenchen

    Sensing and monitoring via structurally integrated fiber optic and Lamb wave sensors
    Uwe Müller, TU Muenchen

    Numerical simulation of space debris impact on thin-walled metal shields
    Juan Reveles, Cranfield University

    Improvements in the DynaWorks ISSPA Identification Module
    Carine Pont, INTESPACE

    Wear Resistant Combined Coatings on ZrHf - Structure and Properties
    Mikhail Andreyev, Powder Metallurgy Institute

    Ground based investigation of the effects of simulated space environment on spacecraft materials
    Stan Heltzel, ESA/ESTEC

    Design and development of a large reflector model with inflatable deployment and rib support structures
    Huifeng Tan, Harbin Institute of Technology

    TDAS: Test Data Access System
    Ataulfo Gamonal, EADS CASA Espacio

    The MIRI Cold telescope Simulator: MTS Attachment
    Javier Barandiarán, INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial)

    Hemispherical Emissivity by Infrared Reflectance
    Thomas Rohr, ESTEC

    Validation of the finite element model of an inflatable beam structure using experimental data and study of its behaviour under the effects of the residual trapped air
    Emanuela Iuliano, ESA/ESTEC

    Tuning of SMACTANE® rubber formulation for vacuum compatibility improvement
    Tony Demerville, SMAC

    Viscoelastic rubber and damping original equipment
    Tony Demerville, SMAC

    Radiation - Cured Carbon/Basalt Prepregs,Semiproduct for Obtaining Structural Plastics,Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Ceramic Composites
    G. Butyrin, FGUE "NIIGrafit"

    New high-performance fibre reinforced nanocomposites with silicon dioxide: Manufacturing and characterization
    Thorsten Mahrholz, DLR, German Aerospace Center

    Hybrid Gas Generation for Spacecraft Platforms
    Michael Mamou, PyroAlliance

    6th International Congress on Thermal Stresses

    Event dates: May 26 - May 29, 2005
    Organization: ICTS - International Congresses on Thermal Stresses
    Location: Vienna University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Institut f. Allgemeine Mechanik Wiedner Hauptstr. 8 / 201, A-1040 Vienna , Austria
    Symposium Chairman: Prof.. Franz Ziegler
    Symposium Co-Chairman: Prof. Richard B. Hetnarski
    Contact: ts2005 @ tuwien.ac.at


    29th May - 2nd June 2005
    Kobe International Conference Centre, Japan
  • The Japanese Society of Tribologists are organising this conference and will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its establishment. Since the JSLE-ASLE International Lubrication Conference, the first large-scaled international tribology conference in Japan, the year 2005 is the 30th anniversary also.

    Call for papers covers the following topics:

    • Dry and boundary lubrication
    • Fluid film lubrication
    • Elastohydrodynamic lubrication
    • Fundamentals of friction and wear
    • Surface and contact problems
    • Rolling/sliding contacts
    • Lubricant rheology and chemistry
    • Solid lubrication
    • Tribofailures
    • Surface characterization and surface coatings
    • Advanced tribomaterials
    • Tribology of machine elements
    • Maintenance tribology
    • Tribology in extreme environments
    • Tribology in processingNano and microtribology
    • Biotribology
    • History and education of tribology
    • Other topics related to tribology


    • Tribology of Ceramics and Hard Coatings
    • Solid Lubrication
    • Additives for Lubricating Oils
    • Advanced Technology and Applications of Lubricating Grease etc
    A technical exhibition is planned. Companies where they have an interest should contact the organisers to receive a complete exhibition folder.

    The official language of the conference is English.

    To register do so through the ITC Kobe 2005 official website:


    Mr M Tagawa, Secretary General
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
    Kobe University
    1-1 Rokkdai-cho
    Kobe 657-8501
    Fax: +81 78 803 6126
    E-mail: itc.kobe2005 @ pac.ne/jp

  • 2005

    June 2005

    JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing 2005
    The 13th JSME Materials and Processing Conference (M&P 2005)

    June 19-22, 2005
    Seattle, Washington, US

    JSME and ASME will co-sponsor and organize a joint international conference on engineering materials and materials processing technology in 2005, Seattle. This conference also commemorates the 13th anniversary of establishment of the Materials and Processing Division( M&P) of JSME. The Materials and Processing Conference that has been held annually is recognized as the premier meeting on materials and processing technology in Japan.

    ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products & Lubricants

    June 19-23, 2005
    Hilton Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
    -Contact: www.astm.org



    2nd International conference

    heat treatment
    and surface engineering
    in automative applications

    20 - 22 June 2005
    Riva del Garda, Italy


    Titles and abstracts: 30 November 2004
    Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2005
    Final manuscripts: 15 April 2005


    The long-standing co-operation between AIM - Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia - and the IFHTSE - International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering - has already led to the joint organisation of significant events, such as the Congresses held in Florence in 1982 and in 1998.

    Now, our joint resources will be focused on the organisation of a conference that will deal with innovation in heat treatment, with special reference to automotive applications.
    In 2003, IFHTSE, in collaboration with MTEC (National Metal and Materials technology Center in Bangkok - Thailand) held a very successful conference on this topic, addressed primarily to Asia-Pacific interests. Against the background of an intensely competitive and continuously evolving market, it is now opportune to organise an event in more specifically addressed to the European scene.

    Therefore, in June 2005, in Riva del Garda (Italy), we will gather together contract heat treaters (not only of components but also of metal and plastic dies, punches, tools and auxiliary materials), engineering component manufacturers, producers of components with captive heat treatment facilities and Tier 1 and 2 suppliers along with production and design staff from the automotive world (passenger cars, trucks and buses, motorcycle, off-road vehicles, construction machines and earthmovers) for an information exchange and update on innovations, trends and developments in the field.


    • Metals and heat treatment process for the automotive industry
    • Carburising processes
    • Nitriding and nitrocarburising processes
    • Vacuum processes for dies, tools and components
    • PVD, PVC, plasma, multilayer coatings
    • Mechanical surface modification
    • Bulk heat treatment
    • Heat treatment process control
    • Environmental impact of heat treatment
    • Surface hardening by phase transformation
    • Mechanical properties and automotive applications
    • Innovations in automotive requirements
    • Heat treatment and vehicle end-of-life European

      Directive 2000/53


    Prospective authors wishing to present papers are invited to submit paper title and an abstract of about 400 words (in English) to the Organising Secretariat. The abstract should provide sufficient information for a fair assessment. Three ways of registration are possible:
    • to fill in the replay and return it to the Organising Secretariat
    • to fill in the form on the conference web site at www.aimnet.it/aim_ifhtse.htm
    • to send the requested information by e-mal to aim@aimnet.it


    Titles and abstracts: 30 November 2004 Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2005 Final manuscripts: 15 April 2005


    The official language of the conference will be English.


    The full texts of all papers will be published in proceedings and issued to delegates on arrival at the conference.


    The Conference will feature a technical exhibition that will represent many areas of industry with latest equipment, facilities and instruments, products and services in the field of heat treatment and surface engineering. Companies interested in taking part in the exhibition may contact the Organising Secretariat.


    The conference will be held at the Palacongressi in Riva del Garda. Riva is one of Lake Garda's best known resorts and is beautifully situated between the Brione and Rochetta mountains on the northern tip of the lake. The resort enjoys a mild climate ahd has a luxuriant vegetation of palms, oleanders and magnolias which you can admire as you wander along the lakeside promenade, or through the elegant parks. There are white shingle beaches which are popular for lake bathing, but perhaps you might prefer to take one of the lake steamers or hydrofoils, and visit other pretty lakeside villages. Riva dates back to Roman times and there are many fine buildings to be admired, especially around the Piazza Tre Novembre, whilst the 12th Century La Rocca castle dominates the waterfront. There are many shops among the narrow streets of the old town, together with a wide selection of cafes, bars and restaurants.


    Associazione Italians di Metallurgia
    P.le Rodolfo Morandi 2, 20121 Milano, Italy
    Phone:+39 02.7602.1132 or +39 02.7639.7770
    Fax +3902.7602.0551 - E-mail: aim@aimnet.it
    Conference website: www.aimnet.it/aim_ifhtse.htm

    IUTAM Symposium on Mechanical Behavior and Micro-mechanics of Nanostructured Materials

    Organization: IUTAM - International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
    Location: Beijing, China
    Event dates: June 27 - June 30, 2005
    Symposium Chairman:Prof. Y. (Yi-long) Bai
    IUTAM Representative on Scientific Committee:Prof. L.B. (Ben) Freund

    July 2005

    IUTAM Symposium on Impact Biomechanics - From Fundamental Insights to Applications

    Organization: IUTAM - International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
    Event dates: July 04 - July 08, 2005
    Location: Dublin, Ireland
    Symposium Chairman:Dr. M. (Michael) Gilchrist
    IUTAM Representative on Scientific Committee:Prof. D.H. (Dick) van Campen

    Polycomtrib 2005

    Kompozyty polimerowe i tribologia

    18 - 21 July 2005
    Gomel, Bielorus
    1 April 2005 - Full paper due
    1 June 2005 - Final conference programme


    The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation

    July 29 to August 1, 2005
    Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
    The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada from July 29 to August 1, 2005. Please check all the links to get detailed information
    Since 2004, the proceeding of ICMA has been included by the EI database.

    Click here for paper submission

    April 1, 2005: Submission of full papers in PDF and organized session proposals

    May 1, 2005: Submission of tutorial and workshop proposals

    May 15, 2005: Notification of paper and tutorial/workshop acceptance

    June 1, 2005: Submission of final camera-ready papers

    August 2005


    ISEC 2005 4th International Surface Engineering Congress & Exhibition, and

    SMT19 - 19th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies

    Congress: August 1-3, 2005
    Exhibition: August 2-3, 2005
    Radisson Rverfront Hotel
    St. Paul, Minnesota USA

    Welcome to ISEC 2005 and SMT19

    Registration is now available - Register Today!

    The International Surface Engineering Congress is a phenomenal meeting of international scope that examines fundamental research theories as they are applied to the widespread industrial use of surface engineering techniques. This is the one surface engineering event that truly focuses on practical engineering, as well as the science of surface treatments and coatings.

    The International Surface Modification Conference is a long-running international conference that presents the latest advancements in surface modification technologies. This year’s event will focus on wear, corrosion, oxidation, erosion and abrasion resistant coatings.

    To complement the world-class technical meeting, our organizers have also planned several Education Courses for students and others seeking a more in-depth knowledge of surface science, and a Tabletop Exhibit where participants and attendees will have yet another opportunity to learn about advancements in products and services from experts in the field of surface engineering.

    Why St. Paul, Minnesota?

    The conference takes place at the Radisson Riverfront Hotel, seated atop the bluffs of the Mississippi River. St. Paul is home to innovators, high-tech leaders, Fortune 500 companies, outstanding workers and a diversified economy. The Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis were ranked as the world’s #1 knowledge economy1. In a 2004 survey, Minnesota ranked #13 of the 50 states as a top place to locate a biotechnology business, and is considered a leader and model for other states. Minnesota also rated #2 in the Medical Devices & Equipment sub-sector. This venue offers the best of all worlds to travelers in the Twin Cities. The Radisson puts you within easy access to such world class attractions as the Minnesota Museum of American Art, the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, the Great American History Theatre, the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory and a variety of casinos, restaurants, wine bars, live entertainment and shopping.

    1UK Consulting firm, Robert Huggins Associates

    The 4th International Surface Engineering Congress & Exhibition and the 19th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies will offer attendees a variety of activities to choose from August 1-3, 2005 in St. Paul, Minnesota. In addition to a plenary session and tabletop exhibit, the event will feature a superb technical program.

    The International Surface Engineering Congress is a premier international meeting that combines fundamental research and industrial applications of traditional and advanced surface engineering techniques.

    • Focuses on practical engineering as well as the science of surface treatments and coatings.
    • Includes practicum (practical workshop) sessions from acknowledged experts designed to help participants solve specific problems.
    • Provides an ideal opportunity for networking between industrial engineers and scientists, industrial managers, and academic and government researchers.
    SMT 19: “Wear, Corrosion, Oxidation, Erosion and Abrasion Resistant Coatings”

    This international conference will provide a forum for presenting the latest advances in surface modification technologies, specifically on:

    • Applications affecting wear, corrosion, oxidation, erosion and abrasion.
    • Experimental and theoretical approaches to understand, develop and utilize coatings in the above situations.
    This conference provides an ideal opportunity for networking between research scientists and engineers from academic, government and research laboratories.

    Technical Program

    The 4th Annual International Surface Engineering Congress and Exhibition and SMT 19 are the premier international meetings for fundamental research and technological applications of surface engineering and surface science.

      Highlights of this year's ISEC:
    • Focuses on practical engineering as well as the science of surface treatments and coatings.
    • Includes practicum (practical workshop) sessions from acknowledged experts designed to help participants solve specific problems.
    • Provides an ideal opportunity for networking between industrial engineers and scientists, industrial managers, and academic and government researchers.
    This is your opportunity to participate in this premiere international meeting that attracts attendees from the automotive, aerospace, paper mill, tooling, biomedical, chemical, metallurgical, polymer processing and other industries.
    • Discussion of surface engineering techniques in the automotive, aerospace, paper mill, tooling, biomedical, chemical, metallurgical, polymer processing and other industries.
    • NEW FOR 2005: Micro and Nanoscale Technologies (featuring deposition of coatings, surface properties, and tribology)
    • NEW FOR 2005: Environmentally Benign Surface Engineering
    • Biomedical Applications
    • Mechanical Properties of Thin Films
    • Corrosion
    • Thermal Spray
    • Failure Analysis of Materials
    • Thin Films and Coatings
    • Industrial PVD/CVD
    SMT 19 highlights include:
    • Applications affecting wear, corrosion, oxidation, erosion and abrasion.
    • Experimental and theoretical approaches to understand, develop and utilize coatings in the above situations.
    This conference provides an ideal opportunity for networking between research scientists and engineers from academic, government and research laboratories.
    • Wear Resistant Coatings
    • Corrosion Resistant Coatings
    • Erosion Resistant Coatings
    • Oxidation Resistant Coatings
    • Abrasion Resistant Coatings


    ISEC's host city of St. Paul, Minnesota's capital city, is set beautifully along the Mississippi River. In addition to offering optimum business opportunities for business within the medical market, the city offers a large ethnically diverse population with restaurants, cultural entertainment and shopping venues for everyone.

    The Event will be held at the Radisson Riverfront St. Paul. The Radison Riverfront will provide housing for the ISEC 2005 and SMT Events.

    Visit the St. Paul's Visitor's and Convention Bureau

    The Radison Riverfront is seated atop the bluffs of the Mississippi River, in the heart of bustling downtown St. Paul, the Radisson Riverfront Hotel offers the best of all worlds to travelers in the Twin Cities. The Radisson Riverfront Hotel St. Paul puts you within easy access of the Xcel Energy Center, RiverCentre Convention Center, Ordway Center, Minnesota Capitol, and more. A favorite convention venue for meeting planners and conference attendees alike, the newly-renovated Radisson Riverfront Hotel is the ideal choice for business or leisure travel with its terrific "Yes I Can!" service, professional staff, excellent location, and extensive selection of services and amenities

    Contact Us

    At ASM International, our goal is to provide you with the most positive and rewarding event possible.

    For more information on ISEC 2005 or SMT 19, please contact:

    ASM International
    9639 Kinsman Road
    Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002
    Phone: 800/336-5152 or 440/338-5151
    Fax: 440/338-4634

    ASM Event Planner:

    Jennifer Arnold
    800/336-5152, extension 5465
    jennifer.arnold @ asminternational.org

    Exposition Manager:

    Mr. Charles Dec
    800/338-5152, extension 5601
    cdec @ asminternational.org

    If at any time before, during or after the event you would like to offer suggestions or comments, your input is always welcome.

    Zielona Góra

    ICER 2005 3rd International Conference on Engineering of Rheology

    Zielona Góra, Poland,
    August 23-26, 2005
    Submission of abstracts February 28, 2005
    Notification of acceptation
    and 2-nd Announcement March 15, 2005
    Camera-ready manuscripts May 16, 2005

    Organized by

    Department of Mechanics, University of Zielona Góra
    Under the Auspices of
    Polish Society of Engineering Rheology and
    Committee of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy of Science
    Scientific program
    This multidisciplinary Conference intends to bring together scientists and engineers from different fields such as rheology, material science, chemical, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering, and others. These subjects deal, in one way or another, with the rheology of materials. The Conference aims at promoting the transfer of knowledge between groups that essentially approach the problems of engineering rheology from different directions often using various materials. The Scientific Program will let participants share the most recent developments in research and practice of rheology through plenary and keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations. Papers dealing with engineering rheology are sought in the following areas:
    1. Novel Engineering Materials
    2. Smart and Intelligent Composites
    3. Constitutive Theories and Equations
    4. Fracture, Fatigue and Wave Propagation
    5. Polymer Melts and Polymer Processing
    6. Rheometry and Experimental Methods
    7. Time-dependent Phenomena
    8. Analytical and Numerical Methods
    9. Intelligent Processing of Materials
    10. Biorheology and Biomimetics
    1. Blends
    2. Electro- and Magneto-Rheology
    3. Food Rheology
    4. Industrial Rheology
    5. Liquid Crystals
    6. Polymer Solutions
    7. Surfactants
    8. Suspensions, Emulsions, Dispersions, Gels
    9. Other Related Topics

    Sessions consist of oral and poster presentations.
    Publication and submission of abstracts

    The proceedings of the Conference will be published as a special issue of the International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

    Submissions will be selected on the basis of one-page abstracts. Participants wishing to enter their poster presentations, should indicate so in the lower right corner of the abstract. In the same location indicate the area, named in the Scientific Program, to which your contribution should be allocated. The abstract should contain the title of the presentation (Times 14 pts), the author(s)'s name(s) and their affiliation(s) including full mailing address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address (Times 12 pts).

    Social program
    A number of social and tourist activities will be organized for participants and accompanying persons. A post-conference tour will also be organized provided there is sufficient interest.

    An international exhibition of testing equipment and tribology related literature will be organized. Manufactures and publishers are invited to address their interest to the conference organizers.

      Fees include registration, copy of proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks, dinners, welcome reception*:
    • 400 Euro for regular participants,
    • 300 Euro for students,
    • 300 Euro for accompanying persons
    • *10% surcharge after May 16, 2005
    Submission of abstracts February 28, 2005
    Notification of acceptation
    and 2-nd Announcement March 15, 2005
    Camera-ready manuscripts May 16, 2005

    The official language of the Conference will be English. Detailed information of the camera-ready manuscript will be sent in the 2-nd Announcement.

    Address for correspondence
    Prof. Anna Walicka
    Conference Coordinator, ICER 2005
    Department of Mechanics
    University of Zielona Góra
    ul. Szafrana 2, 65-516 Zielona Góra, POLAND
    e-mail: A.Walicka@ijame.uz.zgora.pl
    Tel: (+48) 68 32 82 472
    Fax: (+48) 68 32 47 446
    MSc. Piotr Ratajczak
    Conference Manager, ICER 2005
    Department of Mechanics
    University of Zielona Góra
    ul. Szafrana 2, 65-516 Zielona Góra, POLAND
    e-mail: P.Ratajczak@ibmp.uz.zgora.pl
    Tel: (+48) 68 32 82 652
    Fax: (+48) 68 32 47 446

    September 2005

    XI Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo techniczna HERVICON

    XI Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo techniczna HERVICON

    september 2005

    XI Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo techniczna HERVICON
    dedlines :
    31.03.2005 - zgłoszenie i abstrakt
    30.04.2005 - 2-ga informacja o konferencji
    31.05.2005 - termin deostarczenia tekstów artykułów
    31.07.2005 - rozesłanie uczestnikom programu i zgłoszeń
    31.08.2005 - termin zgłoszenia uczestnictwa bez wykładu

    5th International Conference
    „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry”
    RaDMI 2005

    04 - 07. September 2005,
    Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro
    June 30 2005 Submission deadline for papers
    July 15 2005 Acceptance of papers by the International Programme Committee
    July 31 2005 Finall programme
    Person for correspondence is:
    M.Sc. Predrag Dašić, prof. HTTS Kruševac,
    37000 Kruševac, Kosančićeva 36,
    Tel/fax: +381 37 29-471, mobtel: +381 64 1212451,
    E-mail: dasicp@ptt.yu and dasicp@yahoo.com,
    Website: http:/www.RaDMI.co.yu.


    • Research and development of manufacturing systems, tools and technologies, new materials and product design;
    • Tribology;
    • Maintenance and effectiveness of technical systems;
    • Quality management, ISO 9000, ISO 14000, TQM and management in mechanical engineering;
    • Application of Information Technologies in mechanical engineering and
    • Application of mechanical engineering in other industrial fields.
    Technical presentations

    For the firms, which want to present their products, technologies and services the presentation space has been provided. It will be possible to promote scientific books, technical information's and other propagand materials.


    Participation fee for authors and participants is 50,- EURO (proceedings, CD-ROM, other printed materials, cocktails and conference dinner).
    For presentation firms the participation fee is 500,- EURO.

    Important dates

    June 30 2005 Submission deadline for papers
    July 15 2005 Acceptance of papers by the International Programme Committee
    July 31 2005 Finall programme

    Information for authors

    Language for papers is English.
    It is necessary to send paper on max 10 pages to June-30-2005. The final paper must be camera-ready format in Word by form of papers.
    Paper size: 10 pages, A4 format
    Margins: All margins are 2,5 cm.
    Font: Times New Roman
    Title of paper: All caps 14 pt Bold
    Title of chapter: All caps 11 pt Bold
    Text of paper: Small caps 10 pt
    Abstract for paper: 9 pt Italic
    Key words: 9 pt Italic
    Spacing: Single line spacing
    Send: Final paper camera ready, printed on the laser printer and diskette, or by e-mail: dasicp@ptt.yu and dasicp@yahoo.com.

    Information and address for corresponding

    Person for correspondence is:
    M.Sc. Predrag Dašić, prof. HTTS Kruševac,
    37000 Kruševac, Kosančićeva 36,
    Tel/fax: +381 37 29-471, mobtel: +381 64 1212451,
    E-mail: dasicp@ptt.yu and dasicp@yahoo.com,
    Website: http:/www.RaDMI.co.yu.

    The First Conference „Situation and Perspective of Research and Development in Chemical and Mechanical Industry” - RaDMI 2001 was held upon the initiative of M.Sc. Predrag Dašić and Prof. Dr Miroslav Radovanović on the occasion of 40 years of teaching at High Technological Technical School in Kruševac. The first Conference was holding on 22-24. October, year 2001, in Kruševac in Republic of Serbia. On the Conference 118 papers was presented from which 69 were from abroad, from 13 countries of the World. Number of authors and coauthors were 206, from 15 countries of the World.
    The second International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2002 was held on 01-04. September, year 2002, in Vrnjačka Banja, Republic Serbia. On the Conference 258 papers were presented from which 191 were from abroad, from 21 countries of the World. Number of author and coauthor was 385, from 25 countries of the World.
    The third International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2003 was held on 19-23. September year 2003, in Herceg Novi, Republic of Montenegro. On the Conference 391 papers were presented from which 303 were from abroad, from 22 countries of the World. Number of author and coauthor was 596, from 25 countries of the World.
    The fourth International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2004 was held on 31. August to 04. September year 2004, on Zlatibor, Republic of Serbia. On the Conference 159 papers were presented from which 108 were from abroad, from 11 countries of the World. Number of author and coauthor was 257, from 14 countries of the World.
    Fifth International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2005 will be held on 04 - 07. September, year 2005, in Vrnjačka Banja, Republic of Serbia.


    1. MSc. Predrag Dašić, High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik and High Technological School of Kruševac, Chairman
    2. Prof. dr Ljubodrag Đorđević, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljevo (Serbia and Montenegro), vice-chairman
    3. MSc. Petar Ivanović, director of High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik
    4. Snežana Kurćubić, High Technological School of Kruševac, secretary
    5. MSc. Dragan Milenković, High Technological School of Kruševac, secretary
    6. MSc. Vladeta Jevremović, High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik
    7. Bojan Damjanović, IMK ˛14. October˛ of Kruševac
    8. Bojan Crvenković, High Technological School of Kruševac


    1. Prof. dr Yuriy M. Solomenzev, academician, rector, Moscow State Technological University ˛STANKIN˛, Moskva (Russia), Chairman
    2. Prof. dr Friedrich Franek, University of Vienna and president of Austrian Tribology Association, Vienna (Austria), Vice-chairman
    3. Prof. dr Žarko Spasić, vice-rector, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro), Vice-chairman
    4. Prof. dr Milomir Gašić, dean, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljevo (Serbia and Montenegro), Vice-chairman
    5. Prof. dr Živoslav Adamović, University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty, Zrenjanin (Serbia and Montenegro)
    6. Dr Syed Ahmed, CSEM S. A., Surface Engineering Division, Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
    7. Prof. dr Emilia Assenova, Technical University of Sofia, Tribology Center, Sofia (Bulgaria)
    8. Prof. dr Milun Babić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac (Serbia and Montenegro)
    9. Prof. dr Rade Biočanin, Ministry of Military, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    10. Prof. dr Pavao Bojanić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    11. Prof. dr Leonid Borisenko, vice-rector, Technical University of Mogilev, Mogilev (Belarus)
    12. Prof. dr Konstantin D. Bouzakis, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Thessaloniki (Greece)
    13. Prof. dr Miodrag Bulatović, University of Podgorica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Podgorica (Serbia and Montenegro)
    14. Prof. dr Mikhail V. Burmistr, academician, rector, Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University of Dniepropetrovsk, Dniepropetrovsk (Ukraine)
    15. Prof. dr Jean-Loup Chenot, Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux - CEMEF, Sophia Antipolis Cedex (France)
    16. Prof. dr Ilija Ćosić, dean, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Scientific, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro)
    17. Prof. dr George Dobre, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest (Romania)
    18. Prof. dr Dragan Domazet, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš (Serbia and Montenegro)
    19. Prof. dr Doina Drăgulescu, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Timişoara (Romania)
    20. Prof. dr Ljuben Dudesku, vice-dean, University of Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje (Macedonia)
    21. Prof. dr Petru Dusa, Technical University ˛Gh. Asachi˛, Faculty of Mechanics, Iaşi (Romania)
    22. Prof. dr Vladan Đorđević, academician, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    23. Prof. dr Manfred Geiger, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen (Germany)
    24. Prof. dr Anatoly Ivanovich Grabchenko, National Technical University, Kharkov Polytechnical Institute, Kharkov (Ukraine)
    25. Prof. dr Nicolae Valentin Ivan, University Transilvania of Brasov, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brasov (Romania)
    26. Prof. dr Alexander Janac, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Material Sciences and Technology of Trnava, Trnava (Slovakia)
    27. Prof. dr Ratomir Ječmenica, University of Kragujevac, Technical Faculty, Čačak (Serbia and Montenegro)
    28. Prof. dr Vid Jovašević, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    29. Prof. dr Milan Jurković, rector, University of Bihać, Technical Faculty, Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    30. Prof. dr Milisav Kalajdžić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    31. Prof. dr Isak Karabegović, dean, University of Bihać, Technical Faculty, Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    32. Prof. dr Baki Karamiş, Erciyes University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kaysei (Turkey)
    33. Prof. dr Branko Katalinić, University of Vienna and president of DAAAM International, Vienna (Austria)
    34. Prof. dr Veijo Kauppinen, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo (Finland)
    35. Prof. dr Marianna Kazimierska - Grebosz, Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of General Mechanics, Lodz (Poland)
    36. Prof. dr Kiril Kirov, vice-rector, Technical University of Gabrovo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gabrovo (Bulgaria)
    37. Dr Sergei A. Klimenko, Director of Association of Mashine - Bulding Technologists of the Ukraine - ATMU, Kiev (Ukraine)
    38. Prof. dr Karel Kocman, Technical University of Brno, Brno (Szech Republic)
    39. Prof. dr Janez Kopac, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Production Engineering, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
    40. Prof. dr Zdravko Krivokapić, University of Podgorica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Podgorica (Serbia and Montenegro)
    41. Prof. dr Janos Kundrak, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Production Engineering, Miskolc, (Hungary)
    42. Prof. dr Evgeniy A. Kundrashov, academician, State Technical University of Chita, Chita (Russia)
    43. Prof. dr Ioan D. Marinescu, director of Precision Micro-Machining Center, Toledo, Ohia (USA)
    44. Prof. dr Velibor Marinković, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš (Serbia and Montenegro)
    45. Prof. dr Onisifor Olaru, dean, University ˛Constantin Brancusi˛ of Tg-Jiu, Faculty of Engineering, Tg-Jiu (Romania)
    46. Prof. dr Liviu Palaghian, vice-dean, University ˛Dunarea de Jos˛ of Galati, Galati (Romania)
    47. Prof. dr Tihomir Pantelić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljevo (Serbia and Montenegro)
    48. Prof. dr Georgios Petropoulos, University of Thessaly, Faculty of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Volos (Greece)
    49. Prof. dr Miroslav Pilipović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    50. Prof. dr Predrag Popović, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš (Serbia and Montenegro)
    51. Prof. dr Stanislaw Pytko, Technical University of Krakow, Krakow (Poland)
    52. Prof. dr Snežana Radonjić, University of Kragujevac, Technical Faculty, Čačak (Serbia and Montenegro)
    53. Prof. dr Miroslav Radovanović, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš (Serbia and Montenegro)
    54. Prof. dr Igor Sergeevich Sazonov, rector, Technical University of Mogilev, Mogilev (Belarus)
    55. Prof. dr Slavko Sebastijanović, University of Osijek, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Slavonski Brod (Croatia)
    56. Prof. dr Adolfo Senatore, University of Salermo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Fisciano (Italy)
    57. Prof. dr Dimitri Yu. Skubov, State Technical University of Sankt Petersburg, Sankt Petersburg (Russia)
    58. Prof. dr Radovan Slavković, dean, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac (Serbia and Montenegro)
    59. Prof. dr Georgy Slynko, academician, Zaporozhye National Engineering University, Zaporozhye (Ukraine)
    60. Prof. dr Drago Soldat, High Technical School, Zrenjanin (Serbia and Montenegro)
    61. Prof. dr Viktor Starkov, Moscow State Technological University ˛STANKIN˛, Moscow (Russia)
    62. Prof. dr Michal Štefanek, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Material Sciences and Technology of Trnava, Trnava (Slovakia)
    63. Prof. dr Ljubodrag Tanović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    64. Prof. dr Oleg Vasilevich Taratynov, academician, Moscow State Industrial University, Moscow (Russia)
    65. Prof. dr Edward Walicki University of Zielona Gora, Faculty of Mechanics, Zielona Gora (Poland)
    66. Prof. dr Dragan Živković, High Technical School, Zrenjanin (Serbia and Montenegro)

    EUROMAT 2005
    Europen Congress of Advanced Materials and Processess

    5 ÷ 8 September 2005
    Prague, Czech Republic
    1 Sept 2004: Publication of the Symposia on the website
    31 Jan 2005: Deadline for the submission of abstracts
    15 Apr 2005: Confirmation of authors
    15 May 2005: Preliminary Programme on the website
    15 Jun 2005: Conference fees due for authors
    10 Aug 2005: Programme to print

    Scope of the Conference

    The Euromat Series

    Engineering progress essentially depends on the availability and the intelligent use of materials. For many key industry areas, Europe is at the forefront of the development of new materials and their applications. Euromat, the biennial meeting of the Federation of European Materials Societies with its 24 member societies, is the premier pan-european event covering the complete range of Materials Sience and Technology.

    The Euromat series so far has in turn been organised by the FEMS member societies and represents by this a showcase of the competence of the European materials community. It includes the following venues:
    1989: Aachen, D
    1991: Cambridge, UK
    1993: Paris, F
    1995: Padua, I
    1997: Maastricht, NL
    1999: Munich, D
    2001: Rimini, I
    2003: Lausanne, CH

    Euromat 2005

    For the first time, Euromat goes to one of the new member states in Central Europe and will jointly be run by the Czech and the German materials member societies.

    The congress will focus on the latest developments in materials processing, properties and applications, bringing together research scientists and industrial technologists. There is hardly a better opportunity for scientists and engineers in the European materials arena to meet and to discuss materials issues.

    The congress is the Prague Technical University, situated in an attractive central site and offering outstanding conference facilities.


    International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials 2005

    7-9 September 2005
    Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation,
    University of Aveiro, Portugal

    Scope and Topics

    The aim of the conference is to bring together research scientists from both academia and industry working in the fields of surfaces, coatings and nanostructured materials to exchange experience, knowledge, ideas and the technical know-how. A major aspect of the conference is to foster close collaborations among scientists, engineers, researchers and industrialists thus providing an opportunity to create links for future developments. The conference will provide ample opportunity for the conference delegates to network in a friendly and supportive environment.
      The conference topics include :
    • Surface coatings and thin films: fundamentals, growth and characterisation
    • Surface engineering of cutting tools
    • Biomaterials: blood contacting coatings, medical applications, biocompatibility, biochemical properties
    • Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology - innovative research and application areas
    • Carbon nanotubes:- growth, characterisation and applications
    • Surface treatments
    • Heterogeneous catalysis


    Organising Committee

    N. Ali (chair) - University of Aveiro, Portugal
    J. Grácio - University of Aveiro, Portugal
    W. Ahmed - Manchester Met. University, UK
    A. A. Ogwu - University of Paisley, UK
    M. Jackson - University of Purdue, USA

    Scientific Committee

    Joe Greene (USA), W. Blau (Ireland), A. Matthews (UK), Sam Zhang (Singapore), W. Ahmed (UK), D. S. Misra (India), M. J. Jackson (USA), F. L. Normand (France), R. Polini (Italy), E. Titus (Portugal), S. Mitura (Poland), A. A. Ogwu (UK), T. Goto (Japan), E. Ahmed (Pakistan), V. Teixeira (Portugal), C. N.R. Rao (Índia), A. Hoffman (Israel), J. A. Carlisle (USA), Max Lu (Australia), J. De Hosson (Netherlands), Y. Watanabe (Japan), M. Fenker (Germany), A. Grill (USA), J. Patscheider (Switzerland), E. I. Meletis (USA), S. T. Lee (China), J. Moore (USA), J. Foord (UK), J. P. Celis (Belgium), V. S. Trava-Airoldi (Brazil), S. Prawer (Australia), B. Milne (UK), P. K. Chu (China), S. Hogmark (Sweden), M. Sarwar (UK), S. Verprek (Germany), W. Cai (China), A. I. Titov (Russia), D. Zhang (New Zealand), L. Hultman (Sweden), J. McLaughlin (UK).


    nanoSMat will be hosted at the „Centre Mechanical Technology & Automation”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. Aveiro is a nice and quiet historical city located in the northern part of Portugal. The city is located near the coast with beautiful beaches and a wonderful lagoon.

    The two main international airports close to Aveiro are Porto and Lisbon: approx. 1 hour by train from Porto or 2.5 hours by train from Lisbon.

    Registration Fees
    Before 15 July 2005

    Participants - 400 EUROS; Students - 100 EUROS

    After 15 July 2005 and on-site registration

    Participants - 500 EUROS, Students - 150 EUROS (Students must show proof of identity)

    Plenary Lecture

    The plenary lecture will be given by the Nobel Laureate - Sir Professor Harry Kroto (University of Sussex, UK) on „C60, Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes: Past, Present and Future”.

    Invited Speakers

    D. Gruen, USA - „Ultrananocrystalline diamond films as electronic materials”.
    J. da Costa, Australia - „Functionalisation of ultramicroporous inorganic membranes for gas separation and membrane reactor applications”.
    B. Milne, UK - „Carbon nanotubes as electron sources in high power/high frequency amplifiers”.
    A. Hoffman, Israel - „Formation mechanism of nanodiamond films: from experiments to theory”.
    V.S. Trava-Airoldi, Brazil - i>„CVD diamond at Institute for space research in Brazil: research, development and Industrialization”.
    S. Mitura, Poland - „Nanocrystalline diamond coatings for medicine”.
    Y. Watanabe, Japan - „Control of structure and properties of AlN/Al films prepared by ion-beam assisted deposition”.
    E. I. Meletis, USA - „Self-assembling of oxide and metallic nanostructured thin films”.
    J-P Celis, Belgium - „Tribology of nanostructured plasma sprayed coatings”.
    Sam Zhang, Singapore - „Towards high adhesion and tough DLC-based nanocomposite coatings”.
    F. L. Normand, France - i>„The nucleation and growth of carbon nanotubes by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition: recent advances, limitations and future challanges”.
    M. J. Jackson, USA - „Defining the nature of engineered surfaces for machining next generation space vehicles and nanostructured metals”.
    T. Goto, Japan - „Laser chemical vapour deposition of thick oxide coatings”.
    W. Ahmed, UK - „An overview of developments in CVD deposition and coatings technologies”.
    D. S. Misra, India - „Carbon nanotubes: future materials with tremendous potentials”.
    M. Sarwar, UK - „Enhancing tool performance through surface engineering”.
    Max Lu, Australia - „Nanostructured particles and porous materials for energy and environmental applications”.
    J. Foord, UK - „Towards electrochemical sensors from thin film diamond”.
    Y. Gogotsi, USA - „Nanostructured Carbide-Derived Carbon Materials: From Coatings to Molecular Sieves”.
    J. Patscheider, Switzerland - „Understanding nanocomposite hard coatings: the importance of interfaces and interphases”.
    H. Oechsner, Germany - „Chemical, physical and structural conditions for the growth of the cubic phase cBN in boron nitride films”.
    R. Polini, Italy - „CVD diamond coating on cemented tungsten carbides: substrate pretreatments, adhesion and cutting performance”.
    M. Fenker, Germany - „Corrosion behaviour of decorative and wear resistant coatings on steel deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering - Tests and improvements”.
    W. P. Cai, China - „Nanostructured Arrays and Devices Based on Colloidal Monolayer”.
    R Schloegl, Germany - „Nanomaterials in Heterogeneous Catalysis”.
    A. Rogach, Germany - „Layer by layer assembly of luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals on flat substrates and colloidal spheres”.
    John Moore, USA - „Nanocomposite Ti-B-C-N Thin Films Produced by Closed Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering (CFUBMS) from Composite Targets”.
    D. Jackson, UK - „Selectivity in Hydrogenation Catalysis”.
    S. Veprek, Germany - „Basic Science of Superhard Nanocomposites and Recent Development of their Industrial Applications”.


    The papers presented at the conference will undergo normal peer review and selected papers will be published in THIN SOLID FILMS.
    Papers on “Heterogeneous Catalysis” will be reviewed and selected papers will be published in CATALYSIS TODAY.
    There will also be a conference proceeding containing all presented papers. Papers for publication must be presented at the conference by a registered participant.

    Important Dates

    Abstract submission (extended)……..15 March 2005
    Submission of manuscript………………30 July 2005
    Last date of early-bird registration……. 15 July 2005


    nanoSMat is expected to attract a large number of people from around the globe and provide the ideal opportunity to exhibit your products/equipment to a captive and attentive audience.
    For further details contact:
    Victor Neto (Exhibitor manager), Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
    E-mail: vneto@mec.ua.pt

    Educational Courses

    Course # 1 (9am to 5pm)
    “Nano-sized and nanostructured materials: Process technology, characterisation, properties and industrial applications”
    Stan Veprek (Germany); Sam Zhang (Singapore)
    Course fees:
    Participants - 150 EUROS, Students - 50 EUROS
    * More courses will be added, once confirmation received, on the website www.mec.ua.pt/ICSCNM


    - University of Aveiro - Portugal
    - Micromaterials - UK
    More are added in at the conference website: http://www.mec.ua.pt/ICSCNM

    Further Information

    Ms Sabrina Morais
    Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
    E-mail: ICSCNM@mec.ua.pt
    Tel: (+351) 234 378 177
    Fax: (+351) 234 370 953
    Website: http://www.mec.ua.pt/ICSCNM
    * P.S. Participants requiring a VISA to enter Portugal are requested to contact the conference secretariat for supporting documents.



    12th - 16th September 2005
    Washington Hilton and Towers Hotel, Washington DC, USA


    Planning for the largest international Tribology event is well on its way!! Join hundreds of colleagues from around the world in Washington, DC for four days of conference activities, special events, networking sessions and much, much more.

    The Tribology Division of ASME International and The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, in association with the International Tribology Council, invite you to participate in the World Tribology Congress III. This international event will bring together tribologists, scientists, researchers and engineers from around the globe, including participants from over 33 cooperating associations.

    ITC President H. Peter Jost urged delegates to look beyond their individual research work and become "tribo-marketers" and "tribo-economists." To that goal, the Congress will promote the exchange of the latest technical information between researchers and practitioners in all fields of tribology.

    WTC III will be accepting abstracts for submission in the following technical tracks. All presentations accepted for technical and poster sessions will be published in extended abstract form in the Congress Proceedings.

    • Wear of and Fatigue of Materials
    • Contact Mechanics and Friction
    • Lubrication and Lubricants
    • Additives and Tribochemistry
    • Bearing Design and Application
    • Machine Components
    • Magnetic Storage Systems
    • Surface Engineering and Coatings
    • Manufacturing Processes
    • Tribology of Internal Combustion Engines
    • Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications
    • Micro- and Nanotribology
    • Condition Monitoring and Knowledge-Based Maintenance
    • Aerospace Applications
    • Health, Safety, and Environmental Issues
    With regard to possible Visa concerns ASME and STLE have taken some measures to provide authors with as much information as possible and encourage early Visa applications. The criteria for receiving an invitation letter has also been broadened and can be requested directly via the website.

    To submit your abstract and for a complete description of conference topics, targeted industries and deadlines, visit the conference website at www.conferencetoolbox.org/wtc05

    WTC-2005 Executive Management Committee
    Richard S. Cowan (ASME)
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Center for Integrated Diagnostics
    801 Ferst Drive
    Atlanta, GA 30332
    Phone: 404-894-3270
    Fax: 404-894-8336
    Dr. John Tichy (ASME)
    Rensselaer Polytechnic University
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    110 8thStreet
    Troy, New York 12180
    Phone: 518-276-6351
    Dr. Selda Gunsel (STLE)
    Pennzoil - Quaker State
    1520 Lake Front Circie
    The Woodlands, TX 77380
    Phone: 281-363-8010
    Fax; 281-363-8104
    Mr Edward Selek
    STLE Executive Director
    840 Busse Highway
    Park Ridge, IL 60068 USA
    Phone: 847-825-5536
    Fax: 847-825-1457
    esalek@stle.org ; Web Site: www.stle.org
    Dr. Josiah Knight (STLE)
    Duke University
    Dept. of M.E.
    PO Box 90300
    Durham, NC 27708-0300
    Phone: 919-660-5337
    Fax: 919-660-8963
    Mr Edison Aulestia
    ASME Senior Program Manager
    Three Park Ave., M/S 22W3
    New York, NY 10016-5990
    Phone: 212-591-7159
    Fax: 212-591-7674
    aulestiae@asme.org ; Web Site: www.asme.org
    Papers and presentations are solicited on all topics related to friction, lubrication and wear, dealing with fundamental and applied research, design, education and industry practice. Themes of interest include but are not limited to: reliability and durability, environmental tribology, nanotribology, tribology of magnetic storage systems and tribological aspects of biomechanics.

    The Technical Program is expected to include:

    • Fundamental and Applied Research
      Friction and Wear Mechanisms and Models
      Lubricants and Lubrication: Base Oils, Additives, Synthetic Lubricants, Solid Lubricants
      Thick Film Lubrication, Boundary Lubrication, Elastohydrodynamics
    • Applied Research and Design
      Microscale and Nanoscale Tribology
      Bearings, Seals, and Mechanical Components
      Tribology of Magnetic Storage Systems
      Surface Engineering, Coatings
      Metalworking Tribology
      Tribology of Automotive Systems, Gear Lubrication
    • Environmental Aspects of Tribology
      Eco-friendly Lubricants
      Dry Machining and Processing
      Tribology for Sensitive Areas, Health and Safety Issues
      Energy Conservation, Reuse and Recycling
    • Industry Trends and Needs
      Equipment Reliability, Product Durability
      Condition Monitoring
      Tribology in Design
    • And other topics of timely interest
    • Abstract Submission Deadline : August 2004

      The Technical Programme Committee
      A Technical Programme Committee will direct review of presentation abstracts. Members of the ASME-STLE Joint Tribology Conference Planning Committee will be invited to serve on this body. Additional committee members will be invited from supporting Tribology Societies.

      Acceptance of Presentations
      Presentations will be accepted for the technical programme on the basis of the submitted abstract. Submission and acceptance of a full paper is not a pre-requisite for presentation on the technical programme. Poster sessions will be part of the technical programme. Presenters will be notified of acceptance by December 1, 2004.

      All presentations accepted for technical sessions will be published in extended abstract form in the Congress Proceedings. Authors who desire a venue for full publication may submit a manuscript to the journal of their choice.

    Development, Design and Marketing

    International Conference on Gears 2005

    Date of event: 14. Sep. 2005 - 16. Sep. 2005
    Location: Technical University of Munich

    Venue: Garching near Munich

    Type of event: Symposium
    Call for Papers: download / request for information
    Call for Papers: submit / review paper(s)
    Accompanying exhibition: request for information

    Brief description:

    The main purpose of the 3rd International Conference on Gears is to enable participants to learn more about the current state-of-the-art by providing researchers with a platform to present their most recent results. The presentation of industrial applications will indicate the potential of the advanced technologies.
    The conference will offer participants the opportunity to discuss these results in detail and share their experience. The presentations are expected to emphasize future trends in the design, development and applications of gears and transmissions.
    Another purpose is to examine how those industrial applications are facilitated by the business processes at companies increasingly exposed to competition by globalization, a process which is compelling these companies to produce new products more profitably, primarily by holding down costs. Hence, this conference has one topic area focussing on examples and methods of how to identify and control the main cost drivers during development, manufacturing and assembly. Participants will be shown state-of-the-art strategies on how to optimize processes and assure the economic success of innovative products by shortening product development lead time and time-to-market.
    The conference will last three days, comprising keynote addresses and presentations in a series of plenary and parallel sessions. The official language of the conference will be English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. Delegates and accompanying persons will be able to take advantage of social events detailed in the registration form, including a visit to the opera and the opening ceremony of the Oktoberfest. The conference program and the registration form will be available by April 15th, 2005.

    Conference language:

    The conference language is English, in particular cases presentations in German are allowed. The conference proceedings are published in English.

    Target Group(s):

    The International Conference on Gears 2005 is addressed to manufacturers, developers, engineers, designers, researchers, users and suppliers of all type of gears, gears components and gear materials from throughout the world. This conference provides a professional forum for all experts who are working in the field of gear technology to exchange experience and ideas.
    CategoryParticipant fee in EURO
    Conference fee980,00 plus VAT
    Members of the VDI882,00 plus VAT
    Members of sponsoring organisations882,00 plus VAT

    Accompanying exhibition

    Experts from all engineering fields see the accompanying exhibitions by the VDI as a chance to exchange knowledge and experiences and, at the same time, as a "marketplace" for new ideas, products and services. Within the scope of these events, we offer your company the opportunity to successfully participate and to make use of all the services. Just contact us!
    VDI Wissensforum IWB GmbH
    E-Mail: fachausstellungen@vdi.de

    11<sup>th</sup> European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium

    11th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium

    21 to 23 September 2005
    Swiss Transport and Communication Museum, Lucerne, Switzerland.


    From 21 to 23 September 2005, the European Space Agency (ESA) and Contraves Space AG, in cooperation with the Swiss Space Industrial Group (SSIG) and Swiss Space Office (SSO) as well as the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), will hold the 11th European Space Mechanisms And Tribology Symposium in the Swiss Transport and Communication Museum, Lucerne, Switzerland.


    It is located within the most popular museum of Switzerland, the Swiss Museum of Communication and Transport. The Convention Center is at the outskirt of Lucerne beside the lake. It takes about five minutes with the bus from the centre of Lucerne to the Convention Center.



    Space Tribology Course

    ESTL has run the Space Tribology Course successfully for the last 20 years. Led by experienced space engineers, the course draws on the heritage of ESTL in the field of Space Mechnisms, Advanced Tribology and Space Lubricants.
      Participants will learn:
    • Techniques of applied design of tribological components including mechanisms, bearings and gears
    • How to define and apply criteria for the selection of designs
    • How to define and apply criteria for the selection of materials
    • How theories of lubrication affect critical design and manufacturing decisions
    • Qualification test procedures including thermal vacuum testing of mechnisms
      The course includes training in:
    • Solid Lubricants including molybdenum disulphide, thin lead films and self lubricating bearing cages
    • Fluid Lubricants including Pennzane and Fomblin Z25
    • Space qualified materials including structural materials, vacuum compatibility and use of heritage data
    • Participants will receive a free copy of the Space Tribology Handbook.
    The next Space Tribology Course will take place on 19th-20th September 2005 in Lucerne, Switzerland. Click here for details and registration form.

    Further details about future course dates, location, duration and pricing are available on request. Tailored courses and discounts are available for group bookings.

    Simon Griffin +44 (0)870 190 2200

    The 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation

    Date: September 22 ÷ 26, 2005
    Venue: Fukuoka Soft Research Park (Fukuoka, Japan>
    Chairman: Zenji Horita, Ph.D., D.Eng; Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyushu University

    Acceptance letters were sent to all corresponding authors through e-mail. Contact the conference secretariat nanospd3@congre.co.jp if you have not received yet. Please then give your details (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail, Abstract Title) .

    Head Office

    Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,
    Kyushu University,6-10-1 Hakozaki,Higashi-ku,Fukuoka 812-8581,JAPAN
    Tel: +81-92-642-3668 Fax: +81-92-632-0434


    ECASIA`05 European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis

    Organization: ECASIA - International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
    25-30 September 2005
    W.S.M. Werner ( chairman )

    ECASIA'05 Scientific topics

    The aim of the biennial European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA) is to bring together scientists from industry, academia, government and suppliers of equipment for surface analysis.

    Main topics

    • Metals
    • Oxides
    • Polymers
    • Magnetic materials
    • Biomaterials
    • Thin films and coatings
    • Ceramics
    • Catalytic materials
    • Micro- and optoelectronics
    • Nanomaterials
    • Solid-liquid interfaces
    • Surface modification and functionalization
    • Corrosion, adhesion
    • Tribology
    • Environmetal analysis
    • Heritage conservation
    • Quantification, data interpretation
    • Imaging
    • Depth profiling
    • Simulation and software for surface investigations
    • Technique development
    • Standardization

    October 2005

    IV International Conference on Tribochemistry Cracow, Poland 3 - 5 October 2005

    IV International Conference on Tribochemistry

    Cracow, Poland
    3 - 5 October 2005

    3 - 5 October 2005
    Cracow, Poland
    1 March 2005 - Preliminary registration with title of paper and abstract
    31 May 2005 - Full paper due
    31 May 2005 - Second circular
    1 June 2005 - Final conference programme
    30 June 2005 - Receipt of submitted paper and payment


    The IV International Conference on Tribochemistry will be a continuation of International Symposia on Tribochemistry, meetings of the specialists in the field on tribochemistry that have been organized in Poland every four years since 1993. The previous three Symposia, held in Lodz, Janowice and Cracow, created an opportunity for stimulating discussions on physicochemical phenomena and chemical reactions in frictional contacts.

    This time, we invite presentations concerning the following topics:

    1. tribochemistry of lubricating base oils and model base fluids
    2. mechanisms of additives' action under boundary lubrication conditions
    3. physical and physicochemical phenomena in rubbing contacts
    4. tribopolymerisation related research
    5. tribochemistry of ceramics and other technologically advanced materials
    6. micro/nanotribology
    7. new analytical techniques applied in tribochemistry
    8. tribophysics
    9. tribochemistry of nanoparticles and nanocomposites
    10. tribology of ultra thin films and coatings (LB, SAMs, etc.)
    11. action mechanisms of fuel lubricity additives
    12. other aspects of tribochemistry
    Organizing Committee
    S.Plaza, General Chairman, University of Lodz
    G.Celichowski, L.Margielewski, I.Piwonski, M.Psarski, R.Stanecka, B.Strombek

    E-mailtrib2005 @ uni.lodz.pl
    Phone+48 42 635 58 32
    Fax+48 42 678 70 87
    Mailing addressProf. Stanislaw Plaza
    University of Lodz, Department of Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection
    ul. Pomorska 163, 90-236 Lodz, Poland

    COST 532

    Superior Friction and Wear Control in Engines and Transmissions

    6th MC Meeting 14 Oct 2005
    WG meetings 12 - 13 Oct 2005
    ISEP (Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto) Porto, Portugal

    ISME TOKYO 2005

    October 24 ÷ 28, 2005
    (at Tower Hall Funabori)


    Six International Symposiums on Marine Engineering (ISMEs) were held from 1973 to 2000. The Seventh International Symposium on Marine Engineering, ISME TOKYO 2005, is now being organized by the Japan Institution of Marine Engineering and will be held from 24 to 28 October 2005 in Tokyo. The symposium will discuss the progress and future of marine engineering, focusing on the theme:

    Seeking New Concepts for Future Marine Engineering
      The conference scope includes nine major areas:
    • Pollution-Free Systems
    • Environmental Conservation
    • Future Engine Technology and Energy Conversion Systems
    • Future Marine Fuels and Lubricants
    • Electric and Electronic Systems
    • Robotics and Automation Systems
    • Safety Systems and Human-Machine Interface
    • Operation and Information Systems
    • Advanced Propulsion Systems
    Shipowners, shipbuilders, machinery and equipment manufacturers, classification societies, research institutes, universities and others from related organizations around the world are invited to present their views, opinions, experiences, and results of their studies, research, and development on these subjects. Panel discussions, an exhibition, and a forum will also be held for special topics.


    The official language of the symposium is English.


    Those wishing to present papers are invited to submit abstracts to the Technical Subcommittee, to arrive not later than February 28, 2005*. The preferred method for abstract submission is via the ISME 2005 Web site. A Web page for online abstract submission will open at the end of August 2004. You can also select abstract submission via E-mail. Your abstract and detailed information on authors should be written in MS Word or PDF format and attached to your E-mail to the Technical Subcommittee. The E-mail address for abstract submission will be posted on the ISME 2005 Web site at the end of August 2004.
    The E-mail address of the Technical Subcommittee is tech @ isme.jime.jp.

    * We received over 100 abstracts by the end of January, 2005. We hope to exchange technical information with more papers in the symposium, and many participants require the postponement of the dead line for the abstract submission. Therefore the dead line for the abstract is postponed by February 28, 2005.


    The Technical Subcommittee will accept papers on the basis of the abstracts submitted. Authors will be notified of acceptance of their papers by March 31, 2005. The authors of accepted papers are requested to submit the final manuscripts of their papers in two forms: the full paper for inclusion in the Proceedings (CD-ROM) and an extended abstract for the book of abstracts. Both items are due to the Technical Subcommittee by June 30, 2005.


    February 28,2005 Receipt of abstract
    March 31,2005 Notification of acceptance
    June 30, 2005 Receipt of final manuscript


    Social events include a welcoming reception, closing banquet, and technical visits to industrial plants, shipyards, etc. A program for spouses of participants will provide a brief view of traditional Japanese arts and nearby sightseeing locales. Fees for participating in other social events will be set on an actual-expense basis.
    October 24Registration and Welcoming Reception
    October 25-27Technical Sessions
    Exhibition and Forum
    October 26Banquet
    October 28Technical Visits


    The exhibition provides a venue for information exchange and discussion of new products, processes, and ideas. Poster panels, video presentations, small models, etc., can be displayed and exhibitors will be able to express their views at the forum on request. Applications are solicited in marine technology and related areas.


    The registration fee, which covers conference participation, the conference Proceedings, reception, banquet, and coffee breaks is 55,000 yen for on-site registration or 50,000 yen for advance registration. For students, the fee is 25,000 yen for on-site registration or 20,000 yen for advance registration. Specific information about accommodations will be available on the Web site as the conference nears.


    Please address all correspondence to;
    Executive and Organizing Committees
    c/o The Japan Institution of Marine Engineering
    Tokyo Sakurada Building, 1-1-3 Nishi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan
    Fax: +81-3-3539-5921
    E-mail: isme @ jime.jp
    URL: http://www.isme.jime.jp

    Only chairpersons are listed.

    Dr. HAYAMA, S. (Chair, Former president of JIME)
    Mr. TAMURA, Y. (Vice chair, president of Japanese Marine Equipment Association)

    Only chairpersons are listed.

    Dr. NAMIE, S. (Chair)
    Dr. TAKAMASA, T. (Chair, General Affairs Subcommittee)
    Dr. AZETSU, A. (Chair, Technical Subcommittee)
    Mr. SHIIHARA, H. (Chair, Event Program Subcommittee)
    Mr. IKIZAWA, K. (Chair, Exhibition Program Subcommittee)

    Mr. DEXTER, S. G.(Austria)
    Mr. Zhang Sheng Kun(China)
    Mr. AABO, K.(Denmark)
    Mr. EGEBERG, C. E.(Denmark)
    Mr. FLEISCHCHACK, G. C.(Germany)
    Prof. KYRTATOS, N. P.(Greece)
    Dr. LEUNG, H. K.(Hong Kong)
    Dr. OKA, M. (Chair)(Japan)
    Dr. SATO, J.(Japan)
    Dr. AOKI, Y.(Japan)
    Prof. CHOI, H. S.(Korea)
    Prof. ABDUL JAMAL, H. B.(Malaysia)
    Prof. LISTEWNIK, J.(Poland)
    Prof. TURMOV, G. P.(Russia)
    Prof. PETELIN, S.(Slovenia)
    Prof. ROSKILLY, T.(U. K.)
    Mr. STOREY, M.(U. K.)
    Mr. WILSON, K.(U. K.)
    Prof. DANG, V. U.(Vietnam)


    Conseil International des Machines a Combustion (CIMAC)
    Shanghai Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineering
    Chinese Society of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    The Gas Turbine Society of Japan
    Japanese Society of Tribologists
    The Society of Naval Architects of Japan
    The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, USA


    The symposium will be held at Tower Hall Funabori in Tokyo, Japan. The hall is just in front of Funabori subway station (Toei Shinjuku Line). It is a 20-minute subway ride to Tokyo's city center, and Tokyo Disneyland is nearby.

    International Congress of Nanotechnology 2005

    October 31-November 4, 2005
    San Francisco

    Dear Colleague:,

    I am writing to invite you to participate in the upcoming International Congress of Nanotechnology 2005, which will be held on October 31-November 4, 2005 in San Francisco.

    The conference is being organized by a non-profit association, the International Association of Nanotechnology with a mission to foster research and business collaboration in nanotechnology worldwide.

      ICNT 2005 features more than 150 speakers and 50 plus poster presenters from 38 countries covering a broad spectrum of Nanotechnology:
    • Science
    • Technology
    • Societal Issues
    • Business
    • Venture Investment


    Prof. Martin L. Perl

    the Nobel Laureate in Physics will be the keynote speaker on Tuesday November 1, 2005http://www.ianano.org

    Prof. K. Barry Sharpless,

    Nobel Laureate in Chemistry will be the keynote speaker on Thursday November 3, 2005


    Dr. George Maracas,

    Director of Nanotechnology Program, MOTOROLA, Inc. Temple, AZ, USA. (keynote)

    Prof. Chih-Minh Ho, Director of the Institute for Cell Mimetic Space Exploration, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA

    "Using Nano Modalities Towards the Control of Bio-Systems" (keynote)

    Keith R. Larson,

    Managing Director, Strategic Investments, INTEL CAPITAL CORPORATION, Hillsboro, OR, 97124 USA

    Dr. Minoo N. Dastoor, Senior Advisor to the Associate Administrator; Office of Aerospace Technology, NASA, Washington DC, USA

    "NASA and Nanotechnology"

    Dr. T. Vo-Dinh, Director, Center for Advanced Biomedical Photonics, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN, USA

    "Nanobiosensors and Nanoprobes: Frontiers and Potential in Nanomedicine"

    Prof. Fabio Pichierri, 21st century Center of Excellence, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN

    "From giant molecules to nanoparticles: on chemistry’s contribution to nanomedicine"

    Dr. Kenji Hirose, Fundamental Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN

    "Contact effects on transport properties of single molecules between metallic electrodes: ab initio calculation study"

    Dr. Thomas Sawitowski, Nanotechnology Department BYK-Chemie GmbH, Abelstrasse 45, 46483 Wesel, GERMANY

    "The use of Nanoadditives in plastic and coating composites"

    Dr. Dietmar Vogel, Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, Berlin, GERMANY

    "Nanoreliability for mechanically loaded devices."

    Dr. A.M. Gatti, Head, Laboratory of Biomaterials - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, ITALY

    "Nanosafety in nanotechnologies"

    Mr. David Vivancos, President, NANOESPACIO, S.L. Madrid SPAIN

    “Roadmap of Nanotechnologies for Space Exploration”

    Prof. László Guczi, Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Isotopes, Budapest, HUNGARY

    "Nano structured Interfaces between Gold Nanoparticles and Oxide and its Role in Selective CO oxidation"

    Prof. Georgi I. Ivanov, Center for Modern Medicine, Quantum Therapy and Rehabilitation, Plovdiv, BULGARIA

    "Nano-engineering approach in a “lesion” zone in a neural tissue trauma"

    Prof. E.R. Kutelia, Georgian Technical University, Republic Center for Structure Researches (RCSR) 77, Kostava Street, Tbilisi, GEORGIA

    "Obtaining of the Nano-Structured Ultrathin Membrane for the Purification of Liquid Gallium from Impurities up to 8N"

    Prof. Gordon C. C. Yang, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, TAIWAN

    "Degradation of Nitrate in the Aqueous Solution by Nanoscale Iron Prepared by Three Different Processes: Performance Evaluation and Comparison"

    Dr. James Highfield, Institute of Chemical & Engineering Sciences, Applied Catalysis Technologies, Jurong Island, SINGAPORE

    "Carbon Nanofibre Growth from Low Temperature Methane Decomposition over Skeletal Transition Metal Catalysts"

    Prof. Deb Bennett-Woods, Regis University, Rueckert-Hartman School for Health Professions, Department of Health Care Ethics, Denver, Colorado, USA

    "A Practical Framework for the Pragmatic Integration of Ethical and Social Considerations into Funding Proposals for Emerging Technologies"

    Mr. John C. Monica, Jr Partner, Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, Ohio , USA

    "Preparing For Future Health Litigation: The Application of Product Liability Law To Nanotechnology"

    Mr. Richard Helfrich General Partner, Alameda Capital LLC, Pleasanton, CA 94566 USA

    "Opportunities and Challenges for Nanotechnology Start-ups"

    (Additional keynote speakers and invited lecturers will be posted online at a later date)

    Plus a distinguished group of 150 speakers from 38 countries.

    For further information, please visit our web site: http://www.ianano.org

    REGISTRATION: To register online:

    If you have any questions, please contact us at info @ ianano.org

    Best regards,

    Douglas Pryor
    International Association of Nanotechnology
    2386 Fair Oaks Blvd
    Sacramento, CA 95823 USA
    Email: services @ ianano.org
    Web site: http://www.ianano.org

    Conference Topics:

    • Nanomaterials
    • Nanodevices
    • Nanoelectronics
    • Nanobiotechnology
    • Nanomedicine
    • Nano Tools
    • Nano Manufacturing
    • Nano Toxicology
    • Nomenclature
    • Standards
    • Societal
    • Safety
    • Environmental
    • Education & Training
    • IP & Tech Transfer
    • Venture Investment
    • Open Forum

    Conference Features

    1. Presenting the ROAD MAP for Nanotechnology Industry
    2. Focusing on the converging of Nano-Bio-Info technologies
    3. Presenting the state-of-the-art scientific and technological advancement
    4. Highlight commercial applications:
      • Chemical
      • Biotechnology
      • Electronics
      • Semiconductor
      • Aerospace
      • Automotive
      • Textile
    5. Working groups and forum on developing Nomenclature and Standards
    6. Working groups and forum on Nano Toxicology
    7. Working groups on Education and Training
    8. Investment Forum for Emerging Nanotech Companies
    9. Discussion Forum on Ethics, Social, Environmental and Health Safety
    10. Open Public Forum and Debate on Nano Economy

    November 2005

    SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress and Exhibition

    November 1-3, 2005
    Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
    Metro Chicago (Rosemont), Illinois, USA

    1st Super High Strength Steel

    November 02 - 05, 2005

    Organized by


    Both the design and production of components and load bearing structures made of steel are looking after the possibility of increasing the level of strength so as to reduce weight and dimensions in a significant way. The advantages of such an action however are to be seen not only under a purely economic profile, but, in many sectors, as for instance transportation, also under much more important socio-environmental aspects related to high energy consuming applications.

    For Material Scientists and Engineers it is a hard task to obtain a satisfactorily good combination of properties that makes the use of high strength steel materials in a selected context possible, and even more attractive. But the importance of the overall objective largely justifies the big efforts paid by the international Community through the years in so many directions.

    The scope of the Conference is to discuss state-of-the-art and future perspectives of high strength steels - especially at the highest level - mainly for structural applications.

    A really profitable assessment of material performance in specific applications can only be obtained through a serious information exchange and cooperation between Steel Producers and Users, that necessarily involve Research Centres and Design Engineers of both sides. Therefore different operators in leading market sectors like Automotive, Mechanics, Oil & Gas and Energy production and transmission, Constructions, are addressed to report on the more recent progress made in the field of materials formability, jointability, corrosion, fatigue & fracture resistance, just to quote some of the main properties to be developed in association with the High or Super High Strength levels required.

    On the production side specifically, Metallurgists and Technologists will be asked to contribute also on fabrication cycles set up and control themes as well as on the identification and description of the relevant property - controlling mechanisms both in the liquid and the solid state. Particular attention will be focused on the new compact cycle technologies, such as Thin Slab and Strip Casting, which have now reached a successful stage of development.

    The wide range of the various Carbon and alloyed steels options will be finally added as a third component of this tri-facet aim of the Conference: material, fabrication, applications.


    Giuliano Buzzichelli, CSM - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Italy


    • H. Adam, Tks, Germany,
    • H. Bhadeshia, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
    • L. Battezzati, Universita di Torino, Italy
    • R. Blum, Elsamprojekt, Denmark
    • F. Brancaleoni, Universita di Roma Tre, Italy
    • D. Brkic, Snamprogetti, Italy
    • R. Bruno, Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Italy
    • F. Carassiti, Universita di Roma Tre, Italy
    • J.K. Choi, Posco, Korea
    • M. Confente, Ispat Europe R&D, France
    • G. Cumino, TenarisDalmine, Italy
    • A. De Ardo, University of Pittsburgh, USA
    • S. Di Carlo, Fiat Auto, Italy
    • H. Dong, Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, P.R. China
    • C. Espina, Arcelor Auto, France
    • E. Evangelista, Univerista' Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
    • J. C. Gonzalez, TenarisSiderca, Argentina
    • C. Gramola, Eni Gas & Power, Italy
    • N. Hagiwara, Tokyo Gas, Japan
    • J. C. Herman, Centre for Research in Metallurgy, Belgium
    • H. G. Hillenbrand, Europipe Gmbh, Germany
    • G. Knauf, EPRG, Germany
    • R. Maquoi, University of Liege, Belgium
    • K. Nagai, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
    • W. Nicodemi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    • L. Patron, Snamprogetti, Italy
    • B. E. Pers, SSAB Tunnplat, Sweden
    • C.W. Petersen, ExxonMobil, Usa
    • M. Pontremoli, Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Italy
    • M. Prier, Schuler Hydroforming GmbH & Co., Germany
    • B. Rothwell, Transcanada Pipelines Ltd., Canada
    • N. Sanderson, Bp Exploration, United Kingdom
    • G. Sedlacek, Rwth, Germany
    • M. Sonsino, Lbf, Germany
    • R. Viswanathan, Electric Power Research Institute, USA
    • Y. Wang, Chinese Academy Of Science, P.R. China


    • L. Battezzati, Universita di Torino
    • F. Bassani, AIM
    • P. Bassani, AIM
    • A. Di Gianfrancesco, Centro Sviluppo Materiali
    • G. Gelati, Centro Sviluppo Materiali
    • F. Placidi, Centro Sviluppo Materiali
    • I. Salvatori, Centro Sviluppo Materiali


    Wednesday, 2 November 2005 - 10.00/13.00

    Welcome addressed by:
    Ottavio Lecis, President of AIM
    Giuliano Buzzichelli, Conference Chairman, Centro Sviluppo Materiali

    The international scenario for gas production and large transmission lines
    D. Brkic - Snamprogetti, San Donato Milanese, Italy
    Materials technology for advanced coal power plants
    R. Viswanathan - EPRI, USA
    The use of advanced high strength steel sheets in the automotive industry
    C. Federici, S. Maggi, S. Rigoni - Fiat Auto, Torino, Italy
    The use of very high strength steels in the metallic construction
    G. Sedlacek - RWTH Aachen, Germany
    The strategic research agenda of European Steel Technology Platform “ESTEP”
    J.C. Charbonnier - Arcelor, France
    G. Buzzichelli - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Italy
    General discussion

    Wednesday, 2 November 2005 - afternoon

    Keynote: State of the art and perspectives of SHS in the automotive sector
    C. Espina - Arcelor, France
    Dual phase steels for auto body: design, forming and welding aspects
    B. Carlsson, J. Larsson, T. Nilsson - SSAB Tunnplat AB, Borlänge, Sweden
    Mechanical properties, microstructure and weldability of ultra high strength optim raex steels
    H. Hemmilä, R. Laitinen, T. Liimatainen, D. Porter - Rautaruukki Oyj, Raahe, Finland
    Hot rolled high strength carbide-free 0.3%C bainitic steels with improved toughness
    S. Allain, A. Couturier, T. Iung - Arcelor Research SA IRSID, Maizieres Les Metz, France
    F.G. Caballero, M.J. Santofimia, C. Capdevila, C. Garcia de Andrés - CENIM, Madrid, Spain
    Determination of input data for numerical design of sheet steels. A common research project of the steel and automotive industries
    G. Steinbeck - Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf, Germany W. Bleck - RWTH Aachen, Germany
    T. Evertz - Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH, Salzgitter, Germany
    C.-P. Bork - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
    A. Frehn - Benteler Automotive GmbH, Paderborn, Germany
    R. Masendorf - Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
    C.M. Sonsino - LBF, Darmstadt, Germany
    A super-high strength Fe-Mn-C austenitic steel with excellent formability for automobile applications
    P. Cugy, A. Hildenbrand, M. Bouzekri, D. Cornette - Arcelor Research SA, Maizieres-les-Metz, France
    High strength and ultra high strength hot rolled steel grades - products for advanced applications
    H. Spindler, M. Klein, R. Rauch, A. Pichler, P. Stiaszny - voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Linz, Austria
    Metallurgically based development of dual-phase thin hot strips by Arvedi Steel Technology
    G. Porcu, M.C. Cesile - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    A. Guindani - Acciaieria Arvedi, Cremona, Italy

    Wednesday, 2 November 2005 - afternoon

    Keynote: Microstructural stability of strong 9-12 wt% Cr steels
    H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Change in the system free energy of high Cr heat resistant steels with annealing at elevated temperatures
    Y. Murata, T. Kunieda, M. Nakai, M. Morinaga - Nagoya University, Japan
    T. Koyama - National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
    Structural stability of new creep-resisting steel grades with 9 and 12% Cr contents applied in power generation sector in industrial condition
    J. Pasternak - RAFAKO S.A. Boiler Engineering Company, Racibórz, Poland
    A. Kielbus - Silesian Technical University, Katowice, Poland
    Creep resistant 9-12% Cr steels - long-term testing, microstructure stability and development potentials
    J. Hald - TU, Denmark
    Creep data assessment of ASTM Grade 91
    L. Cipolla - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    J. Gabrel - Vallourec Research Center, Aulnoye Aymeries, France
    M. Schwienheer - TU Darmstadt, Germany
    Some aspects of second-phase precipitation in 12% Cr steels
    G. Pigrova, E. Manilova - Polzunov Central Boiler and Turbine Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
    Improvement in creep strength of advanced heat resistant steel based on ferrite matrix
    Y. Toda, H. Kushima, K. Kimura, F. Abe - National Institute for Materials Science, Ibaraki, Japan
    Microstructural stability and creep data assessment of Tenaris Grades 91 and 911
    A. Di Gianfrancesco, L. Cipolla - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    S. Caminada, G. Cumino - TenarisDalmine, Dalmine, Italy

    Wednesday, 2 November 2005 - afternoon

    Keynote: Lightweight design chances using high-strength steels
    C.M. Sonsino - Fraunhofer, Darmstadt, Germany
    Test programme on welded connections made of high strength steel up to grade S1100
    H. Kolstein - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
    O. Dijkstra - TNO Building and Construction Research, The Netherlands
    Structural applications of stainless steel
    G. Abbruzzese, M. Barteri - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    Production and properties of high strength nickel alloy steel plates for low temperature applications
    K. Hickmann, A. Kern, U. Schriever, J. Stumpfe - ThyssenKrupp Stahl Ag, Duisburg, Germany
    Consumables for welding of (very) high strength steels - mechanical properties of weldments in as- welded and stress- relieved applications
    E. Bauné, C. Chovet, B. Leduey, C. Bonnet - Air Liquide CTAS, Cergy-Pontoise, France
    S. Starck - Air Liquide Welding, Oerlikon, Germany


    Keynote: Development and implementation of a high strength "mild sour service" casing grade for two high pressure high temperature fields
    P. Nice - Statoil ASA
    Development of high strength quenched and tempered seamless pipes for risers
    A. Di Schino, E. Anelli - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    G. Cumino - TenarisDalmine, Dalmine, Italy
    M. Tivelli - TenarisSiderca, Campana, Argentina
    The design of low-alloy steels with increased carbonic acid corrosion resistance
    R.C. Cochrane, D.V. Edmonds - University of Leeds, United Kingdom
    R.M. Grau - Mikalor, Barcelona, Spain
    B. Kermani - KeyTech, London, United Kingdom
    J.C. Gonzales - Tenaris Group, Campana, Argentina
    Improvement of existent engineering assessment criteria for high strength steel offshore lines
    G. Mannucci, E. Mecozzi, G. Malatesta - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    M. Tivelli - TenarisSiderca, Campana, Argentina
    Design criteria vs line pipe requirements for offshore pipelines
    E. Torselletti, R. Bruschi, L. Vitali, SnamProgetti Italy

    Wednesday, 2 November 2005 - afternoon

    Keynote: Ultra-steels: innovation of steel structures by materials evolution
    K. Nagai - National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
    Fabrication and tensile properties of ultrafine grained steels
    D.H. Shin, W.G. Kim, J.Y. Ahn - Hanyang University, Ansan, Korea
    K.-T. Park - Hanbat National University, Taejon, Korea
    N.J. Kim - Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
    The formation of ultrafine grained microstructure in C-Mn steels
    R. Song, D. Ponge, D. Raabe - Max-Planck-Institute für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany
    Grain refined marageing steels
    E.A. Wilson, S.K. Ghosh, D.M.F. Nicholas, P. Scott, T.A. Hazeldine, D.C. Mistry,
    F. Quero - Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
    Keynote: Research activities on advanced steels in NERCAST
    H. Dong - Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing, China
    Change of effective thickness of austenite grain during severe plastic deformation
    D-W. Suh, C-S. Oh, S-J. Kim - Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Kyungnam, Korea
    Deformation induced ferrite transformation and grain refinment in low carbon steel
    X. Sun, Q. Liu, H. Dong - Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing, China
    The influence of thermal treatment and grain-size heterogeneity on work-hardening Cr-Ni steel
    M. Chernik, L. Skibina - National Academy of Sciences, Kharkov, Ukraine

    Wednesday, 2 November 2005 - afternoon

    Keynote: Production and properties of advanced multiphase steel grades
    J.C. Herman - CRM, Belgium
    Microstructure and strain distribution influence on failure properties in formable steel sheets
    P.C. Olaru - INAV S.A., Bucharest, Romania
    G. Gottstein - IMM-RWTH, Aachen, Germany
    A. Pineau - ENSM, Paris, France
    Optimizing the mechanical properties of tempered martensitic steels
    A. Ardehali Barani, D. Ponge - Max-Planck-Institute für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany
    Phase transformation and mechanical properties of a new Fe-Mn-Al-Cr-C alloy
    M. Hadji, T. Sahraoui - Universite de Blida, Algeria
    Effect of vanadium and thermomechanical treatment on the properties of 55SiCr6
    A. Ardehali Barani, L. Fei, D. Ponge - Max-Planck-Institute für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany
    Effect of intergranular ferrite on hydrogen delayed fracture resistance of high strength boron-added steel
    J.s. Kim, C.S. Lee - Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
    K-T. Park - Hanbat National University, Daejeon, Korea
    D. Lee - POSCO, Pohang, Korea
    Characterization of the precipitation behaviour in two stainless maraging steels and its effect on strength
    H. Leitner, H. Clemens - University of Leoben, Austria
    S. Höring, N. Wander
    Solidification structure and properties of Nb-V microalloyed steels
    G. Cumino, A. Mannucci - Tenaris Group, Dalmine, Italy
    M. Vedani - Politecnico di Milano, Italyka, J. Banhart - Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Berlin, Germany

    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - morning

    Keynote: The hydroforming technology for automotive components
    M. Prier - Schuler, Germany
    Prediction of forming limit of high-strength steel sheets
    H. Takuda, H. Fujimoto, T. Hama, T. Maruyama - Kyoto University, Japan
    Controlling galling in sheet metal forming of high strength steels: a numerical approach
    E.R.M. Gelinck, E. van der Heide - TNO Science and Industry, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    M.B. de Rooij, D.J. Schipper - University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
    A comparison of material model derived from different approaches for steel sheets
    Y. An, E. Atzena, M. Workel, H. Vegter, J. Moerman - Corus RD&T, Ijmuiden, The Netherlands
    Possibilities offered by MIG and TIG brazing of galvanized ultra high strength steels for automotive applications
    C. Chovet, S. Guiheux - Air Liquide / C.T.A.S., Cergy-Pontoise, France
    Effect of YAG laser cutting on stretch-flangeability of 0.1-0.6%C 1.5Si-1.5Mn trip steels
    A. Nagasaka, A. Koyama - Nagano National College of Technology, Japan
    K. Sugimoto, T. Hojo - Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan
    T. Kashima - Kakogawa Works, Japan
    The application of high-alloyed steel in vehicle structures welding solutions
    H.Herold, J. Pieschel - Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
    S. Jüttner - Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany
    FEM evaluation of springback after sheet metal forming: application to an HSS component of a combined isotropic-kinematic hardening model
    F. Campana, L. Cortese - Universita La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
    F. Placidi - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy

    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - afternoon


    Keynote: Benefits and advanced HS steels
    B-E. Pers - SSAB, Sweden
    Light truck hydroformed rear axle concept
    E. Esposto, S. Turra, R. Bignucolo - Iveco, Torino, Italy
    Potential application of stainless steel for vehicle crashworthiness structures
    F. Placidi, S. Fraschetti - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    Failure investigation of crown wheel and pinion
    A. Bensely, S. Jayakumar, D. Mohan Lal, G. Nagarajan, A. Rajadurai - Anna University, Tamilnadu, India

    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - morning

    Keynote: High performance creep resistant steels for 21st century power plants
    F. Abe - National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
    Heat resisting steels of the new generation and examples of their application in supercritical boilers designed for the Polish power plants
    J. Brozda - Institute of Welding, Gliwice, Poland J. Pasternak - RAFAKO S.A. Boiler Engineering Company, Racibórz, Poland
    P23 and P24 for power generation and hydrogen service - are they fit for these applications? -
    H. van Wortel - TNO Science and Industry, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Development of creep resistant 9Cr-3W-3Co steel containing high boron for USC boilers
    H. Semba, F. Abe - National Institute for Materials Science, Ibaraki, Japan


    Keynote: Materials development for boilers and steam turbines operating at 700C
    R. Blum - ELSAM, Fredericia, Denmark
    R.W. Vanstone - ALSTOM Power
    Heat resisting steels of the new generation and examples of their application in supercritical Manufacturing and mechanical & metallurgical properties of 9 ~ 12% Cr steel rotor forgings for advanced steam turbine
    S-T. Kang, D-S. Kim, K-C. Kim, M-S. Kim, S-H. Ryu, J-T. Kim - Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co., Ltd., Gyeongnam, Korea
    Cyclic fatigue characteristics of 10%Cr blade steels for advanced steam turbine
    J-I. Suk, K-C. Kim, B-H. Kim, J-T. Kim - Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co.,Ltd., Gyeongnam, Korea

    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - afternoon

    Investigations on oxidation and corrosion characteristics of the advanced boiler materials at steam temperatures up to 720°C
    Q. Chen, G. Stamatelopoulos, A. Helmrich - ALSTOM Power Boiler GmbH, Germany
    S. Kjaer - Elsam Engineering, Denmark
    C. Stolzenberger - VGB, Germany
    Oxidation behaviour of P91, P92 and E911 alloys for supercritical fossil fuel based power plant
    P. Mathiazhagan, A.S. Khanna - Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Mumbai, India
    The effects of extended operation parameters on X20CrMoV12.1 steel grade structural stability
    A. Kielbus, K. Rodak - Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland
    J. Pasternak - RAFAKO S.A. Boiler Engineering Company, Raciborz, Poland


    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - morning

    Keynote: The T.A.P. Project
    G. Mannucci, G. Demofonti - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    M. Cabrini, T. Pastore - Universita di Bergamo, Italy
    F. Marchesi, C. Spinelli - Smanprogetti - Eni, Italy
    Development, production and application of heavy plates in grades up to X120
    F. Grimpe, S. Meimeth - Mannesmannröhren Mülheim GmbH, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany
    C.J. Heckmann - Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH, Duisburg, Germany
    A. Liessem - Europipe GmbH, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany
    A. Gehrke - Salzgitter Stahlhandel GmbH, Gladbeck, Germany
    Effect of simulated thermomechanical processing on the transformation characteristics and microstructure of an API X80 linepipe steel
    P. Cizek, B.P. Wynne - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
    P.D. Hodgson - Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
    B.C. Muddle - Monash University, Victoria, Australia
    Technological solutions for ultra-high strength gas pipelines
    A. Liessem, H.G. Hillenbrand, Kalwa - Europipe, Mulheiman der Ruhr, Germany
    Keynote: High performance line-pipe steel in China
    Y-k. Wang - Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang, P.R. China
    J-h. Pan - Pipeline Bureau of CNPC, Langfang, P.R. China
    The characteristic of tensile properties on high strength over X80 line pipe
    N. Takahashi, A. Yamamoto, M. Miura, H. Makino, M. Hamada - Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd., Ibaraki, Japan
    I. Takeuchi - Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
    High strength linepipes provided with high strain capacity
    N. Suzuki - JFE R&D Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan
    S. Endo, M. Okatsu, N. Ishikawa, J. Kondo - JFE Steel Corporation, Fukuyama, Japan
    Strain based design for land high grade pipelines in harsh environments
    L.Vitali, F. Marchesani, R. Bruschi, SnamProgetti Italy
    Development of high strength linepipe with excellent deformability
    M. Okatsu, N. Ishikawa, S. Endo - JFE Steel Corporation, Fukuyama, Japan
    N. Suzuki - JFE R&D Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan

    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - morning

    X100 - Fracture initiation and propagation
    G. Mannucci, G. Demofonti - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    M. Di Biagio - EPRG, Italy
    X100 - Girth welding and joint properties
    M. Hudson, L.F. Di Vito, S. Slater - EPRG (BP-Corus), Italy, UK
    G. Demofonti - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    Development of API X-80 grade electric resistance welding line pipe with excellent low temperature toughness
    H. Nakata, C. Kami, O. Shiotani, M. Matsushita, S. Kawamura - JFE Steel Corporation, Kurashiki, Japan
    Research and application of X80 pipeline steel with high strength and high toughness
    G. Shan, Z. Lei - Baoshan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China
    Fracture toughness evaluation of prestrained line pipe steels
    N. Hagiwara, N. Fukuda - Tokyo Gas Pipeline Technology Center, Yokohama, Japan
    Development of new in-mill mechanical testing towards X100 assessment for gas pipe
    G. Perrin, M. Martinez, P. Odru - Institut Francais du Petrole, Rueil-Mamaison, France
    T.T. Luu, A. Pineau, B. Tanguy, J. Besson - Ecole des Mines de Paris, Evry, France


    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - morning

    Keynote: Development of high strength and high performance steels at POSCO through HIPERS-21 Project
    J-K. Choi - POSCO, Pohang, Korea
    Effect of shear strain on deformed microstructures of austenitic grains
    T. Inoue, F. Yin, K. Nagai - National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
    Grain refinement and high precipitation hardening by combining microalloying and ultra fast cooling
    C. Mesplont - Centre for Research in Metallurgy, Zwijnaarde, Belgium
    Mechanical properties of ultrafine grained C-Mn steels
    R. Song, D. Ponge, D. Raabe - Max-Planck-Institute für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany
    Keynote: Ultrafine surface grained steel
    I. Salvatori - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    High strength and good ductility of bulk nanostructured meta-stable austenitic alloys
    J-E. Jin, Y-K. Lee - Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
    Fracture toughness of the welded joint of new generation ultra-fine weathering steel
    H. Qiu, T. Nishimura, K. Hiraoka - National Institute for Materials Science, Ibaraki, Japan
    Improvement of hydrogen embrittlement in a tempered martensitic steel through grain refinement using undissolubed cementite
    Y. Kimura, K. Tsuzaki - NIMS, Japan

    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - afternoon

    Keynote: Steel research at the University of California Berkeley: a historical perspective
    J.W. Morris Jr. - University of California, Berkeley, USA
    G. Thomas - MMFX Technologies, Irvine, USA
    Microstructural features of a new martensitic steel heat treatment: quenching and partitioning
    D.V. Edmonds, K. He - University of Leeds, United Kingdom
    F.C. Rizzo - Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    D. K. Matlock, J.G. Speer - Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA
    The role of niobium in low carbon bainitic HSLA steel
    K. Hulka - Niobium Products Company GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
    Quantitative evaluation of the microstructure in an Fe-Cr-C ternary martensitic steel with the aid of the system free energy concept
    T. Kunieda, M. Nakai, Y. Murata, M. Morinaga - Nagoya University, Japan
    T. Koyama - National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
    Effect of Mo and C on properties of thermo-mechanically rolled Nb- microalloyed steels
    A.M. Almosilhy, T.A. El-Bitar, A. I. Zaky - CMRDI, Helwan Cairo, Egypt
    Effect of Nb in solid solution on the austenite decomposition kinetic of a high-strength V-Nb-Ti microalloyed steel
    M. Buhler, G. Gomez, T. Pérez - Siderca, Campana, Argentina
    Acceleration of graphitisation in carbon steels to improve machinability
    K. He, S. Hersey, D.V. Edmonds - University of Leeds, United Kingdom
    Stainless austenitic steel of superior strength
    H. Berns - Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
    V. Gavriljuk - Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev, Ukraine
    Influence of deformation and molybdenum content on acicular ferrite formation in medium carbon steels
    C. Capdevila, J.P. Ferrer, F.G. Caballero, C. García de Andrés - CENIM/CSIC, Madrid, Spain

    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - morning

    Keynote: Innovation of conventional heat treatment and microstructural modification of steels by electromagnetic processing
    Y. Zhang - Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, P.R. China
    X. Zhao, L. Zuo - Northeasten University, Shenyang, P.R. China
    C. Esling - University of Metz, France
    The influence of austenite on the toughness of martensitic steels
    J.W. Morris Jr. - University of California, Berkeley, USA
    The influence of martensitic transformations on strength and plastic properties of Cr-Ni steels
    L. Skibina, M. Chernik - National Academy of Sciences, Kharkov, Ukraine
    Improvement of mechanical properties of Fe-Mn-Ti steel by alloying with Cr and Mo
    M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, M. Sadeghi, H. Shirazi - University of Tehran, Iran
    S. Hosein Nedjad - Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
    Strengthening mechanisms of low carbon 10% Ni high strength ultra-high toughness steels
    X.J. Zhang, E. Focht, E.J. Czyryca - Naval Surface Walfare Center, Bethesda, USA
    Influence of bimodal carbide distribution in high performance PM tool steels on static mechanical properties
    G. Jesner, S. Marsoner - Materials Center Leoben, Austria
    D. Caliskanoglu -Boehler Edelstahl Ges.m.b.H., Kapfenberg, Austria
    R. Pippan - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Leoben, Austria
    High strength, toughness and nanostructure considerations for Fe/Cr/Mn/c lath martensitic steels
    G. Kusinski - MMFX Technologies Corporation, Irvine, USA
    G. Thomas - University of California, Berkeley, USA
    Influence of tempering temperature on mechanical properties of ultra-high strength low-alloy steels
    J. Horníkova, P. Sandera, J. Pokluda - Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
    Fractal nature of acicular ferrite, and fine precipitation in medium carbon micro-alloyed forging steels
    R. Villagas, A. Redjaimia - Ecole de Mines de Nancy, France
    M. Confente, M.T. Perrot-Simonetta - Mittal Steel Europe R&D Centre, Amneville, France

    Thursday, 3 November 2005 - afternoon

    Numerical model detecting the effect of inter- pass time on grain size for Nb-microalloyed steel
    M.R. El-Meliegy - Worker's University, Cairo, Egypt
    T. El-Bitar - Central Metallurgical R&D Institute, Cairo, Egypt
    B. Tabakova - TU, Sofia, Bulgaria
    Precipitation modeling of carbonitrides in HSLA steels during hot rolling
    Y. Zeng, W. Wang - Technology Center of Baosteel, Shanghai, P.R. China
    Design by FE analysis of pressure vessel made of duplex stainless steel
    J. Gozzi, M. Veljkovic - Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
    Thermodynamic modelling to support production of high nitrogen steel by different processes
    F. Ruffini, O. Tassa, A. Carosi, F. Arcobello, B. Giambi - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    Simulation of diffusional processes during solidification in austenitic steels
    D. Baldassin, L. Battezzati - Universita di Torino, Italy
    M.R. Ridolfi, O. Tassa - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy


    Coating technology of high strength steels without hydrogen embrittlement
    W. Paatsch, V.-D. Hodoroaba - BAM, Berlin, Germany
    Superficial hardening of tools for pressing through zonal structural modifications
    P. Corabieru, A. Corabieru - SC Presum Proiect SA, Iasi, Romania
    I. Hopulele - Technical University Gh. Asachi, Iasi, Romania
    PVD coating of steel strips
    C. Metzner, B. Scheffel, F-H. Roegner - Fraunhofer - Institut fuer Elektronenstrahl - und Plasmatechnik, Dresden, Germany
    Investigation of corrosion resistance of 316 austenitic stainless steel by laser surface melting
    R. Zamfir, A. Zamfir, M.C. Cotrut, C. Molagic - Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
    The influence of Nb addition and cold deformation of the corrosion resistance and tensile strength of type 304L austenitic stainless steel
    E.H. El-Shenawy - Worker's University, Cairo, Egypt
    A.S. Hamdy, T. El-Bitar - Central Metallurgical R&D Institute, Cairo, Egypt
    V. Anchev - TU, Sofia, Bulgaria
    Aspects regarding hydrogen embrittlement of steels using the electro - charging method
    I. Voiculescu, V. Geanta, R. Stefanoiu - University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

    Friday, 4 November 2005 - morning

    Keynote: Potential application of the new HSS grades for wheels
    A. Finzi - Giannetti Ruote, Italy
    Determination of fatigue crack propagation limit curves for high strength steels
    J. Lukács - University of Miskolc, Hungary
    Techniques for improving the weldability of trip steel using resistance spot welding
    G. Shi, S.A. Westgate - TWI Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Crystallographic texture and mechanical properties in high martensitic dual phase steels
    C. Mapelli, S. Barella, R. Venturini - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    Local laser heat treatment of ultra high strength steels to improve formability
    A. Weisheit, G. Vitr, K. Wissenbach - Fraunhofer Institut Lasertechnik, Aachen, Germany
    S. Scheffler - Fraunhofer Institut Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Chemnitz, Germany
    Microstructural and mechanical evolution of ultra high strength boron steel in heat treatment and simultaneous forming and quenching processes
    M. Naderi, W. Bleck - RWTH Aachen, Germany
    Resistance spot welded plates of advanced high strength steel (AHSS) Dogal DP600
    S. Poggio, M. Ponte, C. Gambaro, J. Adamowski - Universita di Genova, Italy
    Development of ductile martensitic tubes and its application in automotive parts
    P. Shanmugam, K. Srinivas, M. Preethi, R. Natarajan - Tube Investments of India Ltd.,Chennai, India

    Friday, 4 November 2005 - morning

    Keynote: Alloy design for similar and dissimilar welding and their behaviours
    C. Jochum, H. Heuser - Böhler Thyssen Schweisstechnik Deutschland GmbH, Hamm, Germany
    Fabrication and weldability of grade 23 tubing and piping
    A. Poli, S. Caminada - TenerisDalmine, Dalmine, Italy
    C. Rosellini - Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, Genova, Italy
    A. Bertoni, ETC, Verona, Italy
    G. Liberati - ETC Elettrotermochimica, Due Carrare, Italy
    Carbon and nitrogen redistributions in weld joints of heat resistant steels
    J. Sopousek - Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
    R. Foret - Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
    Characteristic of the welded joints of 9 to 12% Cr ferritic heat resistant steels for boiler of fossil power plants
    S-H. Ryu, Y-S. Lee, B-O. Kong, J-T. Kim - Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co., Ltd., Gyeongnam, Korea


    Studies and reseaches on some thermoresistant steels used in thermal-electric power station
    C. Dumitrescu, M. Dobrescu, A. Pavelescu, G. Ittu - University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
    Analysis of effect of chemical composition on hot forming operation of P91 steel
    S. Spigarelli, E. Evangelista, M. El Mehtedi, L. Balloni - Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy
    A. Poli - TenarisDalmine, Dalmine, Italy
    Revitalizing heat treatment of long term serviced Cr-Mo-V cast steel
    G. Golanski, J. Kupczyk, S. Stachura - Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
    The high alloyes steels and rolled products
    S. Constantinescu, O. Mitoseriu, T. Radu - University Dunarea de Jos, Galati, Romania

    Friday, 4 November 2005 - afternoon

    New heat resistant alloys more over 700 C
    S. Muneki, H. Okubo, F. Abe - National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
    Reliability of computer simulations for the design of a cost effective low Ni heat resistant austenitic steel
    O. Tassa - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    H. van Wortel, B. Bonnefois, E. Baune - TNO Science and Industry, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Copper in super304H heat resistant steel
    S.C. Cheng, Z.D. Liu, G. Yang, Y. Yang, L.M. Wang - Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing, China
    Crack growth behaviour of P92 at temperature above 500°C in different atmosphere
    F. Schubert - Julich Research Centre, Germany

    Friday, 4 November 2005 - morning

    Keynote: HS steels in T-structures
    M. Majowiecki - Universita di Bologna, Italy
    The development of ultrahigh strength wire
    S.C. Hobson, J.B. Wilkinson - Corus Group plc, Rotherham, United Kingdom
    C.O'Connor, S. Sefton - Bridon International Limited
    Fatigue of welded medium- and high-strength steels for light-weight constructions under high and variable stress peaks
    H. Kaufmann, C.M. Sonsino - Fraunhofer, Darmstadt, Germany
    G. Demofonti, S. Riscifuli - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    Eurocode for high strength steel and applications in construction
    B. Johansson, P. Collin - Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
    Keynote: High strength steels for launching bridges structures
    E. Maiorana, A. Miazzon - OMBA Impianti & Engineering spa, Torri di Quartesolo, Italy
    Recent developments in the use of high strength hot rolled h-beams
    L. Weber - Arcelor Sections Commercial, Luxembourg
    L-G. Cajot - ProfilARBED Research, Luxembourg Efficient lifting equipment with extra high strength steel
    O. Lagerqvist, M. Clarin, J. Gozzi - Lulea University of Technology, Sweden

    Friday, 4 November 2005 - afternoon

    Properties of high strength steel S890 in dry and aqueous environments
    H. Cerjak, N. Enzinger - University of Technology, Graz, Austria
    B. Hagin - EOS CD, Switzerland
    E. Roos - MPA, Stuttgart, Germany
    Th. Dorsch - AREVA, Erlangen, Germany
    K. Saarinen - VTT, Finland
    High-resistance boron-treated steels for railway applications
    A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, S. Rojas, L. Bejar - Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México
    J. Zuno-Silva - The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
    Metallurgical design of high-strength bainitic steels
    A. Saccocci, P. Folgarait - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Roma, Italy
    A. De Ro - Centre for Research in Metallurgy
    B. Eisenkolb - Voestalpine Schienen GmbH

    Friday, 4 November 2005 - morning

    High strength austenite steels with the higher level of nitrogen
    V. Varyukhin, B. Efros, N. Shishkova, N. Efros - Institute of NASc Uk, Donetsk, Ukraine
    The effect of chemical composition on the hot-deformation resistance during hot strip rolling of microalloyed steels processed at the Sidor hot strip mill
    F. Siciliano - CBMM, Sao Paulo, Brazil R. Bruna - Siderar, Argentina
    Development for a hot-rolled multi-phase strip steel with 1150 MPa class high Strength
    L. Jiang, W. Tang, J. Lu - Baoshan Iron and Steel Corporation Limited, Shanghai, P.R. China
    The development of Nb-V microalloyed steel plate
    Y. Feng - Jinan Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., P.R. China
    Very strong bainitic steels
    F.G. Caballero, C. García-Mateo, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia - CENIM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain


    Friday, 4 November 2005 - morning

    Millenium steel
    F. Strugari, G. Moraru - The Romanian association of the flat product manufactures
    H. Giflo - Entitas-G Ltd., Miskolc, Hungary
    Production and application of high strength steel
    Y. Feng - Jinan Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., P.R. China
    Research on technology of obtaining austenitic manganous steel as an alternative in propeller making
    A. Ivanescu, A. Doniga, L. Ivanescu - University of Dunarea de Jos, Galati, Romania
    Direct Strip Casting (DSC) - an option for the production of HSD® steel grades
    M. Schäperkötter, H. Eichholz, J. Kroos, M. Niemeyer, R. Schmidt-Jürgensen - Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH, Germany
    K.-H. Spitzer - TU Clausthal, Claustahl-Zellerfeld, Germany


    Friday, 4 November 2005 - afternoon

    Toughness of HRC 33/44 tool steels weldment with yield strength 1100 MPa
    C. Larsson - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
    P. Hansson - SSAB Oxelösund AB, Sweden
    P. Kihlmark - Det Norske Veritas, Stockholm, Sweden
    Influence of chemical composition of weld metal on the properties of welded joint of high strength steels
    Z. Huang, K. Miao - Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Company, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China
    L. Hu - Huazhong University of Science and Technology
    Laser beam welding of quenched and tempered ASTM A 517 Gr.B steel
    S. Missori, G. Costanza, E. Tata - Universita Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
    A. Sili - Universita di Messina, Italy
    Effect of welding heat input on low cycle fatigue properties of welded TMCP steels
    K.S. Park, S.J. Cho, C.S. Lee - Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
    J.S. Park, J.B. Lee - POSCO Technical Research Lab., Pohang, Korea
    New alloying concepts for high strength steel weld metals
    E. Keehan, L. Karlsson - Esab AB, Gothenburg, Sweden
    Local mechanical and microstructural characterization of electron beam welded 15-5PH stainless steel
    E. Herny, S. Perusin, E. Andrieu - CIRIMAT, Toulouse, France
    P. Lours - Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, France
    P. Lagain - Airbus Industrie, Toulouse, France


    The official language of the conference will be English.

    The Conference will feature a technical exhibition of super high strength steels related products, processing machines and devices throughtout the whole conference. Limited exhibition space is still available. For details, please contact the Organizing Secretariat.

    Preliminary and final program are available on our website with immediate effect for browsing. There will be a download version by the end of September and a printed version will be provided to all participants at the conference.

    The full texts of all papers will be published in the form of a CD-ROM and issued to delegates on arrival at the conference. A book of abstract will be handed to delegates upon registration.

    A social programme has been designed to give delegates the opportunity to meet informally and enjoy Rome's atmosphere.

    Welcome cocktail
    A Welcome cocktail will be offered on the evening of 2 November 2005 to allow delegates to meet friends and fellow professionals from around the world. The event will be located at Castel Sant’Angelo, in front of Tevere river and near San Pietro square. A shuttle bus will be provided from the conference venue to the welcome cocktail site.

    Conference dinner
    On the evening of 3rd November 2005, at 20.30 a Conference dinner will be served. The location will be decided upon the number of reservations and will be announced on the website at the end of September. Please notice that conference dinner is not included in registration fee. In order to book your place at conference dinner, please confirm your adhesion and fill in the relevant section in the registration and payment form as soon as possible. Reservation required after 30th September will be not guaranteed.


    Organising Secretariat:
    Piazzale Rodolfo Morandi 2, I - 20121 Milano, Italy.
    Tel. +3902 7602.1132 Fax. +3902- 7602.0551
    aim @ aimnet.it


    Via di Castel Romano, 100
    00128 Roma

    SYMPOSIUM 2005

    Donnerstag, 10. November 2005
    Beginn: 9.00 Uhr
    FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH Studiengang Fahrzeugtechnik
    8020 Graz, Alte Poststraße 149


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    ErmiBigtes Teilnahmeentgelt für Mitglieder der ÖTG (gem. Mitgliedskategorie) sowie für 149,-
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    Kein Teilnahmeentgert für Vortragende, Studierende (nach Maßgabe verfügbarer Plätze) und im Rahmen der ÖTG-Firmenmitglledschaft (je nach gewählter Kategorie des ÖTG-Mitgliedsbeitrages)!

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    Verkehrstechnik im Allgemeinen und der Sektor Fahrzeugtechnik im Besonderen stehen oftmals im Mittelpunkt technologie- und wirtschaftspoli-tischer Diskussionen. Transportleistungen für Per-sonen und Güter bestimmen in einem hohen Aus-maß Ablauf und Qualität des täglichen Lebens.

    Der Bereich Verkehr nimmt einen hohen Stellen-wert im Bereich der produzierenden Industrie ein und wird häufig im Zusammenhang mit Fragen der Ökologie, aber auch der Sicherheit gesehen.

    Ein vergleichsweise hoher Anteil des Primärenergie-einsatzes entfällt insgesamt auf den Verkehrs-sektor und da vor allem auf motorische Antriebe in Fahrzeugen. Es ist daher seit langem eines der Schwerpunktgebiete der Tribologie, durch technologische, werkstofftechnische und schmie-rungstechnische Maßnahmen das Reibungs-geschehen in Antriebsaggregaten und Antriebs-strängen zu minimieren - ein Aufgabengebiet, das auch innerhalb der EU-Technologiepro-gramme besondere Beachtung findet. Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Fahrzeugen stellen aus tribologischer Sicht einen weiteren aktuellen For-schungsschwerpunkt dar. Dies gilt insbesondere für den Bereich der Bewegungshemmung (Brem-sen, Reibantriebe), aber auch für die Kraftüber-tragung, etwa zwischen Reifen und Fahrbahn.

    Das ÖTG-Symposium 2005 „Tribosysteme in der Fahrzeugtechnik” greift relevante Frage-stellungen zu diesem Themengebiet auf und widmet sich insbesondere tribologisch bean-spruchten Komponenten in Fahrzeugen, Einsatz, Beurteilung und Alterungseinfluss von Schmier-stoffen, Werkstoffeinsatz sowie Modellierung und Simulation.

    Ziel-Branchen: Fahrzeugtechnik, Antriebstechnik, Schmierungstechnik Automatisierungstechnik, Logistik, Qualitätsmanagement, Anwendungs-technik im Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau.

    Empfang durch den Bürgermeister der Landeshauptstadt GRAZ
    Rathaus, Hauptplatz, 8010 Graz Mittwoch, 09. Nov. 2005-19.30 Uhr

    ÖTG-Symposium, 10. November 2005 - TRIBOSYSTEME IN DER FAHRZEUGTECHNIK
    ZeitÖTG Session DeutschÖTG Session English
    09:00EröffnungWelcome address
    9:20G. Gaberscik,
    FH Joanneum GmbH, A
    Der Beitrag der Reibungsoptimierung zur Ver-brauchsreduktion bei Motoren
    Auf Basis von zahlreichen VKM-Reibungsanalysen wird dargestellt, wie eine Reibungsoptimierung bzw. -minderung erfolgreich umgesetzt werden kann.
    WJ. Bartz,
    AC2T research GmbH,
    A Tribologie & Schmierungstechnik,
    D The importance of synthetic greases for future high performance applications Important properties of lubricating greases are discussed and the specific conditions in terms of composition, additives, and applications of synthetic greases are presented.
    09:40W. Edelbauer,
    AC2T research GmbH, A
    Numerische Simulation der Schmierölzerstäubung im Kurbelgehäuse eines Verbrennungsmotors
    An vereinfachten Modellen werden die Blow-by-Strö-mung an den Kolbenringen sowie die Flüssigkeits-ablösung von der Kurbelwelle anhand einer rotierenden Scheibe, mit einem Mehrphasenansatz für Luft und Schmieröl dargestellt.
    N. Dörr,
    AC2T research GmbH,
    A Alternative lubricants for porous metal bearings
    The application of lubricants for sintered bearings requires specific characteristics. Ionic liquids offer new interesting aspects. The result of some selected ionic liquids in comparison with conventional lubricants is presented.
    10:00T. Moshammer, Magna Steyr
    Fahrzeugtechnik, A
    Simulationstechnische Optimierung der Getriebe-ölversorgung zur Minimierung der Füllmenge und Reduktion der Wärmeentwicklung
    Der gewählte Berechnungsansatz, die untersuchten Modelle und die Validierungsmethoden zur Abstimmung des Simulationsmodells werden präsentiert.
    J. Wieczorek,
    Silesian University of Technology, PL
    Tribological properties of heterophase composites to the used for automotive industry
    Hybrid composites enable a wide range of tribological properties. In this presentation composites based on metal matrix and particle reinforcement (SiC, AlzOs and amorphous carbon) for frictional components are discussed.
    10:20W. Kujawski,
    Volkswagen AG, D
    Mehrkörperdynamische Simulation des Tribo-systems Ventiltrieb
    Eine Berechnungsmethode auf Basis elastischer Mehr-körpersysteme (EMKS) zur Simulation der Reibleistung unter Berücksichtigung von Mischreibungszuständen wird vorgestellt.
    Z. Major,
    Montanuniversitat Leoben,
    A Characterization of the friction and wear behavior of various engineering polymers
    The characterization of the tribological behaviour of selected engineering polymers (PA,PEEK) is shown by several tests, as performed on a high load linear tribo-meter and a universal micro-tribometer (with uni­directional and bidirectional pin-on-disc type tests). The influence of the test temperature and transfer film formation was specifically studied.
    10:40KaffeepauseCoffee break
    11:10G. Essenko, Klüber Lubrication Austria GmbH,
    A P. Thalinger, Freudenberg Simrit Austria GmbH, A
    Die Aufgabenstellung einzelner Komponenten "Bauteil-Dichtung-Schmierstoff" wird aus dem Blickwinkel eines Schmierstoffherstellers und Dichtungsherstellers und dem Ziel der Ausfallsicherheit beleuchtet.
    M. Lugbauer,
    Busatis Austria, A Application and wear-behaviour of thermal sprayed coatings in high-performance agricultural machinery
    Cutting tools in agricultural machines have to withstand high wear stresses. Higher service life duration can be achieved by using coatings reinforced with hard particles. The evaluation of the wear resistance of different hard coatings is presented.
    11:30P. Stephan,
    Lubricant Consult GmbH, D
    Wälzlagerschäden in Fahrmotoren - Ursachen und Abstellmaßnahmen
    Wälzlagerschäden in Fahrmotoren - Ursachen und Ab-stellmaßnahmen Untersuchungen an durch Stromdurch-gang und Mangelschmierung geschädigte Wälzlager werden erläutert sowie technische Möglichkeiten vorgestelt, dearitrige Schäden mit Fet-Minimalmengenschmierung zu vermeiden
    G. Polt,
    AC2T research GmbH,
    A Stick-slip effects at friction components of 4WD vehicle drive trains
    A holistic approach for characterizing tribosystems in terms of stick-slip enables sound investigations on this phenomenon. Modelling and experimental investiga­tions offer efficient possibilities of evaluation and improvement of friction disc systems in drive trains.
    ZeitÖTG Session DeutschÖTG Session English
    11:50K. Resch,
    Polymer Competence
    Center Leoben, A
    Charakterisierung der tribologischen Eigen-schaften von PTFE mit Bronze
    Bauteilprüfung, Reibungs- und Verschleißtests und Schadensanalyse an speziellen Werkstoffen und Ablei-tung eines Versagensmodells fü r PTFE-Dichtungen.
    G. Wojnar,
    Silesian University of Technology, PL
    Diagnostics of car bearings
    Different methods for the analysis of vibroacoustical signals for diagnostics of bearing failure and wear are shown. Special focus is laid on typical faults (outer race, wear of surface).
    12:10A. Posmyk,
    Silesian University of Technology, PL
    Neuartige Verbundwerkstoffe mit Aluminium-matrix bestimmt für Verbrennungsmotoren
    Ein neuartiger Werkstoff mit amorphen Kohlenstoffpar-tikeln zeigt ein sehr gutes Reibungs- und Schmierungs-verhalten und könnte in Zukunft als Zylinderlinerwerk-stoff eingesetzt werden.
    U. Fastner,
    ECHEM, A
    Pulse plating and dispersion - a powerful combination
    Electro-deposition of metals using pulse techniques may improve the quality of deposited layers, e.g. the wear resistance can be considerably increased by the inclusion of solid particles. Special procedures (e.g. co-deposition of nickel and gold with various hard particles out of a bath which also contains a certain amount of hard particles) and results are discussed.
    12:30Mittagspause und LaborbesichtigungLunchtime and tour of labs
    14:30E. Babka,
    Wiener Neustadt, A
    Zentrum für F&E im Bereich der industriellen Technologien- Schwerpunkt Oberflächentechnik
    Im Bereich "Material Science" haben sich in den letzten Jahren kompetente Forschergruppen am Standort Wiener Neustadt zusammengefunden; das interdis-ziplinäre Wissen wird bei der Lösung vielfältiger Industrie-Aufgabenstellungen eingesetzt.
    M. Kozma,
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H
    Simplified methods to calculate oil film thickness in dynamically loaded journal bearings
    Calculation methods for a design of bearings are often difficult to be applied due to lack of concerned data. A simplified method and the application for determining the lubrication conditions of sliding bearings is presented.
    15:10F. Grün,
    Leoben, A
    Entwicklung von tribologischen Prüfmethoden für geschmierte Bauteile
    Ein Stufenprogramm zur Untersuchung von Tribowerk-stoffen bei Grenzschmierungsbedingungen bis zu Voll-schmierungsbedingungen wird präsentiert; der ther-mische Haushalt des Prüfaufbaus wird simuliert.
    S. Bukovnik,
    AC2T research GmbH, A
    Numerical techniques for modeling of journal bearings in crank train of combustion engines
    Different numerical techniques for the simulation of the non-stationary response of journal bearings are compared (HD, EHD, TEND), including peak oil film pressure, minimum oil film thickness and oil flow. The influence of oil viscosity is especially discussed.
    15:10F. Grün,
    Leoben, A
    Entwicklung von tribologischen Prufmethoden fur geschmierte Bauteile
    Ein Stufenprogramm zur Untersuchung von Tribowerk-stoffen bei Grenzschmierungsbedingungen bis zu Voll-schmierungsbedingungen wird prasentiert; der ther-mische Haushalt des Priifaufbaus wird simuliert.
    B. Lazarz, Silesian University of Technology, PL
    Gear-tooth pitting detection by using the wave­let transform Early stage detection of pittings on gear tooth surfaces is aimed at by measurement and analysis of transverse vibrations velocity of gear shafts. New measures of pitting wear are suggested and compared with other non-dimensional discriminants.
    15:30N. Dörr,
    AC2T research GmbH, A
    Ansätze zur Herstellung von Getriebeölen mit definiertem Ölzustand
    Modellversuche von Getrieben werden in erster Linie mit Frischölen durchgeführt, obwohl während der Haupt-nutzungszeit ein Gebrauchtölzustand vorliegt. Heute üb-liche Alterungsmethoden werden vorgestellt und im Sinne der tribologisch relevanten Schmierfähigkeit diskutiert.
    J. Niedziela,
    Silesian University of Technology, PL
    Problems of frictiona I contact between a tyre and road surface
    Design parameters of tyre treads are responsible for effective draining of water from the contact zone. The deceleration values are dependent on the depth of a tyre profile as well.
    15:50P. Weismann,
    Wearcheck GmbH, D
    On-line-Sensor zur Überwachung der Ölalterung
    Mikrotechnische Infrarotsensorik kann mehrere Ölpara-meter bestimmen, durch Analysenmodelle den Ölzu-stand ermitteln und so die Basis für optimale Öl-wechselintervalle und die Früherkennung von Schäden bieten.
    R. Pesic,
    University Kragujevac, YU
    Tribological needs and new automotive technologies drive environmentally quality
    A study on mechanical efficiency due to improved pis­ton-cylinder design with new tribo-pads shows decrease of friction losses by about 5 %. Some specific details (design, operating parameter, coatings) are discussed.

    International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology

    November 14 - 17, 2005
    Omiya Sonic City
    Saitama, Japan

    Organized by
    The Surface Science Society of Japan

      Theory and dynamics

    1. Theoretical approaches to surface- and nano-structures and properties
    2. Dynamical phenomena at surfaces

      Design, control, fabrication, properties and physics

    3. Atomic-scale controlled surfaces, thin films and nanostructures
    4. Nano Materialsinano-tubes, nanowires, nanoparticles, nano-dots etc.
    5. Self-assembly and self-organization for nanostructure formation, and characterization
    6. Micro/nano-fabrications for device applications: ULSI fabrication processes, electronic, magnetic and optical devices
    7. Device applications of bio, metal, ceramics and hybrid, and organic films

      Novel characterization methods

    8. Characterization of novel surface/interface- and nano-structures
    9. Tools and standards for micro/nano analysis

      Chemistry and Biology

    10. Colloidal chemistry and nano chemistry (supramolecules, biomaterials,and membrane
    11. Surface chemistry and catalysis
    12. Photochemical Reactions at Surfaces
    13. Biological applications of nanotechnology and surface science

    8th ASCOPE Conference & Exhibition

    PICC, Manila, Philippines
    Nov. 30 - Dec. 3, 2005

    Nov. 30 - Dec. 3, 2005
    PICC, Manila, Philippines


    ASEAN's petroleum industry will meet in Manila for the 8th ASCOPE Conference & Exhibition from 30th November - 3rd December 2005

    Hosted by the Philippines National Oil Company (PNOC), ASCOPE is the most important petroleum conference & exhibition in the Asia Pacific region. ASCOPE is held on a rotational basis every four years in each of the ASEAN Council of Petroleum (ASCOPE) countries. ASCOPE 2005 will be held at the prestigious Philippine International Convention Centre, Manila, just seven kilometres from Ninoy Aquino International Airport and within five kilometres of numerous international hotels.

    ASCOPE comprises of the following members; Petroleum Unit of Brunei Darussalam, Pertamina (Indonesia), Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS), PNOC, Singapore Petroleum Company, Petroleum Authority of Thailand and PetroVietnam. All these organisations support the ASCOPE event by coordinating the multi-disciplinary conference programme, sending large visitor delegations and taking centre piece stands at the exhibition.

    The conference theme is Energising ASEAN to meet the challenges of the new millennium. "The seven National Oil Companies that are members of the ASCOPE committee, chaired by the PNOC, will work with leading figures from other petroleum industry organisations active in ASEAN to produce a comprehensive conference programme", said Alfredo Parungao, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for PNOC. "The conference programme will be focusing on maximising assets, best practices and technology that will help the region to achieve its goals."

    ASCOPE enables organisations to focus on the petroleum industry across the Asia Pacific region, an area known for its diversity, opportunity and capacity for growth. Take advantage of ASCOPE to meet key representatives from the regions National Oil Companies, discuss your companies development, establish business relationships, increase brand identity and develop competitive strategies.

    The previous ASCOPE, held 2001 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, welcomed over 2500 regional delegates to the conference and 9598 visitors to the exhibition. A similar number of participants, from producers to regulatory bodies, are expected at ASCOPE 2005. ASCOPE 2005 hosted by PNOC will be managed by Malaysian Exhibition Services Sdn Bhd (MES), a member of Allworld Exhibitions Alliance (formally known as The Montgomery Network). MES also managed the hugely successful ASCOPE 2001 in Malaysia, for further information on ASCOPE 2005 in The Philippines, please contact:

    Contact : Malaysian Exhibition Services Sdn Bhd (Asia)Contact : Overseas Exhibition Services Ltd (World)
    Phone : +60 3 4041 0311Phone : +44 (0) 20 7862 2071
    Fax : +60 3 4043 7241Fax : +44 (0) 20 7862 2078
    Email : enquiry@mesallworld.comEmail : enquiry@mesallworld.com

    December 2005

    ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products & Lubricants

    December 4-8, 2005
    Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, LA, USA
    -Contact: www.astm.org

    January 2006

    Tribology Automotive and Industrial Lubrication

    Tribology Automotive and Industrial Lubrication

    e-mail anmeldung@tae.de
    17 ÷ 19. Jan. 2006
    Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany
    A full paper in the specified format will be required by September 30th, 2005, to ensure publication in the proceedings handed out at the beginning of the conference.

    Scientific-Technical Board
    W. J. Bartz
    Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik
    Mühlhaldenstr. 91
    73770 Denkendorf
    Federal Republic of Germany

    Dr Vasu Bala
    Ethyl Petroleum Additives Ltd
    Driveline R & D
    Richmond VA 23218
    Prof. Ceslav Kajdas
    Warsaw University of Technology
    ul. Lukasiewicza 17
    09-400 Plock
    Heinz Berwian
    Grafenweg 4
    71083 Herrenberg
    Dipl.-Ing. I. Legisa
    Croatian Society for Fuels and Lubricants
    Berislaviceva 6
    41000 Zagreb
    Dr.-Ing. J. Brand
    Fraunhofer Institut Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik
    Bienroder Weg 54 E
    38108 Braunschweig
    Dr J. F. Lin
    National Cheng Kung University
    Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering
    No. 1, TA-HSUEH-ROAD
    Tainan City
    Taiwan ROC
    Dr. Thomas F. Bünemann
    Market Technology Manager Lubricants
    PO Box 2
    2800 AA Gouda
    The Netherlands
    Dr. Georg Lingg
    Fuchs Petrolub AG
    Postfach 10 11 62
    68145 Mannheim
    Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Deckert
    ADDINOL Lube Oil GmbH
    Am Haupttor Geb. 4609
    06237 Leuna
    Prof. W. Liu
    The Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics
    Laboratory of Solid Lubrication
    Lanzhou 730000
    P. R. China
    Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. L. Deters
    Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
    Institut für Maschinenkonstruktion
    Universitätsplatz 2
    39106 Magdeburg
    Dr.-Ing. Klaus Michaelis
    Technische Universität München
    Forschungstelle für Zahnräder und Getriebebau FZG
    85747 Garching
    Dr. Achim Fessenbecker
    Rhein-Chemie Rheinau GmbH
    Postfadh 81 04 09
    68204 Mannheim
    Dr. I. Minami
    Kochi University of Technology
    Kochi 782-8502
    Univ. Prof. Dr. Friedrich Franek
    Technische Universiät Wien
    Institut für Feinwerktechnik
    Floragasse 7/2
    1040 Wien
    Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Müller
    Oemeta Chemische Werke GmbH
    Postfach 12 53
    25430 Uetersen
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. K.-H. Zum Gahr
    Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
    Institut für Materialforschung I
    Postfach 36 40
    76021 Karlsruhe
    Dr. Gerhard Renner
    RohMax USA, Inc.
    723 Electronic Drive
    Horsham PA 19044
    Associate Professor Doug Hargreaves
    Queensland University of Technology
    Director of Tribology Research Concentration
    G PO Box 2434
    Brisbane Q 4001
    Dr.-Ing. H. Rodermund
    Rodermund Industrieberatung
    Pörrbacher Str. 8
    67685 Schwedelbach
    Professor K. Holmberg
    VTT Manufacturing Technology
    PO Box 1704
    02044 VTT Espoo
    Prof. Erich Santner
    BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
    Labor VIII.1
    12200 Berlin
    Dr I. M. Hutchings
    University of Cambridge
    Institute for Manuracturing
    Mill Lane
    Cambridge CB2 1RX
    United Kingdom
    Dr. habil Matthias Scherge
    IAVF Antriebstechnik AG
    Wissenscharftlicher Leiter
    Im Schlehert 32
    76187 Karlsruhe
    Mr Jinichi Igarashi
    Nippon Mitsubishi Oil Corporation
    Lubricants Research Laboratory
    8, Chidori-Cho, Naka-Ku
    Yokohama 231-0815
    Professor Hughes A. Spikes
    Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
    Dept. of Mechanical Engingeering
    Exhibition Road
    London SW7 2BX
    United Kingdom
    Professor Bo Jacobson
    Lund University - Institute of Technology
    Machine Elements Division
    Box 117
    221 00 Lund
    Professor P. L. de Vaal
    University of Pretoria
    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    0002 Pretoria
    Republic of South Africa
    Dr Yuansheng Jin
    Tsinghua University
    State Key Laboratory of Tribology
    100084 Beijing
    P. R. China
    Prof A. B. Vipper
    LUKOIL Oil Company
    Scientific and Engineering Centre
    B. Cheremushkinskaya 34
    117218 Moscow
    Dr.-Ing. F. J. Joachim
    ZF Friedrichshafen AG
    Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum
    88038 Friedrichshafen
    Professor Toshiaki Wakabayashi
    Kagawa University
    Faculty of Engineering
    1-1 Saiwai-cho, Takamatsu
    Kagawa 760-8526
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Junghans
    Technische Universität Chemnitz-Zwickau
    Fak. für Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechik
    09107 Chemnitz
    Professor M. Wisniewski
    Institute for Terotechnology
    Institut für Terotechnik
    Dr. Manfred Jungk
    Dow Corning GmbH
    Leiter Forschun und Entwicklung Schmierstoffe
    Rheingaustr. 34
    65091 Wiesbaden
    Dr. Mathias Woydt
    BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
    Labor VIII.11
    12200 Berlin

    For almost 30 years „Tribology“ as a term related to friction, wear, and lubrication has found its way into the awareness of numerous experts who are concerned with the unacceptable effects of friction and wear, and who have to find solutions to minimize these effects. It has become clear that the lubricant alone is insufficient to solve the relevant problems. On the contrary, it is the last link in the chain that begins with the designing of the tribological contact and includes materials selection, metal cutting, and forming as well as surface treatment. Much has been achieved in these years but quite a number of questions still wait for satisfactory solutions. For this purpose, this colloquium aims at facilitating the exchange of expert knowledge from all over the world. The 15th International Colloquium Tribology focuses on discussing and solving tribological problems. One of its most important features is that the presentations are related to practice.

    Main Subjects

    1. Scientific Session: Additive Mechanism of Effectiveness, Hydrodynamic,
    2. Elastohydrodynamic, and Mixed Film Lubrication Processes and Mechanisms
    3. Calculation and Designing of Tribocontacts (Journal and Roller Bearings, Silder Gearing, Cam/Tappet-Systems etc. Including Lubricant Properties)
    4. Special Aspects of Tribology
    5. For-Life-Lubrication
    6. Friction and Wear
    7. Base Oils for High Performance Lubricants
    8. Mineral Oils and Synthetic Fluids
    9. Additive Developments and Technology
    10. Solid Lubricants and Their Application
    11. Lubricating Greases
    12. Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants
    13. Lubrication of Roller and Journal Bearings
    14. Lubrication of lndustrial Gears, Compressors, and Refrigeration Compressors
    15. General Application of Lubricants in Industry, Forestry, and Agriculture
    16. Hydraulic Fluids and Seals
    17. Metal Working and Metal Forming Lubrication and Lubricants
    18. Tribological Behaviour of Materials
    19. Lubricants for Automobile Gears, Transaxles, and ATFs
    20. Engine Oils and Lubrication
    21. Tribotesting and Evaluation
    22. Classification and Standardization of Lubricants
    23. Analyses, Recovery, Rerefining, and Disposal of Used Oil
    24. Health and Environment
    Call for Papers
    Technische Akademie Esslingen
    Colloquium Secretary Tribology
    Postfach 12 65
    D-73748 Ostfildern
    Telephone (+49-711) 3 40 08 52
    Telefax (+49-711) 3 40 08 65
    E-mail andrea.zeh@tae.de

    February 2006

    March 2006

    April 2006

    COST 532 7th MC meeting + WG meetings

    Superior Friction and Wear Control in Engines and Transmissions

    7th MC meeting + WG meetings
    20 - 21 April 2006,
    Dubrovnik, Croatia


    Organised for IFHTSE by the Hungarian Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineering (GTE) and
    the Materials Science and Technology Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

    27-29 April 2006
    Budapest, Hungary
    for abstracts: 30th September 2005.
    of acceptance: 1st December 2005.
    for full papers: 31st January 2006.

    Aims and Scope
    The conference will focus mainly on modelling and computer simulation of heat treatment and surface engineering processes such as quenching, tempering, high energy rate heat treating (e.g. induction, laser and electron beam heating), carburizing, carbo-nitriding, nitrogen-carburizing, coatings (PVD, CVD), etc. However, other thermal processes such as casting, rolling, forging, welding are also included. The emphasis is on metallic alloys, but contributions on other materials (polymers, ceramics, and composites) are also welcome.
    On the one hand, simulations should model materials-related physical phenomena (such as diffusion, phase transformations, thermo-mechanical behaviour) independently or in combination. On the other hand, the process-related phenomena (heat transfer including fluid dynamics and combinations with electromagnetic phenomena, mass transfer, etc.) should be thoroughly described.
    The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists in modelling in materials science, solid-state and fluid mechanics, as well as in numerical simulation to discuss the state of the art from both theoretical and applied viewpoints.

    Topic Guidelines

    • Modelling of physical phenomena with approaches on different scales.
    • New developments in numerical methods and techniques.
    • Computer simulation of whole processes.
    • Materials and process databases.
    • Experimental validation of models and numerical simulation.
    • Application of computer simulation in industry.
    The conference programme will combine invited lectures and contributed papers presented in oral or poster form.


    The full texts of all papers will be published and each delegate will receive a copy on a CD on arrival at the conference.

    A technical exhibition on related fields is also planned. Companies planning to participate as exhibitors are also welcome.

    Call for Papers
    Prospective authors are invited to submit paper title and an abstract of about 300 words (in English) to the Conference Secretariat. The abstract should provide sufficient information for a fair assessment.
    More details on call for papers will be available on this web site. Abstracts and papers are to be submitted via the online registration and submission page of the conference.

    Deadline for abstracts: 30th September 2005.
    Notication of acceptance: 1st December 2005.
    Deadline for full papers: 31st January 2006.

    General information

    This is the third in a series of conferences, which began with the first in Shanghai, China, in March 2000. The second was held in Nancy, France, March 31 to April 2003. The location for this third event is Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is an economic, financial and cultural centre with two million inhabitants. The city which is beautifully situated on both sides of the Danube river has a history dating back over 2000 years. There are ruins from the time of the Roman Empire as well as from the Middle Ages. Its main characteristics reflect the atmosphere of the end of the 19th century when the millennium of the Hungarian State was celebrated. It boasts a number of museums, theatres, concert halls, a lot of restaurants and other amenities. Several baths and thermal waters of various medicinal springs are also at the disposal of visitors. Budapest can easily be reached by air, train or car. For more information about Budapest, please visit the links below:



    The conference will be organised in the

    Novotel Budapest Centrum****

    H-1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 43-45.
    Phone: +36 1 477 5400
    Fax: +36 1 477 5353
    E-mail: h3560 @ accor-hotels.com

    International Scientific Committee
    Prof. István Artinger (Hungary)
    Prof. Tom Bell (UK)
    Prof. Leszek Dobrzanski (Poland)
    Prof. János Ginsztler (Hungary), member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Prof. József Gyulai (Hungary), member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Prof. Zoltán Kolozsváry (Romania), member of IFHTSE-EC
    Prof. Bozidar Liscic (Croatia), President of IFHTSE
    Prof. Yoshinao Mishima (Japán), Vice President of IFHTSE
    Prof. János Prohászka (Hungary), member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Prof. Tamás Réti (Hungary)
    Prof. András Roósz (Hungary), member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Prof. Bozo Smoljan (Croatia), President of CSHTSE
    Prof. János Takács (Hungary), President of GTE
    Prof. Miklós Tisza (Hungary), President of Materials Science and Technology Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Dr. Georg Totten (USA), Past President of IFHTSE
    Robert B Wood (UK), Secretary-General of IFHTSE

    Local Organising Committee
    Prof. Dezso Beke (Hungary)
    Prof. Tatjána Csurbakova (Hungary)
    Associate Prof. László Dévényi (Hungary)
    Dr. Jeno Igaz (Hungary)
    Gyula Juhász (Hungary)
    Prof. György Kaptay (Hungary)
    Associate Prof. Maria Kocsis Baán (Hungary)
    Prof. János Kundrák (Hungary)
    Prof. János Lendvai (Hungary)
    Prof. Miklós Tisza (Hungary), Chairman
    Prof. Tamás Tóth (Hungary)
    Associate Prof. Ferenc Tranta (Hungary)

    The official language of the conference will be English - no simultaneous translation will be provided.

    Transportation, visa

    Participants arriving at terminals (Ferihegy 2A or Ferihegy 2B) of Budapest International Airport are advised to use the Airport Minibus shuttle service which takes one to any address in Budapest for a fee of 2100 HUF/person (cca 9 EUR, at the time of printing). As an alternative, one can use public bus service (line 93 red) which connects both terminals with the underground (metro) line 3 (blue line). The blue line of the metro has a stop at “Népliget” bus terminal and “Nyugati” railway station. Taxis to or from the city cost approximately 4000-4500 HUF (16-20 EUR) for a one way trip. Car rentals are available at the airport. Public transportation network.

    Passport, Visa, Invitation letters
    All foreign visitors must have a valid passport. The visa policy of Hungary is liberal. For visits shorter than a month, no visa is required for citizens of most European countries, the United States, Japan and Israel. Most European citizens can visit Hungary with their domestic identity card. Agreements of the Republic of Hungary on abolition of visa requirements are available on the internet. Visa is required for visitors from most Asian countries, and most states of NIS. Those who experience any trouble in getting visa to Hungary should not hesitate to contact the conference secretariat immediately. Please note that Hungary is a new member state of the EU from the 1 May, 2004. Please make sure to check any changes in your visa regulation at the consulate. The list of Hungarian missions can be found on the Internet on the web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:. If you need an invitation letter to obtain visa, please contact the conference secretariat. This, however, cannot be considered as a commitment on behalf of the organisers to provide any financial support.

    Foreign Exchange, Banking Facilities
    The Hungarian currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF). Currency exchange booths are available at the airport terminals, railway stations, travel agencies, banks and various places in the city. Traveller’s cheques and convertible currency may be exchanged at these facilities. Major credit cards are usually accepted in most hotels, restaurants and certain shops in the city. Obtaining cash against ATMor credit cards is very easy from the ATM cash machines that can be found at almost each bank office, hotel or on the street. Click here to see the actual exchange rates.

    Climate and Weather
    The climate of Budapest is continental. In April mild and pleasant weather is expected with a maximum temperature of 15-20 °C. Rain is possible. For current weather forecast please visit www.met.hu

    Informal for all occasions.

    Shops in Budapest usually open at 9:00 and close at 18:00 (Monday-Friday), on Saturday they open at 9:00 and close at 13:00. A lot of huge stores were built in the last few years. They open at 10:00 and close at 20:00.

    Participants are strongly advised to make their own insurance arrangements. The organisers cannot accept any liability for personal injuries sustained, or for loss or damage to property belonging to participants and accompanying persons, either during or as a result of the conference.

    Registration and accommodation

    Registration and accommodation
    Details on registration fees, payment options, accommodation possibilities and social events will be available on this website by the end of summer. Final registration, hotel reservation and payment will be arranged in online database of the conference.

    Social events

    Technical Visits and Social Programmes
    Technical visits and social programmes are planned for participants and accompanying persons. Details will be provided later on this site.

    Contact addresses

    Conference Organiser
    Hungarian Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineering (GTE)
    H-1027 Budapest, Fo u. 68., Hungary
    Phone and fax: +361-202-0656, +361-202 0252

    E-mail: mail.gte @ mtesz.hu

    Internet: www.gte.mtesz.hu

    Conference Secretariat

    Diamond Congress Ltd.

    H-1027 Budapest, Fo u. 68., Hungary
    Phone: +36 1 214-7701 or +36 1 214-7698
    Fax: +36 1 201-2680

    E-mail: diamond @ diamond-congress.hu
    Internet: www.diamond-congress.hu

    May 2006

    6-я Международная научно-техническая конференция

    24 ÷ 26 maj 2006 (24-26 мая 2006 г.)
    Jałta (Крым, г. Ялта, санаторий \Парус)
    Адрес организационного комитета:
    04074, г. Киев, ул. Автозаводская, 2. Ассоциация технологов-машиностроителей Украины (АТМ Украины)
    Тел./факс +380-44-430-85-00
    E-mail atmu @ ism.kiev.ua, kopeykina @ voliacable.com


    Österreichische Tribologische Gesellschaft<br>Austrian Tribology Society

    AC2T - Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology

    PAN Vienna - Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria

    ITEE - Institute for Terotechnology, Radom, Poland

    VUT - Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

    OMV AG

    Warsaw, Poland

    International Conference
    Tribology of Alternative Fuels and Ecolubricants

    May 29-31, 2006
    Vienna Austria

    May 29-31, 2006
    Vienna Austria

    Call for Papers

    Conference Chairmen
    Prof. Dr. C. KAJDAS
    Central Petroleum Laboratory
    Warsaw, Poland
    Austrian Tribology Society
    Vienna, Austria

    2nd Announcement Call for Papers


    Nov. 30th Submission of title and abstracts
    Dec. 31st Notification of acceptance
    Jan. 31th Availability of provisional program
    Feb. 28th Submission of extended abstracts


    maximum 1 DIN A4 page, preferable in electronic form (Word-file)

    Conference Fee

    (Participation, transfer busses, snacks and drinks)
    participants € 280
    speakers and chairmen € 210,-

    Conference Office

    Osterretchische Tribologische Gesellschaft
    Austrian Tribology Society
    Floregasse 7/2
    A 1040 Vienna, Austria
    Telephone: +43(0) 15053400
    Telefax: +43 (0) 1 505 34 00-4
    Web: www.oetg.at
    E-Mail: oetg @ ccc.at

    Considering the world wide ecologic situation and the growing demand on raw materials, alternative fuels are one of the great tasks in the concept of modern drive and transportation systems. A quite similar situation -as to the general prerequisites - can be found in the field of lubricants. Thus novel solutions are developed leading to improved or generally new types of fuels and lubricants.

    It is the aim of this conference to address the main aspects in the areas of hydrocarbon and bio-derived fuels and new types of lubricants with specific focus on these issues


    Some of the effects of novel lubricating substances are not yet completely known, such as synergy-antagonism-interactions between eco-tribological additives (FM, AW, EP) and other fuel additives. It is necessary to include secondary phenomena as to emission and after-treatment processes as well.

    These aspects will influence the practical applications respectively the applicability of such products, at least from an economical point of view when considering possibly necessary measures to prepare, to purify or to recycle new lubricating substances.

    Experts from these and other fields are invited to present their research results as well as applications and to exchange ideas and discuss them with other colleagues working in different field of research and application.

    The different venues of this Conference give the possibility to visit research institutions and labs of the cooperation partners AC2T research and OMV.

    It is recommended to stay in Vienna. The Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna can offer a limited number of rooms. Suitable hotels near the Scientific Centre are available as well. Shuttle bus service will be provided from and to the Scientific Centre on the 1nd and 3rd day.

    Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Boerhaavegasse 25, A 1030 Vienna, Austria

    Tel.: +43 (0) 1 713 5929 305 FAX +43 (0) 1 713 5929 550
    Web; viennapan.ycn.corn Mail: herman.viennapan @ ycn.com

    Conference Chairmen

    Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. F. FRANEK.
    Austrian Tribology Society, Vienna, Austria
    Prof. Dr. C. KAJDAS
    CLN - Central Petroleum Laboratory, Warsaw, Poland

    Scientific and Organisation Committee

    Doz. Dr. A. ECKER
    Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology, Austria
    Vice Director R. GMYREK
    PKN ORLEN S.A. Poland
    Prof. Dr. Marian A. HERMAN
    Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna
    Prof. Dr. A. KULCZYCKI
    CLN - Central Petroleum Laboratory, Warsaw, Poland
    Dipl. Ing. Dr. F. NOVOTNY-FARKAS
    OMV-AG, Austria
    Dipl.-Ing. Dr. A. PAUSCHITZ
    Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology, Austria
    Prof. Dr. M. SZCZEREK
    ITEE - Institute for Terotechnology, Radom, Poland

    Conference Conference Language


    Conference venues

    1st day: Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna,
    Boerhaavcgasse 25, A 1030 Vienna, Austria
    2nd day: TFZ Wiener Neustadt,
    Viktor-Kaplan-Str. 2, A 2700 Wr. Neustadt, Austria
    3rd day: OMV Laboratories, R & D Laboratory Lubricants,
    Mannswörther Straße 28, A 2320 Schwechat, Austria

    Contents of Presentations Characterisation of alternative fuels and ecolubricants

    Lubricity of biodiesel
    Oleochemlcals as tribological eco-additives
    Synergy/antagonism of eco-tribological additives (FM, AW, EP) with other fuel additives
    Performance experiences with large gas engines with non CNG fuels
    Tribology of lubricants for medical instruments and food industry

    June 2006


    June 20-24 2006
    Place of meeting: Russia, Saint-Peterburg or its historical suburb.

    Phones in St. Petersburg: 8 (812) 323-08-10; 8 (921) 380-43-84, 8 (812) 900-46-68
    E-mail: zvk @ aari.nw.ru, vz_2002 @ mail.ru
    The international symposium «SLAVYANTRIBO-7»
    The first information: March 15, 2005
    1. We invite you to participate in work of the symposium. Please, acquaint with this information of your colleagues and partners.
    2. Place of meeting: Russia, Saint-Peterburg or its historical suburb.
    3. Languages: Russian and English
    4. Symposium subject-matter:
      1. all questions concerned with scientific and technical quality maintenance of triboobject at all stages of their living activities. The works aimed to information models creation of triboobjects and processes will be placed high emphasis. These models should assure quality of triboobjects and processes and realize logistic support at all stages of their living activities;
      2. cultural and historical program.
    5. Hotels for participants. We can reserve a room provided that we receive your order in time.
    6. Financial questions. The symposium fund is formed of participants and sponsors fee.
      Organizational fee amounts 220 EUR. Organizational fee repayment is not anticipated.
    7. We ask commercial firms, which wish to participate in the symposium as sponsors, to inform us about this decision.
    8. Please send your demands to: Naryshkina Galina Alexandrovna, Executive Secretary of SLAVYANTRIBO-7, 53, Pushkin str., Rybinsk, Yatoslavl Region, 152934 Russia.
      Zamyatin Vladimir Yuryevich, Candidate of Science, Academic Secretary of SLAVIANTRIBO-7, House 10, Flat 10, Pyataya Liniya, Vasilevsky Island, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia.
    9. Materials of the symposium will be given to participants on arriving. If delegates are unable to attend, then all the materials will be sent at their addresses (provided the organization fee is paid).
    10. Important dates:
      • till April 15, 2005 - distribution of the first information letter;
      • till September 30, 2005 - direction of participant demand, paper name and annotation;
      • till October 31, 2005 - distribution of demand answers;
      • till January 31, 2006 - dispatch of participant fee, total texts of papers. Paper Submittal Requirements will be sent to potential participants. In that case, Organizational Committee guarantees to include the paper in the symposium paper-book;
      • till March 15, 2006 - receiving deadline of total texts, announcemens, organizational fee. In that case, Organizational Committee guarantees to include the paper in the symposium programme, but in the paper-book, if it will be possible;
      • till April 30, 2006 - distribution of invitation cards and the symposium programme;
      • till May 15, 2006 - publication of symposium paper-book.
    11. Telephones:
      • Rybinsk - 8 (0855) 21-26-69, Naryshkina Galina Alexandrovna, Executive Secretary of SLAVYANTRIBO-7;
      • 8 (0855) 52-33-16, Zamyatin Yuriy Pavlovich.
      • Saint-Petersburg - 8 (812) 323-08-10, 8 921 380-43-84 Zamyatin Vladimir Yuryevich, Candidate of Science, Academic Secretary of SLAVIANTRIBO-7.
      • 8 (812) 900-46-68 Doctor of Technical Science Zamyatin Alexander Yuryevich.

    ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products & Lubricants

    June 25-29 2006
    Toronto,Canada-Contact: www.astm.org

    September 2006

    Seminarium Naukowe
    "Mechanika w Medycynie"

    8-9 wrzesnia, 2006
    Boguchwała, Rzeszów, Poland

    Seminarium Naukowe: "Mechanika w Medycynie" jest organizowane przez:

    • Katedrę Technologii Maszyn Pol.Rzeszowskiej,
    • Zaklad Rehabiliotacji Wydz.Wychowania Fizycznego Uniw. Rzeszowski,
    • Komisję Inżynierii Rehabilitacyjnej PAN,
    • Sekcję Mechaniki w Medycynie Od.Rzeszowskiego PTL,
    • Oddz. Rzeszowski Polskiego Tow. Walki z Kalectwem.

    Tematyka seminarium:

    • Zużycie stawów i materiałów stawów sztucznych,
    • Konstrukcja implantów z zastosowaniem w ortopedii i stomatologii,
    • Reakcja organizmu na implanty,
    • Protetyka i ortooptyka,
    • Biomaterialy i biomechanika.

    Koszt uczestnictwa

    150 zl,
    Hotel 40 do 50 zl./dzień,
    Wyżywienie 40 zl.


    dr n.med.Janusz Cwanek Zakład Rehabilitacji Wydz. Wychowania Fiz.
    ul.Pilsudzkiego 30, 35-001 Rzeszów
    Prof. Mieczysław Korzyński, Katedra Techn. Maszyn Pol. Rzeszowskiej
    ul.W.Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszów,
    z dopiskiem „Mechanika w Medycynie”.

    High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik

    6th International Conference

    "Research and Development in Mechanical Industry" RaDMI 2006

    Budva (Adriatic), Sebia and Montenegro
    13 - 17 September 2006

    13 - 15 September 2006
    Budva (Adriatic), Serbia and Montenegro
    Important dates
    July 15 2006 Deadline for papers submission
    July 31 2006 Acceptance of papers by the International Scientific Committee
    August 15 2006 Final programme

    High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik



    RaDMI 2006

    First Announcement and Call for Papers
    13 - 17. September 2006.

    Budva (Adriatic), Serbia and Montenegro Topics
    • Research and development of manufacturing systems, tools and technologies, new materials and product design;
    • Tribology;
    • Maintenance and effectiveness of technical systems;
    • Quality management, ISO 9000, ISO 14000, TQM and management in mechanical engineering;
    • Application of Information Technologies in mechanical engineering and
    • Application of mechanical engineering in other industrial fields.

    Technical presentations

    For the firms, which want to present their products, technologies and services the presentation space has been provided. It will be possible to promote scientific books, technical information’s and other propaganda materials.


    Participation fee for authors which will not participate the conference is 30, - EURO (proceedings, CD-ROM and other printed materials).
    Participation fee for authors and participants which will participate the conference is 70, - EURO (proceedings, CDROM, other printed materials, cocktails, conference dinner and picnic).
    For presentation firms the participation fee is 500, - EURO.

    Important dates

    July 15 2006 Deadline for papers submission
    July 31 2006 Acceptance of papers by the International Scientific Committee
    August 15 2006 Final programme

    Information for authors

    Papers will be printed in Proceedings on CD-ROM in electronic form and in Abstracts in hard copy. Chosen papers will be printed in some of International Journals.

    Papers are submitted in English language only.

    It is necessary to send paper on max 10 pages to July-15-2006. The final paper must be camera-ready format in Word by form of papers.
    Paper size:10 pages, A4 format
    Margins:All margins are 2,5 cm.
    Font:Times New Roman
    Title of paper:All caps 14 pt Bold
    Title of chapter:All caps 11 pt Bold
    Text of paper:Small caps 10 pt
    Abstract for paper:
    9 pt Italic
    Key words:
    9 pt Italic
    Spacing:Single line spacing
    Send:Final paper camera ready, printed on the laser printer and diskette, or by e-mail: dasicp@ptt.yu and dasicp@yahoo.com.

    Information and address for corresponding

    Person for correspondence is:
    M.Sc. Predrag Dašić, prof. HTTS Kruševac,
    Kosančićeva 36, 37000 Kruševac, Serbia and Mantenegro
    Tel/fax: +381 37 29-471, mobtel: +381 64 3684275,
    E-mail: dasicp@ptt.yu and dasicp@yahoo.com,
    Website: http:/www.RaDMI.co.yu.

    The First Conference „Situation and Perspective of Research and Development in Chemical and Mechanical Industry” - RaDMI 2001 was held upon the initiative of M.Sc. Predrag Dašić and Prof. Dr Miroslav Radovanović on the occasion of 40 years of teaching at High Technological Technical School in Kruševac. The first Conference was holding on 22-24. October, year 2001, in Kruševac in Republic of Serbia. On the Conference 118 papers was presented from which 69 were from abroad, from 13 countries of the World. Number of authors and coauthors were 206, from 15 countries of the World.

    The second International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2002 was held on 01-04. September, year 2002, in Vrnjačka Banja, Republic Serbia. On the Conference 258 papers were presented from which 191 were from abroad, from 21 countries of the World. Number of authors and coauthors was 385, from 25 countries of the World.

    The third International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2003 was held on 19-23. September year 2003, in Herceg Novi, Republic of Montenegro. On the Conference 391 papers were presented from which 303 were from abroad, from 22 countries of the World. Number of authors and coauthors was 596, from 25 countries of the World.

    The fourth International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2004 was held on 31. August to 04. September year 2004, on Zlatibor, Republic of Serbia. On the Conference 159 papers were presented from which 108 were from abroad, from 11 countries of the World. Number of authors and coauthors was 257, from 14 countries of the World.

    The fifth International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2005 was held on 04-07. September year 2005, in Vrnjačka Banja, Republic of Serbia. On the Conference 151 papers were presented from which 86 were from abroad, from 15 countries of the World. Number of authors and coauthors was 257, from 18 countries of the World.

    Sixth International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry ” RaDMI 2006 will be held on 13 ÷ 17. September, year 2006, in Budva (Adriatic), Serbia and Montenegro.


    1. MSc. Predrag Dašić, High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik and High Technological School of Kruševac, Chairman
    2. Prof. dr Ljubodrag Đorđević, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljevo, vice-chairman
    3. MSc. Petar Ivanović, director of High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik
    4. MSc. Dragan Milenković, High Technological School of Kruševac
    5. MSc. Vladeta Jevremović, High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik
    6. Snežana Kurćubić, student of Technical Faculty of Čačak, secretary
    7. Bojan Crvenković, student of High Technological School of Kruševac
    8. Jovan Dašić, student of Technical Faculty of Čačak


    1. Prof. dr Yuriy M. Solomenzev, academician, rector, Moscow State Technological University ”STANKIN”, Moskva (Russia), Chairman
    2. Prof. dr Friedrich Franek, University of Vienna and president of Austrian Tribology Association, Vienna (Austria), Vice-chairman
    3. Prof. dr Žarko Spasić, vice-rector, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro), Vice-chairman
    4. Prof. dr Milomir Gašić, dean, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljevo (Serbia and Montenegro), Vice-chairman
    5. Prof. dr Živoslav Adamović, University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty, Zrenjanin (Serbia and Montenegro)
    6. Dr Syed Ahmed, CSEM S. A., Surface Engineering Division, Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
    7. Prof. dr Emilia Assenova, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia (Bulgaria)
    8. Prof. dr Milun Babić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Kragujevac (Serbia and Montenegro)
    9. Prof. dr Rade Biočanin, Ministry of Military, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    10. Prof. dr Pavao Bojanić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    11. Prof. dr Leonid Borisenko, Technical University of Mogilev, Mogilev (Belarus)
    12. Prof. dr Konstantin D. Bouzakis, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Thessaloniki (Greece)
    13. Prof. dr Miodrag Bulatović, University of Podgorica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Podgorica (Serbia and Montenegro)
    14. Prof. dr Mikhail V. Burmistr, academician, rector, Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University of Dniepropetrovsk, Dniepropetrovsk (Ukraine)
    15. Prof. dr Jean-Loup Chenot, Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux - CEMEF, Sophia Antipolis Cedex (France)
    16. Prof. dr Ilija Ćosić, dean, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Scientific, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro)
    17. Prof. dr Predrag Ćosić, dean, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Naval Architecture, Zagreb (Croatia)
    18. Prof. dr George Dobre, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest (Romania)
    19. Prof. dr Dragan Domazet, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš (Serbia and Montenegro)
    20. Prof. dr Doina Drăgulescu, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Timişoara (Romania)
    21. Prof. dr Ljuben Dudesku, vice-dean, University of Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje (Macedonia)
    22. Prof. dr Petru Dusa, Technical University ”Gh. Asachi”, Faculty of Mechanics, Iaşi (Romania)
    23. Prof. dr Vladan Đorđević, academician, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    24. Prof. dr Sabahudin Ekinović, rector, University of Zenica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    25. Prof. dr Manfred Geiger, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen ( Germany)
    26. Prof. dr Anatoly Ivanovich Grabchenko, National Technical University, Kharkov Polytechnical Institute, Kharkov (Ukraine)
    27. Prof. dr Nicolae Valentin Ivan, University Transilvania of Brasov, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brasov (Romania)
    28. Prof. dr Alexander Janac, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Material Sciences and Technology of Trnava, Trnava (Slovakia)
    29. Prof. dr Ratomir Ječmenica, University of Kragujevac, Technical Faculty, Čačak (SCG)
    30. Prof. dr Vid Jovašević, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    31. Prof. dr Milan Jurković, University of Bihać, Technical Faculty, Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    32. Prof. dr Milisav Kalajdžić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    33. Prof. dr Isak Karabegović, dean, University of Bihać, Technical Faculty, Bihać ( Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    34. Prof. dr Baki Karamiş, Erciyes University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kaysei (Turkey)
    35. Prof. dr Branko Katalinić, University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)
    36. Prof. dr Veijo Kauppinen, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo ( Finland)
    37. Prof. dr Marianna Kazimierska - Grebosz, Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of General Mechanics, Lodz (Poland)
    38. Prof. dr Kiril Kirov, vice-rector, Technical University of Gabrovo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gabrovo (Bulgaria)
    39. Dr Sergei A. Klimenko, Director of Association of Mashine - Bulding Technologists of the Ukraine - ATMU, Kiev (Ukraine)
    40. Prof. dr Karel Kocman, Technical University of Brno, Brno (Szech Republic)
    41. Prof. dr Janez Kopac, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Production Engineering, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
    42. Prof. dr Zdravko Krivokapić, University of Podgorica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Podgorica (Serbia and Montenegro)
    43. Prof. dr Janos Kundrak, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Production Engineering, Miskolc, (Hungary)
    44. Prof. dr Evgeniy A. Kundrashov, academician, State Technical University, Chita (Russia)
    45. Prof. dr Ioan D. Marinescu, director of Precision Micro-Machining Center, Toledo, Ohia (USA)
    46. Prof. dr Velibor Marinković, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš (Serbia and Montenegro)
    47. Prof. dr Valentin Nedeff, dean, University of Bacău, Faculty of Engineering, Bacău (Romania)
    48. Prof. dr Onisifor Olaru, dean, University ”Constantin Brancusi” of Tg-Jiu, Faculty of Engineering, Tg-Jiu (Romania)
    49. Prof. dr Constantin Oprean, rector, ”Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu (Romania)
    50. Prof. dr Liviu Palaghian, vice-dean, University ”Dunarea de Jos” of Galati, Galati (Romania)
    51. Prof. dr Tihomir Pantelić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljevo (Serbia and Montenegro)
    52. Prof. dr Georgios Petropoulos, University of Thessaly, Faculty of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Volos (Greece)
    53. Prof. dr Miroslav Pilipović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    54. Prof. dr Predrag Popović, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš (Serbia and Montenegro)
    55. Prof. dr Stanislaw Pytko, Technical University of Krakow, Krakow (Poland)
    56. Prof. dr Snežana Radonjić, University of Kragujevac, Technical Faculty, Čačak (SCG)
    57. Prof. dr Miroslav Radovanović, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš (Serbia and Montenegro)
    58. Prof. dr Igor Sergeevich Sazonov, rector, Technical University of Mogilev, Mogilev (Belarus)
    59. Prof. dr Slavko Sebastijanović, University of Osijek, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Slavonski Brod (Croatia)
    60. Prof. dr Adolfo Senatore, University of Salermo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Fisciano (Italy)
    61. Prof. dr Dimitri Yu. Skubov, State Technical University of Sankt Petersburg, Sankt Petersburg (Russia)
    62. Prof. dr Radovan Slavković, dean, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac (Serbia and Montenegro)
    63. Prof. dr Georgy Slynko, academician, Zaporozhye National Engineering University, Zaporozhye (Ukraine)
    64. Prof. dr Drago Soldat, High Technical School, Zrenjanin (Serbia and Montenegro)
    65. Prof. dr Viktor Starkov, Moscow State Technological University ”STANKIN”, Moscow (Russia)
    66. Prof. dr Michal Štefanek, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Material Sciences and Technology of Trnava, Trnava (Slovakia)
    67. Prof. dr Ljubodrag Tanović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)
    68. Prof. dr Oleg Vasilevich Taratynov, academician, Moscow State Industrial University, Moscow (Russia)
    69. Prof. dr Edward Walicki University of Zielona Gora, Faculty of Mechanics, Zielona Gora (Poland)
    70. Prof. dr Dragan Živković, High Technical School, Zrenjanin (Serbia and Montenegro)

    INSYCONT 2006, AGH, The Polish Society of Tribology

    7th International Symposium INSYCONT 2006
    "New Achiievements in Tribology"

    September 14th-16th , 2006
    Cracow, Poland


    14. september 2006 THURSDAY INSYCONT '06
    Plenary Session-Plenary Room-Aula, Building A0, Al. Mickiewicza 30, Kraków

    10.00 Opening and welcome address

    10.20 Plenary Session
    Chairman Prof. S. PYTKO

    10.20-10.50 M.Wiśniewski
    Some aspects of tribology

    10.50-11.00 Pause

    Chairman Prof. M. SZCZEREK
    N. Balabanava, S. Chizhik, Z. Rymuza
    Adhesion and friction behavior in the contact of rough viscoelastic surfaces (ZEM)
    S.A. Chizhik, K. Wierzcholski, A. Miszczak
    The theoretical description of friction force in bio-joints as function of cartilage roughness (ZEM)
    Design of oil lubricated machine components for life and reliability (ZEM)

    INSYCONT '06 14 September FRIDAY

    13.00-15.00 lunch
    Room l

    Chairman PhD K. Furmanik
    Building B2, II floor

    15.00-18.30 Session Research of friction and wear
    Chairman Prof. M.MISHKIN
    J. Suchanek, V. Kuklik, E. Zdravecka: The influence of the thermal treatments on the abrasion resistance of chromium white cast irons (T)
    B. Krupicz, A. Patejuk: Synergic influence of forces of inertia on erosion proces (T)
    I. Wilczewska, R. Kaczyński: Investigation of industrial tribological couples using sigma-3 polymer strengthened with carbon fibres (J)

    Pause 16.00-16.20

    Chairman Prof. J. SUCHANEK

    R. George Ripeanu, J. Tudor, A. Tache: Research regarding the influence of cutting parameters above drills durability (P)
    T.D. Kozhina, Ju.P. Zamyatin: Theoretical estimate method for cylindrical gearing contact and wear behaviour (P)
    Ju.P. Zamyatin, T.D. Kozhina: Main results of the cylindrical gearing contacting and wear characterisitic theoretical estimate (P)

    Pause 17.20-17.30

    17.30-18.30 Session
    Chairman Prof. S.A. CHIZHIK

    M. Libera, W.Waligora: The application of the rough sets theory for the analysis of factors influencing the surface fatigue life (ZEM)
    R. Sorokatyi: Modeling the wearing-out process of sliding bearing with thin antifriction covering using the method of triboelements (ZEMlubP)
    K. Voynov, Z. Dokuchaeva: How to protect the end ofrails from wear and impacts (P)
    M. Kheifetz, S. Klimenko, J. Gawlik: Rotary cutting with plasma heating of the wear resistance coatings (P)

    13.00-15.00 lunch
    Room 2

    Chairman PhD S. Krawczyk
    Building B2, II floor

    15.00-18.30 Session Surface engineering and coatings
    Chairman Prof. J. SENATORSKI
    J. Musial: Influence of operational external loads on changes in surface geometric structure of kinematic pair elements (T)
    M. Matuszewski, M. Styp-Rekowski: Influence of texture direction of kinematic pair elements surfaces on course of service operated layer transformation (T)
    S. Krawczyk, T. Goral: Badania własności tribologicznych napoin wielowarstwowych z brązu CnSn6 (P)

    Pause 16.00-16.20

    16.20-17.20 Session

    L. Galda, J. Sep, W. Koszela, P. Pawlus: Creation of specified stereometric features on slide surfaces using technological methods (P)
    V.I. Sytar, R.I. Burya, O.V. Stowpnyk, A.P. Ransky, A.G. Panasyuk: The development of antifriction coatings based on aromatic polyamide phenilon modified with the complex heterocyclic compounds ofthioamides (P)
    E. Kasprzycka, J. Senatorski: Structure and tribological properties of carbide layers produced in vacuum chromizing process (T)

    Pause 17.20-17.30

    17.30-18.30 Session

    Chairman Prof. M. GIERZYŃSKA-DOLNA
    T. Wagner: Nanomechanical and nanotribological testing - overview about instrumentation and applications at LOT
    A. Patejuk, M. Bielocerkowski, A. Bielyj, W. Kukareko: Improvement on utilitarian properties of thermal sprayed coatings modified by method of plasma nitriding (T lub P)
    R. Michalczewski: The tribological characteristics of DLC and MoS2 low friction coatings in dry conditions (ZEM)
    M.V. Prozhega, N.I. Smirnov, N.N. Smirnov: Tribological behaviour of nanostructured coating deposited by detonation gun spray process (P)

    13.00-15.00 lunch

    Room 3

    Chairman PhD Z. Rudnicki
    Building B2, IV floor

    15.00-18.30 Session Lubrication and lubricants, additives and tribochemistry

    15.00-16.00 Chairman Dr M. GRĄDKOWSKI
    O. Florea, M. Luca, D. Florescu: Lubricating greases for high temperatures (T)
    L. Galda, W. Koszela, P. Pawlus: Tribological properties improvement by oil pockets creation on co-acting surfaces (T)
    R. Rakic, Z. Rakic: The influence of lubricating oil on the reliability of gears (P)

    Pause 16.00-16.20

    16.20-17.20 Session
    Chairman Prof. A.V. RADULESCU

    E. Berezina, V. Godlevskiy, A. Manashov: Neural-network modeling of lubrication action of cutting fluids (P)
    I. Radulescu, A.V. Radulescu, A. Chesnoiu: Theoretic researches regarding the realization of an integrated informatic instrument for the evaluation of the lubricants' durability (P)
    H. Wistuba, G. Jasica, M. Heinrich: Reliability aspects of tribological process in conditions of reduced lubrication (P)

    Pause 17.20-17.30

    17.30-18.30 Session Chairman Ing. E.V. ZARETSKY
    A.V. Radulescu: Non-newtonian squeeze films with slip boundary conditions (T)
    A.N. Karapetyan, K.V. Hovhannisyan, S.A. Chizhik: Study of surface films at friction of self-lubricating polymer-based composite materials (T)
    M. Grądkowski, M. Makowska, P. Grądkowski: Transformations of hydrocarbons under mixed friction conditions at different temperatures (ZEM)


    9÷12" Excursion from Barbakan to Wawel Meeting just by Barbakan near Florianska Gate at 9°° o 'clock"

    13.00-15.00 lunch

    Room l
    Building B2, II floor

    15.00-18.30 Session Tribology of biomaterials
    Chairman Prof. A. RYNIEWICZ
    S.A. Chizchik, H.M. Ghaemi: A new concept of measuring the friction forces for cartilage and polymers with viscoelastic properties (J)
    K. Wierzcholski, A. Miszczak: About nutrient liquid flow between potential flow and cartilage surface in bioreactor (ZEM)

    Pause 16.00-16.20

    16.20-17.20 Session Chairman PhD A. MISZCZAK
    K.Wierzcholski, S. A. Chizhik: Micro- and nano-level of bio-joint lubrication (T)
    A. Miszczak, K. Wierzcholski, S.A. Chizhik: The influence of roughness and geometrical structure of tissue surface on friction forces during the tissue cultivation in bioreactor (T)
    K. Wierzcholski: Equations of the tribological parameters for liquid flow in boundary layer on the tissue surface in bioreactor (T)

    Pause 17.20-17.30

    17.30-18.30 Session Chairman Prof. A. RYNIEWICZ
    J. Cwanek, K. Wierzcholski: Measurements of head surfaces of endoprotheses
    K. Wierzcholski: Method of determining to the solving of friction forces on the tissue surface in bioreactor (T)
    O.A. Rozenberg,WW Woznyj, S.W Sohan: Vlijaniekachestva obrabotannoj povierhnosti na tribologicheskije charakteristiki kieramicheskich izdielij miedicinskovo naznachenija

    13.00-15.00 lunch

    Room 2
    Building B2, II floor

    15.00-18.30 Session 1 Bearing design and application
    Chairman Prof. K. WIERZCHOLSKI
    V. Bella, S. Wolny, S. Dzik: High frequency fatigue characteristics of Magnesium alloy AZ 64HP used in machinery as bearing housings (MK)
    M.Koprowski V.k: Hydrodynamics models of conical slide bearings lubrication in the magnetic field (T)
    M.Styp-Rekowski: Special rolling kinematic pairs in machine tools building (MK)

    Pause 16.00-16.20

    16.20-17.20 Session Chairman Prof. M. STYP-REKOWSKI
    M. Ratajczak, A.Walicka, E. Walicki, P. Ratajczak: Reodynamics of lubricating curvilinear thrust bearings with Ellis pseudo-plastic fluid (ZEM)
    P. Jurczak, A. Walicka, E.Walicki, D. Michalski: Mechanical parameters of a curvilinear bearing with one porous pad lubricated by a power-law fluid (ZEM)
    P. Jurczak, A. Walicka, E. Walicki, D. Michalski: Flow of a couple-stress fluid in a curvilinear thrust bearing with one porous pad (T)

    Pause 17.20-17.30

    17.30-18.30 Session Chairman Dr S.STRZELECKI
    K. Filipowicz, A. Kowal: Measurements of the moment of friction in a cone bearing loaded with the axial force (P)
    M. Ratajczak, A.Walicka, E. Walicki, P. Ratajczak: Inertia effects in the curvilinear thrust bearing lubricated by a pseudo-plastic fluid of rotem-shinnar (ZEM)
    H. Rodemund: 5 Floating ring bearings (P)

    13.00-15.00 lunch

    Room 3
    Building B2, IV floor

    15.00-18.30 Session Tribotesting
    Chairman Prof. V.F. BEZYAZICHNY
    Z. Broniec, J. Daca, W. Figiel: Roentgenography method implementation at intrinsic residual stress measurement in surface layer of drawing die eyelets (T lub P)
    R. Michalczewski, W Piekoszewski, M. Szczerek, J. Wulczynski: The new method for investigation of rolling contact fatigue of pvd/cvd coated elements (T)
    A. Kuzmienko,A. Dikha, V. Karazei: The calculate-experimental approach to research of friction units with lubricant materials (P)

    Pause 16.00-16.20

    16.20-18.30 Session
    Chairman Prof. M.MISHKIN

    Z. Rudnicki, W Figiel: Computer analysis and disturbance compensation of sliding fiction surface images (ZEM)
    P. Lacki: Theoretical and experimental analysis of the heat exchange in the Amsler machine (P)
    V.Ju. Zamyatin, S.S. Lebedeva, A. A. Zamyatina: On system of knowledge and quality economics in triboproduction and rendering of triboservices (P)
    V.F. Bezyazichny, V.Ju. Zamyatin: Managerial-organizing implications for triboobjects integrated quality and competitiveness maintenance (P)

    19* Evening Meeting - Canteen C


    16. Saturday: Poster Session 9.00-10.00 Room l
    INSYCONT '06

    R.G. Ripeanu: Establish the reliability if rod-pumpsusedat deep-drill pumping (P)
    A. Patejuk, M. Czech, B. Krupicz: Empirical description of erosion wear dynamics of FeAl-LP03 (T)
    S. Krawczyk, K. Zagorski: Zużywanie się ostrzy frezów nożowych przy obróbce tworzyw węglowych (P)
    A. Patejuk, M. Bielocerkowski, A. Bielyj, W. Kukareko: Improvement on utilitarian properties of thermal sprayed coatings modified by method of plasma nitriding (T lub P)
    D. Kotnarowska: Examination of dynamics of polimeric coating erosiv wear process (T)
    W. Skoneczny: Structure and chemical composition of anodic oxide layers obtained on aluminium alloys (T)
    W. Zornik, W. Kukareko, A. Patejuk: The growth of resistance to wear of friction surface in modified (by diamond-gaphite molecules) lubricant's environment (Y)

    E. Siwiec, M. Grądkowski: Antiwear efficiency of the chemically modified rapeseed oils (T)
    C. Dymarski, W. Litwin: Research on heavy loaded water lubricated main shaft bearings of the ship (P)
    W. Litwin: First tests of water lubricatedpropel-ler shaft bearings (P)
    A. Kotnarowski: Modification of cutting oils tribological properties with metal nanoparticles addition (I)
    B. Florkowska, M. Florkowski, P. Zydron: Non-invasive methods in materials and mixedsys-terms structure assessment (T)
    A. Kowal, K. Filipowicz: A new construction of a flexible coupling (P)
    M. Koprowski: Basic equations for non isothermal steady axial asymmetrical case of lubrication of conical slide bearings in the magnetic field (P)
    M. Sułek, T. Wasilewski: Changes in friction coefficient versus concentration of surface-active component in aqueous based lubricants (T)

    P. Krasowski: Modeling of micropolarfluid flow in slide journal bearing gap by unsteady laminar lubrication (P)
    P. Krasowski: Capacity forces and pressure in slide journal bearing by unsteady laminar lubrication (ZEM)
    J. Daca, W. Figiel, Z. Rudnicki: Problems of cooling lubricant contamination in the multistage copper wire drawing process (T lub P)
    M. Wrona: Quantitative analysis of wear particles texture using computer image analysis
    Z. Broniec, J. Daca, W. Figiel: Application meth-ods of structural changes on drawing dies eyelet surface layer (ZEM)
    Yu. P. Sharkeev, Yu. R. Kolobov, E. V. Legostaeva, G. A. Shashkina, A V. Karlov, I. A. Khlusov A. D. Bratchikov, A. Yu. Eroshenko: The "Ultrafine-grained titanium-calcium-phosphate coating" biocomposite material for traumatology andorthopaedics (P)
    M. Ekwińska, Z. Rymuza: Of energy needed to wear of silicon and quartz on micro/estimation nanoscale
    Room l

    Session Chairman PhD J. CWANEK
    K. Wierzcholski: Human hip joint lubrication for permeable cartilage (ZEM)
    K. Wierzcholski: Friction forces review for the nutrient liquid flow on the permeable Cartilage surface in bioreactor (T)
    A.M. Ryniewicz, A. Ryniewicz, M. Lekka: Analysis of the cartilage surface layer with the use of modern microscope methods

    Pause 11.00-11.15

    11.15-11.45 Session: Micro- and nanotribology
    Chairman S. M. GHONEAM
    T. Habdank-Wojewodzki, J. Habdank: Mikrokompozyty jako materiafy do elektrotribologii(P)
    A.A. Zamyatin: Nanotechnology is forming the future of tribology or new growing market for nanotribology (P)

    Room 2

    Session Chairman Prof. J. SALWINSKI
    S.M. Ghoneam, S. Strzelecki: Oil film temperature distribution of pressureized cylindrical 2-pockets journal bearing of variable axial profile (P)
    K. Voynov, K. Gennady: Slider bearings with the improved term of operation (P)
    M. Bellantonio, S. Strzelecki: Investigation into frictional characteristics of tribomaterials in rotational and oscillating motion (P)

    Pause 10.45-10.55

    Chairman PhD Z. Rudnicki
    K. Voynov, G. Ketoy: Olympiad in tribology diciplines (P)
    LA. Baygutlina,A.A. Zamyatina: Virtual " triboservice " center: strategy technologies, marketing and business development
    K. Voynov, V Belyh: Covering for steel surfaces with Cu Al Pb-Sn-Babbit, bronze, ftoroplast (P)
    J. Shalapko, S. Kostogryz: Stick-slip regime of fretting for nominally-fixedjoints. Model, simulation, experiment


    Room 3

    Session Chairman Prof. Z. HADUCH-SUSKI

    M. Kandeva: The contact approach and the model for sustain-able development (P)
    M. Kandeva, P. Hristov, E. Assenova: Ecological aspects of tribotechnologyfor air filters regeneration (P)
    M. Heinrich, G. Jasica, H. Wistuba: The process of investigation and estimation of tribological pairs quality of strippers and Muckers (P)

    Pause 10.45-11.00

    11.00-12.00 Chairman Prof. M. SZCZEREK
    J. Glatki, O. Makovkin: Powstawanie narostu przy tarciu i zużyciu stali narzędziowych o dużej trwałości (P)
    A. Galvan, D. Maldonado, M. Szczerek, Z. Haduch: Wyzwania tribologii - Kierunki badań tribologicznych w najbliższej przyszłości na przykładzie Meksyku (P)
    K. Furmanik, P. Kasza: Influence of selected parameters on resistances to motion of scraper pipe conveyor (ZEM)

    12.00 Clossing of INSYCONT'06 - Room 1


    INSYCONT Symposia on Tribology, which have a tradition since 1982, are the main Polish events devoted to the problems of friction, lubrication and wear.

    INSYCONT ’06 is organized by:

    • Department of Machine Design and Exploitation, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow
    • Terotechnology Section in the Committee of Mechanical Engineering, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw
    • Institute for Terotechnology-National Research Institute, Radom
    • Polish Tribological Society, Warsaw

    INSYCONT ’06 will be held in Cracow (Kraków) from 14th÷16th September 2006. Apart from its cultural, historical and tourist attraction, the Cracow region is also one of leading industrial areas of Poland as well as an important scientific centre. Cracow can easily be reached by plane, train or car.

    The subjects will be grouped under the following headings:

  • Contact Mechanics and Friction
  • Wear of Materials
  • Surface Engineering and Coatings
  • Lubrication and Lubricants, Additives and Tribochemistry
  • Tribology of Biomaterials
  • Micro- and Nanotribology
  • Bearing Design and Application
  • Tribotesting

    SUBMISSION OF CONTRUBUTIONS If you wish to present a paper, please send a title and abstract of 200 words maximum to the conference secretariat not later than 30th December 2005. Acceptance will be decided by the end of January 2006. In case of acceptance, a complete text (according to instructions which will be supplied) must be sent before 30th March 2006.

    OFFICIAL LANGUAGES Polish and English are the official languages of the conference.

    PUBLICATIONS All accepted papers will be published in Symposium Proceedings and distributed to all participants at the opening of the conference. Additionally, publication of some contributions in bimonthly “TRIBOLOGIA” and in quarterly “TEROTECHNOLOGY PROBLEMS OF MACHINES” is provided.

    TOURS A special programme during and after the Symposium is also provided.

    Prof. Stanisław Pytko, DSc, PhD, Mech. Eng.
    Chairman, Organising Committee

    Address:INSYCONT '06

    AGH University of Science and Technology Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow -Poland


    E-mail: s_pytko@uci.agh.edu.pl or marian.szczerek@itee.radom.pl
    tel.(48)(12) 6173065

  • October 2006



    October 11 - 13, 2006





    Symposium Chairman

    BLASKOVITS Pavel, prof. Ing. DrSc.
    Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
    Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Trnava, SR
    e-mail: kzv @ mtf.stuba.sk


    KLUCHO Pavol, Dr.
    Slovak Society of Tribology, Bratislava, SR

    ELlASOVA Gabriela, Ing.
    Slovak Society of Tribology, Bratislava, SR


    BALLA Jozef, prof. Ing. PhD.

    Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, SR

    DZIMKO Marian, prof. Ing. PhD.

    University of Zilina, Zilina, SR

    MARKO Miroslav, Ing.

    Military Academy, Liptovsky Mikulas, SR

    RADOVANOVIC Dobrosav, prof. Ing.

    Slovak Society of Tribology, Bratislava, SR

    STOPKA Jozef, Ing.

    TRIBEX, s.r.o., Bratislava, SR

    STRAKA Miroslav, Ing.

    MADAST, Bratislava, SR

    JANOSIK Stefan, Ing.

    Slovnaft a.s., Bratislava, SR

    ZAJAC Jozef, doc. Ing. PhD.

    Technical University, Kosice, SR

    ZDRAVECKA Eva, doc. Ing. PhD.

    Technical University, Kosice, SR



    October 11 - 13,2006 VENUE:
    Congress center ACADEMIA Stara Lesna - High Tatras Slovak Republic


    Main professional programme, firm presentations, posters, exhibition, social programme, programme for accompanying persons


    English, Slovak and Czech are the official Symposium languages.
    Simultaneous translation will be provided.


    Contributions (and posters) presented on the Symposium will be published in english language in the Proceedings.


    An exhibition of equipment, products and literature in depend­ence on commercial interest of companies should be held during Symposium.


    September 30, 2005 : Preliminary application and call for papers with summary
    November 30, 2005 : Notification of acceptance:
    May 31, 2006 : Full - text papers for Proceedings:


    In a modern economy, science and technology has taken a respectable position. Control of friction, wear and lubrication has a substantial influence upon technological processes. It determines the prosperity of the given system and influence directly the environment.

    The INTERTRIBO 2006 is aimed at specific tribological prob­lems of exposed friction pairs. Problems of friction, wear and lubrication of friction nodes operating under extreme condi­tions are the main objectives of the symposium.

    The Symposium gives outstanding chance to exchange the experiences and to gain valuable knowledges, which have been already eight times utilised by more than two hundred participants up till now.

    A Symposium prize will be awarded to the best contribution of the PhD. students and young tribologists (33 years).

    The IXth Symposium INTERTRIBO 2006 will be aimed at:


    B - WEAR

  • mechanism of processes
  • machine elements and tools


  • additives
  • lubrication systems
  • organization of lubrication services


  • rolling bearings
  • sliding bearings






    The contributions to above mentioned topics will contain the achievements from theoretical, experimental, practical and standard-setting activity.

    SI units must be used and papers original contributions not published or submitted elsewhere.


    The IX th Symposium INTERTRIBO 2006 is organized by the Slovak Society of Tribology in cooperation with the Union of Slovak Scientific and Technical Societies and well known companies and institutions in the Slovak Republic and with the International Tribology Council, London, UK.

    All correspondence should be sent to the following address:



    Dr. Pavol Klucho Skultetyho 1 831 04 Bratislava 3 Slovak Republic
    Phone: 00421 2 50224432 Fax: 00421 2 55424983 e-mail: intertribo @ tribologia.sk www.tribologia.sk

    Honorary Chairman

    JOST H. Peter, prof. CBE, D.Sc.
    President of the International Tribology Council, London, UK


    ADAMCZAK S., dr.h.c., prof. Dr. Hab. Inz.

    PT Swietokrzyska, Kielce, Poland

    BARTZ W. J., prof. Dr. Ing.

    Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germany

    BLASKOVITS P., prof. Ing. DrSc.

    Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Trnava, SR


    Welding Research Institute, BHEL, India

    DROZDOV Y. N., prof. DrSc.

    Academician, MERI, RAS, Moscow, Russia

    FRANEK F., prof. Dr.

    Vienna University of Technology, Austria

    IVKOVIC B., prof. Dr. Mg.

    Yugoslav Tribology Society, Kragujevac, YU

    KORCEK S., Dr. Ing.

    Dearborn, Ml, USA

    NISHIMURA M., prof. Dr. Eng. Hosei University Tokyo, Japan

    NOVACEK V., Ing.

    Czech Mechanical Engineering Society, Section Tribotechnics, Prague, CZ

    PETRLIK J., Ing. ESSO Ltd., Prague, CZ

    PYTKO S., prof., Dr. Hab. Inz.

    Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland

    SCHOFIELD J., prof. Dr. M.B.E.

    John Moores University of Liverpool, UK

    SUCHANEK J., doc., Ing., PhD.

    Czech Tribology Society, Prague, CZ

    UEMURA M., prof. Dr.

    Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan

    VERMES P., Dr. PhD.

    Tessedik Samuel foiskola, Mezotur, Hungary

    VIZINTIN J., prof. Dr. Ing.

    University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • The 6th International conference
    "Tribology and Reliability"

    4-6th of October in 2006
    Saint-Petersburg, Russia
    15th of March- claim and the thesis of report;
    25th of April- will be the conformation of acceptance your claim and topic;
    18th of July- presenting the whole research article to publish it in the proceedings of this conference and payment of a fee for your participation.

    WELCOME TO RUSSIA in Saint-Petersburg

    The 6-th International conference "Tribology and Reliability" will take place in Saint-Petersburg on the 4-6th of October in 2006.
    Among the organizers of this conference there are many specialists of the Mechanical Engineering Institute, Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences, The Railway University, VOENMEH, University of Information technology, mechanics and optics; editorial office "Hydraulics & Pneumatics", firm "Future".
    Dear colleagues!
    We kindly invite you and your colleagues to take part in a work of the International conference "Tribology and Reliability".

    There are the next basic topics:

    1. - theoretic-applied aspects in tribology and reliability of mechanical systems, and modeling;
    2. - progressive technology to create and repair for the main pairs of friction;
    3. - methods of testing, ways and means to do analyses and control for the tribo-conjunctions and their parts which realize the guarantee terms of operation;
    4. - lubricants, oils, additives, special mediums and sealings for different mobile conjugations;
    5. - intensification and quality of teaching for tribology disciplines;
    6. - tribo-chemistry in the processes of friction and wearing;
    7. - know how, including proposals to sign any educational or research contracts.
    According with the another demands or claims the named topics of this conference can be corrected or supplemented/.

    Forms of participation

    • appearance with the plenary report- till 25 min.;
    • appearance with the section report- till 15 min.;
    • without any report.

    Important dates and terms (2006 year)

    • 15th of March- claim and the thesis of report;
    • 25th of April- will be the conformation of acceptance your claim and topic;
    • 18th of July- presenting the whole research article to publish it in the proceedings of this conference and payment of a fee for your participation.
    Moreover you ought to send the next materials in our address till the 15th of March:
    • claim to take part at this International conference ("The Form of Claim") and your thesis, including the report's name, author(s), place of working, duties and the full text of a report (not more than 4 pages) and the all text of article; E-mail.
    • information about author(s), namely full name, the date of birth, academic rank and degree, home and work address with the post code/index, tel/fax with a code.
      Footnote. All materials, connected with your article, must be sent as separate files, including figures.

    Payment. The fee for three days of working, including organizational dues, living, proceedings, three time subsistence + coffee-break, excursions along the beautiful streets of our city and around the magnificent suburb will be $320 for double-bed room in a hotel and $360 for a single room. Each additional day of living will add $35 to the mentioned sums. You can pay via the bank or yourself at the conference after arriving.
    The name of the hotel "Black River"- 35 minutes from Saint-Petersburg, in which the conference will be, and where is the famous cardio-centre, is situated on the pictorial coast of the Gulf of Finland with fresh air and astonishing forest.

    Common claims to preparing of your texts for publication

    The work must contain the aim, method of answer, real results and field of utilization/application. Type in Word, page format 210x297 mm.; margins- top and bottom are 24 mm, left- 23 mm, right- 18 mm. Running title is 12 mm., orientation is as in the book; high of a type is 14; red line is 12mm.; the distance between two nearest lines is single; make an alignment on the width without hyphens.
    Each page must be full, and not more than 14, including figures, formulas, tables). Each additional pages improves the common sum on $2.
    The title of your article/report is to type in the middle of the first page with the capital letters. After one empty line in the middle of the page type the name(s) of author(s). Below Country, city/town, organization/enterprise, address and E-mail must be typed, too. For identification authors from different organizations/enterprises use asterisks.
    If your text will be in English, before it give Russian annotation (not more than 5 lines), and if your text is in Russian, before it give the annotation in English (not more than 5 lines as well).

    Responsible secretaries

    Academician, Dr of Sc., professor- Voynov Kirill Nikolaevich (the chairman of committee); Address: RUSSIA, Saint-Petersburg, 195197, the Mechanical Engineering Institute, Poljustrovsky av., 14; tel/fax 7- 812- 540 89 12; E-mail: forstar @ mail.ru
    Chief editor for the magazine "Hydraulic and Pneumatic"- Plaksiy Natalia Aleksandrovna. Tel/fax 7-812- 333 30 64; E-mail: natalia.plaks @ hydraulics.ru or hap @ hydraulics.ru


    I/we want to take part as the participant(s) at the 6th International conference "Tribology and Reliability" - 4-6.X.2006 in Saint-Petersburg
    Full name and sex
    Title of report/article
    Scientific direction
    Form of participation (plenary or section
    Form of presentation (CD or…)
    Address from the each person to have a correspondence (work and home with post code, tel/fax and E-mail)
    Note: routine information you will and can see on our http://tribotehnika.nm.ru.

    The Japanese Society of Tribologists

    The 3rd Asia International Conference on Tribology

    October 16-19, 2006
    Kanazawa, JAPAN

    First Announcement and Call for Papers

    The 3rd Asia International Conference on Tribology will be held at Kanazawa Miyako Hotel on October 16-19, 2006. The Conference is organized by The Japanese Society of Tribologists.

    Planning of the scientific program, social events (including a program for accompanying persons) and a technical exhibition is now in progress. The scientific program will include plenary lectures, invited lectures, contributed papers and posters. Symposia on current topics and a special session on industrial tribology in Asia are also planned.

    The conference is expected to make an important contribution to the advancement of tribology, including industrial technology. Tribologists and lubrication engineers throughout the world are all cordially invited to the conference.

    Kanazawa has a population of 450,000, and is an old castle town located on the western coast of Honshu, Japan. From the late of 16th century, the Maeda Family, holders of the largest domain in feudal Japan governed this area for nearly three centuries. In this old castle town, there are many historical buildings and areas. Although Kanazawa is a modern city, it is also famous as one of the few remaining classical cities of Japan which preserves its historical atmosphere.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you at the ASIATRIB 2006 KANAZAWA, JAPAN.


    Chairman : Prof. Yoshitaka UCHIYAMA(Kanazawa University)

    Program Committee

    Prof. Koji KATO (Tohoku University)
    Koshi ADACHI (Tohoku University)
    Tomoaki IWAI (Kanazawa University)
    Yoshiro IWAI (University of Fukui)
    Isami NITTA (Niigata University)

    Conference Venue and Date

    Kanazawa Miyako Hotel
    (6-10, Konohana, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0852, Japan)
    Tel: +81(0)76-261-2111, FAX: +81(0)76-261-2113
    October 16-19, 2006

    Conference Language

    The official language of the conference will be English.

    Organization ASIATRIB 2006 KANAZAWA, JAPAN

    Japanese Society of Tribologists

    Call for Papers

    The deadline for the submission of abstract of 250 words for oral or poster presentations is November 1st, 2005.


    Prof. Yoshinori YAMADA, Secretary General
    Graduate School of Science and Technology,
    Kanazawa University

    FAX: +81-(0)76-234-4719
    E-mail: asiatrib@kenroku.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

    40-20 Kodatsuno 2-chome Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8667, Japan

    Address will be changed after August 1, 2005 as follows:
    Kakuma, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan
    (FAX, E-Mail and URL do not change)

    FISITA 2006 World Automotive Congress

    October 22-27, 2006
    Yokohama, Japan
    Tel. +81 3 3262 8219

    November 2006

    December 2006

    ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products & Lubricants

    December 3-7, 2006
    Lake Bueno Vista, Florida, USA
    -Contact: www.astm.org

    AUSTRIB 06 International Tribology Conference
    Putting Tribology to Work

    December 3÷6, 2006
    Rydges South Bank, Brisbane, Australia
    -Contact: www.astm.org
    Important Dates
    28 February 2006 - Abstract Submissions Close
    Early April 2006 - Abstract Notification to Authors
    June 2006 - Registration Brochure Distributed
    1 June 2006 -Deadline for Receipt of Papers
    4 August 2006 - Notification of Review Outcome
    1 October 2006 - Early Registration Deadline
    3 December 2006 - Conference Commences

    Homepage: AUSTRIB 06

    Conference Organiser: ICMS Pty Ltd, 88 Merivale Street, South Bank, Queensland 4101, Australia
    Telephone: +61 7 3307 4000 , Facsimile: +61 7 3844 0909

    Who Should Attend?

    Academic Researchers - to provide results of their current work
    Industrial Practitioners - to provide anecdotal case studies
      The technical program will cover developments in the fields of:
    • Biotribology
    • Condition monitoring
    • Contact mechanics
    • Education and training
    • Environmental aspects in tribology (Biodegradable lubricants, recovery and disposal of lubricants)
    • Industrial problems and their solution
    • Innovative application of tribological principles
    • Lubricant chemistry and rheology
    • Lubrication (Thick film, Thin film, Boundary)
    • Micro and nano-scale tribology
    • Surface characterisation
    • Surface engineering (Wear resistant and friction modifying treatments and coatings, processes, properties, etc)
    • Tribology in manufacturing (Metal cutting and forming, etc)
    • Tribology of materials (Metals, ceramics, polymers, etc)
    • Tribology in machine maintenance
    • Tribology of machine elements (Bearings, gears, seals, chains, cams, piston rings, etc)
    • Wear debris analysis
    • Wear processes and control (Abrasive, adhesive, erosive, corrosive, etc)

    Registration Fees

    The conference registration fees will include attendance at all technical sessions, a copy of the conference proceedings and admission to the welcome reception and conference dinner. Full details will be available in the conference registration brochure and web site from June 2006.


    Brisbane offers a diverse range of accommodation options to suit every budget. Delegates will be able to reserve accommodation at discounted rates. Full details and a booking form will be available in the conference registration brochure and web site from June 2006


    Invitation to Attend

      AUSTRIB 2006 will be the 7th International Tribology Conference to be held in Australia and the 3rd in Brisbane. Tribology is the science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion and the practices related thereto, or more simply: friction, lubrication and wear. There are very few engineering components which do not embrace tribological principles.

      The theme of AUSTRIB 2006 is Putting Tribology to Work. It is intended to bring together researchers and practitioners working in tribology from around the world. The purpose is to review the current state of knowledge in selected areas by way of invited keynote speakers, to provide researchers with a forum to present their findings and to provide practitioners with a means to relate their experience and solutions to specific tribological problems via sessions devoted to case studies.

      Planning of the technical program, social events and a technical exhibition is now in progress. The program will include plenary lectures, invited lectures, contributed papers and posters. Symposia on current topics and a special session on industrial tribology are also planned.

      We take great pleasure in inviting you to participate in AUSTRIB 2006 and look forward to welcoming you to Brisbane.

    Doug Hargreaves Chair, Organising Committee

    Paper Submissions

      If your abstract has been accepted for AUSTRIB 2006, you are now required to submit a full paper. The guidelines for papers are in the following three documents, which you should download:

      Authors Guide
      Final Paper Template
      Reviewers Criteria

      Papers will only be accepted in the correct format, outlined in the Final Paper Template. The submitted papers will be reviewed following the criteria outlined in the document Reviewers Criteria. Submission of papers for peer review is optional.

      The deadlines for paper submissions and the review process are:

      Paper submission deadline Thursday, 1 June 2006

      Notification of reviewer outcome Friday, 4 August 2006

      It is expected that special editions of internationally refereed journals will be produced from papers submitted to AUSTRIB 2006.

    Invited Speakers: Professor Yoshitsugu Kimura

    Professor Yoshitsugu Kimura

    January 2007

    IUTAM Symposium on Simulation and Identification of Organized Structures in Flows
    Location: Lyngby, Denmark
    Event dates: January 01 - January 01, 2007
    IUTAM Representative on Scientific Committee:

    Industrieböden Industrieböden
    e-mail anmeldung@tae.de
    in Ostfildern
    16. ÷ 18. Jan. 2007

    February 2007

    Warsztaty Tribologiczne

    Poland, Radom, 22.02.2007

    Szanowni Państwo !

    Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne zainicjowało organizowanie jednodniowych, bezpłatnych Warsztatów Tribologicznych. Warsztaty organizowane będą w wybranych ośrodkach naukowych, specjalizujących się w poszczególnych obszarach tribologii.

    A. Referaty wprowadzające 10:00÷11:30
    1. Prof. Marian SZCZEREK: „Tribotesting – tendencje, rozwój metod i urządzeń w ITeE-PIB,” (30 min)
    2. Dr Witold PIEKOSZEWSKI: „Metody badań i urządzenia do oceny środków smarowych” (15 min)
    3. Dr Remigiusz MICHALCZEWSKI: „Metody i urządzenia do badania cienkich powłok przeciwzużyciowych” (15 min)
    4. Dr Waldemar TUSZYŃSKI „Najnowsze metody badań na stanowisku przekładniowym (FZG)” (15 min)
    B. Dyskusja 11:30÷11:45
    C. Przerwa na kawę 11:45÷12:00
    D. Prezentacja aparatury do badań tribologicznych 12:00÷14:00
    1. Przedstawienie i omówienie wytwarzanych w ITeE-PIB standardowych i nowych, unikatowych urządzeń (20 typów) do badania tarcia, zużywania i smarowania materiałów konstrukcyjnych, powłok przeciwzużyciowych i przeciwtarciowych, endoprotez oraz cieczy chłodząco-smarujących.
    2. Prezentacja aparatury do badań towarzyszących, m.in.: AFM, GDOES, SEM, FTIR, DSC.
    E. Dyskusja i podsumowanie 14:00÷14:30
    UWAGA: Udział w Warsztatach jest bezpłatny. Uprzejmie prosimy o wcześniejsze zgłoszenie uczestnictwa (nie później niż do 17 lutego 2007) telefonicznie lub e-mailem na adres: Dr Witold Piekoszowski, tel. 048 3644241, w.238, e-mail: witold.piekoszewski@itee.radom.pl

    March 2007


    Vienna, Austria
    14th ÷ 16th March 2007
    Web: www.oetg.at
    Email: oetg@ccc.at
    Tel: +43 (0) 1 505 34 00

    The second Vienna International Conference on micro and nano technology is organized by the Austrian Tribology Society in co-operation with the Technical Academy Esslingen, the Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology (AC2T research GmbH) as well as the Vienna University of Technology. The summary programme, given below, includes a session dedicated to tribological effects.

    • Nano-Materials incl. Physical and Chemical Properties
    • Micro- and Nano-Engineering/-Applications
    • Micro- and Nano-Tribology
    • Measurements in the Nano range
    • Bio-Nano-Technology

    Further details about the event can be obtained from:

    The Austrian Tribology Society
    Floragasse 7/2
    A-1040 Vienna

    Tel: +43 (0) 1 505 34 00
    Web: www.oetg.at
    Email: oetg@ccc.at

    April 2007

    Liptowski Mikulasz
    11÷14 KWIETNIA 2007
    Ubytovňa BARMO
    Ul. Hviezdoslavova 2
    Liptovský Mikuláš
    31.12.2006 r. - zgłoszenie uczestnictwa oraz przesłanie streszczenia referatu (około 1 strony);
    30-01-2007 r. - wstępna kwalifikacja referatów;
    20-02-2007 r. - wpłata wpisowego;
    15-03-2007 r. - kwalifikacja prac do prezentacji ustnej lub plakatowej;
    10-05-2007 r. - przesłanie pełnego tekstu w formie gotowej do druku zgodnie z wytycznymi;
    31-05-2007 r. - opracowanie redakcyjne i wydanie materiałów poseminaryjnych.


    Czesław Cempel
    Stanisław Pytko
    Hans Overgaard


    Stanisław Radkowski - Przewodniczący
    Marian Szczerek - Przewodniczący
    Andrzej Niewczas - Przewodniczący
    Walter Bartelmus
    Wojciech Batko
    Wojciech Cholewa
    Ryszard Michalski
    Tomasz Nowakowski
    Zygmunt Rymuza
    Jan Senatorski
    Jiří Stodola
    Barbara Surowska
    Jan Szybka
    Andrzej Wilk
    Marek Wiśniewski


    Štefan Liščák - Przewodniczący
    Radosław Pakowski - Sekretarz
    Paweł Droździel
    Maciej Zawisza


    Pracownia Wibroakustyki IPBM PW
    ul. Narbutta 84, 02-524 Warszawa
    tel.: [+48][22] 234-82-76




    Seminarium jest kontynuacją cyklicznie organizowanych na Wydziale Samochodów i Maszyn Roboczych Politechniki Warszawskiej przez Instytut Podstaw Budowy Maszyn spotkań poświęconych prezentacji i wymianie najnowszych osiągnięć naukowych z dziedziny diagnostyki, tribologii i eksploatacji. Seminarium organizowane jest w cyklu jednorocznym. Celem seminarium jest prezentacja najnowszych osiągnięć z zakresu modelowania i symulacji uszkodzeń układów mechanicznych, diagnostyki uszkodzeń zmęczeniowych i niskoenergetycznych, bezpieczeństwa systemów technicznych oraz diagnostyki stanu technicznego i rozwoju uszkodzeń konstrukcji sprężonych rozwijanej m.in. w ramach COST-Akcja 534, jak również zagadnienia z dziedziny tribologii COST-Akcja 532 i szeroko rozumianej eksploatacji. Referaty zostaną przedstawione w formie prezentacji plenarnych i w sesjach plakatowych. Łącznie przewiduje się powyżej 50 referatów.
    Zainteresowanie udziałem w seminarium oprócz ośrodków polskich i słowackich wykazują przedstawiciele ośrodków naukowych z Czech i Ukrainy oraz innych krajów tej części Europy.
    Dodatkowym celem organizatorów jest wykorzystanie Seminarium Degradacji Systemów Technicznych do prezentacji problemów z w/w dziedzin i stworzenie zespołów badawczych z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej z uwzględnieniem państw pozaunijnych, gotowych do wzięcia udziału w 7 Programie Ramowym Unii Europejskiej. Stąd w programie przewiduje się panelowe spotkania poświęcone tym zagadnieniom


    11÷14 kwietnia 2007
    Ubytovňa BARMO
    ul. Hviezdoslavova 2
    Liptovský Mikuláš


    Podstawowym językiem seminarium i publikacji jest język angielski. Dopuszcza się wygłoszenie referatów w językach polskim lub słowackim.


        Wydział Samochodów i Maszyn Roboczych Politechniki Warszawskiej
        Sekcja Podstaw Eksploatacji Komitetu Budowy Maszyn PAN
        Żyliński Uniwersytet w Żylinie (Žilinská Univerzita v Žiline);
        SDS Slovenská dopravná spoločnosť pri Slov. akadémii vied Žilina;
        Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Technicznej;
        Polskie Naukowo -Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne;
        Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne.
    • 31.12.2006 r. - zgłoszenie uczestnictwa oraz przesłanie streszczenia referatu (około 1 strony);
    • 30-01-2007 r. - wstępna kwalifikacja referatów;
    • 20-02-2007 r. - wpłata wpisowego;
    • 15-03-2007 r. - kwalifikacja prac do prezentacji ustnej lub plakatowej;
    • 10-05-2007 r. - przesłanie pełnego tekstu w formie gotowej do druku zgodnie z wytycznymi;
    • 31-05-2007 r. - opracowanie redakcyjne i wydanie materiałów poseminaryjnych.
    Nadsyłanie streszczeń i pełnej treści referatów, jak również decyzji o przyjęciu referatu, oraz kwalifikacji do prezentacji ustnej lub plakatowej odbywa się WYŁĄCZNIE drogą elektroniczną. Warunkiem wydrukowania w materiałach Seminarium jest autorska prezentacja podczas obrad oraz wniesienie opłaty za materiały.
    Szczegółowe informacje na stronie WWW Seminarium.


    Rezerwacja noclegów jest w trakcie ostatecznych ustaleń. Pełna informacja odnośnie zakwaterowania zostanie podana w kolejnym komunikacie i na stronie WWW.


    Opłaty za udział w Seminarium:
    · pełna: 800 zł
    · ulgowa (doktoranci i studenci): 650 zł
    W ramach opłaty uczestnicy otrzymują: prawo udziału w sesjach (plenarnych, sekcyjnych, plakatowych), spotkaniach towarzyszących oraz materiały seminaryjne, wyżywienie i poczęstunki kawowe oraz możliwość publikacji poseminaryjnych w wybranych czasopismach.

    Ulotka i druk zgłoszenia Komunikat_1_VI_MSDST-2.doc (285 184 B)

    Wpłat należy dokonywać na konto:

    Politechnika Warszawska
    Instytut Podstaw Budowy Maszyn
    Bank PEKAO S.A. IV O/Warszawa
    Nr: 81 1240 1053 1111 00000 5005 664
    Z dopiskiem: VI MSDST

    May 2007

    IXth INTERNATIONAL Thermal Spray

    Conference and Exposition

    ITSC 2007 — Global Coating Solutions

    Beijing, China
    May 14-17, 2007
    Beijing International Convention Center
    Important Deadlines for ITSC 2007
    June 30, 2006 Abstracts due
    October 23, 2006 Manuscripts due for review submission
    January 15, 2007 Final manuscripts due

    Join us for the world’s foremost international conference and exposition for thermal spray technologists, researchers, manufacturers and suppliers.

    Welcome to the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition. ITSC is the preeminent global thermal spray annual event which is held in the Asia Pacific area every three years. This 2007 event will be held May 14-17, 2007 at the Beijing International Convention Center in Beijing, China.

    Our international delegation of materials and design engineers, research scientists, manufacturers, suppliers and users will gather in the largest emerging market in the world to exchange ideas on meeting the challenges and opportunities of the years to come. During ITSC 2007, you will experience three days of premier technical programming from the world’s leading thermal spray experts, an unparalleled exposition featuring the world’s largest gathering of thermal spray equipment suppliers, consumable and accessory suppliers, as well as vendors and service providers. In addition, enjoy unmatched educational programs and networking events.

    We look forward to seeing you next May in Beijing!

    Peter Hanneforth, Technical Chair, ITSC 2007
    E. Lugscheider, Technical Chair, ITSC 2007
    C. Ding, Technical Chair, ITSC 2007
    C. Li, Technical Chair, ITSC 2007

    Sponsored by:

    Event Overview

    It is our pleasure to extend to you an invitation to participate in the International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition (ITSC) in May of 2007.

    • Invited Speakers - Visionaries and leaders in the field will present their views on the field of thermal spray
    • Technical Papers - Outstanding papers by some of the leading researchers in the field of thermal spray will examine a diverse set of technical issues
    • Education Courses - Workshops offer the opportunity for in-depth presentation, discussion and interaction on topics ranging from the highly technical to the geo-political. Registration is required
    • Awards - Awards ceremony recognizes leadership in thermal spray technology

    The event, co-sponsored by the ASM Thermal Spray Society (TSS), the German Welding Society (DVS) and the International Institute of Welding (IIW), will be the first to be held in the vibrant country of China. The bustling automotive, aerospace and heavy equipment manufacturing sectors of China serve as an ideal forum for discussing the latest advances in thermal spray technologies. Plus, Beijing is an exquisite host locale for this international event.

    ITSC 2007 will offer thermal spray practitioners a unique opportunity to experience one of the world’s most rapidly expanding markets. Delegates from more than 30 countries are expected to participate in the event which includes three days of technical conference sessions. This year’s event will feature both theoretical and applied industrial presentations that address the latest in research, development, application and equipment.

    In addition to the anticipated 250+ technical papers, ITSC offers delegates opportunities for networking, equipment demonstrations, pre-event education courses, local industry tours and a world-class exposition. This exposition will feature exhibitors showcasing the latest in thermal spray equipment, powders, consumables, metallographic equipment, instrumentation and commercial job shop services.

    ITSC 2007 is an opportunity for the global thermal spray community to meet, exchange information and conduct business. It is a truly unique opportunity to be part of an outstanding program in the fascinating city of Beijing, the cultural center of the People’s Republic of China.

    We look forward to seeing you in Beijing in 2007!

    Technical Program

    The conference organizers are seeking original, previously unpublished non-commercial papers for oral and poster presentations in the following topical areas (others will be considered):

    Equipment & Processes

    • Equipment & Processes
    • Process Diagnostics, Sensors and Controls
    • Modeling and Simulation
    • Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment
    • Consumables/Gases
    • Guidelines and Standardization
    • Arc Spraying
    • Flame Spraying
    • Plasma Spraying
    • HVOF Spraying
    • Cold & Kinetic Spray
    • Plasma-Transferred-Arc (PTA) Surfacing
    • Laser Spraying

    Applications & Properties

    • Applications and Case Studies
    • Biomedical Coatings
    • Properties, Characterization and Testing
    • Ceramics and Thermal Barrier Coatings
    • Component Design
    • Corrosion Protection
    • Nanomaterial Coatings and Solution Precursors
    • Polymer Coatings
    • Sprayforming and Rapid Prototyping
    • Thermal Spray and other Surface Engineering Technologies
    • Wear Protection

    Economic, Regulatory and Other Business Issues

    • Cost of Coatings/Economic Aspects of Thermal Spray
    • Defense and Homeland Security Issues
    • Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection
    • Personnel Training and Qualification
    • Quality Inspection, Assurance & Management
    • Global Thermal Spray Markets & Industry

    Education Courses

    As part of the Beijing experience, the ASM Thermal Spray Society has planned two special pre-event education courses for attendees:
    Thermal Spray Technology
    Date TBD
    Understanding and Improving Your Thermal Spray Processes
    Date TBD

    These courses will provide an in-depth overview of thermal spraying as a technology and are a must for anyone who is currently involved in the field or who is considering thermal spray as an alternative surface treatment technology.

    Registration for both courses will be available at special member and non-member rates, as well as student pricing. We encourage you to check back for updates and registration information as plans progress.

    Advertising Opportunities

    Heat Treating Progress — This is the only magazine dedicated exclusively to the business and technology of heat treating. Each bimonthly issue keeps you informed, through in-depth articles on existing and emerging technologies, profiles on new products, industry news and events, technical tips, legislative and business trends, and challenging commentary.

    Advanced Materials & Processes — The Official Magazine of ASM International, AM&P delivers monthly complete coverage of metals and materials, as well as processes ranging from testing to surface engineering. And every issue features key references to industries such as aerospace, automotive, primary metals and heavy equipment.

    Exhibiting gives your company the opportunity to display your company’s latest technology and meet face-to-face with members. To reserve your space contact Charles Dec at 440/338-1733.

    Sponsorships of coffee breaks, meals, hospitality, tours and giveaways are also available. For more information, contact Lana Shapowal at 440/338-5151, ext. 5647

    Location Hotel Information

    General Information
    Travel Information
    Passport Information
    Beijing General Travel Information (off-site link)

    Bejing, China

    Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China. It is not only the nation's political center, but also its cultural, scientific and educational heart as well as a key transportation hub. Beijing has served as a capital of the country for more than 800 years. The city has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty, including the Forbidden City--the largest and best-preserved ancient architectural complex in the world; the Temple of Heaven--where Ming and Qing emperors performed solemn rituals for bountiful harvests; the Summer Palace--the emperors' magnificent garden retreat; the Ming tombs--the stately and majestic mausoleums of 13 Ming Dynasty emperors; and the world-renowned and genuinely inspiring Badaling section of the Great Wall.

    Location: Beijing is located on the western coast of China on the Pacific Ocean. Beijing stands at the northern tip of the North China Plain. Beijing lies at approximately the same latitude as Philadelphia in the U.S. and Madrid in Spain. The city is 39% flat land and the other 61% is quite mountainous area. Beijing is surrounded by the Yanshan Mountains on the west, north and east while the small alluvial plain of the Yongding River lies to its southeast.

    Area: Greater Beijing has an area of 16,808 sq km.

    Climate: The climate in Beijing is of the continental type, with cold and dry winters and hot summers. January is the coldest month and July is the warmest. Average temperature in May is 20°C (68°F).

    Population: 13.82 million (March 2001), half of the people live on the outskirt of the city.

    Industry: China has an industrial base with major potential, which is developing rapidly. Technological know-how is high within many areas and the possibilities for further productivity improvements are enormous. Beijing is heavily involved in the processing of coal, iron, and petroleum. It also has a significant number of woolen textile mills. Additionally, Beijing is home to a large, well educated engineering workforce. Beijing's auto industry is seeing its fastest expansion in the country’s history, with Beijing Hyundai, Beijing Jeep and Beijing Foton, the three biggest local carmakers, becoming the pillars propping up its rapid growth.

    Call for Papers

    Opportunity to Present

    To participate in the ITSC 2007 Conference and have the opportunity to present your work at the largest gathering of the global thermal spray community, we encourage you to submit your technical abstract(s) for review and consideration. The conference organizers are seeking original, previously unpublished non-commercial papers for oral and poster presentations in the following topical areas (others will be considered):

    Submit your abstract today!

    Equipment & Processes

    • Equipment & Processes
    • Process Diagnostics, Sensors and Controls
    • Modeling and Simulation
    • Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment
    • Consumables/Gases
    • Guidelines and Standardization
    • Arc Spraying
    • Flame Spraying
    • Plasma Spraying
    • HVOF Spraying
    • Cold & Kinetic Spray
    • Plasma-Transferred-Arc (PTA) Surfacing
    • Laser Spraying

    Applications & Properties

    • Applications and Case Studies
    • Biomedical Coatings
    • Properties, Characterization and Testing
    • Ceramics and Thermal Barrier Coatings
    • Component Design
    • Corrosion Protection
    • Nanomaterial Coatings and Solution Precursors
    • Polymer Coatings
    • Sprayforming and Rapid Prototyping
    • Thermal Spray and other Surface Engineering Technologies
    • Wear Protection

    Economic, Regulatory and Other Business Issues

    • Cost of Coatings/Economic Aspects of Thermal Spray
    • Defense and Homeland Security Issues
    • Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection
    • Personnel Training and Qualification
    • Quality Inspection, Assurance & Management
    • Global Thermal Spray Markets & Industry

      Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2006

      Interested authors should submit a 100-150 word abstract (in English). Simply complete the requested presenter and co-author information and submit your abstract.

      The ITSC Organizing Committee strives to maintain the quality and integrity of the conference through the careful selection of its participants. Please seriously consider your ability to prepare a full manuscript and present your work at the conference BEFORE submitting your abstract. All costs associated with your participation are your responsibility (travel, housing, conference registration, etc.).

      Important Deadlines for ITSC 2007

      June 30, 2006 Abstracts due
      October 23, 2006 Manuscripts due for review submission
      January 15, 2007 Final manuscripts due

      Note: Authors may indicate if they wish their paper to be considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology as a peer-reviewed paper. Please provide this iinformation with your abstract.

      Submit your abstract today!

      Contact Us

      Our goal is to make your experience the most fulfilling one possible. If you have any suggestions to help us achieve this goal, please contact us at:

      ASM Customer Service
      9639 Kinsman Road
      Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002
      Telephone: 800/336-5152 ext. 6 (toll free in the US and Canada)
      Or 440/338-5151 ext. 6
      Fax: 440/338-4634
      E-mail: customer.service@asminternational.org

      If at any time before, during or after the event you would like to offer suggestions or comments, your input is always welcome.

      Organizing Committees

      General Chairmen

      P. Hanneforth, SpaCom LLC (USA)
      P. Heinrich, Linde AG (D)
      X. Huang, Thermal Spraying Committee of China Surface Engineering Association (PRC)
      R. Hao, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co., Ltd (PRC)

      Technical Chairmen

      P. Hanneforth, SpaCom LLC (USA)
      E. Lugscheider, RWTH Aachen University (D)
      C. Ding, Shanghai Institute of Ceramic of Chinese Academy of Sciences (PRC)
      C. Li, Xi’an Jiaotong University (PRC)

      ASM-TSS Representatives

      C. C. Berndt, James Cook University (AU)
      M. Boulos, University of Sherbrooke (CAN)
      T. W. Clyne, University of Cambridge (USA)
      T. Coyle, University of Toronto (CAN)
      M. Gevelber, Boston University (USA)
      P. Hanneforth, SpaCom LLC (USA)
      J. Heberlein, University of Minnesota (USA)
      K. Hollis, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
      X. Huang, Thermal Spray Committee of China (PRC)
      S. Y. Hwang, RIST (KR)
      J. Karthikeyan, ASB Industries, Inc. (USA)
      A. Kay, ASB Industries, Inc. (USA)
      K.A. Khor, Nanyang Technological University (SG)
      R. Knight, Drexel University (USA)
      C. J. Li, Xi’an Jiaotong University (PRC)
      B. Marple, National Research Council Canada (CAN)
      C. Moreau, National Research Council Canada (CAN)
      A. Patel, Sulzer Metco U.S., Inc. (USA)
      P. Sahoo, ASM LLC (USA)
      K. Simpson, ASM International (USA)
      K. Tani, Tocalo Co., Ltd. (J)
      R. C. Tucker, The Tucker Group, LLC (USA)
      R. H. Unger, Polymet Corporation (USA)
      J. Villafuerte, Centerline (Windsor) Ltd. (CAN)
      P. Vuoristo, Tampere University of Technology (FI)
      G. Wuest, Sulzer Metco (U.S.), Inc. (USA)

      DVS Representatives

      F. - W. Bach, Hannover University (D)
      J. Seczkowiak, Praxair Services GmbH (D)
      D. Böhme, SLV München, Niederlassung der GSI mbH (D)
      E. Brenner, Sulzer Metco AG (CH)
      B. Brommer, DVS - German Welding Society (D)
      F. Ernst, RWTH Aachen University (D)
      D. Grasme, OBZ DRESEL und GRASME GmbH (D)
      P. Hanneforth, SpaCom LLC (USA)
      P. Heinrich, Linde AG (D)
      C. Hofmann, RHV-Technik GmbH + Co KG (D)
      J. Jerzembeck, DVS - German Welding Society (D)
      M. Knepper, Rheinzink GmbH (D)
      G. Kraume, DVS - German Welding Society (D)
      E. Lugscheider, RWTH Aachen University (D)
      S. Mahlstedt, DVS - German Welding Society (D)
      K. Nassenstein, GTV mbH (D)
      H. Reimann, Gotek GmbH (D)
      D. Stöver, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (D)
      W. Tillmann, Dortmund University (D)
      Ch. Wasserman, Terolab Services Management SA (CH)
      B. Wielage, Chemnitz University (D)

      Chinese Organizing Committee (COC) Representatives

      An Yunqi, China University of Mining and Technology (PRC)
      Bi Shun, China Surface Engineering Association (PRC)
      Chen Huiguo, Shanghai Dahao-Inframat Nanomaterial Thermal Spraying Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Chen Jiayin, Changcheng Thermal Spraying Technology Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Ding Chuanxian, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (PRC)
      Feng Guozhi, Shanghai Xinye Spray Machinery Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Gong Maoxiu, Shandong Institute for Metallurgy Sciences (PRC)
      Hao Rongliang, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      He Huiqun, Jianghan Machinery Research Institute CNPC (PRC)
      Huang Xiaoou, TSCC/Surface Engineering Institute of CAAMS (PRC)
      Jia Yongchang, Beijing Langqiao Surface Technology Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Li Changjiu, Xi’an Jiaotong University (PRC)
      Li Qilian, Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (PRC)
      Liu Jingfeng, Chinese Academy of Metallurgy Construction (PRC)
      Qian Yeren, Tianjin Beifang Spraying Material Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Song Xijian, Beijing General Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (PRC)
      Wang Hui, Dalian Heavy Machine Plant (PRC)
      Wang Taixing, Yongxing Thermal Spray Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Wu Chaojun, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (PRC)
      Wu Jianhua, Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection (PRC)
      Xiao Qing, Sulzer Metco Surface Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Xiong Tianying, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science (PRC)
      Xue Yongzong, Xinke Surface Engineering Material Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Yang Zongji, Suzhou Tongming Machinery Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Yu Shuxiang, Machinists Metal Forming (PRC)
      Zhao Weixun, Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine Group Corporation (PRC)
      Zheng Futang, Kunshan Chuangyifa Thermal Spray Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      Zhi Shuping, Chengdu Aero-Engine Corporation (PRC)
      Zhou Kesong, Guangzhou Research Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals (PRC)
      Zu Yubing, Beijing Hangbaichuan Science and Technology Development Center (PRC)

      Endorsing Sponsors

      • Asian Surface Technologies, PTE. Ltd (SGP)
      • CEREM/CEA (F)
      • China Surface Engineering Association (PRC)
      • Commission of the European Community (B)
      • DGO – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Galvano- und Oberfiächentechnik e. V. (D)
      • DGM – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V. (D)
      • DKG – Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft e. V. (D)
      • DVS – Research Association (D)
      • GTS – Gemeinschaft Thermisches Spritzen e.V. (D)
      • HTS – High Temperature Society of Japan (J)
      • ITSA – International Thermal Spray Association (USA)
      • IIW – International Institute of Welding (F)
      • JTSA – Japan Thermal Sprayers Association (J)
      • JTSS – Japanese Thermal Spray Society (J)
      • Shanghai Institute of Ceramic of Chinese Academy of Science (PRC)
      • Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co., Ltd. (PRC)
      • SVS – Schweizer Verein für Schweißtechnik (CH)
      • TSCC – TSCC/Surface Engineering Institute of CAAMS (PRC)
      • TSSEA – Thermal Spraying & Surface Engineering Association (GB)
      • TWI – The Welding Institute (GB)
      • VDI – Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (D)
      • VDI – Technologiezentrum (D)
      • VDI – Werkstofftechnik, (D)
      • Werkstoff-Forum RWTH Aachen (D)

    June 2007


    10th International Conference on Tribology

    in the second part of June 2007
    01.03.2007 - Submission of pre-registration form and abstract
    31.03.2007 - Notification of acceptance
    30.04.2007 - Submission full paper

    Yugoslav Tribology Society under a new name of Serbian Tribology Society organize together with Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Kragujevac

    Call for papers

    in the second part of June 2007. year with main topic
      Tribology and Sustainable Development
      Fundamental of Friction and Wear
    • Contact Mechanic
    • Contact Surfaces
    • Micro and Nano Tribologija
    • Bio-Tribology
      Tribology in Manufacture and Transport
    • Tribology of machining processes (Cutting, Deformation, Welding. . )
    • Tribology of machine elements (Bearings, Transmisions, Seals . . )
    • Low Friction and Wear resistance Materials (Metals, Ceramic, Polymers. .)
    • Industrial Lubricants (Bio-Lubricants, Solid Lubricants, Sustain of Lubricants)
    • Engine oil
    • Lubrication Technology and Types
    • Contemporary Tribological instruments and Measurement Methods
    Conference language: English

    Contact Address

    Yugoslav Tribology Society
    Mašinski fakultet
    34000 Kragujevac, S.Janjić 6
    Tel. 034 335 990, 063 88 30 705, Fax. 034 333 192
    e-mail: ivkovic@kg.ac.yu

    July 2007



    2 - 6 July 2007, 2007
    Stockholm, Sweden

    August 2007

    September 2007

    High Technical Mechanical School of Trstenik

    7th International Conference
    RaDMI 2007

    First Announcement and
    Call for Papers
    16 - 20. September 2007
    Belgrade, Serbia


  • Research and development of manufacturing systems, tools and technologies, new materials and product design;
  • Tribology;
  • Maintenance and effectiveness of technical systems;
  • Quality management, ISO 9000, ISO 14000, TQM and management in mechanical engineering;
  • Application of Information Technologies in mechanical engineering and
  • Application of mechanical engineering in other industrial fields.

    Technical presentations
    For the firms, which want to present their products, technologies and services the presentation space has been provided. It will be possible to promote scientific books, technical information’s and other propaganda materials.

    Participation fee for authors which will not participate the conference is 30, - EURO (proceedings, CD-ROM and other printed materials).
    Participation fee for authors and participants which will participate the conference is 70, - EURO (proceedings, CDROM, other printed materials, cocktails, conference dinner and picnic).
    For presentation firms the participation fee is 500, - EURO.

    Important dates
    July 15 2007 Deadline for papers submission
    July 31 2007 Acceptance of papers by the International Scientific Committee
    August 15 2007 Final programme

    Information for authors
    Papers will be printed in Proceedings on CD-ROM in electronic form and in Abstracts in hard copy. Chosen papers will be printed in some of International Journals.

    Papers are submitted in English language only.

    It is necessary to send paper on max 10 pages to July-15-2007.

    The final paper must be camera-ready format in Word by form of papers.
    Paper size:10 pages, A4 format
    Margins:All margins are 2,5 cm.
    Font:Times New Roman
    Title of paper:All caps 14 pt Bold
    Title of chapter:All caps 11 pt Bold
    Text of paper:Small caps 10 pt
    Abstract for paper:9 pt Italic
    Key words:9 pt Italic
    Spacing:Single line spacing
    Send: Final paper camera ready, printed on the laser printer and diskette, or by e-mail: dasicp@ptt.yu and dasicp@yahoo.com.

    Information and address for corresponding
    Person for correspondence is:
    M.Sc. Predrag Dašić, prof. HTTS Kruševac,
    Kosančićeva 36, 37000 Kruševac, Serbia
    Tel/fax: +381 37 29-471, mobtel: +381 64 3684275,
    E-mail: dasicp@ptt.yu and dasicp@yahoo.com,
    Website: http://www.RaDMI.org/.


    17th ÷ 18th September 2007
    Liverpool, England

    ESTL has run the Space Tribology Course successfully for the last 20 years. Led by experienced space engineers, the course draws on the heritage of ESTL in the field of Space Mechanisms, Advanced Tribology and Space Lubricants.

    Participants will learn:

    • Techniques of applied design of tribological components including mechanisms, bearings and gears
    • How to define and apply criteria for the selection of designs
    • How to define and apply criteria for the selection of materials
    • How theories of lubrication affect critical design and manufacturing decisions
    • Qualification test procedures including thermal vacuum testing of mechanisms

    The course includes training in:

    • Solid Lubricants including molybdenum disulphide, thin lead films and self lubricating bearing cages
    • Fluid Lubricants including Pennzane and Fomblin Z25
    • Space qualified materials including structural materials, vacuum compatibility and use of heritage data

    Participants will also receive a free copy of the Space Tribology Handbook.

    As with previous years the course will be held on the 2 days prior to the ESMATS Symposium so that delegates can amalgamate attendance of this course with attendance at the ESMATS Symposium. For more details on the Space Tribology Course, visit www.esmats2007.co.uk and go to the 'ESTL Tribology Course' page.


    19th ÷ 21st September 2007
    Liverpool, England

    ESMATS 2007 is being organised by ESTL and is sponsored by:

    ESA (European Space Agency)
    the CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
    SULA Systems Ltd.
    Astrium Ltd.
    ASTOS - The Association of Specialist Technical Organisations for Space.
    BNSC - British National Space Centre
    The Mersey Partnership
    CNES - Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales

    The aims of the symposium are:

    • To foster a dialogue between space mechanism engineers on the design, development, testing, production and in-flight experience of spacecraft and payload mechanisms
    • To encourage personal contacts in the mechanisms and tribology community
    • To provide a networking opportunity for small and medium sized companies and for the transfer of technology to and from space applications
    • To promote awareness that space opportunities afford sustainable industrial growth
      For more information on ESMATS 2007, visit www.esmats2007.co.uk

    October 2007

    June 2007


    STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference

    October 22-24, 2007
    Mariott Mission Valley
    San Diego, Californai, USA
    Draft Extended Abstract Submission: Deadline: March 15, 2007
    See the full author's schedule!
    Submit Draft Extended Abstract
    Call for Papers
    Sponsorship Information
    Hotel Information
    Travel Information
    Author's Schedule
    Endorsing Societies
    International Advisory Board
    Conference Executive Committee
    An Invitation from the Chair

    Join Us in San Diego for the 2007 International Joint Tribology Conference.

    Dear Colleagues,

    The Tribology Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) invite you to participate in the International Joint Tribology Conference to be held October 22-24, 2007, at the Marriott Mission Valley Hotel in San Diego, California. This meeting will bring together the best of recent research in all areas of tribology. Technical tracks have been established in the following areas:

    • Tribomaterials
    • Lubricants and Additives
    • Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
    • Hydrodynamic Lubrication and Fluid Film Bearings
    • Rolling Element Bearings
    • Engine Tribology
    • Machine Components Tribology
    • Contact Mechanics
    • Magnetic Storage Tribology
    • Manufacturing/Metalworking Tribology
    • Nanotribology
    • Engineered Surfaces
    • Biotribology
    • Emerging Technologies
    The meeting is organized around three days of technical sessions and includes:
    • Regular technical talks;
    • Panel discussions;
    • Student posters.
    In addition to the technical program, the meeting provides a forum for networking and informal exchange of ideas among participants from academia, research labs, industry, and government agencies.

    For 2007, there are some important changes in the paper submission process. We are pleased to announce that all paper submissions will be in the form of a two to three-page (maximum) Extended Abstract. For convenience, the Extended Abstract template for the 2007 IJTC and the ASME 1903 Copyright Form (required for inclusion of all Extended Abstracts in the 2007 IJTC Conference Proceedings) are available by clicking on the links above. Please note that the 1903 Copyright Form(s) must be faxed or mailed to ASME (see form for instructions). There is no electronic version available. For Extended Abstracts with multiple authors, multiple 1903 Forms may be submitted.

    Unlike previous years, there is no requirement to submit a manuscript to one of the three journals (ASME Journal of Tribology, Tribology Transactions, or Tribology Letters) for inclusion in the Conference. Submission of a manuscript to one of the journals is encouraged, however, all decisions regarding acceptance for presentation at the Conference, and for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings, will be based on the Extended Abstract that you submit through the Conference web site. Please visit the Author Center above to begin the process of paper submission.

    We encourage you to check the Conference web site periodically for important updates and developments, including registration, hotel, and local attraction information.

    We are looking forward to a meeting that brings together a very international group of tribology researchers; and San Diego is a wonderful venue for such a meeting. San Diego is home to many tourist attractions including Sea World and the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park. The hotel is also situated on a trolley line, just a short ride to Old Town San Diego with its fine dining and nightlife.

    We are expecting attendance and presentations from around the globe, and we sincerely hope that you will take part and join us in San Diego in 2007 for the International Joint Tribology Conference.

    Tim Ovaert
    University of Notre Dame
    ASME/STLE Tribology Conference Planning Committee

    November 2007

    December 2007

    April 2008


    Termin: 16 - 18 IV 2008 r.
    Miejsce: Hotel "Jaskółka"
    ul. Zdrojowa 10
    43- 450 Ustroń
      Organizator Konferencji:
      Centrum Badań i Dozoru Górnictwa Podziemnego Sp. z o.o.
      43-143 Lędziny, ul. Lędzińska 8.



    Celem konferencji jest wymiana informacji na temat osiągnięć, badań technicznych oraz doświadczeń w obszarze stosowania środków smarowych i eksploatacyjnych w przemyśle, a w szczególności w górnictwie.
    W czasie konferencji zaprezentowane zostaną, te cechy nowych produktów i środków, które w sposób istotny wpływają na poprawę bezpieczeństwa pracy, techniki i środowiska.
    Referaty przedstawiać będą również najnowsze przemysłowe środki smarowe, ciecze i materiały eksploatacyjne oraz wyroby chemiczne stosowane w podziemnych zakładach górniczych.
    Przewidziana jest prezentacja wyrobów przez firmy uczestniczące w konferencji.


    • oleje smarowe i media hydrauliczne
    • ich problemy eksploatacyjne,
    • problemy inżynierii smarowania i nowoczesne smary,
    • środki chemiczne stosowane podczas eksploatacji dla zwalczania zagrożeń naturalnych i zabezpieczenia wyrobisk górniczych,
    • komponenty i wyroby z tworzyw sztucznych, elastomerów i z powlekanych tkanin stosowanych w górnictwie.

    Przewiduje się 4 sesje konferencyjne, a w nich 5-7 referatów - 20 minutowych.


    Do Rady Naukowo - Programowej zaprosiliśmy:

    • prof. Ing. Horst GONDEK Dr Sc. - Uniwersytet Techniczny w Ostrawie, Czechy
    • prof. dr hab. inż. Józef HANSEL - Akademia Górniczo - Hutnicza Kraków
    • prof. dr hab. Kazimierz LEBECKI - Główny Instytut Górnictwa Katowice
    • dr hab. inż. Adam ŁUKSA prof. nadzw. - Politechnika Radomska Radom
    • prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław PYTKO - Akademia Górniczo - Hutnicza Kraków
    • dr hab. inż. Antoni SKOĆ prof. nadzw. - Politechnika Śląska Gliwice
    • prof. dr hab. inż. Danuta ŻUCHOWSKA - Politechnika Wrocławska Wrocław
    • doc. dr inż. Franciszek STEINMEC - Instytut Technologii Nafty Kraków
    • doc. dr inż. Jan WACHOWICZ - Główny Instytut Górnictwa Katowice
    • dr inż. Alfred CARBOGNO - Politechnika Śląska Gliwice
    • dr inż. Piotr GŁUCH - Politechnika Śląska Gliwice
    • dr inż. Kazimierz WALCZAK - Główny Instytut Górnictwa Katowice
    • dr inż. Adam ZYGMUNT - Dyrektor Urzędu Górniczego do Badań Kontrolnych Urządzeń Energomechanicznych Katowice
    • mgr inż. Stanisław GAJOS - Prezes Zarządu Katowickiego Holdingu Węglowego S.A. Katowice
    • mgr inż. Józef KOCZWARA - Dyrektor Departamentu Energomechanicznego - Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego Katowice
    • mgr inż. Wojciech MAGIERA - Dyrektor Departamentu Górnictwa - Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego Katowice
    • mgr inż. Grzegorz PAWŁASZEK - Prezes Zarządu Kompanii Węglowej S.A. Katowice
    • mgr inż. Andrzej SZYMKIEWICZ - Prezes Zarządu Południowego Koncernu Węglowego Jaworzno
    • mgr inż. Jarosław ZAGÓROWSKI - Prezes Zarządu Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. Jastrzębie Zdrój
    • mgr inż. Zygmunt FOLTA - Prezes Zarządu Centrum Badań i Dozoru Górnictwa Podziemnego Sp. z. o. o. Lędziny


    • mgr Czesław FILIPEK,
    • mgr inż. Franciszek SLANINA,
    • mgr Małgorzata RYSZKA


      Do udziału w konferencji zapraszamy z kraju i z zagranicy:
    • użytkowników środków smarowych i wyrobów chemicznych dla górnictwa, w szczególności dozór działów górniczych i energomechanicznych
    • producentów, dostawców i serwisantów środków smarowych i eksploatacyjnych oraz komponentów z tworzyw sztucznych, elastomerów i tkanin powlekanych stosowanych w górnictwie,
    • pracowników placówek naukowo - badawczych,
    • przedstawicieli nadzoru górniczego.


    Przesyłając do 5.03.2008r. na adres organizatora załączoną kartę zgłoszenia prosimy o informacje dotyczące:

  • zaplanowania udziału w konferencji,
  • zamiaru zaprezentowania Firmy w formie referatu, stoiska, postera, itp.
    Organizatorzy zapewniają możliwość prezentacji komputerowej referatów (program Microsoft Power Point).
    "Zaproszenia" na konferencję wraz ze szczegółowym programem prześlemy do 20.03.2008 r.


      Kontakt: Centrum Badań i Dozoru Górnictwa Podziemnego Sp. z o.o.
      43-143 Lędziny, ul. Lędzińska 8.
      Kierownik biura: - Mgr Mariusz KOSTRZEWSKI
      Tel. 032/32-42-229, e-mail: m.kostrzewski@cbidgp.pl
    • Mgr Justyna SALWIERAK
      Tel. 032/32-42-261, 032/32-42-262,
      Fax. 032/32-42-263 lub 032/ 216-66-66
      e-mail: okidk@cbidgp.pl

    Wytyczne dla autorów referatów

    1. Streszczenie referatu nie przekraczające 1 strony A4, czcionka Arial 12 pkt. interlinia 1, marginesy standardowe, format *.doc,
    2. streszczenia wykorzystamy jako materiały dla prowadzących poszczególne sesje konferencji.
    3. Tekst wygłaszanych referatów - maksymalnie 10 stron, wraz z rysunkami, tabelami, literaturą - format A4, czcionka Arial 12 pkt, interlinia 1, marginesy standardowe. Opracowania te wykorzystamy jako materiały konferencyjne dla uczestników.
    4. Streszczenie oraz referat należy przesłać pocztą elektroniczną lub na nośniku elektronicznym.
    5. Na początku streszczenia oraz referatu prosimy zamieścić dane osobowe autora/ów tj. tytuł, stopień naukowy, imię i nazwisko, miejsce pracy, adres, telefon i e-mail.
      Pozostałe informacje
    6. Reklama firmy w materiałach konferencyjnych wg nadesłanego wzoru dla druku w pełnym kolorze -1 strona.
    7. Referat promocyjny - reklama firmy (wystąpienie w czasie konferencji - do 20 minut).
    8. Rezerwacja miejsca na stoisko reklamowe, które urządza wystawca wg własnego projektu (2 m2), dodatkowa powierzchnia do negocjacji.

      TERMIN przekazania materiałów
      Ad.1,3-7 05.03.2008 r.
      Ad.2 20.03.2008 r.

  • September 2008


    XXIX Jesienna Szkoła Tribologiczna
    "Kształtowanie i badanie właściwości systemów tribologicznych"


    IX Konferencja na temat
    "Problemy niekonwencjonalnych układów łożyskowych"

    Termin Konferencji 15 - 18 września 2008 r.
    Wojskowy Zespół Wypoczynkowy "JAWOR"nad Zalewem Solińskim
    Nadsyłanie zgłoszeń udziału w Konferencji31.03.2008

    KOMUNIKAT nr 1

    Rzeszów - Łódź 2008

    Komunikat nr 2 z wytycznymi dla Autorów15.03.2008
    Nadsyłanie pełnych tekstów referatów06.05.2008
    Informacja o przyjęciu referatu do druku09.06.2008
    Wnoszenie opłat za uczestnictwo30.06.2008
    Termin Konferencji: 15 - 18 września 2008 r.
    Miejsce Konferencji: Wojskowy Zespół Wypoczynkowy "JAWOR"nad Zalewem Solińskim, 38-612 SOLINA

    Ośrodek "Jawor" położony jest w jednym z najpiękniejszych zakątków Bieszczad, na opadającym ku Zalewowi Solińskiemu południowym stoku góry Jawor na półwyspie o powierzchni 50 ha.

    Wspaniałe krajobrazy z widokiem na jezioro i wyższe partie gór, unikatowa przyroda z bogatą florą i fauną, czyste środowisko, sprzyjający klimat, duża odległość od większych miast, możliwość uprawiania różnych form turystyki - wszystko to sprawia, że można tu naprawdę odpocząć.

    Wypoczywający w ośrodku goście mają do dyspozycji m.in. przystań wodną, halę sportową, siłownie, krytą pływalnię, latem - kąpielisko, kręgielnie, klub bilardowy, korty tenisowe, boiska do piłki siatkowej i koszykówki, wypożyczalnie sprzętu pływającego, a zimą orczykowy wyciąg narciarski.

    Rada Programowa

    Przewodniczący: Jerzy Łunarski - Politechnika Rzeszowska


    Tadeusz Burakowski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
    Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
    Ryszard Czarny - Politechnika Wrocławska
    Jan Dąbrowski - Politechnika Białostocka
    Monika Gierzyńska-Dolna - Politechnika Częstochowska
    Karol Grudziński - Politechnika Szczecińska
    Zdzisław Haś - Politechnika Łódzka
    Janusz Janecki - WITPiS Sulejówek
    Czesław Kajdas - Politechnika Warszawska
    Tadeusz Kałdoński - WAT
    Wiesław Kaniewski - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Jan Kiciński - IMP PAN
    Mieczysław Korzyński - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Czesław Koziarski - Politechnika Wrocławska
    Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
    Andrzej Kulczycki - Instytut Paliw i Energii Odnawialnej
    Stanisław Laber - Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
    Władysław Lenkiewicz - Politechnika Krakowska
    Zbigniew Lawrowski - Politechnika Wrocławska
    Wiesław Leszek - Politechnika Poznańska
    Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
    Adam Mazurkiewicz - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - PIB
    Ryszard Michalski - ATR Olsztyn
    Karol Nadolny - Politechnika Poznańska
    Stanisław Nosal - Politechnika Poznańska
    Antoni Neyman - Politechnika Gdańska
    Waldemar Oleksiuk - Politechnika Warszawska
    Olgierd Olszewski - Politechnika Gdańska
    Dariusz Ozimina - Politechnika Świętokrzyska
    Paweł Pawlus - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Paweł Piec - Politechnika Krakowska
    Stanisław Płaza - Uniwersytet Łódzki
    Adam S. Polak - Politechnika Krakowska
    Andrzej Raczyński - Politechnika Łódzka
    Stanisław Radkowski - SPE KBM PAN

    Tematyka konferencji: Najnowsze osiągnięcia naukowe w obszarach:

    • metod projektowania węzłów tarciowych,
    • metod technologicznych kształtowania materiałów oraz warstw wierzchnich współpracujących tarciowo elementów,
    • technologii środków smarowych,
    • eksploatacji systemów tribologicznych,
    • symulacji zjawisk i procesów tribologicznych,
    • metod badań zjawisk w strefie styku tarciowego,

      a także: problemów niekonwencjonalnych układów łożyskowych, w tym:

    • badanie charakterystyk naturalnych i sztucznych węzłów łożyskowych,
    • problemy łożyskowań biomechanicznych,
    • trwałość i niezawodność biołożysk,
    • konstrukcja i eksploatacja łożysk magnetycznych,
    • konstruowanie węzłów łożyskowych z wykorzystaniem niekonwencjonalnych metod obliczeniowych.

    Komitet Honorowy

    prof. Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska
    prof. Tadeusz Markowski - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    prof. Stanisław Pytko - Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
    prof. Józef Gawlik - Komitet Budowy Maszyn PAN

    Komitet Organizacyjny

    Przewodniczący: Jarosław Sęp - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Wiceprzewodniczący: Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
    Wiceprzewodniczący: Marian Szczerek - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - PIB
    Sekretarz: Barbara Ciecińska - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Lidia Gałda - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Waldemar Koszela - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Ryszard Perłowski - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Tadeusz Rogala - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Radosław Bednarek - Politechnika Łódzka

    Adres do korespondencji

    Wydział Budowy Maszyn i Lotnictwa Politechniki Rzeszowskiej
    al. Powstańców Warszawy 8 , 35-959 Rzeszów
    z dopiskiem: "TRIBOLOGIA - JAWOR'08"

    Kontakt: dr hab. inż. prof. PRz. Jarosław Sęp

    tel. (0-17) 8651512, fax (0-17) 8651184
    e-mail: jsztmiop@prz.edu.pl
    dr inż. Barbara Ciecińska
    tel. (0-17) 8651448
    e-mail: bcktmiop@prz.edu.pl

    Strona internetowa Konferencji:

    www.prz.rzeszow.pl/pl/wbmil/index.php?page=konferencje (formularz zgłoszeniowy również do pobrania na stronie internetowej)

    IX Seminarium Naukowe
    "Mechanika w Medycynie"

    Termin Konferencji 19 - 20 września 2008 r.
    Rzeszów - Boguchwała
      Komitet Organizacyjny
      IX Seminarium Naukowego Mechanika w Medycynie

      tel. (0 - 17) 872 - 19 -20
    Szanowni Państwo !

    Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w IX Seminarium Naukowym "Mechanika w Medycynie", które odbędzie się w Rzeszowie - Boguchwale w dniach 19 - 20. IX. 2008 r. (piątek - sobota). Organizatorzy imprezy:

    1. Sekcja Biomechaniki Komisji Mechaniki PAN.
    2. Katedra Technologii Maszyn Wydziału Budowy Maszyn i Lotnictwa Politechniki Rzeszowskiej.
    3. Instytut Fizjoterapii Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
    4. Sekcja Mechanika w Medycynie Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego w Rzeszowie.

    Mamy nadzieję, że Seminarium będzie okazją do wymiany doświadczeń pomiędzy inżynierami, lekarzami i mgr rehabilitacji z różnych ośrodków krajowych i zagranicznych zajmujących się:

    1. Zużyciem naturalnych i sztucznych stawów.
    2. Konstrukcją implantów i zastosowaniem w ortopedii i stomatologii.
    3. Nowymi metodami leczenia operacyjnego narządu ruchu.
    4. Reakcją organizmu na implanty.
    5. Protetyką i ortoptyka
    6. Biomateriałami i biomechaniką.
  • Obrady odbywać się będą w Wojewódzkim Ośrodku Doradztwa Rolniczego w Boguchwale k/Rzeszowa (dojazd z Placu Dworcowego autobusami miejskimi). Zakwaterowanie i wyżywienie w miejscu obrad. Koszty związane z udziałem w Seminarium wynoszą:
    1. Noclegi ( pokoje 2 - osobowe z pionem sanitarnym) - 40 - 50 zł (za dobę od osoby).
    2. Koszt uczestnictwa - 120 zł (sto dwadzieścia zł).
    3. Całodzienne wyżywienie (około 40 zł).

    Noclegi Uczestnicy rezerwują za pośrednictwem organizatorów. Koszty związane z zakwaterowaniem Uczestnicy regulują w dniu przyjazdu, gdzie będzie można otrzymać fakturę.

    Zgłoszenie uczestnictwa prosimy przesłać do 31. III. 2008 r. na adres:
    Instytut Fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
    ul. Warszawska 26 A, 35 - 205 Rzeszów

    Pełny tekst prac, ze streszczeniem w języku polskim i angielskim (od 100 - 150 słów), prosimy przekazać do 15. IV. 2008 r. na adres:

    Katedra Technologii Maszyn i Organizacji Produkcji Politechniki Rzeszowskiej
    ul. W. Pola 2, 35 - 959 Rzeszów
    z dopiskiem Mechanika w Medycynie lub mkztmiop@prz.rzeszow.pl

    Opłatę (wyłącznie za uczestnictwo) prosimy przekazać na konto: Sekcja Mechanika w Medycynie OW PTL, Invest Bank O/Rzeszów nr 90168011050000300001445811, ul. Zygmuntowska 9. Wniesiona opłata upoważnia do wzięcia udziału w obradach, poczęstunku podczas przerw, udziału w spotkaniu towarzyskim, jak również do otrzymania monografii Seminarium w dniu przyjazdu do Boguchwały. Wszystkie prace będą recenzowane.

    Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w Seminarium. Za udział w Seminarium przyznane będą punkty edukacyjne (około 12 punktów).
    za Organizatorów

    Przewodniczący Rady Programowej

    prof. dr hab. inż. dr h.c. Stanisław Pytko

    Sekretarz Kom. Organizacyjnego

    Dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Korzyński
    prof. PRz

    Przewodniczący Kom. Organizacyjnego

    dr n. med. Janusz Cwanek

  • October 2008

    The 8-th International conference
    "Tribology and Reliability-08"

    23 - 25 October 2008 r.
    Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA

    WELCOME TO RUSSIA in Saint-Petersburg


    The 8-th International conference "Tribology and Reliability-08" will take place in Saint-Petersburg as usually on the 23-25th of October in 2008.
    Among the organizers of this conference there are specialists of the Russian national tribology committee, University of Rail Transport, Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences, University of Information technology, mechanics and optics; Academy of Sciences- Interdepartmental scientific council in tribology; firm "Future".

    Dear colleagues!

    We kindly invite you and your colleagues to take part in a work of the International conference "Tribology and Reliability-08".
      There are the next basic topics:
    1. - theoretic-applied aspects in tribology and reliability of mechanical systems, and modeling;
    2. - progressive technology to create and repair for the main pairs of friction;
    3. - methods of testing, ways and means to do analyses and control for the tribo-conjunctions and their parts which realize the guarantee terms of operation;
    4. - lubricants, oils, additives, special mediums and sealings for different mobile conjugations;
    5. - materials for the international encyclopaedia "Tribology";
    6. - know how, including proposals to sign any educational or research contracts.

    /According with the another demands or claims the named topics of this conference can be corrected or supplemented/.

    Forms of participation

  • appearance with the plenary report- till 20 min.;
  • appearance with the section report- till 15 min.;
  • without any report.

    Important dates and terms (2008 year)

    15 of May - claim and the thesis of report;
    15th of June- presenting the whole research article to publish it in the proceedings of this conference and payment of a fee for your participation.
      Moreover you ought to send the next materials in our address till the 15th of May:
    • claim to take part at this International conference ("The Form of Claim") and your thesis, including the report's name, author(s), place of working, duties and the full text of a report (not more than 4 pages) and the all text of article; E-mail.
    • information about author(s), namely full name, the date of birth, academic rank and degree, home and work address with the post code/index, tel/fax with a code.

    Footnote. All materials, connected with your article, must be sent as separate files, including figures.

    All text of "INFORMATION ANNOUNCEMENT" (36.5 kB)

    "Tribology encyclopedia - project" (23.0 kB)

  • May 2009

    ITSC 2009 International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition.

    4 - 7 May 2009
    Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada
    Expanding Thermal Spray Performance to New Markets and Applications

    Join us for the world’s foremost international conference and exposition for thermal spray technologists, researchers, manufacturers and suppliers.

    Welcome to the 2009 International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition. ITSC is the preeminent global thermal spray annual event. This 2009 event will be held May 4-7, 2009 at the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada

    Our international delegation of materials and design engineers, research scientists, manufacturers, suppliers and users will gather to exchange ideas on meeting the challenges and opportunities of the years to come.

    During ITSC 2009, you will experience three days of premier technical programming from the world’s leading thermal spray experts, an unparalleled exposition featuring the world’s largest gathering of thermal spray equipment suppliers, consumable and accessory suppliers, as well as vendors and service providers. In addition, enjoy unmatched educational programs and networking events.


    Technical Program
    Program At-a-Glance
    Personal Scheduler

    Plenary and International Market Talks

    Plenary Speakers:
    Mr. Sylvain St-Onge
    Tentative Paper Title: Supply Chain Development for Thermal Spray Applications

    Mr. Akira Nakahira
    Tocalo Co., Ltd.
    Paper Title: Current Status and Future Prospect of Thermal Spray Coating Applications and Coating Service Market of Coating Job Shops in Japan

    Market Talks:

    Dr. Xiaoou Huang Paper:
    Important Market of Thermal Spray Industry and New Trend of Thermal Spray Applications in China

    Prof. Changhee Lee
    Market Direction & Application opportunities for T/S Growth in Korea

    Dr. G. Sundararajan
    New Markets & Applications for Thermal Spray Coatings in India

    Dr. P Nylen
    Industrial and Research Activities in Thermal Spray Technology in the Nordic Region of Europe

    General Symposium Topics
    (Monday – Thursday):

    Special Symposium Topics:

    Legends of Thermal Spray

    Thursday morning
    Hear from legends in the thermal spray industry and get their inside knowledge and perspective on what the future holds for the industry.


    Types of contributions:
    Oral presentation: each presentation will last either 20-40 minutes, exact presentation times will be directly communicated to you by email. We will inform you about the reference of your session and the time of your presentation once the technical program is finalized the week of October 13.

    Poster presentation: Your poster will be exhibited during the conference poster session. Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for authors to display the results and conclusions of the presented paper. Authors are offered to present their works face to face to individuals and small groups.

    Draft and Final Paper Submissions:

    If your abstract has been accepted, you should submit your Final Paper preferably via the on-line link. There is a limitation of 6 pages. The authors kit, template and extended check list are below:

    Completion of selection process by the conference chairSeptember 25, 2008
    Notification of selected speakersWeek of October 6th
    Selected speakers to submit draft manuscriptsNovember 17, 2008
    Selected speakers to submit FINAL manuscriptsMarch 2, 2009
    Selection of Best PaperMarch 2, 2009
    ITSC 2009 Conference and ExpoMay 4-7, 2009

    Conference Content: The Conference proceedings, at the Green Energy Summit 2009 will automatically become copyright of ASM International and the Thermal Spray Society once the copyright form is completed.

    Speaker Registration: One presenter per paper submission can register at the participant registration fee, which includes entrance to the conference and exhibit hall, luncheons, exhibit hall reception and one copy of the conference proceedings on CD-ROM.

    Travel & Hotel: All travel and hotel arrangements are the sole responsibility of the presenter. Co-presenters are encouraged to attend ITSC 2009, and we will gladly include their names in the conference program. However, they will be responsible for their own conference registration, hotel accommodations, and other conference-related expenses.

    All costs associated with your participation are your responsibility (travel, housing, registration, etc.) In addition, all speakers will be required to register for their conference attendance by February 28, 2009.

    Program Committee:
    General Chairmen
    M. Dorfman, Sulzer Metco (USA)
    P. Heinrich, Linde AG (D)
    Technical Chairmen
    M. Dorfman, Sulzer Metco (USA)
    K. Bobzin, RWTH Aachen University (D)

    Symposia Chairs:
    Applications and Case Studies
    B. Beardsley, Caterpillar (USA)
    W. Herlaar, Flame Spray Technologies (N)
    Equipment, Processes and Modeling
    K. Bobzin, RWTH Aachen University (D)
    J. Karthikeyan, ASB Industries (USA)
    A. Vardelle, University of Limoges (F)
    R. Knight, Drexel University (USA)
    C. Kay, ASB Industries (USA)
    Materials in Thermal Spray
    R. Lima, National Research Council ((CAN)
    D. Zhu, NASA (USA)
    Advances in Turbine Coatings
    D. Rickerby, Rolls-Royce (UK)
    R. Subramanian, Siemens Energy (USA)
    T. Zhang, Stryker Howmedica Osteonics (USA)
    T.W. Clyne, University of Cambridge (UK)
    Electronic & Semi-Conductor Applications
    R. Gansert, Advanced Materials and Technology Services (USA)
    Technology Advances in Thermal Spray
    K. Tani, Tocalo Company Limited (J)
    R. Vassen, Forschungszentrum Jülich (D)

    ASM-TSS Representatives DVS Representatives Endorsing Sponsors

    11th International Conference on Tribology

    13 - 15 May 2009
    Belgrade, Serbia
    15th January 2009 Submission of abstracts
    31st January 2009 Notification of acceptance
    28th February 2009 Preliminary program
    31st March 2009 Final manuscript submission

    About the Conference

    The scope of the 11th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB '09 embraces the state of art and future trends in tribology research and application. The following two aspects of tribology practice require special attention. Firstly, the requirement for higher productivity of machinery means that they must operate under higher loads and at higher speeds and temperatures, and that is why finding the right solutions to tribological processes is extremely important. Secondly, the good tribology knowledge can greatly contribute to the saving of material and energy.
    This Conference is organized by the Serbian Tribology Society and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Organizing Scientific Conferences, Serbian Tribology Society plays a significant role in helping engineers and researchers to introduce in the fundamentals of tribology and to present their experience, solutions and research results.


    • Fundamentals of friction and wear
    • Tribological properties of solid materials
    • Surface engineering and coating tribology
    • Lubricants and lubrication
    • Tribotesting and tribosystem monitoring
    • Tribology in machine elements
    • Tribology in manufacturing processes
    • Tribology in transportation engineering
    • Design and calculation of tribocontacts
    • Sealing tribology
    • Biotribology
    • Nano and microtribology
    • Other topics related to tribology


  • Official language of the Conference is English.
  • There will be a separate part of the Conference for the papers written and presented in Serbian.

  • June 2009

    ECOTRIB 2009 - 2nd European Conference on Tribology

    7th - 10th June 2009
    Pisa, Italy

    ECOTRIB 2009 - 2nd European Conference on Tribology which will take place from June 7 to 10, 2009 in Pisa, Italy.

    This Conference will be organised by the Tribological Societies of Italy, Slovenia, Suisse and Austria.

      Main topics are
    • Biotribology
    • Ecotribology
    • Surface Coatings and Treatments
    Detailed information please find under ecotrib2009.ing.unipi.it

    September 2009



    First circular

    6th - 11th September 2009
    Kyoto, Japan
    5th December 2008 Submission of abstracts
    5th January 2009 Notification of acceptance
    3rd April 2009 Submission of extended abstracts


    Plan to come to Kyoto!

    Dear Colleague,

    We are pleased to extend our hearty welcome to you in the fourth World Tribology Congress to be held in Kyoto, Japan, in 2009.

    The scope of the congress includes every aspect of fundamental and applied tribology. Also we would like to discuss with you future directions of tribology by placing special emphasis on the four areas: tribology for sustainable developments, large-scale tribology simulations, human-related tribology, and tribological problems in industry in the Asia-Pacific region.

    Please plan to come to join us in the early autumn of Kyoto, the thousand-year old capital of Japan.

    Best regards,

    Yoshitsugu Kimura
    Organizing Committee

    Professor Emeritus
    The University of Tokyo,
    Kagawa University
    Masatami Takimoto
    Executive Advisory Committee

    Executive Vice President
    Toyota Motor Corporation


    The 4th World Tribology Congress (WTC IV) will be held in Kyoto International Conference Center. The organizing committee would like to invite you from all over the world to the thousand-year old capital of Japan in the early autumn of 2009.
    As science and technology are required to contribute towards achieving sustainable developments in the planet Earth, it has a great meaning to bring together top tribology researchers and engineers from around the world at the venue where the important international meeting of the Climate Summit was held in 1997.
    Yoshitsugu KIMURA Chair, Organizing Committee

    Scope and Outline

    Harmonized coexistence of human being with nature is now recognized as a global issue. To achieve this goal, innovation is needed in various fields of technology. In particular, conservation of energy and resources through improving efficiency and increasing durability of machinery and equipment is of critical importance. The scope of the Congress focuses on Tribology as the key discipline for technological innovation in the 21st Century. Tribologists from all over the world are welcome to Kyoto to exchange research findings and to discuss new developments for tomorrow in all aspects of Tribology.
    Interesting and stimulating presentations on every aspect of tribology for tomorrow will be welcome.

    Committees for Organization

    Organizing Committee
    Yoshitsugu KIMURA,Professor Emeritus
    The University of Tokyo and Kagawa University
    Secretary general
    Toshiaki WAKABAYASHI,Kagawa University
    Vice-secretary general
    Atsushi SUZUKI, Toyota Motor Corporation
    Committee chairs
    Takahisa KIMIJIMA, IHI Corporation
    Joichi SUGIMURA, Kyushu University
    Yoshio KUMADA, Taiho Kogyo Co. Ltd.
    Norio TAGAWA, Kansai University
    Takahisa KATO, The University of Tokyo
    Executive Advisory Committee
    Masatami TAKIMOTO,Executive Vice President
    -Toyota Motor Corporation


    WTC IV is co-organized by Japanese Society of Tribologists and Science Council of Japan, and also held under the auspices of:
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    The Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
    Storage Research Consortium


    The venue for WTC IV is Kyoto International Conference Center, the hall well known for a number of important international meetings. The Conference Center, Event Hall, Annex Hall and hotel form part of a vast complex that was designed exclusively for conferences and conventions, and spreads over 156,000m². Inside the Conference Hall, the Main Hall and 70 meeting rooms, of which eight are large, multipurpose conference rooms are ideal for the arrangement of all kinds of gatherings and events.

    Technical Sessions

      Oral and poster presentations are being planned in the following fields:
    1. Tribology Fundamentals: Contact mechanics/ Friction/ Wear
    2. Materials and Surface Engineering: Tribomaterials/ Coatings/ Surface modifications
    3. Manufacturing and Mechanical Components: Manufacturing processes/ Bearings/ Gears/ Seals
    4. Lubrication and Lubricants: Hydrodynamic lubrication/ Elastohydrodyanamic lubrication/ Boundary lubrication/ Lubricating oil/ Grease/ Solid lubricants/ Additives
    5. Micro-, Nano- and Molecular Tribology Molecular: tribology/ Superlubricity/ Molecular simulations
    6. Tribosystems: Automobiles/ Railways/ Aerospace/ Hard disk drives/ Heavy machinery/ Manufacturing equipment/ Maintenance/ Biotribology.


    In consideration of the scope of the first WTC to be held in Asia-Pacific region as well as the recent interesting progress in the rapidly growing fields of tribology research, the following four symposia will be organized in WTC IV.
    1. Environmentally friendly tribology (Eco-tribology)
    2. Large scale simulations in the field of tribology
    3. Human-related tribology
    4. Industrial tribology issues in the Asia-Pacific region

    In addition, a collection of topical minisymposia forms the backbone of the Congress’ technical programme. Therefore, proposals for organized minisymposia are welcome.

    Schedule SEPTEMBER, 2009

    Sunday 6th: Registration, Welcome Reception
    Monday 7th: Opening Ceremony, Plenary Talks, Exhibition
    Tuesday 8th: Technical Sessions, Poster Sessions, Symposia, Exhibition, Luncheon Seminar, Technical Tour
    Wednesday 9th: Technical Sessions, Poster Sessions, Symposia, Exhibition, Luncheon Seminar, Banquet
    Thursday 10th: Technical Sessions, Poster Sessions, Symposia, Exhibition, Luncheon Seminar, Technical Tour
    Friday 11th: Technical Sessions, Exhibition Closure

    Plenary Talks and Lectures

    WTC IV is proud to announce the following speaker of plenary lecture as part of the technical programme;
    Distinguished University Professor Masatoshi KOSHIBA
    The University of Tokyo
    Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2002

    In addition to this plenary lecture, the program features plenary talks by top leaders of science and industry as well as the keynote speakers in the technical sessions.

    Abstract Submission

    An abstract of approximately 400 words should be submitted on the WTC IV website www.wtc2009.jp by 5th December, 2008. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to submit an extended abstract of one page, which will be included in a bound volume of the Congress.

    Important Dates (tentative)

    5th December, 2008 Submission of abstracts
    5th January, 2009 Notification of acceptance
    3rd April, 2009 Submission of extended abstracts

    Satellite Forum

    Tribochemistry Kyoto 2009 will be held on Thursday 3rd to Friday 4th, September, 2009 at the Kanbaikan in Doshisha University by Tribochemistry Technical Committee, JAST (Chair: Keiji NAKAYAMA, AIST). Abstract (approx. 250 words) should be submitted to the secretariat of the forum by 5th December, 2008.

    The 4th World Tribology Congress, hosted by the Japanese Society of tribologists (JAST), will be held in Kyoto International Conference Hall.

    Further information will be issued regularly by the Organizing committee. For immediate advance information contact:

    Professor Toshiaki Wakabayashi

    Secretary General, WTC IV
    Faculty of Engineering
    Kagawa University
    Takamatsu 761-0396

    Email: twaka@eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp

    XXX Ogólnopolska Konferencja Tribologiczna pt.: „Zaawansowana Tribologia”

    30th Annual Polish Tribological Conference „Advanced Tribology”

    21 - 24 September 2009
    Centrum Szkoleniowo - Wypoczynkowe „Energetyk”
    ul. Paderewskiego 10, 24-150 Nałęczów
    30th April 2009 – Zgłoszenie uczestnictwa wraz ze streszczeniem
    8th May 2009 – Potwierdzenie zakwalifikowania referatu
    15th June 2009 – Przesłanie pełnego referatu
    15th June 2009 – Opłata uczestnictwa
    First Announcement - Invitation - pdf 67 683 B;
    FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS: Karta Zgłoszenia DOC - 20 480 B; Komunikat PDF - 166 631 B;;
  • Wytyczne do przygotowania referatów na XXX Konferencję Tribologiczną doc 33 792 B;
  • Komunikat nr 3:Harmonogram obrad, pdf 22.0 kB, REFERATY_PLENARNE, pdf 43.0 kB, Panele_A1,A2,A3, pdf 47.0 kB, Panel_B1, pdf 30.7 kB, Panele_C1,C2,C3, pdf 48.9 kB, Panele_D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, pdf 55.2 kB, Panel_E1,_E2,_E3,_E4, pdf 49.4 kB, Panele_F1,F2, pdf 35.4 kB;
    Opłatę należy dokonać na konto nr: 90 1240 1789 1111 0000 0776 9669 z dopiskiem TRIBOLOGIA 2009 oraz z podaniem imienia i nazwiska uczestnika. Prosimy również o podanie informacji, które niezbędne są do wystawienia faktury: Nazwa i adres Instytucji wpłacającej, NIP.

    Honorowy patronat
    Minister Gospodarki, Wicepremier Waldemar PAWLAK

    Patronat Organizacyjny:
    Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne

    Sekcja Podstaw Eksploatacji Maszyn
    Komitetu Budowy Maszyn PAN

    Publikacje referatów

      Organizatorzy przewidują, po ocenie formalnej i merytorycznej, publikację referatów w:
    • czasopiśmie TRIBOLOGIA
    • czasopiśmie ZEM
    • materiałach konferencyjnych
    • pod warunkiem terminowej opłaty uczestnictwa.

    Tematyka konferencji

      Tematyka konferencji będzie obejmować swym zakresem następujące zagadnienia:
    • mechanizmy tribofizyczne i tribochemiczne,
    • inżynieria powierzchni w odniesieniu do elementów trących,
    • nowe materiały inżynierskie na węzły tarcia,
    • smarowanie i substancje smarowe,
    • efekty magnetyczne w tribologii,
    • modelowanie i symulacja w tribologii,
    • eksperymentalne metody badań tribologicznych,
    • zastosowanie technicznych rozwiązań tribologicznych,
    • tribotechnika a ochrona środowiska.

    Miejsce Konferencji
    Centrum Szkoleniowo - Wypoczynkowe „Energetyk”
    ul. Paderewskiego 10, 24-150 Nałęczów

    Komitet Honorowy
    Józef Gawlik
    Monika Gierzyńska-Dolna
    Janusz Janecki
    Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski
    Zbigniew Lawrowski
    Wiesław Leszek
    Ryszard Marczak
    Wojciech Przetakiewicz
    Stanisław Pytko
    Bolesław Wojciechowicz

    Organizator Konferencji
    Politechnika Radomska
    przy współpracy
    Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji - PIB

    Komitet Organizacyjny
    Przewodniczący: Marian W. Sułek
    Wiceprzewodniczący: Jan Burcan
    Wiceprzewodniczący: Jacek Przepiórka
    Sekretarz: Tomasz Wasilewski
    Członkowie: Anna Bąk
    Emilia Klimaszewska
    Anna Małysa
    Ewa Szczepanik
    Małgorzata Zięba

    Adres do korespondencji
    Politechnika Radomska,
    ul. Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom

    z dopiskiem

    „XXX Ogólnopolska Konferencja Tribologiczna, Nałęczów 2009”
    Emilia Klimaszewska
    tel. (048) 361 75 74 | fax. (048) 361 75 89 e-mail: e-mail

    Rada Programowa
    Marian Szczerek - ITeE-PIB Radom - Przewodniczący
    Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
    Tadeusz Burakowski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
    Ryszard Czarny - Politechnika Wrocławska
    Andrzej Firkowski - Politechnika Radomska
    Jerzy Łunarski - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Czesław Kajdas - Politechnika Warszawska
    Tadeusz Kałdoński - Politechnika Warszawska
    Jan Kiciński - INP PAN
    Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
    Andrzej Kulczycki - Instytut Paliw i Energii Odnawialnej
    Jerzy Korycki - Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne
    Stanisław Laber - Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
    Ryszard Michalski - ATR Olsztyn
    Antoni Neyman - Politechnika Gdańska
    Andrzej Niewczas - Politechnika Lubelska
    Stanisław Nosal - Politechnika Poznańska
    Olgierd Olszewski - Politechnika Gdańska
    Dariusz Ozimina - Politechnika Świętokrzyska
    Paweł Piec - Politechnika Krakowska
    Witold Piekoszewski - ITeE-PIB Radom
    Stanisław Płaza - Uniwersytet Łódzki
    Adam S. Polak - Politechnika Krakowska
    Andrzej Posmyk - Politechnika Śląska
    Jacek Przepiórka - Politechnika Radomska
    Andrzej Raczyński - Politechnika Łódzka
    Stanisław Radkowski - SPE KBM PAN
    Zygmunt Rymuza - Politechnika Warszawska
    Jan Sadowski - Politechnika Radomska
    Jan K. Senatorski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
    Jarosław Sęp - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Jan Sikora - Politechnika Gdańska
    Jacek Spałek - Politechnika Śląska
    Gwidon Stachowiak - The University of Western Australia
    Feliks Stachowicz - Politechnika Rzeszowska
    Michał Styp-Rekowski - UT-P w Bydgoszczy
    Marian W. Sułek - Politechnika Radomska
    Stanisław F. Ścieszka - Politechnika Śląska
    Włodzimierz Świderski - Politechnika Łódzka
    Jerzy Szawłowski - Politechnika Warszawska
    Włodzimierz Waligóra - Politechnika Poznańska
    Michał Wasilczuk - Politechnika Gdańska
    Wojciech Wieleba - Politechnika Wrocławska
    Krzysztof Wierzcholski - Akademia Morska w Gdyni
    Marek Wiśniewski - Politechnika Łódzka
    Jan K. Włodarski - Akademia Morska w Gdyni
    Wiesław Zwierzycki - Politechnika Poznańska

    Termin Konferencji
    21.09 - 24.09.2009

    Odpłatność za uczestnictwo

    • Opłata pełna (zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie, materiały konferencyjne, program socjalny): 1400 PLN
    • Opłata ulgowa (emeryci, studenci, doktoranci, obejmuje jak wyżej): 1250 PLN
    • Opłata dla osoby towarzyszącej: 950 PLN

  • October 2009

    Joint ICTP/FANAS International Conference "Trends in Nanotribology"

    19th - 24st October 2009
    Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
    Trieste, Italy.

    Dear colleague,
    we are pleased to announce the upcoming joint ICTP/FANAS International Conference "Trends in Nanotribology", which will be held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy (http://www.ictp.it) on October 19-24, 2009.

    Understanding the complex processes occurring at the interface of two interacting materials in relative motion (the science of tribology) is a formidable task, central to pure and applied sciences as to many technological problems. The aim of the workshop is to bring together scientists from all over the world, active on the freshest experimental and theoretical developments of atomic-scale friction. Both theoretical/computational approaches and experimental state-of-the-art techniques will be covered.

      The focus will include highlights such as:
    • Nonlinearity and chaotic dynamics in frictional processes;
    • From stick-slip motion to superlubric regimes;
    • Towards more realistic models of contact and noncontact AFM: how to measure energy dissipation;
    • Atomistic friction of carbon materials: C60, nanotubes, graphite and diamond-like films;
    • Effective methods of controlling motion and tuning friction at the nanoscale;
    • Dynamics and tribological properties of confined systems under shear;
    • Nanomanipulation and dynamics of clusters and nano-objects at surfaces;
    • From single asperity to multi-asperity contacts;
    • Wear and fracture;
    • Probing tribology at the nanoscale: trends in experimental techniques.

    Conference web site:

  • http://cdsagenda5.ictp.trieste.it/full_display.php?ida=a08185
    Address of the conference secretariat: smr2063@ictp.it.

    We encourage you and anyone interested of your colleagues/students to request participation by filling and sending the application form available on the web site BEFORE MAY 31, 2009.

    Please feel free to redistribute this first announcement.

    All the best,
    the conference directors:
    A. Vanossi (University of Modena, Italy)
    N. Manini (University of Milan, Italy)
    O. Gulseren (Bilkent University, Turkey)
    (local organizer)E. Tosatti (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)

  • November 2009


    19th - 21st November 2009
    Kaunas, Lithuania

    Dear colleagues !

    We are inviting You and other tribologists of Your society and Your country in the international scientific conference in the field of tribology BALTTRIB'2009, which will held in Kaunas, Lithuania on 19-21.11.2009.

      Main topics of conference are:
    • Friction and wear of friction pairs in agricultural, transport and industrial machinery;
    • Lubrication;
    • Micro-and nano-scale tribology;
    • Tribochemistry;
    • Bio-tribology;
    • Environmental issues in tribology;
    • Surface science and coating engineering;
    • Tribology in metal processing;
    • Simulation of tribological processes;
    • Experimental methods in tribology.

    Prof. Juozas Padgurskas

    Board chairman of the Lithuanian Scientific Society Department: "Tribologija"
    Chairman of BALTTRIB'2009 Organising committee

    Last modification: 29 February 2008 22:25   |   JureK.